The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (6) SGT Report: The UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION — Sofia Smallstorm

Re-posted with thanks from James Tracy/Memory Hole Blog.

Source: The UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION — Sofia Smallstorm

This post features a most informative and illuminating audio conversation between two informed researchers, SGT Report/The Corporate Propaganda Antidote and Sofia Smallstorm, the researcher whose work on Synthetic Biology was featured here earlier in the post on mass control technologies being implemented against humanity worldwide, but who is also known for great work on exposing Sandy Hook, the recent Virginia shooting, and other subjects. Their talk includes insights into the historic sleight of hand which transformed the historically founded US government into a corpostatueoflibertyration, the fraud and withheld information which conceals from Americans the true nature of the current federal government purporting to rule over us, as also the fraud behind governments worldwide, and notice of further information to be had online, such as from Anti-Corruption Society’s website, Sofia’s own website and blog, and the really eye-opening documentary by Australian Scot Bartle on the fraudulent nature of Australian government–What the FUQ, Frequently Unanswered Questions of the Australian Government.

Please continue to explore and read more about this subject online. I will continue to post, even if repetitiously, for this is a crucial subject for us to understand, and there are many insightful analysts who have been and are excavating the hidden truths here and offering solutions based on their understanding.  Our ignorance has been relied upon by the perpetrators of this fraud, it is time for us to wake up and expose this fraud for what it is–before every single one of our rights is stripped away from us.


The UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION — Sofia Smallstorm 24

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uscorporationSGT Report

Researcher and film maker Sofia Smallstorm joins SGT Report to expose the sad truth that the United States of America is a Corporation and its legal fiction citizens are little more than assets – or liabilities – on the Globalist balance sheet. Sofia says,

In 1871 the real America vanished and it was replaced with this incorporated government including Washington District of Columbia. So the Federal Government became a Corporation. And by 1933 with Roosevelt sitting in office, the whole corporate system was washed down into all the cities, the states, the agencies, that’s when the reality really flushed itself out in this fictitious form.

Our “Representatives” are officers of a corporation, they aren’t public servants in any way and they cannot act as such. So that helps explain why they no longer seem to care about representing the people.

YOU can support Sofia’s work by visiting her online store Avatar Products.


Please visit Memory Hole Blog for more information on this and other subjects, and Sofia Smallstorm’s blog for more research on this and other subjects.

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