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Physicians for Informed Consent finds the Unvaccinated are Healthier | California Lawmaker Buffy Wicks Pulls Repressive Vaccine Mandate Bill After Concerted Opposition

Report | Ramola D | April 4, 2022

Democrat newbie lawmaker in California, Buffy Wicks, has pulled her repressive vaccine mandate bill AB 1993 from further address on March 30 in the state legislature on concerted opposition from numerous health and medical freedom groups, labor unions, and citizens which include firefighters and police associations, California Health Advocacy Coalition and Physicians for Informed Consent, whose letter opposing the bill can be found here.

The bill, whose text can be read here, sought to force all California employers to demand proof of COVID-19 vaccination of all employees and independent contractors, with exemptions for medical or religious reasons, but clearly seeking to establish the dominance of “the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices” over individual health choice in California.

While freezing the bill citing that the virus has receded for now, Buffy Wicks, who served in the Obama White House, and has a confused history of standing for choice (she had an abortion at 26, she reports) and Marxist-socialist-activism and anti-war protest organizing yet rallied against an impoverished white woman law-school applicant–covered in Lifesite News reportage–implied she would bring the mandate bill back should the virus return in new and altered form (which seems to be the plan of the CDC-Variant-Confabulation-Committee who are valiantly striving onward In-Deceit despite Pandemic-Theory Breakdown) leaving that loophole in there for the return of attempted medical fascism.

Screenshot, East Bay Express

One has to wonder of course why a young new Assembly member from Washington DC with little background in politics should suddenly embark on a policy of cracking down on the citizenry in California with mandates regarding dicey medical interventions–found to be loaded with toxins and causing escalating numbers of deaths in the USA and worldwide–and the answer it seems comes from her campaign contributions and who she is supported by: Buffy Wicks has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from billionaires including Linked-in CEO Reid Hoffman, Ron Conway of SV Angel, a big tech investor, and other corporate employees as remarked here in, which marks a path back to the investments and shareholding behind the wealth of these donors to Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Govt (corporate government and the globalist multinationals behind US INC.) who stand to gain the most from forcing vaccines onto everyone.


“Safety of Employees” A Weak Argument When Vaccines Cause Disease, Damage, Death, and Employee Resignations

In opposing the bill, several groups made the observation that the COVID-19 vaccines have been found to be grossly ineffective and in no way protect the safety of people in the workplace, in addition to constituting duress and coercion if forced on employees when all vaccines should be a matter for individual choice.

“The currently available COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission and the effectiveness of the vaccines wanes rapidly, so prevention of workplace transmission cannot be achieved with the bill.”

–California Health Coalition Advocacy:

The California Chamber of Commerce has also registered its opposition to this bill.

“As the bill is currently drafted, the CalChamber is concerned about its effects on worker retention and recruitment, especially given the present large labor shortage.

Hoffman points out that Goldman Sachs recently issued a report finding that 90% of small businesses are concerned about hiring, and that it is affecting businesses’ bottom line. Businesses’ concern is that if a hard mandate is imposed, a significant number of their workforce would leave. And even if only a small number of people leave, companies risk losing high-level workers who have been around for years and have institutional knowledge that is very difficult to replace.”

–HR Watchdog, CalChamber,

Report 274 at Ramola D Reports: Greg Glaser, General Counsel, Physicians for Informed Consent on “Protecting the Vaccinated” and Health Freedom

“Where there is risk, there should be choice,” says General Counsel Greg Glaser from Physicians for Informed Consent (in Report 274 at Ramola D Reports: Greg Glaser, General Counsel, Physicians for Informed Consent on Protecting the Vaccinated and Health Freedom, video links below). “This whole idea of one size fits all from vaccine mandates is completely antithetical to what PIC stands for–an idea that has found wide resonance in California.”

Inefficacy and lack of long-term data in the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine studies pointed up at PIC/Screenshot, Report 274

The data and data analysis shows they are right in proving that vaccines across time have caused chronic illness, while the unvaccinated are healthier, he says, sharing also that the PIC Facebook page is a vibrant one offering healthy debate and rebuttal every day to those who push for vaccine mandates for all, including physicians, “to protect the vaccinated.”

The group least likely to get vaccinated are the Ph. Ds, says Greg Glaser; Screenshot, Report 274

Physicians for Informed Consent offers much information on their website to help educate communities that vaccine mandates are not science-based. The most educated mothers and fathers do not vaccinate their children, notes Greg. “As a lawyer I aggregate credible information that in two sides of the debate–choice must be respected so that my clients–the unvaccinated–are allowed to exist normally. This is why control groups–the unvaccinated–are important in any study of vaccines. You need the right size of the control group — people living amongst us who do not vaccinate.”

In Report 274, Greg Glaser shared insights into various cases they are working on in protection of unvaccinated people facing vaccine mandates, on the subject of medical and religious exemptions, and on how the unvaccinated are already building a parallel economy or breakaway economy not predicated on vaccines and employer mandates.

Composed primarily of doctors, PIC, which also represents America’s Frontline Doctors, offers scientific data and analysis on all aspects surrounding vaccines and legal matters.

Health in itself is an individual concept, Greg explains, and no government can make a one-size-fits-all healthcare or medical intervention such as a vaccine.

A highly insightful and informed conversation, this is one to take a lot of hope and reassurance from if you care about health freedom and protecting your rights to individual choice in healthcare.

Protecting Your Rights Best in the Face of Coercive Vaccine Mandates: Declare Your Rights as a Birthright American

Of course, protecting your rights best in the face of coercive vaccine mandates, which are now cropping up all over the place in the USA and Europe–and need nipping in the bud if you value the right to choice in all healthcare–could mean something as simple as recognizing and declaring your birthright American status, one buried from recognition by the over-reaching jurisdiction of the Sea and its centuries-long creep via corporations onto American soil and the American mind: Let Freedom Ring! Massachusetts State Assembly Podcast 4: Birthright American Or Captured US Citizen? Learn Who You Are

Americans in California wishing to protect their medical freedom rights can learn more from the California State Assembly on the land–part of the restored original Republic of the united States of America–here: and find information also here: Restoring America

Screenshot, “You know something is wrong when…An American affidavit of probable cause” by Judge Anna von Reitz

(The billionaire-funded Assembly-member betrayals of the people and the weedy tide of vaccine mandate bills won’t matter a bit then. Nor, it should be added will Smart Health Cards, Health Passes, COVID Passes, and World Government IDs, Digital IDs and other overpowering encroachments from the Billionaire Sector playing Enslavement-of-All hidden via “World Government.”)

Watch Report 274 at Odysee

Watch Report 274 at Bitchute

Watch Report 274 at Brighteon

Watch Report 274 at Rumble

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