Tag Archives: Military Neuroscience

Flagrant Miscarriage of Justice in Grenoble’s Criminal Court as Judge Dismisses Facts, Upholds Wrongful Arrest and Fraudulent Psychiatry, and Shows Dangerous Bias in Criminal Entrapment & Extortion Case Against Human Rights Activist Frederic Laroche Whistleblowing on Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

–Ramola D/Posted 12/11/2018

As Paris erupts against Macron’s latest fuel hikes and carbon tax and French police on the one hand use teargas on Yellow Vest protesters—now infused it seems with planted violent elements–yet warmly doff helmets on the other in solidarity with the French people, another drama of immense proportions unfolded two weeks ago on Thursday, November 29 at the foot of the Alps in Grenoble Criminal Court.

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Grenoble Criminal Court, Image: Le Dauphine.com

Against all evidence to the contrary and in flagrant dismissal of the facts of the case, a Grenoble judge, who has held off on her written convictions until December 20, ruled that a woman who inexplicably and volitionally leapt on the bonnet of a human rights activist’s car—while he was driving at less than 15 kmph–then slid off and later sued him for 30,000 Euros in damages, despite being medically certified at the time to be mostly fine with a few scratches, needed to be monetarily compensated and the activist force-medicated, possibly for life.

This ludicrous judgement was part of an extravagant list of punitive damages the Grenoble Prosecutor, acting for the woman, Stephanie Joseph, against the activist, Frederic Laroche requested: One year of jail, payment of money compensation to Ms. Joseph, definitive confiscation of his car, cancellation of his driver’s license for two years, no according of mitigating circumstances, court-ordered mandatory psychiatrist visits, and force-medication with psychiatric drugs for an indefinite period of time.

Facts of the Case Include Wrongful Arrest, Medical Malpractice, and Unsupported Psychiatric Diagnosis

These harsh, peculiar, and egregious requests sit oddly with the facts of the case, wherein Frederic reports that the “accident” claimed by Ms. Joseph was not really an accident to start with; she claims her car was bumped from behind by Mr. Laroche, but in actuality the bumpers did not touch, there was no real accident, he points out. Yet one miscarriage of justice after another has marked this case.

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Frederic Laroche

Police inspectors who visited his home 2 days after the May 2 Incident and were shown his car expressed surprise at seeing no evidence of paint scrapes or bumper damage, which might be expected to denote a bumper hit. Yet they arrested him anyway, and held him overnight in a jail cell—not revealing the exact complaint made against him by Ms. Joseph, and against all published evidence of a medical certificate she then provided marking only scratches and merely speculating on fractures, proof of which injury she later could not provide–shortly after which they took him (an extremely gentle and cordial gentleman, in the assessment of Military Police accompanying National Police to his home) to an ER at Voiron Hospital where a fraudulent diagnosis of Paranoid Delirium and “Violent Person Needing Force-Medication” was wrongfully pronounced against him, and he was thence force-transported on an “Internement non Volontaire/sans Consentement” to the psychiatric hospital Alpes Isère de St Egrève, where he was wrongfully force-medicated over 2 days at extremely high dosage with a highly controversial drug Risperidone which caused him to suffer extreme breathing difficulty, paralysis, near-coma, and almost die. His appeals to a nurse who responded eventually saved his life.

But the wrongful force-medication continued—with a mere change of drug–on the earlier established Medical orders of the two Voiron Hospital psychiatrists who pronounced the “diagnosis,” Dr. Sarrazin and Dr. Girard, and on the earlier Law Enforcement order of the Préfet, Lionel Beffre, and then the Procureur/Prosecutor, Jean-Yves Coquillat, based on a sign-off coerced from the sister of Mr. Laroche, permitting him to be committed to Alpes Isère de St Egrève as a mental patient.

Subsequent court hearings, one judged a few days after his psychiatric internment on May 16 by Judge Beatrice Nicollet and the second, on appeal by Mr. Laroche, by Judge Joelle Blatry on May 30 actually upheld this false and entrapping “diagnosis” by which Mr. Laroche was also forced, post June 28, when he was released from Alpes Isere de St Egrève Hospital, to present himself to a psychiatric team every month so he could be injected, by State Psychiatric Order, with the requisite dosage of a powerful anti-psychotic drug intended to establish its effects incrementally over the whole month, and also submit, on September 13, to a psychiatric evaluation by a psychiatrist chosen by the Prosecutor—all at the behest of that original questionable order by the Prosecutor, Jean-Yves Coquillat, premised on the visibly groundless charge of Mr. Laroche being “violent” and “delusional.”

Interestingly, a notation on that May 30 court order from Judge Blatry of the Appeals Court also indicates that the Attorney-General of Grenoble Jacques Dallest, appointed to the Criminal Court, had been kept apprised of this matter, and had offered his opinion on May 29 to the Appeals Court—an opinion neither publicly known nor disclosed to Mr. Laroche or his lawyer. A pertinent question to ask: Why was the Attorney-General involved at all in the case of this non-accident Incident, after which a non-violent French citizen was psychiatrically interned under pretence of his being violent and delusional?

In conjunction with this matter, it should be known that what has eventually tipped this case from Civil to Criminal was the matter of extension of Ms. Joseph’s supposed bed-confinement from under 8 days to 30 days; this highly suspect extension was achieved by her later, after her initial records noting under 8 days bed rest; yet no proof by way of medical records has been produced, Mr. Laroche reports, by Ms. Joseph to indicate the necessity for such extended bed-rest, in association with her entirely voluntary leap and fall from the bonnet of his car on May 2.

Somewhere along the line, two months into this blatantly unjustified and recklessly irresponsible program of psychiatric commitment and forced-medication of a clearly non-violent and sane individual—evincing no symptoms whatsoever of violence or delirium–Dr. Bigoshi at Alpes Isère de St Egrève informed Mr. Laroche in June 2017 he was now being held and force-medicated for his “ideas,” while still upholding the initial false diagnosis—with its base notion that all of French society was at grave risk were Mr. Laroche to exist freely in the world without her neuroleptic forced-medication circulating in his veins.

This unsupported, false, yet extreme diagnosis by Dr. Sarrazin and Dr. Girard at Alpes Isère de St Egrève and leading to the extreme action of force-medication of a peaceful, non-violent individual with a healthy brain under psychiatric “Duty of Care” and “Adhesion to Care” banners is evidence of both medical malpractice and criminally Authoritarian Psychiatry—which seems to be getting away with socially sanctioned brain-assault with deadly brain-damaging drugs these days, and which therefore must be publicly questioned, challenged, and exposed.

Surely psychiatrists executing crimes should be prosecuted for crimes, just as much as any one else.

Human Rights Activism of Frederic Laroche Whistleblowing on Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation Feared and Suppressed

There is of course, a much larger story here.

Frederic Laroche is a successful human rights activist and systems engineer who has engaged in much public education on crimes against humanity currently ongoing in France, Europe and worldwide, and sought to inform and seek redress from governments, sending out mass mailings of educational flyers and email to members of the French government, posting information on websites, creating a film documentary, and carrying signs on his car. In this venture he is supported by other highly credentialled activists, whistleblowers, writers and journalists around the world.

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Sign Designed by Frederic Laroche

What Mr. Laroche reports may be key to his case because certain factions seek to keep the crimes and verified experiences he and other French, European, American, and other citizens report today of non-consensual military/Intelligence neuro-experimentation with 21st-Century Anti-Personnel Spectrum and Sonic Neuro/Bio-Weapons firmly under wraps.

Media is co-opted, Law Enforcement is co-opted, Psychiatry is co-opted, all to converge in falsely and facilely naming reporting victims of these crimes against humanity “Paranoid and Delusional”.

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Sign Designed by Frederic Laroche

Because the secretive and all-powerful military and Intelligence services are implicated in these horrific 21st-Century Neuro-Experimentation crimes against humanity, court cases are shut down with whispers of “State Secret Privileges” and “National Security matters,” police refuse to help reporting victims, and psychiatrists—who fail to research the subject and inform themselves about the Truth of current-day Neuro-Experimentation, but act in complicity with corrupt police and corrupt Prosecutors and corrupt courts—shut down the testimonial of reporting victims by calling their credibility into question and invidiously labeling them with an Authoritarian Psychiatric Label of “Paranoid and Delusional.”

Neuro-Experimentation activists in particular are targeted for this kind of public neutralization.

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Sign Designed By Frederic Laroche (We Awaken to Reveal You)

Yet it is increasingly becoming evident to educated readers today that those government, media, and medical officials who blindly lash out at Neuro-Experimentation activists in desperate efforts to shut them down with lies, denials, entrapments, and prosecutions are fighting a losing battle against Truth, Reason, and Sanity in the public eye. Not to mention basic morality and human conscience.

Personal Verification of Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

As reported to this writer by video and written testimonial—and published in the Investigative Reporter Statement by this writer for M. Frederic Laroche submitted to the Grenoble Criminal Court on 11/29/2018 as well as in earlier reportage–verification of M. Laroche’s experiences of having become the unhappy subject of covert and inhumane neuro-experimentation by Intelligence agencies has come to him in various ways, including verbal and visual confirmation from people working on these projects in his vicinity and using surveillance and neural-invasion weapons on him, both at Hewlett-Packard in France and in Kashmir, India.

Please see the screenshot below for a summary of this confirmation, excerpted from the Investigative Reporter Statement for Mr. Laroche, and please see the video reports Ramola D Reports/Reports #2 and #3 for further detail on these two very important occasions of disclosure.

Additionally, Mr. Laroche has recently learned by means of scanning his person with an RFID detector (which he hopes to follow up with professional, scientific scanning in a controlled environment) that he carries non-consensually-placed RFID implants on his body and skull; such covertly-placed implants have been detected in the bodies of various reporting victims of these crimes of non-consensual neuro-experimentation, and include the publicly documented and/or litigated cases of David Larson, James Wahlbert, Richard Cain, Robert Naeslund, and others; it is an understood conclusion by courts that RF tracking, surveillance, or medical micro/nano devices non-consensually implanted and discovered by forensic radiological or toxicological analysis constitute evidence of remote external access of human bodies and brains, and often denote medical experimentation.

Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation Today in Europe, USA, Worldwide is a Reality

Additionally, as an investigative reporter covering issues related to Surveillance, Targeting, COINTELPRO, 21st-Century Military Technology, Directed Energy Weapons Testing, Electronic Warfare Weapons, Non-Lethal Weapons, DEW Bio-Effects Testing and Bio-Behavioral Research, Neuroscience and Militarized Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Cybernetics, this writer can attest without hesitation to the actuality of ongoing non-consensual neuro-experimentation on Americans, Europeans, Australians, Asians, Africans—indeed, worldwide—as reported by whistleblowers from US, French, and UK Intelligence agencies, the US Department of Defense, US Military neuroscience and cybernetics scientists, and US and UK Navy, as well as referenced in declassified military and Intelligence documents.

Please see the excerpting screenshot below from the Investigative Reporter Statement for Mr. Frederic Laroche for a selection of references.

Retaliation for Whistleblowing and Activism

It is apparent in examining the activism and whistleblowing Mr. Laroche has been engaged in for many years that like other activists in Europe and the USA he has experienced exacerbated organized harassment and sabotage as a consequence of his truth-telling activism.

In this instance too, it appears he has become the subject of unjustified scrutiny, retaliation, and suppression from “the authorities.” Mr. Laroche reports he had just finished a major mailing of flyers in April after which he was made the subject of this entrapping non-accident Incident of May 2, 2017.


Frederic Laroche’s car

His car too has previously come under attack, starting with shortly after he placed the stickers on his car on May 27, 2016: Within a week, on June 2, he lost his job, then his car was sabotaged on three different occasions in June and August of 2016, where tyres were viciously punctured, once with two tyres knocked out, then twice with one tyre deflated—with what looked like a professional tool, according to a member of Military Police. At a street protest by workers against French government changes to the “Code du Travail” or labor laws that summer, police asked Mr. Laroche to move his car thrice from the street although he had obtained prior permission to participate in the protest, and he was finally compelled to leave.

These matters, therefore, that Mr. Laroche reports or speculates on, of retaliation by police for the silent awareness-raising of the stickers on his car, or his actions of humanitarian public-education in mailing out flyers, are neither imaginary nor delusional; all Neuro-Experimentation activists report similar experiences of whistleblower retaliation (covered extensively over the past five years by this reporter).

Psychiatrist’s Report Presented at Court by Prosecutor Faulty and Convoluted

Yet it is precisely this faulty and uninformed conclusion that the psychiatric expert Dr. Joelle Ribot appealed to by the Procureur Adjoint, Olivier Nagabbo (Deputy Prosecutor) reaches in her report dated 13 September 2017, where, faced with his calm and communicative demeanor in her office—and completely dismissing his true account of experiences as a victim of non-consensual neuro-experimentation–she struggles to delineate Mr. Laroche as a delusional psychotic, and settles by saying the delirium he exhibited was constrained to portions of his psyche and not answerable for a whole-personality takeover.

Confronted with matters of non-consensual neuro-experimentation via Frederic’s narration of life-experiences and activism—of which she evinces no informed awareness on her own, no intellectual curiosity about, no researched knowledge, and no ability therefore to judge—she informs the Prosecutor, out of the depths of her ignorance of modern science and technology and weaponized Military Neuroscience, that Mr. Laroche appears to display “a psychotic structure with delusions of persecution whereby he imagines he is the subject of a plot.”

This she extrapolates to the incident at hand, suggesting that his delusional state caused him to enact an act of violence and his sense of persecution drove him to flee the scene, these actions representing endangerment to society and justifying the forced-care and forced-medication decreed by the Prosecutor.

In contrast, Mr. Laroche’s lucidity in thinking and communication as well as his freedom from “delusions of persecution” is clearly evident in his own Timeline where he records both the events related to the Incident of May 2 and key events in his life, as well as in his video interviews with this reporter.

Prosecutor’s Characterization of the Incident False

Which brings up the issue of what the Prosecutor told Dr. Joelle Ribot in the first place.

Examining the Prosecutor’s charges, passed on to her, and thence becoming the deceptive base she worked from, as well as primary text admitted in court on November 29, it is clear that the entire Incident as well as Frederic’s character has been grossly misrepresented.

The charges this Prosecutor has laid at his door were that he had engaged in a violent act against Ms. Joseph using the weapon of his vehicle, that he had executed a hit-and-run by abandoning the scene of the “accident,” and that he had proved himself unable to keep the law by way of controlling his car.

But all three of these charges are false.

As per repeated accounts from Mr. Laroche, there was no violent hit-and-run executed against Ms. Joseph whatsoever, and throughout the peculiar Incident of May 2 where Ms. Joseph engaged in the aggressive and volitional act of leaping onto his bonnet, Mr. Laroche had acted completely lawfully and extremely slowly, continuing to steer his car with great care so as to prevent harm to the uninvited passenger he had suddenly acquired.

After this unwelcome guest slid off the car, he proceeded on as slowly as he had been driving. While it is a fact that he did not stop after she slid off, it is also a fact, he notes, that she and her male companion had just engaged in an extremely aggressive series of actions against him, with loud harassive street theatre, banging on his car window, and leaping onto his car—his explanation, that he did not stop because he was afraid to deal with this couple further, after their aggressive actions of intimidation against him, is plausibly justified in light of their actions.

For a complete recounting of the actual events of that incident, readers are urged to read the Investigative Reporter’s Statement by Ramola D for Frederic Laroche, and view the video interviews with Mr. Laroche referenced therein.

One very pointed note must be made: Voiron Police have suppressed the CCTV surveillance from video-cameras at traffic lights, which would most definitely have established the truth of the sequence and nature of events related to this Incident.

Perversion of Justice by the Grenoble Prosecutor, Voiron Police, and Voiron Hospital and Alpes Isere St. Egreve Psychiatrists

The actions of Voiron and National Police, who work under the orders of the Préfet de Grenoble, Lionel Beffre, in arresting and jailing Mr. Laroche therefore must be doubly called into question.

Their haste in demanding a psychiatric evaluation at Voiron Hospital literally the next day after Mr. Laroche spoke to a doctor at the jail—and in coercing Mr. Laroche’s sister to permit his being-committed to a psychiatric hospital in an “Internement non Volontaire,” what is termed an Involuntary Hold in the USA–also must be questioned.

Previous conversations with police (such as obtaining permission for participating in the “Code du Travail” street protest in June 2017) have established that Mr. Laroche with his car was well-known in Grenoble as well as in Voiron as a human rights activist vocal about current-day gangstalking, covert EMF weapon use on civilians, and covert neuro-experimentation.

Was there a concerted effort here therefore to retaliate against and suppress Mr. Laroche’s activism with an entrapping Incident, arrest, and psychiatric incarceration? After all, the “authorities” everywhere, including in Europe, have been doing or trying some kind of framing and entrapment—intention: Jail or Psychiatric Ward—to every single activist educating the public about current-day non-consensual neuro-experimentation by Military/ Intelligence/ Medical parties.

After his arrest, Mr. Laroche has shared many close details about his life and victimization in non-consensual neuro-experimentation with various medical personnel he was compelled to speak with, including the doctor who first visited him in jail, the Voiron Hospital psychiatrist Dr. Sarrazin who baselessly named him violent and delusional, the Alpes Isere St. Egreve psychiatrist Dr. Bigoshi who upheld that diagnosis without cause, other psychiatrists at Alpes Isere, and the psychiatrist Dr. Joelle Ribot who evaluated him for the court and labeled him delusional—thus unwittingly exhibiting her own delusory ignorance of current-day Non-Consensual Military Neuroscience projects.

Indeed, none of these psychiatrists have evinced any awareness, literacy, or education about Militarized Neuroscience or ongoing Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation by military and Intelligence factions, or under the European Union Human Brain Project—and were never qualified therefore to pronounce Mr. Laroche delusional.

At the court hearing, Mr. Laroche reports that the only report the judge permitted was the Psychiatric Report submitted by Dr. Joelle Ribot which records in its conclusions that it upholds and vindicates the decision of the Prosecutor on May 6 to force-medicate Mr. Laroche.

Also striking about the court hearing was that the judge dismissed the lawyer for Mr. Laroche’s insurance, informing Ms. Joseph’s lawyer that any monetary compensation sought for health damages needed to be aired at the civil court, not a criminal court. This turned the spotlight onto Mr. Laroche, he notes. A succeeding question of damages to Ms. Joseph’s health seemed to center around nebulous reference to a bone fracture she supposedly sustained; yet no mention beyond speculation of this had been mentioned in the original medical certificate submitted the week of May 4, and no new medical document was produced in court to verify such a claim.

The events of the Incident on May 2—surely the primary factors to be scrutinized, when Mr. Laroche is accused, wrongfully, of engaging in a hit-and-run and causing damages to Ms. Joseph that day–were not really discussed at this hearing, but the Psychiatric Report, based on the Prosecutor’s false charges, and the implicit question—aspersion, rather–of Mr. Laroche being delusional was.

Judge Displays Bias While Prosecutor and Psychiatrists Construct False Narrative

It is evident from scrutiny of this case that Mr. Laroche has been falsely prosecuted, after being falsely charged and falsely arrested, after which he was falsely diagnosed, falsely committed to a psychiatric hospital, falsely force-medicated, and falsely subjected to extended forced-medication. Now he has also been falsely convicted as guilty, in an astounding miscarriage of justice which highlights unjustifiable bias by the judge.

The two most striking parties occupying positions of authority in this scenario seem to be the Prosecutor (supported by Police) and the psychiatrists—who appear to be vindicating each other in a circular snake-swallowing-tail rigmarole of empty rhetoric.

Meanwhile, the most important finding that Frederic Laroche makes evident for the whole world to see—that of ongoing non-consensual neuro-experimentation and exploitation of French citizens with deadly neurotechnologies and covert implantation implicating the Military and Intelligence services—is swept under the table, as a whole bevy of “authorities,” exhibiting their ignorance or their complicity, scramble to call this outstanding human rights activist paranoid, delusional, violent, and candidate for brain-damaging drugs under Forced-”Care” for an extended period of time.

This utter travesty of justice with all its dangerous implications for humanity, with its blind valorizing of Ignorant yet Authoritarian Psychiatry in the Age of Militarized Neuroscience should be condemned by the people of France and everyone else the world over.

What might be just perhaps is that a “mistrial” needs be declared, the biased judge and prosecutor removed from office, the police and psychiatrists educated on the facts of ongoing predation by Weaponized Neuroscience, the psychiatrists who offered false diagnoses and toxic force-medication delicensed, and Mr. Laroche absolved of all false charges—if not monetarily compensated by the acrobatic woman who leapt on his car and brought false charges against him.

Concerned readers are invited to make their thoughts known at the earliest to the judge, the Prefet of Grenoble, Lionel Beffre, the Mayor of Voiron, Julien Polat, Grenoble Prosecutor Jean-Yves Coquillat, Grenoble Attorney-General Jacques Dallest, and Voiron Police.

In the absence of justice in the court system and obvious predation by Authoritarian Psychiatry, in the interests of combating the modern horrors of neuro-predation by out-of-control Military/Intelligence agencies using neural weapons on random members of the populace, ordinary people need to raise their voice, to return reason and justice to humanity.


This report was compiled in close consultation with Frederic Laroche and after perusal of court records and associated documents.

Please share widely. The whole article may be reposted with linkback and attribution.

Please write and express your opinion to help preserve and advance human rights for Frederic Laroche and all humanity:

Write to the Prefet of Grenoble, Lionel Beffre: lionel.beffre@isere.gouv.fr

Write to the Mayor of Voiron, Julien Polat:julien.polat@ville-voiron.fr

Write to the Prosecutor, Jean-Yves Coquillat: jean-yves.coquillat@justice.fr

Write to the Deputy Prosecutor, Olivier Nagabbo: olivier.nagabbo@justice.fr

Write to the Inspector of Voiron Police : yannick.plassiard@interieur.fr

Write to Alpes St. Isere St. Egreve psychiatrist Dr. Bigoshi: mbigoshi@ch-alpes-isere.fr

Write to the Attorney General of the Court of Appeals, Jacques Dallest: jacques.dallest@justice.fr

Related Links

Activist Frederic Laroche Describes Wrongful Psychiatric Detainment in France:

Need to Know Report No. 1: Spotlight on Psychiatry Subverted (11/25/2017)

Investigative Reporter Statement by Ramola D for Frederic Laroche

Ma Chronologie – Frederic Laroche – v 2.00_redacted

Conclusions – Frederic Laroche – 29-11-2018_redacted

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Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons are ‘Field Tested’  They Need To Be Very Secretive”

Ramola D/Washington’s Blog: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad

Dr. Eric Karlstrom/Appendix 58: dr. james giordano (2017)- weaponized brain science and technology: battlespace/organized stalking applications of neuroweapons (youtube, pdf, and my notes)

Cheryl Welsh: Electromagnetic Radiation Weapons: As Powerful as the Atomic Bomb

International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and the Robotization of Living Beings

International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies

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