Tag Archives: Liability Notice

Egregious Sectioning and Kidnap Attempts on Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis As the Completing Mass Corruption Remedy Process Exposes Pervasive Crime & Corruption in UK Courts, Police Departments, and Hospitals

–Ramola D/Posted 6/28/2019/Corrections & Updates, 6/29/2019

In a series of extraordinary incidents last week as he strove to complete a final document detailing the corruption proofs derived over 20 years from cases of intellectual property theft and home theft to concealed murder operations and human organ theft in NHS hospitals, all protected by corrupt police protections accorded to people in positions of power including top judges, hospitals, doctors, and prime ministers, and exposing the unmistakable crime syndicate networked into UK courts, police departments, and hospitals, Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis became the target of sudden panicked attempts at medical kidnap and sectioning.

While Mental Health Fraud is now, shockingly enough, routinely being conducted against whistleblowers and activists by corrupt or corralled mental health professionals working with governments, both in the UK and it seems worldwide, it must be seen anew each time for what it really is: an extreme abuse of power, a Show of Force, purposive intimidation and attempt to silence important work, an illegal grab at one’s rights to autonomy, mental and physical, and, as resolute activist Neelu Berry notes, outright State Terrorism.

The work that Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis has been doing—and publishing notice of at various channels online lately (including Andy Devine’s channel and Ramola D Reports) as well as via email lists and filings to Parliament and all UK Ministers is nothing short of earth-shattering, and exposes crime, fraud, trickery, and entrenched corruption fraud at its roots, exposing and challenging the UK’s pervasive system of protection by crime-syndicate-police for all abuse-of-power crimes.

In Edward’s case, it appears the purpose of pursuing him for forced Mental Health Assessments has been twofold: both to stifle his voice and work exposing systemic UK corruption and cover up evidence of medical negligence crime committed against him by the very hospitals that have now run panicked mental health frauds—wrongful sectioning attempts–on him.

Preparation for Dialysis Which Never Happened

This goes back to December 2018 when Edward was told he had a deteriorating kidney condition and needed dialysis by doctors at Sussex University hospital administered through the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust—incidentally, not long after Edward had exposed corrupt activities by Sussex police in drug-growing and firearms-stealing in the case of a wrongfully accused and imprisoned Sussex farmer whose land was stolen.

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals/bsuh.nhs.uk

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals/bsuh.nhs.uk

They then proceeded to instal a “fistula” on him, as first step in helping ready veins and arteries for dialysis. This tube is supposed to be left in for only a few days in between dialysis sessions, notes Neelu Berry. The problem was, they then left it in for seven months, saying they had put him on a dialysis list, which they apparently hadn’t because they never called him.

This tube which connects the artery and the vein is to connect to the dialysis machine so that the dirty blood in the vein is cleaned by the machine and put back into the artery as clean blood. By leaving the tube in place, the dirty blood is mixing with the clean blood, bypassing the lungs, kidneys and all cleaning organs. It is a slow execution. Edward is shrinking, losing weight, his food is going straight through him and he is having a bug and hayfever, unable to fight the infection. Immunity is zero. The heart becomes enlarged so the patient does feel more energetic than ever.

In efforts to combat the effects of the fistula and keep his immunity up, Edward had embarked on a rigorous exercise program which involved walking several miles and swimming as well.

Numerous Mental Health Fraud Attempts

Recent attempts to section Edward and fraudulently label him mentally ill when the Sussex hospital it seems had incurred liability on themselves by surgically inserting a fistula in him –which they neither utilized appropriately with immediate dialysis nor removed–began on 17 June 2019, when a Redbridge Council Mental Health team called and offered their services to him on the phone, which he declined.

Prior to this, in Dec 2018, it also appears that Dr. MacDiarmid-Gordon of Sussex University Hospital had engaged in what Edward characterizes as Blackmail Fraud, demanding that he submit to a psychiatric evaluation and apparently withholding kidney dialysis treatment until he did so—it is not clear why a mental health evaluation was suggested.

The regularity with which Mental Health Evaluations are used in hospitals to permit authoritarian takeover of patients’ rights was remarked in Edward’s Remedy process document: “The National Health Service Doctors repeatedly commit Torture and Blackmail using Treatment Denial Frauds to support Mental Examination Consent Demands. They are Technically Clever but Judgmentally Impoverished. Some are Power Obsessed.”

This fraudulent medical-tyranny attempt to discredit Edward was also referred to later by Dr. Lever of Queen’s Hospital who said Edward had been “labelled” “historically” as mentally ill by Dr. Gordon (discussed below). (Labeling is indeed right; this appears to be exactly what Authoritarian Psychiatry seeks, to label and dismiss whistleblowers as mentally ill to discredit their whistleblowing. It is ironic and interesting that Dr. Lever made recourse to precisely this truth-telling term.)

As he fought off his hayfever last week and completed the final document in the Mass Remedy process he had initiated, Edward Ellis was informed through his GP that Dr. Lever, the Clinical Lead Kidney Specialist at Queen’s Hospital in Romford, Essex was suddenly bumping his appointment up from the end of July to the 19th of June without notice.

Then, both on the 18th of June and 19th of June, a Mental Health team arrived unannounced at his residence, presumably to section him, meaning forcibly remove him to a mental health facility for evaluation, citing the Mental Health Act which permits this infamy. (Click links for CCTV footage on these visits.)

18 June 2019 Mental Health team unannounced uninvited visit

19 June 2019 Mental Health Team unannounced, uninvited visit

Neelu Berry notes beneath the videos that these attempts to section a whistleblower are intended to discredit him—which does ring true, given that Edward’s physical condition had suddenly been transmuted by a network of culpable doctors into a mental health issue, with no evidence whatsoever of any kind of sudden-onset mental illness!

It does beg the question how many hundreds of mental health “patients” locked away in Psych wards are really whistleblowers. Neelu Berry notes that these bogus sectioning attempts prove the “failure of the Care Quality Commission to maintain safety standards in its Health & Care services” and calls for “the immediate review and release of all patients admitted in Mental Health Institutions.”

Seamy Backstory: Child Trafficking, Organ Trafficking, and Kidnap for Rituals In NHS Hospitals

Darker, seamier sides to what lies behind dialysis diagnoses and urgent appointments must also be noted. This is where it becomes impossible not to see that assassination of patients, as Neelu Berry notes, particularly vulnerable ones like kidney dialysis or cancer patients is not an idle claim, that it can be accomplished very easily with DNRs (Do Not Resuscitate order) and Mental Health frauds run by criminal insider doctors working for the corrupt crime syndicate rooted in secret-society occultism and bizarre rituals. Is this really happening? Those who have experienced anomalous care at NHS hospitals suggest it is.

Edward’s Remedy Process document, which reports on an investigation of widespread corruption and crime remarks: “The Corruption Investigations had discovered how the Renegade Professional Groups function. They are Thug Gangs. Professional Qualifications + Post Appointments get Gang Membership but Professional Standards do not govern them. The Budget Managers do. Judges became dependent on Court Frauds and the Budget Managers who buy them.

Queen’s Hospital, Romford, Essex/Image: Romford Recorder

On the 19th of June when Edward had been told Dr. Lever would see him straight away if he attended the Ambulatory Care Unit and informed reception, he visited Queens Hospital with two friends. Apparently when he informed Reception he found there was no record of Dr. Lever making an appointment with him. (The peculiarity of Ambulatory Care Units set up in hospitals and the potential for their use in secretive isolation, disappearance, and assassination attempts is discussed by Neelu Berry in Ramola D Reports/Newsbreak 29.)

It must be noted that Dr. Nicholas Lever, oddly enough, was the very same clinician who issued a DNR or “Do Not Resuscitate” order when Neelu’s sister, Sadhana Chaudhari, suffering from breast cancer, was admitted in June 2018 to the very same Queen’s Hospital, bizarrely and inappropriately to a Kidney ward under Dr Lever, and “it was Edward’s documents to the CEO which had it reversed.”

At heart of the Mass Corruption Remedy process Mr. Ellis has been working on, Sadhana’s child, baby Sunaina features as one of the main Corruption Fraud Proof cases, since a whole slew of unconscionable crimes tragically attended her brief life and death; semen was found in her mouth at death, blisters on lip; organs had been removed; this was after doctors had wrested control of her care from the mother Sadhana with a Mental Health Fraud; prior to that Baby Sunaina, who had been wrongfully diagnosed with a genetic defect and doomed-life prognosis even before birth, and been operated on for a diaphragmatic hernia had been given an abnormally high dosage of a potent drug, Ranitidine; when the mother sought further care, the dosage was reduced but still high, an adult dosage, and administered in a protracted program of medical malpractice which Neelu Berry, her aunt, a pharmacist discerned immediately as malfeasant; what she was subjected to points to an entrenched and callous practice of human organ theft, with secrecy aiding in sexual abuse of child-patients, and possibly even darker, ritualistic abuse. The mother and aunt were also silenced with an unlawful restraining order in protection of these crimes (later nullified by common law grand juries).

(This entire situation was reported here earlier, in Newsbreak 8; Neelu Berry, Baby Protection Pharmacist, Made Homeless by UK Parliament and also in a recent ITNJ testimonial.)Neelu Berry notes in Newsbreak 29 that the occulted, secret-society breed of rich, protected criminals which runs hospitals and courts has many dark uses for death and dead bodies.

What was the rationale behind Dr. Lever’s hurried change of appointments to compel Edward to visit Queen’s Hospital on the 19th of June? Neelu suspects entrapment for sectioning and discrediting of a most powerful whistleblower, as well as quite possibly an intended assassination. This latter she bases also on the overnight-in-hospital experience of her “Black Dad” Dr. Akena Adoko who reported, shortly before he died, men stealing in to inject him in the arm twice at night in King’s College Hospital as well as transport him secretly somewhere at night where he said hundreds stood around looking at him; he died unexpectedly in the middle of the night after his niece had seen him improved earlier.

(For further details, please see Neelu Berry’s Report, linked below.)

Queen’s Hospital Nephrologist Dr. Lever Caught Impersonating a Psychiatrist, Having Mental Health Team on Standby

The entire incident at Queen’s Hospital where it is clear to all from the audio recording Neelu made (linked below), that a highly unsavory and deliberate attempt to fraudulently section Edward Ellis as mentally ill was being made despite no “delusion evidence” and despite the fact that nephrologists—or any other kind of specialist—have no business trying to suggest their patients are mentally ill really highlights what terrifying power doctors have been given in hospitals.

When Edward was ushered into a meeting with Dr. Lever, he was initially in the room on his own; raised voices and talk of “psychiatric assessment” prompted Neelu Berry to turn on her recorder and knock on the door to be let in. But what the recorder captured indicates quite clearly that Dr. Lever, a nephrologist, is demanding that Edward be admitted immediately and consent to a psychiatric assessment, while refusing to listen to his patient’s explanations regarding his  need to finish his important work before a hospital admission. (Remember too that Edward’s work exposes hospital crime and reports to Parliament.)


Dr Lever: I want you to be seen by, I think you should be seen by the psychiatric services here.

Mr Ellis: I refuse

Dr Lever: Yes but at the moment these processes are not absolutely not going to recognise….

Mr Ellis: They’ve screwed up

Dr Lever: I’m not going to argue with you. I’d rather, What I am saying is, all I want to do…

Mr Ellis: I am giving Notice to Parliament

Dr Lever: I’m not interested, I am saying

Mr Ellis: I’ll finish

Dr Lever: Please, I’m saying I’m not interested, I’m not interested, I am saying for you to have a mental health assessment

Mr Ellis: A decision is being made this week, I will finish the grounds this week

KNOCK KNOCK (Neelu enters at this point)

Rejecting utterly Edward’s information on the mass corruption remedy process, Dr.Lever initially focused on the kidney situation with Neelu but when reminded by her it was not in his remit to play psychiatrist, agreed, yet persisted in his stance about needing a mental health assessment. Correctly assessing the situation as dangerous, Neelu Berry informed Dr. Lever they would get a second opinion and tried to hurry Edward out of the office.

Dr. Lever pressed the alarm bell, saying loudly he wished to get “somebody else” into the office, code-word for Mental Health staff, Neelu surmised, and as they hurried out, gestured to another doctor to follow them, prompting staff to say, revealingly, “Do you want us to section him?” Suggesting “somebody else” was right there, waiting, and a whole crew as well, ready to forcibly section Dr. Lever’s interviewee at the drop of a hat.

All of which brings sharply into view the pre-arranged nature of this apparent hospital ambush, with a Mental Health Team waiting to exert Authoritarian Psychiatry on a fully-sane, mentally-sound patient.


Neelu Berry: Edward I think we should just walk out of here, we don’t require your services

Dr. Lever: But you do require our services

Neelu Berry: We don’t

Edward Ellis: Neelu

Dr. Lever: I am the Clinical Lead of Kidney Services in this Hospital

Neelu Berry: But you are outside your remit with the Mental Health

Dr. Lever: No no no no, I know I am, I know I am, absolutely, and I agree with that I agree with that I completely agree with that in terms of the

Neelu Berry: It’s that conflict that you’ve abused and we are not interested in your services

Edward Ellis: No please allow me to conduct

Dr. Lever: Allow me to speak please

Dr. Lever: What I am saying is what I would like to do in order to deal with this and as you are quite right I am not a mental health specialist at all

Edward Ellis: And you’ve got no delusion evidence

Dr. Lever: No

Edward Ellis: In which case what are you doing requiring mental services with a delusion deficit?

Dr. Lever: Because of the fact that you’ve been labelled as having that historically so I would like to

Edward Ellis: Yes and that has been subject to a blackmail criminal investigation

Dr; Lever: All I was asking for was

Edward Ellis: No no no, you have taken crime proceeds and said that you want to use them for medical purposes. That’s what you’ve done

Dr. Lever: All I’m saying that I would welcome a further assessment by somebody

Edward Ellis: You are not having, you are enforcing a mental health fraud which itself was crime proceeds, that ends.

Dr. Lever: I’ve started a new assessment

Edward Ellis: That is not a new assessment

Dr. Lever: It’s the first time, I haven’t met you before

Edward Ellis: What you haven’t done is asked for any of the evidence to support my position

Dr. Lever: I am asking simply

Edward Ellis: No no It is how they run the frauds is they ignore the evidence of the citizen and just decide..

Dr. Lever: Right I’m going to get somebody else in here

Neelu Berry: No we are going

The entire transcript, which reads like something out of a Hollywood script for a KGB Crime novel is reproduced below this article, under RELATED, and the audio recording can be listened to here:

Neelu Berry’s Report on the multiple sectioning attempts, Dr. Lever’s impersonation of a psychiatrist as well as backstory on Sunaina Chaudhuri, Sadhana Chaudhuri, and Dr. Akena Adoko is here: 2019 06 19 Mental Health Fraud + Assassination Attempts on Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis Report by Neelu Berry

Neelu Berry discussed the entire experience June 22, 2019 in Newsbreak 29, where she also discussed the harassment she is herself, facing, as a whistleblower:

Arrest Warrants, Police Breaking Down Doors, Changing Locks, Nonstop Mental Health Fraud Attempts

The hospital attempts to section Edward continued after the escape from Queens Hospital on the 19th of June at 3 pm.

At 5 pm that day, June 19, the Mental Health team called on the phone in another attempt to force through a Mental Health Fraud kidnap attempt.

Shockingly, on June 26, 2019, the house at which Edward was staying, taking refuge, along with Neelu Berry–herself a whistleblower of hospital crimes who had gone through relentless Police raids in Aug 2017, Jan 2018 before her home was stolen by 22 men and women in July 2018–was broken into, Neelu reports, “by 10 thugs including 2 dressed as Police,” in an arrest and kidnap attempt under the Mental Health Act.  Neelu had felt unsafe and moved out days before this third Mental Health Sectioning Raid. Notices were left on the door, the locks changed, and a key left with a neighbor. Correction re. earlier reportage: Neelu reports a friend sent her pictures of the note on the door and what she describes is a fake unsealed warrant.

While some may find this hardly believable in a democracy, it appears that Authoritarian Psychiatry has taken over now as a tool of a corrupt State devolved into tyranny. Notices left suggest fraudulently and baselessly that the patient, Edward Ellis, is a “person believed to be suffering from mental disorder and….being unable to care for himself, is living alone” and authorizes police to remove him to a “place of safety” or make arrangements for his treatment or care.

Edward Ellis is Most Certainly Not Mentally Ill

How is this even legal, and how do hospitals and Councils get away with such transparent crime? Even on the count of physical health, Edward’s regimen of physical fitness casts into doubt the numbers and diagnoses produced by Romford Hospital which suggest a dialysis is needed immediately. If a dialysis is indeed indicated shouldn’t the Sussex hospital have provided it—instead of delaying for 7 months as the fiasco with the fistula demonstrates? Where does Mental Health enter this picture? And how does anyone—let alone a supposedly highly educated team of doctors and specialists from Sussex and Romford Hospitals—conclude that a person of Edward’s intellect, integrity, and firm anti-corruption and humanitarian resolve, as evidenced in all his public work and appearances, as also on my show in several interviews, is “suffering from mental disorder”?

Obviously, he is not. Nor does it appear to anyone watching his interviews that he is unable to care for himself nor a danger to self or society, which should, one would think, be the only criteria prompting a community mental healthcare visit in any reasonable society.

This insistent series of kidnap attempts does not seem to be however about Health Care, Concern, or Humanity, but its opposite—and a transparently retaliatory and panicky preventive attempt to stop the disclosure of crimes which Edward’s Mass Corruption Remedy Process threatens to unleash on the whole of the UK Protected-Crime-and-Corruption Fraud network.

Reminder of Liability, Demand for Remedy, Immunity Offer

Over the last couple days, Neelu Berry has served immunity offers and liability notices with a demand for remedy on Sussex and Romford Hospitals, suggesting pre-paid dialysis at a top facility in exchange for immunity, and a liability notice to both hospitals and Redbridge Council, reminding them of personal liability in any continued attempt to section Edward Ellis. The intent being to stem the fraudulent Mental Health sectioning attempts which essentially aim to stifle the voice of a whistleblower and take control of his personal affairs and healthcare decisions–thereby disappearing him.

A conversation with the assistant to the CEO at Brighton and Sussex that Neelu Berry had after these notices were sent suggests the hospital is taking the notices seriously and will return a response shortly. (Audio file recording of this phone call is linked below.)

Concerned citizens and those with influence are requested to speak on Edward’s behalf and join in the efforts to restrain Council members and NHS hospitals from persisting in these fraudulent and baseless attempts to section and discredit Edward Ellis, whose work as a trained equity lawyer protecting the rights of citizens is needed today more than ever, as the whole world engages currently in the revelation of hidden crimes and hopefully a changeover soon to a better reality.

Neelu Berry requests: Citizens who wish to take action to stop the State Terrorism against Whistleblowers can call 0207 219 3000 and demand their MP act by inviting Edward Ellis for an admission into an NHS Kidney Hospital outside of the 2 implicated NHS Trusts. 

Many thanks to Neelu Berry for her outstanding work as a human rights advocate and practitioner of equity law in this matter, and for her terrific reportage, recording, and broadcasting throughout the past week as she has kept viewers and readers closely informed, both on her own channel, via Facebook, and through conversations online at Andy Devine’s Facebook and Youtube channel, DeVine Bar, and Ramola D Reports.


FULL AUDIO TRANSCRIPT/2019 06 19 Transcript of Queens Hospital, Romford Kidney Ambulatory Care Unit Mental Health Fraud in Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis/


19 June 2019 4pm: Queens Hospital, Romford Kidney Specialist Caught Impersonating a Psychiatrist in Kidnap Attempt of Mr. Ellis

Dr Lever:I want you to be seen by, I think you should be seen by the psychiatric services here.

Mr Ellis:I refuse

Dr Lever:Yes but at the moment these processes are not absolutely not going to recognise….

Mr Ellis:They’ve screwed up

Dr Lever:I’m not going to argue with you. I’d rather, What I am saying is, all I want to do…

Mr Ellis:I am giving Notice to Parliament

Dr Lever:I’m not interested, I am saying

Mr Ellis:I’ll finish

Dr Lever:Please, I’m saying I’m not interested, I’m not interested I am saying for you to have a mental health assessment

Mr Ellis:A decision is being made this week, I will finish the grounds this week


Ms Berry:Sorry, Hi,

Mr Ellis:Hello Do Sit down

Dr Lever:Who are you

Ms Berry:I’m with Edward

Mr Ellis:This is Neelu Berry

Dr Lever:Oh Hello! Hi

Mr Ellis:She has consent to sit

Dr Lever:Hi I’m Dr Lever I am a kidney Consultant Hi So what I am saying is, what I am saying to Edward is that he has, so I have received correspondence from his GP, and I’ve also received correspondence fromDrDiarMaid-Gordon who was one of his consultants when he was seen at the Royal Sussex County in Brighton in March 2019. DrDiarMaid-Gordon,dr Bukhari and myself have concerns 1. About Edwards kidney failure OK Right Because Edward does have kidney failure in terms of his kidney function is less than 10% of what it should be. So Edward is at the level where we need to think about starting dialysis treatment

Ms Berry:Can you show me the tests that you’ve done

Dr Lever:So I’ve got all the tests over here. This is the creatinine level. The creatinine level today is 791

Ms Berry:And can I see that it is his blood test and not somebody else’s blood test

Dr Lever:This is his address Edward Ellis Ok Alright It’s been around that time.

Ms Berry:He’s just started a lot of activities with the swimming and walking

Mr Ellis:I just swam 36 lengths on Friday

Dr Lever:His Creatinine was 686 in March and now it’s 791. The normal level for someone like Edward would be less than 90

Ms Berry:Yeah but He is very fit for his age, he’s not a very good drinker, he’s been dehydrated because he doesn’t drink very well

Dr Lever:Right ok so this is going to be very helpful What I want to do is I would like to admit Edward to hospital today in order for us to review both the requirements and both how we logistically can start dialysis treatment

Ms Berry:What he would like is an independent second opinion

Dr Lever:So he has been seen by Dr MacDiarMaid-Gordon

Mr Ellis:Please let us cut to the chase on this

Dr Lever:mmm

Mr Ellis:I need to give priority to the next communications for the lord Bishops I will do that tonight.

Ms Berry:Right so he will come back tomorrow

Mr Ellis:What you need to know is there are many Doctors who are subject to Disclosure restraint frauds

Ms Berry:Edward I think we should just walk out of here, we don’t require your services

Dr Lever:But you do require our services

Ms Berry:We don’t

Mr Ellis:Neelu

Dr Lever:I am the clinical lead of kidney services in this Hospital

Ms Berry:But you are outside your remit with the mental health

Dr Lever:No no no no, I know I am, I know I am, absolutely, and I agree with that I agree with that I completely agree with that in terms of the

Ms Berry: It’s that conflict that you’ve abused and we are not interested in your services

Mr Ellis: No please allow me to conduct

Dr Lever: Allow me to speak please What I am saying is what I would like to do in order to deal with this and as you are quite right I am not a mental health specialist at all

Mr Ellis: And you’ve got no delusion evidence

Dr Lever: No

Mr Ellis: In which case what are you doing requiring mental services with a delusion deficit?

Dr Lever: Because of the fact that you’ve been labelled as having that historically so I would like to

Mr Ellis: Yes and that has been subject to a blackmail criminal investigation

Dr Lever: All I was asking for was

Mr Ellis: No no no, you have taken crime proceeds and said that you want to use them for medical purposes. That’s what you’ve done

Dr Lever: All I’m saying that I would welcome a further assessment by somebody

Mr Ellis: You are not having, you are enforcing a mental health fraud which itself was crime proceeds, that ends.

Dr Lever: I’ve started a new assessment

Mr Ellis: That is not a new assessment

Dr Lever: It’s the first time, I haven’t met you before

Mr Ellis: What you haven’t done is asked for any of the evidence to support my position

Dr Lever: I am asking simply

Mr Ellis: No no It is how they run the frauds is they ignore the evidence of the citizen and just decide..

Dr Lever: Right I’m going to get somebody else in here No we are going

Ms Berry: Edward let’s go

Mr Ellis: You cannot be trusted with the process. I have to write the next set of Communications to the lord Bishops tonight


Dr Lever: Can I have somebody else in here please

Mr Ellis: Let me have the written evidence on which you rely
Ms Berry: Edward Edward
Dr Lever: Come back and sit down again
Mr Ellis: No
Ms Berry: Let’s go
Mr Ellis: You are going down for this
Ms Berry: Edward stop it
Irish Doctor: Hi my name is Dr [Irish accent doctor 45 years old 6ft 2″]
Ms Berry:I told you they were going to do this to you, Edward, you’re not listening to me
Mr Ellis:Please allow me to conduct
Mr Ellis:I am fed up
Irish Doctor: Please stop its just me
Ms Berry:We don’t require your services
Mr Ellis:No I don’t care who you are
Irish Doctor: Just stop and talk to me
Ms Berry:You don’t know what you’re letting yourself in to
Irish Doctor: Just stop and talk to me
Ms Berry:No because you’re going to lose your job and I don’t want you to.
Irish Doctor: Stop You can walk with me
Irish Doctor: Just stop and talk to me
Mr Ellis:No
Ms Berry:Go back to Ireland it’s a lot safer, it’s a lot safer
Irish Doctor: If we could have a chat
Ms Berry:Come this way please Edward Edward
Ms Berry:Go back to Ireland
Irish Doctor:Stop and chat to me
Ms Berry:Go back to Ireland
Ms Berry:Let’s get on a bus, they’re going to try and catch you


LETTER SENT BY EMAIL by Neelu Berry to Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals CEO:24 Hour Remedy Demand + Immunity Offer – Personal Liability of all Officers of Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals

Phone-call by Neelu Berry on the subject of the Liability Notice Letter Sent By Email to the Brighton/Sussex CEO:

LETTER SENT BY EMAIL by Neelu Berry to Queens’ Hospital and Redbridge Council: 6th Mental Health Fraud Kill Attempt on Edward Ellis 26th June at 450 New North Road Hainault Essex IG6 3EB PERSONAL LIABILITY NOTICE_ TO REDBRIDGE COUNCIL + CQC OFFICERS

Edward Ellis’ Completion Document of June 24, 2019 in the Mass Corruption Remedy Process in the UK: 2019 06 24 Remedy Process + Judicial Office Unfitness Cases + Health Fraud Remedy Application Grounds of Equity Lawyer v State