Tag Archives: Rumi

Imagined Prospects of Present and Future in Advanced Computing, Cognitive Computing, Pervasive Computing

Note #TechnoCreative | Ramola D | 3rd of February, 2023

In a rather fascinating TED Talk from 2018, Tim Mullen of Intheon, a spokesman from the seeming future seems to be describing an imagined reality only allusively spoken of yet incorporating many aspects of our present knowledge.

Ranging across wide fields of knowledge and inquiry, this talk seems to be revealing in a smattering of glimpses insights into such ephemerals as embedded tech – what some of us may call brain nano — cognitive computing, brain computer interfaces, ubiquitous computing, virtual reality, and other such, concepts of such vast import that our brains glaze over at some, especially if hearing those terms and concepts for the first time.

Visual aids offered during the talk help a great deal though in conveying this vision of the future–nebulous still as we gaze at them, somewhat recessed, slowly coming into view and yet misty and unclear.

To what extent will any of this persist into the future, we wonder, noticing as well the curious symmetry of shapes on the images flickering before us with the measured speech of the speaker.

To what extent is this imagined, to what extent can any of this be true, we wonder.
Embedded tech being brain nano as we see — prospects of brain computer interfacing and cognitive computing embedded
Direct brain-computer interfacing an elaborate project, we see, and a complicated, widely-affiliated one — which makes us wonder, how vast is this project and who is invited?
Odd ideas perfectly explained for a singular moment then whisked into that liminal space between comprehension and oblivion
Exquisite language weaving a thought or thoughts into possibility not all would even consider feasible let alone plausible
Intuition: Who would ever have thought that one day Technology would pursue the paths and processes of intuition, but here we are, and for the first time we begin to feel a sense of unease: how exactly do we interpret the above–we don’t really know, but someone is pursuing the answers.
The brain, the body, cognition, devices–the internet of things, a fuzz of interconnectivity–is this what the “Cognitive Halo” refers to?
What an extraordinary visual, the Indian meditator using virtual reality to raise 3 balls over the ocean–or is it sand, is it sea grass, is it the flow of foaming water we need to see with closer eyes here.
A sunny day, and mountains in the distance
Techno designs becoming a dream, immersive, all are held in seamlessly without intent–yet each, individually, still at center, at heart of this dream
Listening to the speaker, many possibilities arise–but startling concepts like “open source neuroscience software” and “ubiquitous neurotech interfaces” stand out
Artistic notions of enclosure within which virtual reality blossoms

There is so much in this single talk, so brilliantly condensed, that it becomes imperative that we watch and listen again, watch and listen again, unfolding into view the many different concepts here, to see how far neuroscience has advanced, how far computer science has advanced, and how this world of deep introspective intellectualism that clearly underlies research dreams and hopes in these areas incorporates concepts and paradigms from so many different spaces that we are at a loss to fully comprehend the implications here or grasp the direction in which these dreams are going.

Perhaps the answer is right here though, in these spectacular images and quotes, with each of us at the center and heart of this dream, each of us dreaming a new world of creative possibility into being.