Disappearing the Testimonials of Today’s Clandestine Human Subjects: How US & Western Psychiatry Function As Political Tool to Muzzle Witnesses

While all of us are fully aware the Surveillance state in the US (and worldwide) has morphed into a Police state, not everyone seems to know that it is replete with covert policing, covert assaults, and covert conscription of societies into joint persecution of certain “targeted individuals.” 

The covert assaults occurring today in the US and elsewhere--of many outspoken community members, ethical employees, whistleblowers, activists, writers, journalists, college students–with 21st-century radiation neuroweapons, detailed here, are being kept covert and suppressed by ruthless means.

Those means include the active collusion of psychiatrists, in aiding the “disappearing” of testimonials and witness accounts of what all experimentees report avidly is nothing but Torture, by slapping a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoid-disorder on the individual, deeming the individual “Unstable,” a “risk to self and society,” or/and forcibly holding or committing the individual to a mental institution. Echoes of the KGB, anyone….?

It is precisely this KGB-style phenomenon, of rampant political persecution by an Excessively Authoritarian Statetrying desperately to both keep its assaults covert, and simultaneously “disappear” many of the awakened, the aware, the activistic, the ethical, the questioning among us, a vivid suppression of whole communities, now visible all around us (but hopefully, declining as we speak, as we become aware, as we collectively educate ourselves on what exactly is going on in our midst) that this new page under Human Rights/Clandestine “Classified” Human Subject  Experimentation…explores: 

Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA and Many Western “Democracies”

What is also being kept hidden by this determined assault by Organized, Fraudulent Psychiatry on the intelligent, ethical, and outspoken in our society is the covert and ongoing establishment of Transhumanism in our midst–on All of us, not just some of us.  What this horrific phenomenon of covert persecution of “Targeted Individuals” heralds therefore and really means for All of us is partially covered in this discussion on political psychiatry (& will be focused on in a later post).

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