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The Truth About 9/11: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart–“A Serious Concern to All Thinking Americans”

This year, as we collectively mark the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, remembering that momentous golden September morning in 2001 when thousands unexpectedly died, as well as the many horrific years of war and oppression that have followed, as we look around at this untenable Surveillance and militarized police state (replete with CIA torture, covert Control operations, and clandestine non-consensual neuro-experimentation and weapons-testing) that has come to America, as also to many other countries in the world, we already know, many millions of us, that the official 9/11 story was a lie. The scales have fallen from our eyes, thanks to the erstwhile efforts of many dedicated researchers, scientists, engineers, architects, journalists, and documentary film-makers.

The Truth About 9/11

Many sites online are commemorating this anniversary with detailed and thoughtful reportage, including these:

PBS, Top Officials Question 9/11 Official Story/WantToKnow.InfoFor the 15th anniversary of 9/11, Colorado’s PBS station, CPT12, has produced a most awesome 9/11 documentary. Titled “Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11,” this incisive production honors the many victims of this great tragedy, yet also finds many revealing problems with the official story of 9/11. Watch it free at the link below and tell your friends.

PBS Documentary/Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11:

Many respected senior members of the military, intelligence services, and government have also expressed significant criticism of the official story and the 9/11 Commission Report. Some even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. Below are the highly revealing public statements on this vital topic of just 20 of the many prominent public servants who have spoken out. Links are included for verification and further investigation.”

9/11 at Phi Beta Iota/Public Intelligence Blog:It is now known that in the aftermath of 9/11 the US Constitution was trashed and 935 now-documented lies were told to justify elective wars and a swath of destruction running from Afghanistan through the Middle East and North Africa down to Somalia, Niger, and Nigeria.”

AE911Truth/News: 15 Years Later/On the Physics of High-Rise Building Collapses/Europhysics News

Veteran Intelligence Whistleblowers Address the Truth About 9/11

Several Agency whistleblowers, from the NSA to the CIA, have come forward to disclose governmental abuses of power post 9/11 through secret interpretations of the Patriot Act, as this 2013 article from The Guardian illustrates:

Former Whistleblowers: Open Letter to Intelligence Employees After Snowden.

Ex-NSA Technical Director of World Geopolitical & Military Analysis at the Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center (SARC), William Binney speaks at length about these secretive actions of surveillance and control, as well as the failings of intelligence by the NSA that led to 9/11, in this BlogTalkRadio conversation with Dave Scott, Spaced Out Radio, in Canada: William Binney on the NSA and 9/11

From their site, some key items William Binney covers in this conversation:

“The NSA buried key intelligence that could have prevented 9/11.

The agency’s bulk data collection from internet and telephone communications is unconstitutional and illegal in the US.

The NSA is ineffective at preventing terrorism because analysts are too swamped with information under its bulk collection programme.

Electronic intelligence gathering is being used for covert law enforcement, political control and industrial espionage, both in and beyond the US.

Edward Snowden’s leaks could have been prevented.”

Ex-NSA senior official Thomas Drake, whose first day on the job at NSA was 9/11, and who was indicted after reporting corruption at the NSA, in accepting the 2011 Sam Adams award for Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, exhorts all listening to recognize the great dangers of loss of democracy we face through all-extending surveillance, and to stand up for the American Constitution and hold government accountable, at all times. The full transcript and video of this very inspiring speech may be found here, at the Real News Network site.

Thomas Drake: “As a student of history and politics, I firmly believe that we have reached a breaking point in this country, when the government violates and erodes our very privacy and precious freedoms in the name of national security and then hides it behind the convenient label of secrecy. This is not the America I took an oath to support and defend in my career. This is not the America I learned about while growing up in Texas and Vermont. This is not the America we are supposed to be. “

Paraphrasing Frederick Douglass at the end of his speech, he closed with these powerful words: “Power and those in control concede nothing, I repeat, concede nothing without a demand. They never have and they never will. Every one of us, every one of us in this room and beyond this room, each and every one of us must keep demanding, must keep fighting, must keep thundering, must keep plowing, must keep on keeping things struggling, must speak out, and must speak up until justice is served, because where there is no justice there can be no peace.”

Former Department of Justice Ethics attorney, Jesselyn Radack, who responded with heart to accounts of Thomas Drake’s experience as a whistleblower, eventually represented Thomas Drake, and was the subject, with Thomas Drake, of the film Silenced by James Spione, concurs, and urges all Americans in an inspiring speech at the end of this joint interview to use their own diverse and varied talents to make a stand, whether it be through poetry, art, film, or prose, to question and challenge the Surveillance State, to be persistent, and to make every effort to help turn things around, to return privacy and freedom to our lives. The video link to that interview on Youtube is below.

Jesselyn Radack, Thomas Drake, James Spione Interview on Silenced, with Ondi Timoner, BYOD, at Tribeca Film Festival

Guantanamo Defense lawyer and retired Army Major Todd Pierce, in conversations with Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss, offers his thoughts on wrongful directions in American foreign policy, wars in the Middle East “fostered by propaganda and falsehood”, and these developments as threats to American democracy, as reported in two articles linked at the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence site, Everything That We Have Done Since 9/11 is Wrong, and The United States of Innocence.

Everything that we have done since 9/11 is wrong. We are embarking on a totalitarian foreign policy that is a hallmark of how Hannah Arendt defines fascism… The false claims about radical Islam show how little we understand about ourselves or the Middle East.”

Ex-NSA whistleblower, linguist, and veteran Intelligence analyst Karen Stewart details below in conversations with Mark Hoffman of Patriot Nation (starts midway/1:13:44) at BlogtalkRadio/World Integrity News Network, and with Phil Marie at The Wheel of Freedom her own experience of injustice at the NSA, failures in intelligence that led to 9/11, and covert NSA retaliation for her whistleblowing that, shockingly, includes organized counterintelligence harassment (COINTELPRO) and covert attack with electronic-warfare weapons such as pulsed microwave and ultrasonic weapons.

In an extraordinary and dramatic account of events that transpired at her NSA workplace on 9/11, Karen Stewart reveals a disturbing picture of in-house corruption at the NSA where actionable intelligence on 9/11 was deliberately suppressed, and honest Intelligence analysts hounded. She conveys the troubled musings of those, who like her, ask: Was 9/11 actually permitted, by those in power at an agency supposedly committed to “National Security” primarily to gain billions in funding and establish our current Surveillance state?

Karen Stewart: “But the fact that people still in power at the NSA felt that they had the option of reporting intelligence that would save almost 3,000 American lives, or sit on it in order to trick Congress into throwing an unending supply of money to them, for which they are by and large unaccountable, as well as writing legislation for them to satiate their desire to subvert the Constitution, is and should be a serious concern to all thinking Americans.”

Karen Stewart: My Experience at the National Security Agency During and After 9/11

My Experience at the National Security Agency During and After 9/11

As we approach yet another anniversary of 9/11, 14 years after the fact, almost every adult in the USA can remember where he or she was that day, that morning, – and the gamut of emotions that played out in their hearts and minds. On that day we Americans could not imagine a horror and injustice beyond such a scope, nor even begin to fathom the demonic depravity of those who had devised and executed such a plan. But in two days time, I would discover something far worse that would stay with me forever, that my employer, the National Security Agency, had knowingly allowed the attack on September 11, 2001.

At that point in my life, I had been an intelligence analyst for about 20 years. I came from a military family, my father had served in the Air Force, served in Vietnam, helped plan the defense of the Fulda Gap in Europe against potential Soviet invasion in the 1970’s, and had retired back to his hometown with his family, where I finished up college. Instead of going into the military, I decided to use my talents and abilities to serve my country within the intelligence community, thus I applied for and got a position with the National Security Agency in 1982. Due to my generation’s known experimentation with recreational drugs, my initial session with the NSA job interviewer became contentious when she required me to admit that, I had done drugs but promised to never do them again while employed by NSA. She simply refused to believe anyone my age had the character to refuse to participate in drinking and drug experimentation, but I had decided early in my life that that was not for me. A job interview polygraph proved I was telling the truth. I was hired with no problems in my background to ever cause NSA any heartburn.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, my small team of workers were the first who had moved into an almost empty division size room on the backside of NSA in the Weapons & Space Division, so we had it almost completely to ourselves, but for our female Deputy Division Chief manning the front office.

A little before 9:00 am, she ran over to our area, telling us to quickly come to her office to see an awful event unfolding on TV. When we got there, we saw smoke pouring out of the first Twin Tower struck, but it was not clear what had happened. When the division chief said that a commercial jetliner had struck the building, we suspected it was no accident. When we saw the second jet approaching we knew it was an attack and that there could be more targets. While NSA upper management was silent, I convinced a coworker to leave and go home since he was an older man with severe mobility issues. I got him to his car and saw him off. As I was returning to the building, people began leaving the building telling me that NSA management had finally decided to release the workforce. We had wondered why management had taken so long to come to an obvious conclusion, but we learned later that they had told their assistants to release the general workforce only after the last executive had left.

When the general workforce was released en masse however, the main complex became a massive traffic jam with people stuck in their cars for literally hours, according to friends who worked in other areas of NSA HQ. Had NSA been targeted, many would have perished in their cars. I lucked out in that I parked in a lesser frequented area and was home in 15 minutes. Like all of America, I sat glued to the TV, trying to make sense of it all.

I believe the general workforce was allowed to return to work Thursday, September 13th. As I walked down the hall toward my office, I came upon a group of people standing in the hall. There were 3-4 women standing around a man in his early 40’s, who was not only crying, but crying in almost breathless, heaving sobs that were making his whole body shake. His story came out in bits and pieces, beginning with – “all those people did not have to die”, “we could have saved them”, “we knew this was being planned six months ago, but they – meaning NSA upper management would not let us (meaning, him and his team) issue the numerous reports they had written, outlining the who, what, where and why of the attacks. When his team thought the problem was convincing evidence, they went into overdrive to gather even more evidence to convince NSA management to allow them to warn the appropriate authorities, he said that NSA management used NSA Security to begin threatening them, demanding that they cease and desist bothering management about this plot and cease investigating this topic or they would face disciplinary actions even up to and including job dismissal.

After getting his story out, and with many women trying to comfort him, the man was finally able to pull himself together and return to his office. I was horrified and stunned, I had not imagined that I could feel worse than I had coming into work that morning but I did. I waited to see if this was spoken of again in the next few weeks or months, but it clearly became a forbidden topic. It was not until a few years later that my paths crossed with yet another analyst from the very same office as the crying man, who also had tried desperately to convince NSA management to allow the people on his team to issue a series of warnings delineating the 9/11 plot. He was a senior analyst and a rare and brilliantly talented multi-linguist (person who speaks multiple foreign languages well). When the analyst I’ll call “Hero”, because he truly was, kept trying to convince management to allow the 9/11 warning reports to be issued, ignoring their threats, NSA upper management sic’ed NSA Security on him, specifically Security Psychological Services, which is comprised largely of substandard psychologists who, due to poor ability, psychological problems of their own, or previous serious breaches in medical ethics, are largely unemployable elsewhere. These “attack psychologists” are ordered to write up a targeted person, in such a way as to portray him or her as mentally ill – with their favorite one-trick pony being an accusation of paranoia with delusions. Thus, “Hero” was written up as being “obsessed with WWII and Kamikaze pilots” to dismiss his concerns that hundreds of Americans were in danger and could die. Then low-level NSA Security thugs were sent to follow him 24/7 for months as intimidation but also to flesh out the fraudulent NSA psychological attack premise of his being paranoid and delusional – and therefore unfit to hold a security clearance or work at NSA. What better method than to actually send people to follow him around and intimidate him so NSA could accuse him of thinking people were following him around and “out to get him”? (They certainly were!)

Once “Hero” was fraudulently fired by Security using NSA’s tried and true psychological gas-lighting attack conspiracy to circumvent the Federal No Fear Act, which clearly forbids retaliatory dismissal and fraudulent psychological attacks as well as other abuses of power, NSA Security’s harassment did not stop there. Though “Hero” had highly sought after, unique talents, NSA Security blackballed him from any other Federal job to keep him from finishing up his 30 years with the government that would have enable him to collect full his Federal pension and then sabotaged through vicious slander, any and all well paying positions he applied for in the private sector for about a decade – keeping his ability to earn a living at a bare minimum. After the decade of “punishment” for trying to go against NSA’s wishes to save the 9/11 victims, he was told that Security would “allow” him to finally apply for a job commensurate with his talent an education, without telling his new employer lies about him to ruin his prospects or viciously slandering him throughout a new community as they had previously. But Security caveated that with the warning that if he ever spoke about the fact that NSA had had all the information needed to thwart the attacks 6 months before they happened, that they would hound him the rest of his life and keep him from ever again holding a job with a living wage. “Hero” also reported that occasionally he still would return from work to find that someone had gotten into his home and rearranged his belongings as a message to him that he is still being watched and that they can get to him any time that they want to.

So, “Hero” will forever remain an unknown American hero who lost so very much in his efforts to save his fellow Americans, which is truly a shame. But the fact that people still in power at NSA felt that they had the option of reporting intelligence that would save almost 3,000 American lives or sit on it in order to trick Congress into throwing an unending supply of money to them, for which they are by and large unaccountable, as well as writing legislation for them to satiate their desire to subvert the Constitution, is and should be a serious concern to all thinking Americans.

Karen Stewart
Former Intelligence Analyst
And Whistleblower
Sept 1, 2015
2:30-3:00 pm


NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Ramola D/Washington’s Blog: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

Studying Global Covert Assaults with Classified Electronic Warfare Radiation and Neuro-Technologies

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