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Omnisense/ Speaks Out: “Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society Oversees the Targeting of Individuals”

by Ramola D/Posted 6/6/2017

Increasingly, as we step further into the 21st century, it is becoming clear to all informed observers that our very humanity is at risk as we plummet from the War on Terror to War on the Human Brain, via current ethics-stripped Corporate/Military/Academic drives toward Transhumanism, Cybernetics, Robotics, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, invasive Neurotechnology, Super-soldiering, Cloning, et al, with non-consensual brain and body experimentation on humans ongoing in all of these areas.

To no-one is this clearer than those currently being surveilled and monitored to death with deadly Radiation and Neuro Technologies concealed under labels of Biometric Surveillance while also being trafficked illegally into Mengele-style “non-lethal” weapons-testing and brain experimentation programs run without scruple by a joint Military/Intelligence/Academic cartel — explored earlier in many articles and posts here, including this one: Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

This group of experimentees and assaultees is both at the forefront of informing the world about the existence of these criminal non-consensual Brain experimentation and Electronic Weapons-Testing programs, and fighting at the front lines for humanity to be saved from the distinct and present dangers of global Electronic Slavery and Neuro Slavery.

The New Age of Neuro Rights in the 21st-Century

Indeed, while the heroes of Abolition counted amongst them Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth, and the Civil Rights movement counts Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, the new age of Neuro Rights in the 21st Century and the fight to stop dark forces in governments worldwide from the remote manipulation of bodies and brainscurrently fully underway–will surely mark such fearless pioneers as Dr. Millicent Black, and Omnisense, who have not hesitated to extensively research and speak publicly about their own torturous experience of invasive black ops Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Remote Neural Monitoring, and other neurotechnologies at the hands of ruthless and deranged Military/Intelligence brain experimenters.

This experimentation can neither be denied nor ignored today—although the Deep State-run Establishment is trying.

It is incontrovertible fact today—as this writer can attest, both from experience and front-line reportage–that Americans and people worldwide (“disappeared” from polite society by Mainstream Media denigrations of “Targeted Individuals”) are being non-consensually experimented on, and operated on, with dangerous remote neurotechnologies, “trauma-based mind control” protocols, and directed-energy weapons—and it is increasingly evident that these deranged and arrogant programs of torture (recently reported to President Trump)—fully supported by a complicit CIA-run media and subverted Human Rights conglomerate–need to be fully exposed and shut down.

Today, in June 2017, attacks on experimentees have increased in intensity, frequency, and brutality as more and more information continues to reach the larger world about these programs. It becomes vital therefore to publicize the sworn testimonies and accounts of those being covertly tortured by what many of us can see as an insane crime cartel seeking to fully suppress humanity—and appeal to the larger public for help, awareness, and action.

Truth Warrior and Activist Targeted with DEW/Neuro Torture, in America

The story of Omnisense, who chose this name as a musician and documentarian, is revealing on many counts. A young, self-confessed Truth Warrior and activist for truth and integrity, Omnisense is a multi-talented and extraordinarily creative musician, film-maker, artist, photographer, graphics/web designer, and documentarian, whose work may be seen and heard on his various innovative and informative websites including,,, and his portfolio website Indeed, in the world of black ops neurotech research and disclosure, Omni’s websites, video documentaries, and compilations of information are well-known among researchers and activists as a prime source of reliable and deep-knowledge information. While transhumanism aficianados like Elon Musk and Ray Kurtzweil get on Ted Talks and offer whitewashed PR snippets on the benefits to humanity of global nano-chipping and neural network mapping, Omni’s recent book projects–the whistleblower-quote-and-image book NeuroWeaponry and his forthcoming Electronic Control Grid—and film projects such as Covert Transhumanism offer an inside-look at the real horrors of top-down global electronic, nanotech, and transhumanist control of humanity (already underway).

Omni’s activism, integrity, and desire to inform humanity therefore has come under extreme attack, in recent times, as he reported recently to members of the Joint Investigation Committee and other concerned human rights activists. The short list of electronically-induced tortures he reports include, unbelievably, liquification of skin, stabbing pains (e.g. in the eyes or organs), bone pain/spine pain, brain pains/headaches/migraines, eye pains/involuntary eye movement tortures, damage to eyesight/fuzzy eyesight, involuntary body movement, muscle spasms/severe muscle cramps, muscle tortures/ripping of muscles via directed-energy weapons, and tendon and vein tortures. This is an excerpt from his longer list, which can be found here.

Secret Societies and Intelligence Agency Shills: The Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society

In trying to understand who exactly may be deemed responsible for these remote attacks, Omni reports: “Who is behind the targeting of any given person can be very hard information to obtain, sometimes impossible in my opinion. This is one of the most covered up areas of targeting. In the collective TI psyche, usually they focus on the stalkers, or someone who was mind-controlled to do something to them, neighbors, etc. I feel this is a massive misdirection technique, and typically it is secret society members or their intelligence agency shills deciding to target people in my opinion. However there can be exceptions to just about any possible generalization with a conspiracy as complicated as electronic targeting. I think it’s possible they designed the targeting picture to have as many appearances of contradiction as possible. With all that being said, and acknowledging I could be wrong, I believe sources in the Vatican, the CIA, and the U.S. military are the biggest perpetrators of my own targeting. But it is possible I am incorrect.”

He adds, “When I say secret society members and intelligence/military shills decide targetings, that doesn’t count the people who are majorly hit for experimentation. That would likely be decided by scientists in my opinion.”

Omni, who is assaulted also with the acknowledged military technology of V2K and subliminal brain messaging speaks of an electronic telepathy cybernetic secret society he was “inducted into,”one of the primary secrets the cultic Deep State hiding behind the Intelligence Community is apparently desperate to keep: “Some of my deeper knowledge of the conspiracy comes from my induction into an electronic telepathy cybernetic network in late 2007. I was inducted into the secret society, given instructions, rejected the instructions, and became a very severe targeted individual.”

He was handed a computer with instructions, he says, one of them showing they had neural monitoring. He had a basic neural monitoring induction with an agent in person. “There was some sort of ritual too.” Noting a base reticence on this subject, he reveals he was told to not make documentaries or a musical. “They deleted memory of most of the instructions. But those are ones I remember saying no to.” He was offered rewards on a grandiose scale including name, fame, and introduction to a world of supermodels and rock stars. But he declined, “because I wouldn’t betray my values, or ultimately would not betray humanity.”

For more on Omni’s recollections of this occurrence, please visit his Secret Society Induction account at this website, MK ULTRA Modern Day Survivor.

Targeted with Directed-Energy NeuroWeapons for Standing with Humanity

Omni says he was targeted directly after he rejected their instructions, “and I rejected their instructions maybe on the first day.” He was twenty-three, and was in the process of graduating music school in Portland, Oregon after dropping out of high school at 16. “In 2007, I received my first overt attack before I knew anything about targeted individuals or directed-energy weapons. It happened while I was driving, I was being severely debilitated via electromagnetic neuroscience.”

This was a remote brain attack, he expands, that actually seemed to assault cognitive brain function. “I experienced some sort of shell-shocking neuroscience that debilitates all cognitive function, if I remember correctly, coupled with an energy signature they use to define events to the targets… All I could really do while being attacked is focus on the car in front of me and hope I didn’t crash. Turns out the car in front of me ran a red light, and a semi truck passed right behind it in a crossing lane. By some miracle I was able to see that the light was red and avoid being hit by the semi-truck. That is how my overt directed-energy weapon assaults began.”

Omni also notes the subversion of ideas in mainstream society which prevent the truth from being heard. “All I had in my vocabulary at the time to explain it was ‘psychic attack,’ I did not even remotely comprehend the capabilities of directed-energy neuroscience connected to singularity Artificial Intelligence (AI). I later learned that the term ‘psychic attack’ is a common intelligence & military cover story for technological influence. You see a lot of very commonly accepted ideas about mind control in society, however I feel none of it cuts to the chase and mentions that it is actually science not spiritual warfare or paranormal activity.”

This seminal moment of remote brain attack on a city road was to launch a decade of abusive electromagnetic assault and remote neural torture. But Omni suspects his targeting actually started many years earlier, and says he was covertly electromagnetically assaulted since very young.

Tragically, he was also subjected to a traumatic episode of sexual abuse by a pedophile at approximately age 6, which he now relates to the electronic telepathy cybernetic network: “I think they attack certain targets from a young age with sexual abuse. It’s just another heinous methodology in their arsenal of perverse subversion. The real kicker is that I later learned there are very likely pedophile sources inside the electronic telepathy cybernetic secret society overstanding mankind. In other words there are war criminals who can electromagnetically scan the bodies and minds during molestations and rapes, and interface it all with BCI tech (Brain-Computer Interfacing) and end-game virtual reality technologies. They can actually feel what another person is feeling with advanced BCI tech connected to brain wave analysis (neural monitoring).”

Motivated Toward Political and Societal Change

Despite these early traumas, Omni has always been inclined to help change the world and engage in activism. “I seemed to always be motivated since young for political and societal change. As a kid and/or youngster I witnessed what my country was doing to other nations and it eventually grew into a distaste for whoever was behind my country’s actions (United States). I knew from the history of Native Americans, African-Americans & slavery, and the prolific wars of America that there were massive things wrong in the world.”

“In my teens I really started getting an awareness of the injustices of the world and it pissed me off, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or general CIA criminal activity like the potential assassination of Bob Marley. This is when I really dedicated myself to serving the world and opposing the evil I found evidenced here. From young I had a reason to think I would not ever have a suitable partner, this oriented me to focus more on world change instead of personal goals.”

Although he feels he has always been inclined toward helping others, he credits EMF targeting with early suppression of initiative. “They kept me so suppressed in my early years. I would get a thought to do something, and they would somehow distract me then suppress the memory. I did do little things to help people like giving homeless people my leftovers but nothing really that noteworthy early in my life.”

Growing up in the Eugene, Oregon and Seattle, Washington areas, Omni says his was overall a typical childhood: “Other than covert targeting like synthetic dream tortures, the MK Ultra molestation, and the normal treatment a counter-proliferation target gets, I feel that (since I was born) my childhood was mostly uneventful, and largely a healthy childhood. My parents are great people, service to the world-and-other-people types. My family has no real idea about the most sinister things in the world, they are just going about their own business…”

His real activism has begun, he feels, after he was targeted, and is oriented toward helping and informing others who are EMF and neuro-targeted, with informative websites: “Some of my intentions with the websites is to assist TIs with understandings of the tactics and technologies weaponized against them (I am a TI activist), to expose and in effect make psychological operations less effective, to promote creativity and artistic talent, to give the Internet a better understanding of areas I feel I can actually do that in, and more. I have so many websites I am not even sure I am currently capable of summing up all my motives. For example I recently bought a new domain for hemp & cannabis activism. I feel hemp is a deeply wonderful solution for our planet. I am planning a Documentary in 2018/2019 titled “The Spirit of Hemp.” In a nutshell, I am an activist and an ambitious one at that.”

Omni’s Websites on Neurotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, Electronic Telepathy, et al

Omni’s extraordinary websites, which include focuses on black projects, COINTELPRO, MK ULTRA, and declassified documents, mostly related to targeting, state of the art military neurotechnologies and Artificial Intelligence, include the following domains, some already up, some he plans to develop soon:

Steeped in fact, collating information from whistleblowers and scientists who have spoken out in radio shows, podcasts, and recorded conferences, and writing in a unique bullet-point style and voice which seems to offer an authoritative analysis of the underlying realities behind Covert Neurotech/AI use on TIs and all humanity, Omni says he gets his information from many sources. “The biggest source I think would have to be my electronic targeting situation. I have had perhaps every type of major CIA targeting technology weaponized against myself, and from this knowledge it gave me a great foundation and research direction. With some neuroscience knowledge I used my own logical processes–for example, my theory about how Neurobody experiences happen I based on the fact that the most advanced version of microwave hearing is based on beaming frequencies to the brain (microwaves to the cochlea), so it just takes a little bit of logic to ascertain (credibly, in my opinion) that other neuroscience abilities also involve beaming frequencies to the brain, just in differing techniques.”

Crediting some of his deeper knowledge of the Global Neurotech/AI conspiracy to his induction into the electronic telepathy cybernetic network, with which he is still somewhat affiliated, he says he also gets his information from others who are being targeted: “Some of my knowledge comes from having contact forms on all my websites and resultant targeted individuals contacting me telling me their story. I have generally pieced together the greater scope of the targeting programs through targeted individual testimony as well as my own targeting.”

A Music Maker and Creative at Heart

It must not be forgotten that Omni, whose towering accomplishments as an investigative reporter and documentarian in this field will surely go down in history, is a “creative” and musician: “As long as I can remember I have been into the creative arts. One reason I started making music is because I could not find the music I wanted to hear. I found DJ Shadow’s music and just loved some of it, but there was a massive lack of music of that type in 2005-2006 (Downtempo trip hop type music). So I began making it myself.”

Omni’s music, composed and synthesized by himself, spans the range from deeply moody and atmospheric instrumentals to delicate and ethereal evocations of utopian futures. Like most superlative artists who eschew false modesty and offer refreshing candor about their own talents, he says he likes his music, which others certainly find appealing too: “I feel my accomplishments are modest compared to massively successful musicians, however I can say I have produced 9+ original albums and thousands of people have downloaded my music. I have produced some of my favorite music I’ve ever heard. I would say my quest to make music I like was a great success with my recent albums (i.e. ‘The Underworld’ & ‘Futuristic Utopias’).”

A beautiful Renaissance spirit, an artistic, musical, creative talent with an analytical, investigative bent who is informing humanity today about the deepest of dark and secret military projects currently being run covertly on humanity — and being tortured for his disclosing work, his individualism, his activism — Omni, like all other TIs today, is in great need of rescue by compassionate humanity. In the failure of our Human Rights systems (ACLU, Amnesty, Physicians for Human Rights, and many other groups have been ignoring pleas for help from TIs for more than two decades), it is up to each one of us on this planet, still equipped with a beating heart, to step forward and make a difference for both those being targeted, and for the future of humanity.


Excerpt From My Interview With Omnisense

Ramola D: What is the most egregious thing you have been or are experiencing that you would like to highlight? Do they amp up the torture at certain times? (What times, why?) Have you experienced classic CIA torture like sleep-deprivation, suffocation, over-stimulation, sensory deprivation, etc. (Guantanamo-style)?

Omni: Yes, I have experienced Guantanamo-style tortures. I think their main purpose could be to punish me, and perhaps throw in some R&D on the side when they can hit 2 birds with one stone…I think the worst thing I experience is the soul programming. The damage they are doing to my soul could last thousands of years depending on the mechanics of the soul…

Ramola D: You’ve said they amp up torture in order to discredit people who are speaking out and writing about this neurotech and DEW assault on you—as you are, most definitely, with your videos and books and websites. Is this to quell any public notice of this torture going out, do you think – to put you down as dismissable, schizoid, and not a reporting victim of torture, of the absolute truth of these ridiculously Mengele-shaped and Delgado-driven programs of trauma-based mind control?

Omni: It is all part of an extreme cover up. As far as I know, every single major CIA covert operation (at least intended domestically) has a cover up. This involves using cover stories for explaining things in an illusory but rational fashion. In other words, they are providing the public with alternate explanations that conceal their crimes. A classic example of this in targeting is framing the target as mentally ill, which has been happening as a COINTELPRO tactic for decades according to whistleblowers.

Ramola D: What is the soul-programming you refer to about?

Omni: Well, these are my own beliefs first of all. But I believe each person has a soul, each conscious being in the universe has a soul. I believe that the soul is the origin of consciousness. For each soul there is a set of attributes & alignments. Through the mechanics of the mind and what we think, the soul is programmed with attributes & alignments. What they have been doing to me is intentionally and maliciously programming my soul with undesirable attributes & misalignments. They do this by forcing V2K in my mind while using electromagnetic mind control to attach my persona to it (as if I’m saying it); after something against my own persona is said, they will hit me with an electromagnetic mind control automated reaction. I have witnessed my soul attacked thousands of times since 2007, maybe over 10,000 acute times since 2007. That is like 10% of a life’s thinking programming my soul against what I want. I have said in the past that with every bone in my body I want these sadistic despotic psychopaths punished for actions like this (in this life or the next).

Ramola D: What would you like to say to Human Rights organizations in the US who should be paying attention to victim reports and advocating for victims and taking the Government to task for such barbaric and inhumane programs being run on Americans?

Omni: Some of them should be ashamed of themselves. Like the Bioethics Committee. The U.S. Government is not only turning a blind eye to these war crimes, they are complicit. I would be gratefully shocked if any government source actually helped TIs before the tech is in the public domain.

Ramola D: What are your dreams for the future? How can readers help you currently—and help America as well break out of this deadly matrix?

Omni: Well, one of my dreams is to make a career out of exposing the shadow government or some artistic avenue, to finally be financially stable, and maybe even buy a house with a back yard & a garage. I feel I am spiritually satiated and monetarily strangled, while others may be financially secure but spiritually starved. How many have both? I guess I’m being ambitious again…

I think readers could potentially help if they have some good connections. A Church Committee 2.0 that thoroughly investigates the CIA’s actions following Project MK ULTRA could be the most productive & significant event in recent U.S. Government history. Anything helping that into action I see as worth the time.


Omni’s Art, Film, Music, Book Portfolios

Please visit Omni’s websites, check out his music, download and buy his music and books, advocate for the end to his torture and targeting. Supporting his music, art, and films will help support this extraordinary Truth Warrior and bring his situation to greater light.






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