Dr. Simon Atkins: What Can We Do About Creating a More Positive Future?

Inspiring video from Dr. Simon Atkins (posted in Feb, 2015), deconstructing the news and discussing how sending out positive energy–despite all the bad news everyday, the false flags, ISIS, the fear scenarios building around the memes of impending economic collapse, martial law, etc., the whole attempt via mainstream media propaganda to get us to sink into fear, apathy, and learned helplessness–looking everyday at positive, not negative, images, and building up one’s abundance, and placing one’s belief and energy in a positive future ahead of us is a powerful step toward making it happen.

From his website, Skyaia: “Dr. Simon Atkins is a climate risk economist, a planetary threat forecaster, solar expert, and energy medicine doctor. His new field is biometeoelectromagnetics™. Simon is also an informant for the People, a spiritual pacifist and modern-day monk. Call him a “compassionate fighter” for freedom, with a goal to move the planet forward.” Read more.

Note from Dr. Simon Atkins: Go to 37:30 on this video, that’s where it all starts (the positive future)…also: A positive future is all about shifting reality. The shift is all about humanity raising its vibration into 4th & 5th vibrational states. 4th dimensional thinking is about peace; 5th dimensional thinking is about love.  

Humanity is Waking Up: A Bright Future Ahead

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