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Criminal & Unethical TORTURE Ongoing in Non-Consensual US DOD/CIA Neuro Experimentation–Ramola D Reports: Report # 98: Phillip Douglas Walker AKA Omni Reports Neuro-Framing, Bio-Robotizing, Extreme Neurotech Torture

-Ramola D/Posted 12/4/2018

I am making a special report today on the situation regarding Omni or Phillip Douglas Walker. I have been in touch with Omni/Phillip for about two years I think, and was introduced to him, if I recollect correctly, by actor, filmmaker and activist Ahmad Enani, with whom I ran a few podcasts last year under the header Real Talk True Media. Ahmad is also reporting aspects of non-consensual neuro-experimentation which defy imagination and sound absolutely extraordinary to the regular reader of Science news put out by such mainstream and CIA-controlled publications as the New York Times and the Washington Post, and will, I hope, publish his own testimonial and story with me in a print interview and podcast soon. 

I have covered non-consensual neuro-experimentation as reported to me by various people, both here in the USA and in the UK and in France, and elsewhere.

I have listened to the testimonial of many others who are not keen to publish their names yet or who shrink from publicity.

I recently wrote about my exposure to and understanding of ongoing covert neurotechnology operations on world populations, with whistleblower and documented military evidence of DEW bio-effects on humans in my Investigative Reporter Statement for Frederic Laroche, a human rights activist in France who is reporting criminal entrapment today in relation to his own activism reporting current-day neurotech crimes.

Make no mistake, the military and Intelligence powers who are running these unethical covert sacrifice-torture operations on humans today appear to see their experimentation as precious, legitimate, and justified under the covers of “National Security” they are using as blanket cover worldwide, or are perfectly aware they are committing crimes–these neurotechnology/AI/Robotics experiments involve Trauma-Based Mind Control and nonstop physical, brain, and psychological trauma being meted out to their victims, AKA Non-Consensual Human Test Subjects, and every single victim of these Mil/Intel/Mercenary crimes reports Torture, Extreme Bodily Invasion & Privacy Invasion, Trauma, Social Isolation, and Psychological/Spiritual Attack--and are acting to cover up their crimes of Torturing Humans by seeking to frame and suppress all activists and victims via Incarceration/Criminal Entrapment or Incarceration/in Psychiatry or both. Every activist working in this area in particular reports one or both of these, and is familiar with these sorts of entrapment and psych-commit attempts being run on them.

Phillip Walker/Omni has also reported psych-commit attempts: this is the way in which the black ops agencies running these ghastly programs of major neurotech torture seek to control the public image and public profile of their victims. As long as the average Joe thinks someone is “schizophrenic” or “paranoid delusional” or “having hallucinations,” they are easily convinced that person needs to be medicated or force-medicated as the case may be and, most importantly, must needs be dismissed each time they mention anything related to the neuro-experimentation they are being subjected to non-consensually.  This is standard military and Intelligence practice; I will dig up some references and post them shortly; I have personally read about “destruction of reputation” as being a necessary factor and SOP in non-consensual experimentation in a military manual addressing military research.

My previous print interviews with Omni can be found here:

Counterintelligence Crime | American Activist Filmmaker Reports Extreme Military/Intel Agency Neural Abuse with Covert Ops Brain-Computer-Interface Weapons

Omnisense/ Speaks Out: “Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society Oversees the Targeting of Individuals”

This is the list he sent on in June 2017, enumerating the torture he has been subjected to:

Omnisense/Long List of Tortures/Targeting Injustices Endured

Because I have been in touch with him on Skype for so long (we text frequently), I can attest to the fact that Phillip is careful with the truth and reports what he experiences in the most truthful way possible; he is quick to correct misunderstandings or misperceptions and has in the past always sought to clarify what he is reporting such that I can understand exactly what he means and transmit what he means, rather than putting an overlay of meaning or personal interpretation over his reports that might misrepresent his reportage. 

Phillip has recently been reporting attempts to “neuro-frame” him. He, like others, has spoken extensively about bio-robotizing and neuro-invasion technologies taking over his bodily and brain functions; currently he is reporting 100% bodily control and total takeover. This kind of total takeover, via EEG cloning and BCI technology (Brain Computer Interface) has been reported by many others; please visit the videos at Ramola D Reports and the print interviews listed here at Ramola D/Reports to see reports here; also see Dr. Robert Duncan’s book Project Soulcatcher. 

This is obviously an extreme situation–and what it basically means for all of humanity is: we need to step forward and take some immediate action to stop these barbaric experiments on those reporting them. We need to pay attention to the cries of people in our midst reporting such extreme and invasive takeover. For what can there possibly be in our future if we do not? Are we prepared as a species to permit a small group of insane neuroscientists and AI scientists and supercomputing scientists/no doubt working at the behest of Luciferian bankers with world-control aims and agendas totally take over our human bodies and brains, one by one? 

Phillip Douglas Walker is currently in desperate need of media coverage, rescue, and restoration to his own authentic intrinsic human self. Please watch the podcast report below, share as widely as you can with everyone you know, and please call out for help to the very same military neuroscientists who are wreaking this unconscionable torture on him. I thank you all very much for whatever act of attention, media coverage, information dissemination, and restorative action you take, on Phillip’s behalf.

CLASSIFICATION TO CONCEAL CRIME: These experiments are most probably falsely being named or hidden under classification covers as “important for national security,”; I strongly disagree, and will be publishing further my own views regarding these massively unethical and criminal Torture operations on human beings flying undercover of classification soon. Suffice to say for now Neuro/Bio/DEWs should be banned.

Phillip has over the last few days relayed to me on Skype exactly what he means when he reports that he is in dire straits currently. I have included screen footage of our Skype text conversations with his own testimonial in this video report, Report #98, made last week, and I will link to his very important testimonial and Affidavit below:

Phillip Walker’s Affidavit/11/29/2018 (PDF): 



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