Tag Archives: French Perjury

Emergency Appeal: GcMAF Cancer Cure Scientist Lynda Thyer in Danger of Dying in French Prison, Urgent Action Needed

News | Ramola D | Posted October 10, 2019

David Noakes, CEO of Immuno Biotech, a healthcare facility closed down wrongfully by the UK’s Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) after it was found to be successfully treating hundreds of late-stage cancer patients with naturally-occurring human bodily protein GcMAF, as well as hundreds of patients with autism and several other diseases, reports that biomedical researcher and GcMAF scientist Lynda Thyer is in grave danger of dying in the French prison where she is being unlawfully held under a European Arrest Warrant.

Image: Petition to Free Lynda Thyer

Reporting that Serge Morain from the British Embassy in France went to see Lyn Thyer in prison the day before yesterday—October 8, the news is that she has made a second suicide attempt, and is still on hunger strike.

British Embassy in France Marks Lynda Thyer a Vulnerable Adult

The British Embassy in France, along with the organization Prisoners Abroad, a UK charity which seeks to ensure the well-being of British prisoners overseas, has marked her as vulnerable. To be labeled a vulnerable person by British law apparently means to be legally considered unable to take care of oneself and needing community care, with implications for mental-health determinations for being considered incompetent—although a NHS definition online at a UK hospital (below) makes a distinction between incompetent and vulnerable.

The UK Department of Health document, No secrets: Guidance on developing and implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse defines vulnerable persons as below:

No Secrets: guidance on developing and implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse
University Hospital Southampton definition: https://www.uhs.nhs.uk/HealthProfessionals/Clinical-law-updates/Whatismeantbyavulnerableadult.aspx

Recent legislation passed in Britain on this matter, the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. has sought to ensure that vulnerable persons are not deprived of all their rights.

However, it appears from the “vulnerable person” designation that Lynda Thyer’s reported suicide attempts have been interpreted by the prison and the consulate as Mental Health issues – rather than considered as distraught reactions to the profound injustices she is enduring, calling for a realistic assessment of her case.

In French Prison, Lynda Thyer Prevented from Communications with Supporters, Lawyer, Stopped From Studying French

The conditions of solitary confinement and restricted communications in which Lyn Thyer has been placed truly sound dire. David Noakes writes:

“Judge Jean-Luc Gadaud has blocked all incoming letters – they are stacking up at the Embassy and at Gadaud’s offices. The only mail he allows through is from Prisoners Abroad. She was attending French Lessons but has now been stopped from going. She has written 4 times to her lawyer and not received a reply. The (British) Consulate doesn’t know whether that is Gadaud or the lawyer.”

David Noakes/Email/10/9/2019

David Noakes also notes:

“(S)he should be able to apply for “release under judicial supervision” until her trial, which Gadaud has told her will be in 2 years’ time. But with the language, and Gadaud stopping all communication, she’s not getting anywhere.”

David Noakes/Email/10/9/2019

What it’s looking like really is foul play on a sensational scale.

“There is a strong posssibliity the MHRA, OCLAESP and Judge Gadaud will kill her. This is what happens to an innocent Englishwoman in the EU.”

David Noakes/Email/10/9/2019

MHRA and OCLAESP Engaged in Blatantly False Prosecution and Outright Criminal Persecution of GcMAF Pioneer Healers, David Noakes and Lynda Thyer

In a stirring and powerful Newsbreak update from David Noakes, and Neelu Berry, pharmacist, whistleblower, and social justice activist on the latest in the prosecution of David Noakes and Lynda Thyer livestreamed at Ramola D Reports October 9, David pointed out the irony of the MHRA prosecuting the “little man” while letting large pharmaceutical companies off the hook despite their responsibility for thousands of drug-related deaths via unsafe drugs, while GcMAF treatment has been safe and saving lives.

Ramola D Reports | Newsbreak 42: David Noakes with Neelu Berry

Lynda’s situation is dire, after 2 suicide attempts and long hunger strike, incarcerated in a French prison without medical treatment or hope of immediate release.

Thanks to entrenched corruption at the MHRA, apparently run by monopoly-seeking, cancer-profits-pulling Big Pharma companies, brazen criminality seems to have been unleashed on Lynda Thyer and David Noakes with nonstop persecution: raiding and closure of offices and healthcare facilities, wrongful charges of harm to society (which David Noakes challenges, noting that 800 patients have been healed of cancer, 8000 successfully treated for autism and other diseases), failure to license (when, as Neelu Berry emphasizes, no license is needed for a naturally-occurring substance in the human body), false prosecution, false imprisonment, French and UK court perjury fraudulently suggesting money-laundering of 11 million Euros, traumatic extradition to and incarceration in France, failure to honor David Noakes’ criminal appeals, confiscation of assets, and utter ruination of life and livelihood.

All this, apparently to secure the grim hold that Big Pharma has on all humanity, as it seeks to shore up its billions and refuse all access to natural remedies and cures for dreadful diseases like cancer and autism—the latter, from all counts, primarily vaccine-induced, another big-money industry which stands to lose from the ready availability of GcMAF to all.

Neelu Berry notes that the persecution of David Noakes and Lynda Thyer is part of the ongoing and long-standing push by Pharma-run MHRA to criminalize and outlaw natural remedies, completely at odds with long healing practices practiced by all peoples in connection with healing traditions worldwide which go back thousands of years.

Natural Cancer and Autism Cure GcMAF Being Criminally Suppressed by FDA, MHRA, OCLAESP While Millions in UK, US, Europe Suffer and Die From Cancer, Autism, Other Diseases GcMAF Can Cure

The persecution of GcMAF pioneers is the persecution of all humanity, a safe conclusion given that a simple natural cancer/autism cure is thus being withheld from all humanity–while millions suffer and die from cancer every year, and millions of children, vaccine-injured, are forced to live with the horrors of autism, and pioneering doctors like Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet healing autism with GcMAF were deliberately shot to death, their offices raided, reputations smeared.

That autism has been successfully treated with GcMAF is addressed by David Noakes:

“We treated 3,000 autistic kids –we got 15% success in 2 to 6 months, with GcMAF; we got 25% success in two weeks or six months with Goleic, which is our improved GCMAF, and then we got some 60% success when we were using Goleic with an ultrasound probe on the brain to drive the GcMAF across the blood-brain barrier, and then we would take a non verbal, sometimes violent autistic kid, turn them into a normal kid, not violent, with good expressive abilities, good communication, and send him back to ordinary school in one week flat, and that was happening with 60% of autistic kids.

And the last thing that big pharmaceutical companies want is to cure autistic kids–I mean firstly they’re given the MMR vaccine which seems to include Nagalase these days, the poison of Nagalase to give them autism and then they can pay for drugs for the rest of their lives and the parents can split up, because autism is such a horrific disease that most marriages can’t stand it, so you know the fact that Jeffrey Bradstreet was curing autistic kids is a good enough reason to shoot him dead.”

David Noakes, Ramola D Reports, Newsbreak 42

GcMAF as an intrinsic immune system protein with curative powers however, is becoming known online through the sustained efforts of a few alternative media outlets in the UK and online.

Stressing that healthy people with a healthy immune system (five billion) make GcMAF on their own, while those immuno-compromised would benefit from supplements of it, David notes:

“Well we’re getting it out on YouTube, I mean the fact that we’ve got 400,000 followers on YouTube is a huge step forward. GcMAF will never go away, I mean the very fact that five billion people make it means it can’t go away, but now more and more people are becoming aware of what GcMAF is and eventually the cries, particularly from families, about cancer will get strong enough that the government probably won’t be able to ignore them.

Meanwhile, a hundred and twenty thousand people in England will die and six hundred thousand people in America will die every year until GcMAF gets put into American hospitals and the NHS in England.”

David Noakes, Ramola D Reports, Newsbreak 42

That the truth of GcMAF’s efficacy in the treatment and cure of many diseases has been obscured by fraudulent mainstream media coverage is borne out by the tenor of deprecation explicit in articles such as this one by the Washington Post seeking to dismiss the death of Dr. Bradstreet as a suicide, or BBC coverage mischaracterizing the healing successes of Immuno Bio Tech as quackery. David Noakes has previously addressed (in previous podcasts at Ramola D Reports) the issue of the media supporting the MHRA stance, which in its turn supports the pharmaceutical industry and protects its disease-treatment profits, and says again:

“Yes, the media is behind the big pharmaceutical companies, which own the regulators. The big pharmaceutical companies have got their directors on the board of the FDA, which is almost solely Big Pharmaceutical companies. And the MHRA and OCLAESP.

They turn over 1.3 trillion dollars, the big pharmaceutical companies, which is half the UK national economy, so there’s very very very big money involved, and this is why a judge like Jean-Luc Gadaud is prepared to take a completely innocent English woman and put her in prison very clearly with the intent of killing her, they want to utterly control all medicines so we were not even allowed to supply one millionth of a gram of GcMAF, which is a safe natural human protein all healthy people make, and therefore a human right, they won’t even allow us to have a billionth of a gram of our own human rights.”

David Noakes, Ramola D Reports, Newsbreak 42

French and UK Court Perjury From Catastrophic Blunder in Paperwork Has Led to Blatantly False Money Laundering Charges, False Prosecution, False Extradition: UK, France Both Liable

A key aspect of the false prosecution of David Noakes, nine members of Immuno Bio Tech, and the extradition of Lynda Thyer rests, it has now been determined, on a catastrophic blunder, deliberate or not, made by the judges addressing David Noakes’ case and Lynda Thyer’s (where the French prosecutor simply copied over the false charges leveled at David Noakes) in that “11 million Euros” were attributed to her bank account, in a false figure provided by the MHRA, later acknowledged in the UK courts as an error and corrected, but only after two years, to “11 thousand Euros.”

In a letter sent this week to the Southwark Crown Court, David Noakes points out that what this means is that the court, in committing perjury, has no jurisdiction:

“Under the MHRA OCLAESP committed perjury, saying Lynda Thyer had €11 million in her account. Two years later Judge Supperstone said the real figure was €11 thousand. But the suspicion of money laundering was sufficient to get the European Arrest Warrant issued. This has still not been corrected.

This perjury means the court has no jurisdiction.

Lynda Thyer, an innocent woman on both sides of the Channel, is now in a French prison, the worst in Europe.. She has been told she will wait two years for her trial. She already attempted suicide once. The MHRA will almost certainly kill her. The court needs to bring Lynda Thyer back quickly before it becomes liable for her death.

Clearly this court has no jurisdiction because the MHRA is acting illegally.”

David Noakes/Email to Southwark Crown Court/10/9/2019

This adds to the multiplicity of discrepancies or “fundamental fatal flaws,” as Neelu Berry notes, evident in this case, where the French OCLAESP and French Prosecutor it appears has committed perjury as it blindly followed the MHRA’s lead, and sought to destroy Lynda Thyer just as much as it seeks now to destroy David Noakes, purely on unverified hearsay from the MHRA, copying over a list of false charges, and in fact, daring to arrest, extradite, and incarcerate a British citizen on the inexplicably feudal reach of the European Arrest Warrant (discussed here earlier) when neither had engaged in any business in France whatsoever (as discussed closely in Newsbreak 42) nor had committed any crime.

“The MHRA contacted OCLEASP in France and illegally asked them to double prosecute myself and Lynda Thyer for the same offence, illegal under the ECFR and the Lisbon Treaty. But the MHRA don’t care about that. Neither of us did anything with GcMAF in France.”

David Noakes/Email to Southwark Crown Court/10/9/2019

Urgent Action Needed to Help Inform MPs of Deathly Abusive Treatment of Lynda Thyer in French Prison and Demand Her Immediate Release

Urgent action is requested, from all members of the UK, US, and world public. As Neelu Berry notes, Lynda Thyer is a world treasure, who has successfully treated cancer and autism as a biomedical scientist on a medical team working with GcMAF, the body’s natural cure for cancer and a host of other diseases: “There is no-one else like her on the planet.”

“Lynda Thyer is way way above this structure she’s popped out of the structure, she’s gone on hunger strike, she’s tried to kill herself, and these policy makers, these health policy makers, global manufacturers and licensing regulators, they are all embarrassed about what’s happened but they don’t know what to do, to come out of it.

So the remedy of releasing Lynda Thyer, stopping the prosecution of David Noakes is very simple.

We just make an application after we dismiss the case against David Noakes on Friday in the Southwark Crown Court on the grounds of this perjury in France–and the liability then rests in the UK. They either rubber-stamp the perjury in France and take the liability for the deaths in the UK and in France, and in America, because the assassinations (holistic doctor deaths) in America have not been as you know addressed, and this poison of this witch hunt for the talent is spreading into the UK now, into France, and I don’t know the politics of it, but I think the UK is trying to you know prove that it can carry on indefinitely.

But Linda Thyer has proved that she’s a woman, and it’s not gonna happen, because people are in revolt and people will see that you know her case is worth a public outcry, a global public outcry, and the mainstream media will need to address it because the system, current system cannot continue.

People do not want to die of cancer. And then 5 G’s out on the lampposts, so we need this treatment, everybody will need it in the next couple of years, and the autism is so widespread now, everybody’s–all children are being vaccinated, all children will suffer some kind of effects on their mental acuity, and every child will need it as an antidote to whatever damage has been done by the vaccine that every child has had at some stage.”

Neelu Berry, Ramola D Reports, Newsbreak 42

Please take immediate action to contact Members of Parliament, the UK Prime Minister, Home Secretary, and Secretary for Foreign Affairs in the UK, and Congressmen/women in the USA to demand the immediate release of Lynda Thyer to save her from the imminent possibility of death by starvation, mistreatment, or suicide in the French prison she is currently and wrongfully incarcerated in.

David Noakes is also in imminent danger of confiscation of assets and extradition to France on Friday—please help stay these injustices by writing to your MPs and Congress folk for immediate attention and redress. By judicial process, his criminal appeals should first be addressed, and, as he is indeed petitioning to the court as discussed by him and Neelu on Newsbreak 42, his case like Lynda’s case should rightfully be dismissed on grounds of perjury and wrongful prosecution.

Some emails & Twitter ids for UK/world residents:

Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Dominic Raab:

fcocorrespondence@fco.gov.uk, dominic.raab.mp@parliament.uk, @DominicRaab on Twitter

Boris Johnson, UK Prime MInister

boris.johnson.mp@parliament.uk, @BorisJohnson on Twitter

Priti Patel, UK Home Secretary:

withammp@Parliament.uk, @patel4witham on Twitter


Write to the courts, attend hearings:

southwarkcrowncourt@justice.gov.uk | 11th Oct, 10am in Southwark Crown Court

westminster.ij@justice.gov.uk | 31 Oct, 10am in Westminster Magistrate’s Court

VITAL LINKS to petitions, websites, testimonials:



Petition to UK/French Govts to get Lynda Thyer out of French jail:


Petition to UK Govt heads to get GcMAF into the NHS:


Petition to Secretary of Justice, Home Secretary to end persecutions of David Noakes, Lyn Thyer:


Teri Davis Newman Testimonial re. GcMAF:


Extrajudicial Trafficking to Suppress Powerful Natural Cancer Cure: UK GcMAF Cancer Treatment Scientist Lynda Thyer Criminally Arrested, Extradited to France on Draconian European Arrest Warrant

Newsbreak 35 | August 16, 2019 | Extrajudicial Trafficking: David Noakes on The Extraditing of Lynda Thyer, Cancer Cure GcMAF Suppressed

1 Aug 2019: Testimony of Whistleblower Pharmacist Neelu Chaudhari in support of GcMAF on the NHS

Biomedical Researcher Lynda Thyer Traumatized by Extradition Threat, Narrowly Escapes Kidnap Attempt as Cancer Cure GcMAF is Demonized by MHRA and Pharmaceutical Establishment Protecting Chemo Drug Profits/Ramola D, 6/13/2019

Newsbreak 28 | June 18, 2019 | David Noakes and Neelu Berry on Latest with Linda Thyer | Research Scientist Genius Being Persecuted by MHRA, Courts, Police for Healing Cancer and Other Patients with GcMAF, The Body’s Natural Cure for Cancer

Newsbreak 27, June 8, 2019: Lynda Thyer Extradition Moved, MHRA Corruption, GcMAF Cancer Cure Withheld

Report #134, June 6, 2019: Lynda Thyer and Neelu Berry on GcMAF Benefits/Malpractice by MHRA, Media, Courts

Ramola D Reports/NewsBreak 30: Wave of Mental Health Frauds in UK, New Zealand | Queen’s Hospital Fraudulently Reports Edward Ellis as Absconded Dialysis Patient

Looking Closer At The Sudden Deaths of Several Holistic Doctors & the GcMAF/Nagalase & Cancer/Autism & Vaccine Connections

Holistic Doctors, Osteopaths, Nurses: More Deaths, More Questions

GcMAF, Nagalase, Vaccines, Autism & Cancer Cures, & Holistic Doctors Being Killed: What is the Connection?

Holistic Doctors, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, “Targeted Individuals,” & Remote Radiation Heart Attack Weaponry: How to Protect Yourself

Dr. Rima Laibow: These Dead Doctors Told No Lies, Is That Why They Are Dead?

Richard Presser: Dr Rima Laibow interviews David Noakes and exposes the Big Pharma fingerprints in the GcMAF/Nagalase health bombshell

GcMAF & Immune System Health/Nagalase in Vaccines/An Update