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Sinopharm and Sputnik COVID Vaccines Used in Argentina To Be Analyzed, Also Expected to be Loaded with Graphene–Since They Also Cause Blood Clots, Strokes, Sudden Deaths: “We Have Been Extremely Deceived,” says Dr. Martin Monteverde

Video Post and Report | Ramola D | Dec 4, 2021

Sinopharm from China and Sputnik from Russia, the chief COVID vaccines used in Argentina, produce the same effects in people as the other 4 trademark vaccines, says Argentinian Dr. Martin Monteverde, namely thrombosis, strokes, sudden death, and magnetized arms, and probably also contain nanographene as the other four have now been proven definitively to contain.

“Last week we obtained vials and these vaccines will now also be analyzed,” he said, on a radio show Programa Direccion Correcta posted at Orwellito (video link below).

His own father, a retired doctor also suffered thrombi or blood clots in his lungs and legs after taking two doses of the Sputnik, he says, and is now thankfully improving.

Significantly, Dr. Monteverde notes that it can only be the graphene in the vaccines–undisclosed by vaccine manufacturers–but definitively proved to exist in 4 trademark vaccines by several scientists by electron microscopy, optical phase contrast microscopy, X-ray spectroscopy, and lately by micro-Raman spectroscopy by Dr. Pablo Campra–that can cause the magnetizing of arms, legs, chest, forehead, the blood clots, response to 5G, or the sudden deaths. Not the spike protein or the mRNA, he says, but the graphene.

Image: Screenshot, The Correct Direction program with Dr. Martin Monteverde/Orwell City

This is in line also with Dr. Robert Young’s assessment, whose detailed reveal of the nanometallic load and parasites found in the vaccines by a team of scientists was featured at Newsbreak 133. “The mRNA will not last,” he stated, “but the nano graphene will remain and cause major problems to all organs as well as pathological coagulation of the blood.”

Newsbreak 133 with Dr. Robert Young

Dr. Antoinetta Gatti has explained that any foreign intrusion into the cell is perceived as alien, triggering defense mechanisms, and will cause protective clotting, as reported here earlier.

Dr. Antoinetta Gatti

Earlier, most doctors speaking publicly about the blood clotting found in vaccinated patients were attributing the clotting to the mRNA lipid nanoparticles and the spike proteins clogging the blood, including Dr. Charles Hoffe and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. However, now with the discovery of cytotoxic loads of nano graphene in the vaccines, it will be interesting to hear their opinions on the blood clotting.

Sinopharm and Sputnik vaccines are also producing magnetizing of arms, says Dr. Monteverde, which leads him to expect to find graphene in them under the microscope. The graphene has been found in the hydrogel–the lipid nanoparticles–he points out, which suggests it is in all COVID vaccines, since “they all use the same hydrogel platform, they buy that hydrogel from a factory which is a publicly-traded graphene factory and then supposedly Pfizer and Moderna would add the mRNA to it and to the others it would add an attenuated virus.” This too is in question, he suggests, given that we have been “extremely deceived” and cannot trust what these vaccine makers say to us anymore. Indeed, he suggests the Pfizer, Moderna and other vaccines should actually be tested to see if they have any mRNA in them at all–as we have been told–and whether any genetic material found actually code for the “spike protein”, which he questions given the level of deception here. On the other hand, graphene has been found in all vials analyzed so far. “These people who want the New World Order have a plan and they’re carrying it out.”

Sinopeg was revealed by Karen Kingston, Pfizer whistleblower as being a manufacturer of graphene-loaded lipids or PEGylated lipids

Graphene has also been found in flu vaccines, saline, rainwater, masks, and swabs, as reported earlier by multiple scientists, covered here and by other reporters (links here).

Dr. Monteverde also comments on the fact that nanorouters have been determined to be among the graphene nanoparticles–as exposed by Dr. Campra and Mik Anderson/corona2inspect–and the fact that Bluetooth and smart phones are picking up strings of numeric ids from the nanotech now inside vaccinated people, and says that this only points to the dark agendas intended for all humanity by the globalist fascists behind this nanotech injection assault, which he thinks may become more aggressive going forward. ‘We’re in for a very hard time if we don’t manage to awaken as many Chileans, Argentinians, and Uruguayans as possible.”

Those dark agendas of transhumanism, digital enslavement, and linking human brains and bodies to the Internet using 5G and 6G have been previously discussed here, including with this recent post pointing to the nanotech setting people up to be non-consensually linked to the Internet of Bio Nano Things and this one earlier examining the Nano-Bio-Information-Convergence planned by toxic anti-humanists.

Many thanks to Orwell City for the translating and subtitling of this video. Read more from Orwell City here.

The subject matter of this article is being further investigated and reported in an ongoing way in articles and podcasts at this site, with specialized science-tech-consciousness reportage coming soon especially for supporters.

If you’d like to learn more, please support this ongoing work of research and journalism via Patreon or via Paypal, and please share this information widely so all those being deceived by mainstream media may learn the truth and save their children and themselves from the planned digital enslavement intended by these vaccines. Many thanks to the few thoughtful donors supporting this site and channels.

Share to wake up the world. The dehumanizing New World Order cannot be permitted to proceed.

David DeGraw, In Defense of Humanity | COVID is a CIA-Led Operation in Partnership with Global Intel Agencies, Political Leaders, China’s CCP, Fortune 100 Board Members and the World Economic Forum

Damning Evidence of Self-Assembling Wireless Nanosensor Networks using Graphene Quantum Dots, Nanorouters, Nanoantennas Found by Dr. Pablo Campra in 4 COVID Vaccines Revealed by Researcher Mik Anderson/Corona2Inspect

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