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Documenting the (Very Recent) History of Secret, “Classified” Radiation Experiments on American Citizens, & Uncovering the Current Reality of Their Continuation in the USA and worldwide

Post edited 3/31/2015.

In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage? (Page updated; more links to articles, interviews, blog posts by other bloggers studying this subject; more history; more to read: 3/31/2015. Shall break up page eventually for ease of access, it’s already getting too bulky…)

This is an ongoing project: The secret (nuclear) radiation experiments on humans Clinton apologized for in 1997 never stopped. They just went undercover. This is a history and current reality being unearthed by many researchers. Non-ionizing radiation–meaning Electromagnetic Radiation, Sonic/Ultrasonic, Scalar waves–experiments are currently underway as joint projects of Defense agencies, private Defense contractors, Universities and research institutions, Depts. of Justice/Energy–various federal agencies, and, most crucially, Intelligence agencies–variously the DIA/CIA/NSA/FBI/DHS who work assiduously to keep the biomedical/biobehavioral experiments & weapons testing “classified” — but no agency can expect to harm human beings openly and expect to have its activities remain secret forever: this reality is being uncovered today. How they are being permitted to occur at all–under patently false claims of “minimal risk”–and without Informed Consent, is a resounding mystery, that needs to be unearthed.

Research begins with this new post, with a lot of links to information and commentary from newspapers, journalists, bio-ethicists, activists on the Secret Radiation Experiments reported in 1997 at this page, linked to Clandestine Experimentation under Human Rights:

In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage?

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