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Wolf at the Door and in September Skies, Plus a 44-Year Deadline: Anna von Reitz Recommends Americans “Return to the Land” at Speed and Reclaim Birthright Assets

Report with Links | Ramola D | September 3, 2022

In a series of recent posts at her website, and in her recent webinars, Anna von Reitz has been proffering some major information that may help awaken people in America–and the world–to get attuned to what is really happening worldwide behind the scenes (within financial spheres), what (mega constructive fraud) has been rolling out for decades now in the USA, and why there’s actually a deadline for action on people’s parts to heed the signs and take action to reclaim their names, “return to the land and soil,” and reclaim their birthright assets.

The globalist feudalist push by the Empire Syndicate with eyes on digitizing, robotizing, transhumanizing, metaversing, augmenting, virtualizing, brain-computer-interfacing, multiply enslaving, disappearing, devouring anyone to be currently found with hands, feet, a beating heart and a brain can be pushed back definitively, she suggests, with some stalwart resolve and simple action to reclaim our names, living selves, sovereignty, and forever freedom from the ominous promise of CBDCs, digital IDS, and giving up your iris and palm to ghouls.

Background and context to this post can be found here: American States Assembly | Links, Podcasts, Information; Restoring America; Massachusetts State Assembly | Links, Podcasts, Information.

Screenshot,; Anna von Reitz: What Are The States and Why Do We Need to Assemble Them? 

Vital to read is the 10-page summary of what jurisdictions are, what corporate and unincorporated entities are, the history of conversion of the unincorporated government of the united States of America to corporate entity, engineered bankruptcies, the throughline persisting of the unincorporated USA nevertheless, the return of Americans facilitated by the American Native Nations, bankruptcy liquidation, and the current situation

Anna von Reitz: A Brief Report For Those Trying to Understand the New World

Rome, the Pontiff, the UN, Chem Trails, Kill Switches and Priority Creditors

In her post The Important History of Rome You’ve Never Been Taught, she shares that it’s Rome and the Pontiff — with a little help from Agency friends — who’s behind the deadly spraying of our skies, the inserted poisons in our water and soil, the poisons in vaccines currently accomplishing democide worldwide.

Chem trails and radar skies, Quincy, Massachusetts

The planned and being-performed destruction of America and all peoples of the world, she reveals, is all about owing Priority Creditors (especially Americans) tons of money and seeking to finish them off instead — themes familiar to those who have been following Anna von Reitz’s work and the work of others exposing entrenched criminality run by a rather Machiavellian bloodline bunch working (apparently with Lucifer, their Best Friend Forever) for centuries on the long-COVID task of enslaving several human generations for personal profit and manic control. All coming to fruition now as they hit the NASCAR tracks with everything they’ve got.

At play is the ancient Roman ethic of gore: “Borrow everything you can, then kill your creditors.”

“This simple modus operandi became a signature of the Roman Empire: trade and borrow, then attack and kill the creditors of Rome.  So Rome feasted on the labor and talent of many nations, and finished by militarily defeating and enslaving their former trading partners. 

It happened in Gaul.  It happened in Britain.  It happened in Prussia.  It happened more generally in Germany during World War I and II.  

Always the same.  Borrow everything you can, then kill your creditors.  Simple, effective, and bound to be enriching, the Romans have never varied from this standard recipe.  

Right now, Rome owes the Americans more than Rome has ever owed any nation in history.  And, predictably enough, the (Holy) Roman Empire began its campaign to kill its American creditors in earnest beginning in 1962 with the enclave known as Vatican II.  

The more moral elements of the Church leadership had to be eroded before the Roman Pontiff could justify attacking the nice people who saved most of Europe and rebuilt it.  

With the end of the Marshall Plan and related giveaways, the bill for all this finally came due in 2005, and the plot to destroy America also went into full tilt execution.  

The Pope, acting in his Secular Office as the Roman Pontiff,  directed all his Agency Subcontractors to do specific things that have together served to confuse, undermine, and destroy America from within. 

His Agents have promoted aerial spraying campaigns since 1989, dumping unimaginable amounts of aerosol industrial wastes on America.  Upon examination, these wastes are primarily metallic oxides that are highly incendiary and poisonous.  

At the same time, heavy duty petroleum-based insecticides and herbicides and chemical fertilizers — guaranteed to pollute the water, poison the food, and while temporarily increasing food production guaranteed long-term destruction of the soil — were unleashed.”

The United Nations, many have understood is behind the depop takedown of the world, as Kevin Galalae has long exposed, but the “rings of power” seem to overlap and run into each other. Anna recently wrote that a corporate shell titled UN CORP lies behind much of the visible carnage: Anna von Reitz: UN CORP — A Message for Davos | Root of All Evil Apparently UN CORPORATION, Behind US INC., UN, WHO, DOD, NATO |”Time to Liquidate it as a Criminal Entity”

But apparently the Vatican’s rolled in there somewhere–as Kevin Galalae has also exposed: Kevin Galalae’s Ongoing Hunger Strike at the Vatican to Stop Global Depopulation Genocide/6/1/2016

“Right now, Americans are eating grossly polluted food guaranteed to kill them slowly, and the entire country is covered with a thick layer of incendiary metals pollution, prepped like a giant bonfire. 

As if this were not bad enough, two thirds of us have been jabbed with experimental “vaccines” that compromise our immune systems just like AIDS.

To help cover this up and obscure the motives for it, Rome made sure that millions of other innocent people worldwide have been infected in the same way.   Rome owes them money, too. 

But Rome owes us, the Americans, an especially insurmountable amount of money.  They know it.  We know it.  The Queen knows it.  The quote-unquote “American” military knows it, even though they aren’t working for the Americans anymore — just pick-pocketing their paychecks from us and being paid by British Quartermasters to keep them honest. 

Everyone but the sleeping American people know what’s going on here, and somebody has got to tell them.  How about you? ” (See the full post here:

Vatican Moves Presage Plunge to Digital Currencies Possibly

In her most recent post “Alright Campers,” Anna extends the plot:

“The Vermin are trying to destroy cash because it is physical evidence of the debt they owe us. 

First they gave us paper I.O.U.s for our silver and now they are trying to get rid of the I.O.U.s while nobody is looking. 

But we are looking.  

They are going to try to replace cash with another fiat note “currency” that can be turned off and on like a light bulb.  


If we put up with it, this technology will be used to control who eats and who doesn’t, to dictate political outcomes, and punish anyone who opposes them. 

I say, smell my fluffy butt to that prospect. I would rather die now than live in such a world as these monsters have conceived. 

Our own grossly lied to and misdirected military is responsible for this situation  and has been responsible for it since 1863.  

The Pope is taking physical possession of all liquid assets of the Roman Catholic Church  by September 30th. 


Some event — a False Flag or Natural Disaster or Act of War is expected soon after that date and it can be anything from Planet X to the new Black Plague to War in the Middle East.  

It doesn’t matter what the trigger is, they intend to pull it.  

For over 2,000 years Rome has been doing the same thing—- developing trade relations, gradually borrowing more and more and more from Trading Partners, then turning on them and killing their Creditors. 

America is in that Creditor Hot Seat right now, and so is China.”

Other speculation and decodings of that Papal move can be found here:

Joseph Farrell:

:Mark-kishon: Christopher: Vatican calls in all of its legal fiction Entities by 1st of October 2022 is the deadline.

Americans Don’t Owe China a Cent But US INC Does–This is Why Americans Need to Vacate US INC.

Moving on to China: One of the most interesting bits of information, hopefully to be expanded on in Anna’s future posts is her reveal of China holding US INC. debt.

“Uncle Sam, Inc., is in receivership to China and the actual “preferential creditors” – the Americans – have been ignored. 

All the guilty parties are trying to pretend that we don’t exist, but we do. 

The Brits are acting as the Paymasters for our military and have been using a Municipal Corporation, SERCO, to issue the checks. 

Am I the only one who sees a problem with this?  All you West Point geniuses, sitting around with your thumbs inserted, still trying to spin narratives?  

And showing so much politically correct concern for our delicate little psyches, you couldn’t possibly actually do anything of practical value.”

Part of the trouble here is that we are fed such major cover stories from media and our subverted history texts that we need to keep going back to the true history of the corporatizing of America to remind ourselves who is who and what is what: the British, the Romans, the corporations, and behind all three, free and sovereign Americans, muzzled into believing they are US citizens:


The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (1) Judge Anna von Reitzinger: You Know Something is Wrong When….: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause

Report 261| Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel on The Long British Empire & Bankers’ Hold Over America and the World–& How to End it

Let Freedom Ring! Massachusetts State Assembly Podcast 4: Birthright American Or Captured US Citizen? Learn Who You Are

China, suggests Anna, is not working very hard to distinguish between Americans and US Inc. citizen-fodder, but they really should.

Happier views of China: Image:

“China has been fed the false idea that “America” owes them money, so they will be avid to collect it from us.

The debt that China is trying to collect is not owed by “America” it is owed by “the US” but like everyone else they have been conditioned to think that “the US” — which is actually a foreign Papist Municipal Government theocracy located in the District of Columbia— is “the same as” America, when it’s not.

This deception paints a target on the back of the unwitting Americans and sets the Chinese against us.

Thus, Rome contrives to get its two primary Creditors to destroy each other, by obscuring the identity of the actual Debtor—- which, at the end of the day, is Rome.”

Image: The plan for a one world government and new world order/AboveTopSecret

Things People Can Do to Stave Off World Fascism

Anna suggests there are simple things everyone can do to stop the plummeting forward into world fascism, and they all start with a clear assessment of our current situation and our resolve to make a personal but definite difference: part of this will involve speaking out against corruption and criminality and using cash, but also using conscious mental and energy practices to transform the energy-grid we are all being trapped in:

“Whether we want to or not, we have to assess the situation for what it is and get moving. 

Use your mind and your emotions as your energy weapons against this virulent and ancient evil.  Focus on peace and well-being.

Use your voice against the corporations and their puppet politicians. Let them know that we know what they’ve done and see what they do. 

Use your consumer choices against the banks and use cash for everything as much as you possibly can.  

In the end it does not matter whether they egg the Chinese into attacking us by mistake or they use NATO to attack the Russians in the Ukraine. The result is the same—-the destruction of their Creditors. 

Once we see this pattern in the history of Rome there is no going back, and no way to mistake current events.  

We can now see the motives and the players who have kept the world in a constant “state of war” for hundreds of years— and used lies and impersonation and the sufferings of others to feather their own nests. 

Lesson learned. 

The only question is — have we learned it fast enough?”

Compliance is already establishing itself as suicide ideation — a subject Anna has covered in many posts: entrenched criminality from entrenched crime syndicates will simply pound on if people do not do their necessary due diligence and speak up to stop it. Thankfully, people are rising worldwide: New Zealand Rises to Rally Against Government Tyranny | NZ MP Dr. Gaurav Sharma & Journalist Anna Fifield Expose Jacinda Ardern’s MO of Manipulating Information to Disinform and Disempower Citizens | Sir Russell Coutts Joins Protest

One only has to witness the Public Health Holocaust unfurling around us to see what compliance with “health authorities” has brought to millions of families worldwide.

Dr. Stephen Malthouse in the film Uninformed Consent asks, of these figureheads, “Do they really not know what they are doing? No, they’re criminals!” and that fact becomes clearer with every day as deaths mount and the vaccines are not pulled from the market despite continuous calls from conscientious doctors to halt the genocide.

Americans Need to Return to the Land to Restore Birthright American Status

But there’s another thing that needs to be done, suggests Anna, and that is do the necessary paperwork to declare, record and reclaim your name, your living standing on Land and Soil, and your birthright American status as a state national belonging to your state on the land rather than being disappeared behind the all-caps name of the strawman/legal fiction “person” subsumed under US INC. There is a 44-year deadline for this reclamation, she says, explaining this has to do with the way in which she has set up the trust structure behind this route to original freedom.

How did this entire project come about? This is the subject Anna addresses in A Fiduciary Duty Fulfilled:

“In 2011, an alarmed friend sent me a copy of a Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filing made by a man named Everton Rochas from San Jose, California. 

This fellow, Rochas, was claiming what appeared to be himself –but which were in fact, foreign commercial corporations named after him– and he was explicitly explaining which “Everton Rochas” was the creditor by describing himself in terms of having hands and feet. 

I read it, I thought about it — I was thirteen years into the Due Process that began in 1998, and halfway through the International Notice process.  I realized that what Mr. Rochas was doing was correct enough for himself, assuming that he had a non-statutory trust to dump the assets into like a purse, and the correct legal standing to do it. 

He had done something monumental.  He had correctly identified the incorporated debtors and claimed back his property assets and remedies and exemptions owed to him — and had done it using the Uniform Commercial Code process.  

It was at that moment that my Fiduciary Duty landed on my head. 

Oh, I could follow suit and do what Rochas had done, and save my own assets out of the bankruptcy slush piles resulting from the Federal Reserve System bankruptcy in 2009, but then, what about my countrymen?  

They’d be left disinherited, unrecognizable as Creditors, claimants without claims.  Their State Trusts would be vacated.  The other creditors of the Federal Reserve System could come in and pillage us for the debts of the “US, INC.” and “USA, Inc.” to their heart’s delight, while the actual “preferential creditors” would be mysteriously “absent”, “presumed lost at sea”.  

So I created and recorded a non-statutory trust agreement between me, myself, and I — a purse where I could deposit the assets as the “Authorized Representative” — and I claimed everything back for all Americans with hands and feet.  And I rolled it all over into the Public Trust of the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America and as a further firewall, into my private non-statutory trust. 

Shortly thereafter I published and recorded my Irrevocable Will so that nobody could claim that I died intestate and “offer” to administer my estate — including my non-statutory trust —  “for” me.

All the claims that I subsequently entered on the UCC record automatically attached to my name and rolled into my non-statutory trust and into the Public Trust maintained by the Federation of States, where they remain whether or not the specific UCC claims expire.  The UCC claims were just a conduit delivering the cargo to its rightful and final resting place, back home in America. 

And then, I came home myself.  I claimed my Given Name, “Anna Maria Riezinger” back from the Third Judicial Court in Palmer, Alaska, and made my non-Municipal status official.  

Then, I re-conveyed my recouped Proper Name to the land and soil jurisdiction and recorded this action via the Territorial State of Alaska Land Recording Office in Palmer, Alaska — making my return to the land and soil official. 

I followed up by delivering a certified copy back to the Third Judicial Court, having copies date-stamped by the Clerk, and leaving a copy for inclusion with the court record of my name change from ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER to Anna Maria Riezinger. 

There is and can be no doubt that I returned myself to the land and soil of this country and that I was last seen headed due East with a horrible fixed grin and look of relief on my face.  

Neither the Pope nor the Queen nor the Lord Mayor can claim that I voluntarily adopted any citizenship obligation of theirs nor that I voluntarily chose to remain in any foreign jurisdiction under their control.  I am officially, on the Public Record of their own institutions, neither a Municipal citizen of the United States nor a Territorial U.S. Citizen.”

The claims and reconveyancing documents Anna mentions form part of the “928 series” documents she recommends all Americans do to reclaim their names and standing, which you can learn more about here: and

But there is a deadline, and there is a reason for that:

Anna von Reitz

“I don’t know how much longer I will be here with you, so it is a matter of some urgency that you all learn the facts and pass on what I have shared with you this morning.  Everything I have referenced is a matter of record, preserved by the State of Alaska Land Recording Office, the State of Alaska UCC Unit, the State of Alaska Third Judicial Court at Palmer, Alaska, and the Winnebago County, Illinois, Recorder’s Office.   

My non-statutory trust will last until 2066; at some point between now and then, my Irrevocable Will will come into effect, in addition to the actions that are undertaken now, during my lifetime, to secure and distribute the assets in accordance with that Will— returning to each American all that naturally belongs to that American — this represents my grant to each and every one of you.   

By the time my non-statutory trust expires you must all return to the land and soil to claim and preserve your own property assets, including your intellectual property assets — your Good Names, your nationality, and your lawful government. You have forty-four years to take advantage of what I have done for you and your children.  The clock is ticking. 

Don’t take it for granted. It was the hand of God that put me in place, that inspired me to discern the patterns of the ensnaring web, and that allowed me to act in your favor.  You can’t expect that a competent Fiduciary will just appear out of nowhere again (Big Lake, Alaska, is pretty close to nowhere) to pull your chestnuts out of the fire.  

You must each take responsibility and exercise the rights and prerogatives you are heir to.  You must each learn how to defend and justify your position as the Lawful Inheritors of this great country. And you must self-govern.  

None of these things are easy.  All of them require attention and hard work.  

Just as the Public Duty to act as Fiduciary for The United States of America descended on me, your own share of that responsibility now rests upon you— the responsibility to reclaim and take charge of your own assets, both public and private—- and preserve those assets for future generations of Americans.”

So while vast numbers of Americans continue to be entranced by the lies and deceit of corporate media, or ride the Q train in hope, the sad fact is each concerned American actually has to do something to save himself or herself from the marauding syndicate Wolf at the Door:

“On numerous occasions, I have tried to explain this whole circumstance to my countrymen — “Hey, brother, you were robbed, but it’s okay, I derailed the train and brought your stuff home.  All you have to do is claim it.” — and they stare at me, stunned.  

What?  I’ve been robbed?  My identity has been stolen?  By my own public employees?  Say what?  I have to declare what?  I have to record what?  

And I have had to struggle with the aftermath and develop the processes and means for millions of Americans to come home and claim back the assets they are heir to. 

All the groundwork has already been laid, all the processes worked out, and all anyone has to do, is come home. Declare and record your native birthright political status and thereby reclaim your inheritance.  

Go to: to learn more. 

In the process of straightening out our own mess, we discovered that much of the rest of the world is in the same exact circumstance, all victims of a planetary scale fraud scheme designed to establish a system of Corporate Feudalism  —by which a few enslave the many, just as they did during Colonialism. 

Putting an end to these world-mongering fraud schemes perpetuated by commercial corporations in the business of providing “governmental services” is a Public Duty of all people worldwide. 

The employees cannot be allowed to rule over the employers. 

Standing here on my flat little Great-Grandma feet facing the beginning of September 2022, I can safely say that I have done my Public Duty, including my unsought duty as Fiduciary for our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America.

As things stand, the American claims have been preserved, and the claims of many other nations are being brought forward.

Isn’t it time that you joined in and did your bit, too?”

Please read the whole of Anna’s article here:

And share widely!


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