Tag Archives: free energy device

A Roadmap to Peace: Keshe Foundation Releases Free Energy Device Blueprints and Runs Free Classes Online All Week

As they promised a couple weeks ago, the Keshe Foundation has released the blueprints of their free energy Magrav device this Monday, Oct 26, 2015, and are conducting livestreaming sessions on their site all week detailing and explaining these blueprints. All interested engineers, physicists, and citizens worldwide are invited to tune in to these sessions, join the online chat forums, and listen in on these lectures.

This is obviously Extraordinary beyond belief, and signals a transformative moment in technology sharing worldwide, not merely because patents are being set aside, and technological superiority and competitiveness is being set aside, but because this is truly paradigm-shattering technology, and heralds the unmistakeable beginning of a new and historic era in the world’s understanding, consumption, and generation of energy.  This device is more than a private energy generator, the science it encompasses offers all sorts of other possibilities as well, including creative and generative potential–being able to, for instance, recreate (in a glass of water) the nutritional composition and benefits of an orange, or apple, or anything else you like.

If you haven’t yet explored this free energy device and its myriad, rather unbelievable promises, please watch in full the earlier presentation posted online:

Here is the information from the Keshe Foundation News page (Links below are currently live):


KFSSI Blueprint Teaching Week….From Monday Oct 26 2015, the Keshe Foundation is live and open to the public, with teachings about the understanding and application of the Magrav system technology.

Starting at 10:00 am CET Monday Oct 26 2015, on all weekday mornings, and at 2 pm CET weekday afternoons through Friday Oct 30 2015. Same links below for all sessions.


Livestreaming at:


At Zoom Meeting (when live):


YouTube live as well: http://www.youtube.com/c/KeshefoundationOrg/live

The Keshe Peace Roadmap

There’s more to the magic of the Magrav system, and it lies in its even deeper appeal to our common interest in world peace: as a disarmer, or disarmament device that can disable and disarm sophisticated weapon systems that continue to wreak havoc on our world. Based on these extraordinary capabilities, the Keshe Foundation is proposing a Peace Roadmap and timetable for the world’s nations to turn to peace, during which time various spectacular disarmament effects, they say, will be demonstrated.

From the Peace page on their website:

keshe peaceIt is better to start with small steps at a time, that all men can understand and have time to think about the process of peace.

 To this effect we are setting the following roadmap for the coming months, and if it fails we have our means to enforce the will of the majority of the race for peaceful co-existence amongst men and other creatures of the universe.

 To start, we appoint one peace day per month, starting from June 2015, so that man starts making efforts and thinks about the alternative and correct path.

 So it follows:

  • The first day of peace is appointed to be the 21st of June 2015, and this day of peace will as well follow on the 21st of July and August.
  • In September, October and November, there will be two days of peace a month, on the 21st and 22nd of each month.

  • In December 2015 and January and February of 2016, we increase the days of peace to three days a month from the 21st to the 23rd.

  • From 21st of March of 2016, we increase the days of peace to 7 days a month, from the 21st to the 27th of each month for the following three months.

  • From 21st of June 2016, we increase the peace days to 14 days a month, again for three months.

  • From 21st of September 2016, we increase the peace days to 21 days a month, for three months.

  • By 21st of December 2016, we ask and shall enforce peace indefinitely as designated.

We expect to give time to the armies of the world to not even fire a single bullet during these days, not even for training purposes.

We expect to relay the plan for peace process to all sides of wars and conflicts, be it military, terrorist groups, or the opposite side of the same parties.

This process of achieving peace will be shared and delivered by all the members of the Keshe Foundation, its supporters and interested parties, by completing the first space star formation reactors and simultaneously creating the field forces to silence the guns around the world, as we showed this process on Christmas Day of 2014, by using three sets of star formations around the world, one in Germany, one in Canada, and one in Italy, simultaneously coordinated to stop a reactor operation in Italy, as was broadcasted live on the internet, to show our intention and will.

We are teaching this process by making and operating space reactors rapidly in our Spaceship Institute, live on the internet on a daily basis, and soon we will test the first series of these reactors and their effect on a chosen number of satellites, which shall be designated to us by the world military for testing, that we decommission them live on the internet, with world leaders monitoring the process.

 Then, as we have mentioned, we will bring to halt the motion of military ships and military crafts, which will be allocated to the Foundation for testing the concept by their respective peace loving nations.

 This way, we bring an end to the present unlimited expenditure on tools of war, which makes their present implication by the application of the new technology obsolete.

By this act, governments are released from ever spending money for tools of war, and so they can make these finances of war available for manufacturing the tools and systems for peace and for covering the essential needs of their citizens, like making shelter and food.

We are not confronting governments, but setting the scene to show that the current military and defense technologies are out of date, and that there is no need for their renewal or any further expenditure on arms.

We share our space technology with all nations and respectively, if the nations do not accept these tests of the show of the end of arms manufacturing and the end to conflicts, then members and supporters of the Foundation worldwide will choose a satellite for it to be taken out of commission, and we will inform the governments of the intention, to make sure the satellite is not in use during the decommissioning, using the spaceship technology of the Keshe Foundation.

This is heady stuff. Taking satellites out of commission? Spy satellites, surveillance satellites, “signals intelligence” or brain-wave monitoring satellites, mind hacking satellites–millions of us who are being affected by any and all of the above would probably be very interested in seeing that happen. For more information, and to stay tuned to the great progress made in the global dissemination of this astonishing technology, please visit the Keshe Foundation site. Videos are also available currently on Youtube.

Also see this interesting August 2015 article on EClinik Learning: Putin & Obama Responded to Keshe Peace Roadmap Challenge which discusses the concepts used by the homemade Keshe plasma reactor, as well as the stories behind the downing of the US super-secret stealth drone in Iran in December 2011. In an interview posted in transcript on the PESN–Pure Energy Systems Network, Mr. Keshe speaks with Stirling Allan about the downing of this prize US military drone with their gravitational system technology, naming it a “pick up and drop.”