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Dr. Carrie Madej Reveals Tentacled Self-Aware Organism (Also Self-Assembling Nanobots & Nanolipids) in Moderna, Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Vials, Possibly Connected to Hydra Vulgaris “Model Organism” and Human Genome Project

Report | Ramola D | October 2, 2021

In a must-watch interview at the Critically Thinking with Dr. P and Dr. T show on September 30, 2021, Dr. Carrie Madej discusses (with Dr. Larry Palevsky and Dr. Christiane Northrup) what she has found under the microscope in a couple of vials of the Moderna and Johnson and Johnson vaccines and reveals the horrifying discovery of a very strange and seemingly self-aware organism which viewers of the Stew Peters Show where she recently revealed these findings have identified as possibly Hydra Vulgaris.

Hydra Vulgaris, image from the Hydra 2.0 Genome Project

Dr. Carrie’s findings were first discussed anonymously in this article with pictures earlier here:

Bombshell News: American Medical Researchers Witness SELF-ASSEMBLING Graphene Oxide Nanotech or AI Syn Bio in Moderna Vaccine Under Microscope

Images provided by Dr. Carrie Madej from her first examination of drops of Moderna Vaccine from a vial at a US Lab, reported here earlier: Bombshell News: American Medical Researchers Witness SELF-ASSEMBLING Graphene Oxide Nanotech or AI Syn Bio in Moderna Vaccine Under Microscope

In that article, which included the publication of flouroscent fibres, self-assembling nano particulates, and apparent carbon nanotubes, Dr. Madej also mentioned a seemingly self-conscious spidery-looking organism coming to the edge of the plate and seemingly rising up to look at the eyepiece of the microscope. Here in the Dr. T and Dr. P interview, she describes this further, explaining that after viewers informed her about the Hydra Vulgaris which does have the capacity to balance on adhesive feet, she thinks that what she saw may well be this very organism since it did seem to be able to balance itself on one sticky leg and rise up in space to weave about.

This was further pictured on the Stew Peters Show on Sep 29, 2021:

Image of tentacled organism from Dr. Carrie Madej shown on the Stew Peters Show, Sep 29, 2021 (other of those images posted below)

Further delving into this information online she found that Hydra Vulgaris is seen as one of the 6 “model organisms” by the Human Genome Project and is being studied at the University of Davis in the biology department at the level of gene sequences as illustrated here for its remarkable properties of regeneration and renewal and seeming immortality.


Turns out the National Genome Research Institute has a whole project devoted to this organism titled the Hydra 2.0 Genome Project Portal and has several Universities engaged in the study of this organism, a strain of which has been created from a single polyp picked up from a Japanese swamp.

The University of California at Davis received a 1.5 million dollar grant in 2018 from the National Science Foundation’s EDGE (Enabling Discovery Through Genomic Tools) program to further study the Hydra Vulgaris and probe its gene sequences and neural networks (the creature has no brain but has neural networks) while studying its unique regeneration of neurons.

Dr. Madej also mentions that she found that the hydra vulgaris is being studied in cancer research in mRNA usage for drug delivery along with gold nanorobots and DNA-coated gold nanoparticles, as in this article: DNA – Coated gold nanoparticles for the detection of mRNA in live Hydra vulgaris animals.

Clearly, she says this opens up a new field of inquiry for all serious researchers regarding how these organisms are being used and studied in the Human Genome Project, their connections to the Humans 2.0 transhumanism project, and their implications for the current ongoing conversion of human biology to transhuman biology–a non-consented human-transformation project which really should be named a major scientific Crime Against Humanity.

This latter, Dr. Christiane Northrup notes, is something that has been ongoing for a long time through the aerosols, the water, the chem trails: we probably all have these and other organisms, she says–both actual biological organisms and parasites at the micro level, as well as synthetic biology with AI-fibres or carbon nanotubes, Morgellons’ fibres–in our bodies and we all need to work on removing these parasites from our bodies. She mentions detox protocols from Gene Decode (Blessed 2 Teach) and alfalfa baths to draw out the organisms.

Notably, the Carnicom Disclosure Project has been revealing the findings of transhumanism intentions from the aerosols–as evidenced in Morgellons fibres, strange syn-bio bacteria, and nanoparticulates and nanobiology found in rainwater, soil, blood, urine, tissue–for over twenty years now, and confirmation of what Dr. Northrup suggests can be found in Clifford Carnicom’s reports and papers, as discussed here earlier.

Other microorganisms have been found earlier in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, notably Trympanosoma Cruzi, as reported here earlier:

Newsbreak 133: Team of Scientists Confirm Presence of Toxins Graphene, Aluminium, Cadmium Selenide, Stainless Steel, LNP-GO Capsids, Parasites, Other Toxins Variously in 4 COVID Vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson

The big question now of course is, as Dr. Palevsky enumerates: how does a “model organism” get into a vaccine, how much do the vaccinated have to suffer before scientists in government and Universities step forward to examine the vaccines themselves, under microscopes, and how contaminated does a vaccine have to be before it is pulled from the market?

Very bad actors with very dark transhumanist intentions clearly are experimenting on a horrific scale with these vaccines, much as history teaches us other manic experimenters and controlling despots have in the past; the main focus now is, how can they be stopped–and how can this information reach the world?

Given Moderna’s funding by DARPA, it must be noted this vaccine is clearly a Military Bioweapons Experimentation Project, with, as has been established, complete lack of research controls, no clinical trials, no disclosure on vaccine ingredients--now found by multiple teams of researchers to be extremely dangerous to human health, loaded with nanometallics, graphene, PEG lipids, self-assembling nanotech, flourescing nanotech, and now also parasites and microorganisms, in addition to their base bioweapons profile of thrusting mRNA into cells to provoke the manufacture of pathogenic spike proteins. Deaths and vaccine injuries continue to mount into the millions at VAERS databases--and the reason is now clear, given what we are learning has been put into these killer vaccines. Dr. Northrup recently named these vaccines a “murder weapon” and that does not seem to be an exaggeration.

Other Parasites Traced to the Blood of Vaccinated People

A significant discovery that has been made recently is that parasites–the same parasites identified in the vaccines– have been found in the blood of vaccinated people.

Trympanosoma Cruzi, found in Pfizer vaccine

The parasite Trympanosoma Cruzi found in the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine by a team of scientists as reported here, has been found in the blood of a vaccinated person who recorded her adverse reactions in the CDC VAERS database and in several others recorded in the MHRA Yellow Card database, as reported here. These parasites are linked to heart disease–which is indeed being reported by thousands who have taken the Pfizer and other vaccines.

Other, unidentified parasites have been found in the vaccines, as reported by Dr. Young with new micrographs published here earlier.

Blood Clots: Dr. Young

Now, in breaking news today (Oct 2, 2021), Dr. Young has published two new micrographs in his cornerstone Electron Scanning Microscopy article, showing the presence of Graphene and Parasites in blood clots found in dried blood from a vaccinated individual, which he has described in detail in Newsbreak 134 at Ramola D Reports recorded today, to be published shortly.

This is a larger and highly unsettling story in itself, which will be reported separately at this site shortly.

Nanolipids and Flouroscence Found in Johnson and Johnson Vaccine; Micro Creature with Tentacles Found in Moderna Vaccine

Dr. Carrie Madej’s descriptions of her findings on the Sep 29 Stew Peters show (video linked below) reveal that the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, supposedly a viral vector vaccine and not an mRNA vaccine such as the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, are also loaded with allergenic fatty lipids and greasy PEG (polyethylene glycol) as her pictures of what she found under her optical compound microscope (posted below) illustrate.

In addition, she says she found all kinds of bright and vibrant colors emerging from the drops of vaccine on her plate, which, in conversation with nanotechnologists and biotech engineers she has found to be superconductive nanoparticulates flourescing on activation with white light (which the microscope is equipped with) and possibly related to injectable computer systems–of the kind being surmised to form nanobiosensors which are indeed part of the documented transhumanist, bio-digitizing plans for humanity the transhumanism-pushers have published (some of which was reported here earlier).

Flouroscent nanoprobes have been studied for cellular imaging and other purposes as this paper illustrates: Fluorescent magnetic nanoprobes: Design and application for cell imaging/Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Nov 2010

She also describes in this conversation the micro-organism with tentacles and adhesive feet pictured above and identified tentatively as Hydra Vulgaris, from viewer comments and information after this interview.

New images shared by Dr. Carrie Madej from her microscopy examinations of Johnson and Johnson vaccine and Moderna vaccine are below:

Dr. Madej reports crying over these findings in the vaccine and says that what all of this microscopy in conjunction with the vaccine deaths and injuries is revealing is very dark harmful intent for Artificial Intelligence intrusion into the human body by the pharmaceutical and military industries, and no-one should stand back and let it continue. “This is the time that we do not–we do not take this kind of oppression and suppression anymore. We are children of God–we choose to be, right–and I for one will not stand for it.”

Please share this article and information widely. See Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs for a listing of all articles here and at a few other sites reporting the findings of toxins in the COVID vaccines. Please send these articles to mainstream media reporters as well as friends and family to inform all about the catastrophe facing humanity today with these identified toxins and nanobio elements in the vaccines–and the need to halt the vaccines immediately.

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