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Newsbreak 157 | Historic Move: US Military, UN, NATO, NSF, WHO Ordered to Halt Geoengineering and Aerosol Crimes by the Connecticut Assembly

Video Report & Links | Ramola D | Sep 11, 2022

In a historic move by We the People, coordinators and state citizen members of the Connecticut Assembly – unincorporated, on the Land and Soil Jurisdiction, part of the restored Union of States reclaimed through the work of Anna von Reitz, Clinton James Belcher and their team — have sent in a Cease and Desist order to the heads of the US Military, US Airforce, United Nations, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), WHO (World Health Organization), NASA, National Science Foundation and other national and international bodies calling for an immediate halt to the chemical poisoning of our skies, water, air, and soil through the use of Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI), cloud seeding, geoengineering, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and other methods.

The Chairman and Co-Coordinators of the Connecticut Assembly, Tom Nieman, Isabelle and Paska Ann broke the news on Newsbreak 157 at Ramola D Reports on September 9, 2022, sharing also the press release being sent to news organizations in Connecticut, highlighting the notice given to the Governor of Connecticut corporation headed by Edward Lamont Jr. (doing business as GOVERNOR OF CONNECTICUT, a corporation, not a title).

We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident…

Tom Nieman opened his remarks on the momentous notification of the US Military, United Nations and others with a reminder of who the Connecticut Assembly is–the now-in-session true government for Connecticut on the land and soil, unincorporated, keeping to American Public Law and abiding by the principles of America’s Founding Fathers, from the time of the Declaration of Independence which enshrines the need to form new government anytime a prevailing one proves incompetent, inept, or destructive.

A Three-Notice Private Administrative Process

Paska also explained later in the Newsbreak that the process of notification of US Government agencies when they are engaging in actions contrary to the interests of We the People is set out in the Administrative Procedures Act of 1946 and constitutes a 3-notice private administrative process (also explained here).

The Distribution List Includes the WHO, NASA, NSF, NATO, UN, US Airforce, US Commerce, All Involved in Aerosol Programs

The first notice, the Cease and Desist has now been sent to various Defense and Govt agencies including Mark Milley, the General Joint of Staff, Frank Kendall, the Secretary of the US Airforce, Gina Raimondo, the US Secretary of Commerce, and to several international offices including Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director of WHO, Jens Stoltenburg, the Secretary General of NATO. Tracking of the document reveals that several of the US addressee letters seem to be shored up in distribution centers while the UN has returned a return-receipt, indicating receipt of notice.

What is significant is that each of these agencies and offices has been found to be involved in the worldwide aerosol programs which seem to be hidden under titles such as cloud-seeding and stratospheric aerosol injections with varied published aims but essentially engaging in numerous activities related to weather modification and contamination of the air, soil, and water over American land and lives as also land worldwide and the lives of all human and animal populations, as also flora and forests worldwide.

Much research to determine the nature of these aerosol programs and the parties involved has preceded the formulation of this Notice, and has yielded extraordinary information regarding who is involved and who is well aware: It appears, from the information shared on Newsbreak 157 that the chem trails (a US Airforce term) we witness in the skies everyday in all our American states and in all or most all countries of the world–which are dropping metallic nanoparticulates into our air and soil, leading to respiratory diseases, neurological dysfunction, and diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, as per much analysis and concern evinced by many outspoken physicians–come out of often longstanding, patent-affiliated, well-funded programs run by the US Military, Air Force, National Science Foundation, as also NATO and the WHO, a supposed health organization currently fixated on medical tyranny on one and all with its One Pharma God approach to “One Health.”

A 1972 declassified document from the CIA library speaking about international weather modification:

Governors Know What the Press Denies

And, it appears, local and state governments including Governors are well aware of these programs, while the Press continues to gaslight the populace (informing us the term “chemtrails” denotes “conspiracy theory” and suggesting that questioning the visible pollution of our skies with aircraft emissions comprises delusional thinking) while clearly propping up behind-the-scenes agendas to keep the realities of these very apparent aerosol spraying programs secret.

Manufactured Droughts led to Maryland Banning Weather Modification in 1965

The Connecticut Assembly also reports that some states such as Maryland have previously banned weather modification projects, as far back as 1965:

Compilations of well-researched information relating to aerosol programs can now be found online, some of which the Connecticut Assembly points to here: and

Additionally, all the Notices and Exhibits with evidence associated with this Cease and Desist are being maintained in a public folder here:

Connecticut Assembly Notices:

Violations of the Public Trust, Social Contract, Public Law, Constitutions

The Cease and Desist Notice states that such aerosol spraying of American skies over Connecticut constitutes a “gross violation of the public trust as well as a flagrant breach of the social contract.”

Contaminants Definitively Found in the Water

Sharing evidence from laboratory tests of Connecticut rainwater found to contain high levels of aluminium, barium, lithium, sulfuric acid, strontium, manganese, seeking a cessation of trespass with nano scale contaminants of graphene oxide and highly concerning NBCs (nuclear, biological, chemical elements), and including patents related to radio frequency microwave irradiation programs which combine with the aerosols to alter the nature of the atmosphere and the electromagnetic load in regions, the Notice unequivocally points to the violations of public law and the 3 Constitutions these comprise.

Screenshot, Rainwater Test results, Exhibit A.1, Test Samples from Rainwater, 2019:
Screenshot, Exhibit A.2, Test Samples from Rainwater, 2021 2022:
Excerpt, Cease and Desist Notice, Connecticut Assembly
Excerpt, Cease and Desist Notice, Connecticut Assembly

Jurisdiction: Land and Soil of America Versus Sea/Maritime/Admiralty of US INC.

The Notice also addresses matters of jurisdiction and authority, and includes the Public Employers Directive published by Anna von Reitz, which describes further the obligations of extant British Territorial Government employees and Municipal Government Employees to honor the directives of Americans, their employers.

Critical to comprehend for all in this context is the base fact that America is not the United States, an important distinction Isabelle addressed early in the conversation in Newsbreak 157. The “United States” refers to US Incorporated, a contractor, while America refers to the unincorporated federation of physically defined states of the Union, the original geographical country the original Founding Fathers sought to establish.

While many in the USA and worldwide remain unaware of the work Anna von Reitz has done to bring forward once again the union of states and birthright American status all Americans hold of being free living people on the land and soil jurisdiction, the current status is that all 50 states are up and running, their state assemblies are in session, and living Americans from each state — American state nationals — are working hard to restore birthright freedoms, a subject often covered here, which you can find out more about at these links:

Restoring America

American States Assembly | Links, Podcasts, Information

Massachusetts State Assembly | Links, Podcasts, Information

Since you do need to take a few steps to declare and restore your political status, whether born or naturalized in the USA, please see also:

Let Freedom Ring! Massachusetts State Assembly Podcast 4: Birthright American Or Captured US Citizen? Learn Who You Are

The Path Forward is Resolute Action

While the whole of this Newsbreak offers powerful and inspiring evidence of resolute action in standing up taken by a group of concerned Americans, the last few minutes of this podcast with each co-ordinator offering their thoughts on what needs to be done going forward is especially inspiring.

During the discussion of the Cease and Desist, one of the points Paska makes is that several global groups seem to be involved in these projects but as Americans “That is not acceptable. We are not going to take orders from an international entity.”

Isabelle notes that “this is a slavery system” and that governments have trained citizens well over the years to be compliant and accepting as “good little citizens and good little slaves and not speak up otherwise you’ll be ridiculed or labeled” but the time has come to stand up. “We know we weren’t born for being poisoned in our food and our air and to be slaves and to not live our lives to the fullest — now is our chance for humanity to stand up and do something”

Tom Nieman states: “We need to live free as an example –and that means living free regardless of what the outcome is….Society has done a really good job of scaring people, but if you can see anything, you know you need to stand now because it’s only going to get worse if you don’t–as we all have children and grandchildren, and I feel there’s nothing else left to be done--there’s nothing else to do but what we are doing.”

A very apposite quote from 1968 from Martin Luther King, which reads like it was written for this time period, and calling everyone to stand up for a cause was shared by Tom Nieman:

“You may be 38 years old, as I happen to be. And one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause. And you refuse to do it because you are afraid…. You refuse to do it because you want to live longer…. You’re afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity, or you’re afraid that somebody will stab you, or shoot at you or bomb your house; so you refuse to take the stand.

Well, you may go on and live until you are 90, but you’re just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90. And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

Newsbreak 157 | Historic Move: US Military, UN, NATO, WHO Ordered to Halt Geoengineering and Aerosol Crimes by Connecticut Assembly

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