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The Baton Rouge Gunman and “Targeted Individuals”: US Naval Academy Graduate Educates Americans on Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

by Ramola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/Posted July 22, 2016

Whistleblower David Voigts, former Naval Officer and systems engineer with a background in Surface Warfare, Electronic Warfare, and Nuclear Engineering, who has been walking cross-country for “Targeted Individuals” since mid-spring this year, spoke out recently, both in a Wheel of Freedom interview, and on Facebook (covered here)  to condemn the hidden Military/Intelligence programs of non-consensual neuro-experimentation currently underway in the United States of America and worldwide, which he suspects has been operative in the case of the Baton Rouge shooter, Gavin Long.

Image: David Voigts

In a Facebook post on July 18, David Voigts, who is currently in Seymour, Indiana, wrote:

This is why I’m walking across the country with a huge sign on my back. The US has developed a human-machine interface weapon that spoofs the nervous system. It is being misused to torture American citizens. This shooting in Baton Rouge is one of the outcomes.”

Gavin Long, who adopted the name Cosmo Setepenra, and wrote books on self-improvement, was the young 29-year-old ex-Marine and Iraq war veteran reportedly killed by police in Baton Rouge after he reportedly shot at six police officers, killing three and wounding the others, following the recent reported deaths of Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile at the hands of police.

Gavin Long

News reports on investigations into his background as well as recordings of talk show interviews reveal that he had mentioned being targeted and was a member of Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, a group advocating for those being covertly targeted, assaulted, non-consensually experimented on, and hyper-surveilled in a variety of ways in their communities, including with experimental military directed-energy weapons, biometric and physical surveillance devices, synthetic telepathy, and remote bio-hacking neuroweapons.

Gavin Long’s Story is Still Being Investigated by Alternative Media Analysts Concerned About False Flags

Notably, since this incident is scarcely a week old, analysis of reports of the shooting and of Gavin Long by astute news observers online is still ongoing.

The quite relevant question today of false flags, set-ups, Masonic numerology connections, and Gavin Long as a “patsy” is being considered online at various sites, since many are concerned that conditions of civil war and groups of civilians being pitted against each other and against law enforcement are being deliberately fomented. Lance Scurvin’s talk show, A Memorial to Freedom Fighter Cosmo Setepenra: Our Modern Day Nat Turner! features Gavin Long’s friends and explores his life and personality in humanizing ways quite different from mainstream media reports. Callers to this show say they have “nothing negative” to say about Gavin Long.

Because Gavin Long was an engaging public speaker and author who questioned government and law enforcement oppression and worked positively to promote holistic healing, natural health, and self-empowerment, observers also note the issue of dozens of holistic doctors being killed today (implicating dark operatives in a pharmaceutical industry keen to keep naturalistic cancer and autism cures under wraps), as being another possible angle to consider.

Gavin Long as Bio-Hacked “Targeted Individual”

The very fact though that Gavin Long has admitted to having been targeted and stalked raises the spectre of ongoing covert targeting and covert neuro-experimentation, the issue that David Voigts is working hard to publicize (and covered in this article), for a media-deceived public. Given that much is still being uncovered and analyzed currently, this writer wishes to underline that it is only the possibility that Gavin Long did indeed engage in these reported shootings, as a deliberately steered bio-hacked “Targeted Individual”, that is being covered in this article. (Since it is still entirely possible this was an engineered event, in which he was not actually involved at all.)

In a statement posted to Facebook July 19 and shared widely, David Voigts wrote:

I can assure you that if the shooter Gavin Long had not been tortured with the weapons (for at least 18 months) and psychological abuse, he would not have committed these murders. Gavin Long was the third shooter that contacted FFCHS for assistance. The other two being the Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis and the Florida State University Shooter Myron May. I’m trying extremely hard to raise awareness about these illegal torture weapons, and how they are being used to abuse civilians.” 

Image: David Voigts

He also shared a post by Dwight Mangum which spells out the relation of Targeting to Human Trafficking, a valid concern, since those who are being and have been targeted wrongfully—in large numbers since 9/11/2001—by JTRIG operations and agencies are also being non-consensually rolled into covert neuro-experimentation programs, in Defense contracts that are highly lucrative for contractors and participating research institutions:

It turns out Gavin Long was a TI and contacted Derrick Robinson a year ago. These are people being abused to help in the illegal agendas to change our laws and security from terrorism that is being falsely portrayed. These are illegal acts of human trafficking.Dwight Mangum, Facebook

Targeted Individuals” are Victims of Covert Military/Intelligence/Contractor Experimentation

David Voigts on the road

In an earlier post, David Voigts, who has stated, “I am walking across the country to raise awareness about the misuse of human-machine interface weapons,” had noted:

The Baton Rouge shooter is the sixth national case that I’m certain was a Targeted Individual. The others being the Navy Yard shooter, the Florida State University shooter, the woman who was shot at (near) the White House (Miriam Carey), Jiverly Wong, and Rohinie Bisesar.”

Other observers also note the other mass-shooting cases of James Holmes, the neuroscience graduate student known today as the Aurora Theater gunman in Colorado who killed 12 and injured 70 others, Seung Hui-Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter who killed 32 and injured 17 others, as well as the Columbine shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who killed 13 and injured 24 others, as possible victims of covert neuro-experimentation.

While thousands of “targeted individuals” or victims of covert neuro-experimentation, directed-energy weapons testing, and COINTELPRO speak out today both online and in public forums, including here in America recently at 2016 meetings of the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections, and at the 2011 Presidential Bioethics Commission meetings to publicly report non-consensual neuro-experimentation, it is the rare few apparently who are driven to violence, in manipulated scenarios that many say are set-ups to create “Manchurian candidates”, “sleeper assassins”, or mass shooters.

In these cases, the controlling brain-computer interface technology—which, by victim accounts, can induce voices, project images, synthesize tastes and smells, and control the motor cortex (taking over movement), among other capabilities—is perfected to the point of being able to literally “take over” the target’s brain, an unsettling possibility explored here earlier in the case of Rohinie Bisesar.

Psychological Warfare: Media Coverage Which Portrays “Targeted Individuals” as Schizophrenics is Deliberate Propaganda and “Perception Management”

It is vital to remind ourselves here that we are living in an Orwellian, post Smith-Mundt space today in the USA: Media, owned by corporate conglomerates, has been legally permitted, by the NDAA, to act as purveyors of government propaganda, via the deployment of Perception Management as weapon (once legal only in foreign areas of conflict), and by the Sep 15, 2015 Executive Order permitting PsyOps on the populace. By these means—and others–America has been turned into a battlefield: a space where many attest not only are electronic-warfare weapons being deployed, the public is being overtly lied to.

Image: Reclaim Our Republic (WordPress)

What we are witnessing therefore in news reports on  Gavin Long across the board from CNN to the Kansas City Star to the New York Times to the Los Angeles Times is no less than a deliberate campaign of “Perception Management”, which is essentially targeting the already-targeted as purveyors of “conspiracy theory” and paranoia about government surveillance. “Blaming the Victim” certainly comes to mind.

Post Baton Rouge therefore, while mainstream media outlets, including the New York Times, rush to quell public concern about covert programs—inclusive of traumatic, 24/7, body-hacking “electronic surveillance” (which all experimentees report as torture)–in our midst by quelling and discrediting the voices of witness, promoting their trademark image instead of “Targeted Individuals” as mentally ill, schizoid, delusional, paranoid, “anti-government”,“conspiracy theorists”, and “self-described”, David Voigts offers a far different picture of the reality of covert military programs, which he says continue to this day.

In his Facebook statement with the header “Please Read – I have information about the Baton Rouge shootings ***” David Voigts writes:

“This specific program uses human-machine interface weapons (sometimes called hand of god or voice of god weapons) to spoof the target’s nervous system. The system can remotely monitor the target (bio-telemetry). However these systems are bi-directional. They can passively monitor and also provide input.

In simple terms, these people are being tortured. The weapons electrically sync with the nervous system to create sensory information. All the senses can be spoofed but targets typically suffer from auditory or tactile and occasionally olfactory input.

The weapons system is used in the context of a psychological warfare campaign. The goal of the campaign is to drive the target into isolation where the abuse is most effective.”

US Holocaust Museum, 2016/Image: David Voigts

As many have reported, this psychological warfare campaign tragically corrals whole communities and neighborhoods around “targets” through deliberate acts of deception, slander, and lies, convincing neighbors and others to assist in surveilling and tracking victims with physical-surveillance devices and cell-phone-apps, thereby, horrifyingly, multiplying the assault on victims. (Victims are often named, falsely, as mentally unstable, “conspiracy theorists,” “terrorists,” “spies,” “domestic extremists,” drug addicts, or sexual predators (prostitutes/pedophiles), in efforts to despoil reputation and create “buy-in” for community assault of targets.)

Media and mental-health-professional collaboration in this military deception essentially serves to keep these horrific covert programs of neuro-experimentation unchallenged by the larger public.

In videos posted to Youtube and his website, resources shared online, interviews with radio shows and web media, links to relevant articles on Facebook, along with photos as he continues his walk, David Voigts has embarked on a tremendous quest to educate and alert the American public to the dangers of this human-machine interface system which is essentially functioning as a weapon.

Public Education on Human-Machine Interface Weapons System/Facebook Photo Journal

Some excerpts from earlier posts as David Voigts trekked across several states, from Delaware to Maryland to West Virginia to Ohio to Indiana, offer further insight into this weapons system:

 July 17

Made it to North Vernon. I’m camping at Muscatatook park….So for the non-TIs the phrase “Gang Stalking” is a way to tell if someone is a TI.

The purpose of the cross country walk is to raise awareness on this topic.

Image: David Voigts

TIs are non-consensual test subjects for a Perception Warfare weapon. This weapons system spoofs the nervous system. I’ve posted quite a bit of info on this topic. It’s used as a No-Touch Torture weapon in the context of a psychological warfare campaign.

When done correctly the Target will have a fun-house-mirror perception of the world.

This program can be exposed, I just need some support in spreading awareness and finding those folks who are willing to read the research on this topic.

These are not people who are “having a crisis”. They are folks who are being tortured, and no one is helping them.

July 16:

In-Ear EEG Sensor/Image: Max Curran

IEEE Spectrum, Elisa Strickland/July 7, 2016: In-Ear EEG Makes Unobtrusive Brain Hacking Gadgets a Real Possibility

Brain hacking is becoming part of our daily lives. While there are many positive benefits to this technology – such as restoring sight, hearing, limb function or communicating with those that have lost the ability to speak, – there are also horrible applications of the technology.

At this very moment there are ongoing non-consensual uses of this technology. ..Targeted Individuals are being tortured with body hacking technology.

I am walking across the country to raise public awareness on this crime. I need the public’s assistance in sharing this information.

Belpre, Ohio/Image: David Voigts

I’m walking with a lighted electronic sandwich board and I’ve brought my dog with me. I started on the Atlantic Coast in May, and I’m heading to California. I’m hoping that this human interest story will help propel the plight of these non-consensual human test subjects.

I’m asking each local paper, radio station, and regional TV station if they would like to do a story on the walk.

June 26

…This link shows a positive example of how the body’s bioelectricity is monitored. When a irregular heartbeat is detected, corrective input can be applied.

American Heart Association/July 15, 2016: Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator

However, the clandestine services have a similar technology that’s used as a weapon. Through corruption, these weapons are available in the private sector for revenge, discrediting, and silencing campaigns.

July 2

There is a domestic program “testing” torture techniques that uses an advanced weapons system. The program is illegal and needs to be addressed publicly.

Democracy Now/June 2010:Experiments in Torture: Medical Group Accuses CIA of Carrying Out Illegal Human Experimentation

July 2

This article details why it’s so important that the Targeted Individuals plight be made public:

Anti-Mind-Control Activists Prevented From Contacting Possible Mind Control Neuro-Experimentee Rohinie Bisesar

July 3

Scientific advancement has created the ability to augment or substitute human senses. There is great positive benefit for the blind, deaf, etc.

However there is an ongoing non-consensual experiment with this technology. The victims are calling themselves “Targeted Individuals.” They are guinea pigs for a Perception Warfare weapon.

I don’t believe in non-consensual human experimentation, and I’d really like to see this experiment exposed publicly.

Targeted Individuals are Non-Consensual Human Subjects”: These Are Crimes

After the reported tragic death of three police officers as well as the shooter’s death in Baton Rouge, David Voigts is doubly keen to get the truth across, of deadly experimentation behind “Targeted Individuals” to all Americans:

I knew this was a life and death matter. I’m sorry I couldn’t encourage the public to engage on this issue yet.

As you can see with the killings in Baton Rouge, these types of crimes will continue to happen until the public comes to the realization that these technologies exist and assistance is needed for the torture victims.”

Posting a link to an article featuring DARPA’s interest in “jolting the nervous system with electricity, lasers, sound waves, and magnets,” he observes:

Targeted Individuals are non-consensual human subjects in testing this technology. Furthermore this tech is used in revenge and silencing campaigns.

I need help in alerting the public to these crimes.”

Reminders from History: Visiting the US Holocaust Museum

Washington Monument/Image: David Voigts

In late May, as David Voigts journeyed Westward from Delaware across the United States of America, he stopped in at Washington, DC, where he walked on the National Mall, photographed the Monuments, and visited some of the Smithsonian museums, as well as the US Holocaust Museum, a monument to honor the Jewish and European victims of Nazi atrocities, including barbaric human experimentation, during World War II, a place he has said earlier inspired him during his Naval training days:

“I was glad to see large tour groups assembled for the presentations. There’s a sociological concept that says a society has a cultural memory of forty years or so. Those monuments help refresh important topics. Nice to see the younger generation learning those important lessons.”

US Holocaust Museum/Image: David Voigts

Stopping in at the Library of Congress, where he appreciated “an exhibit of historical continental maps through the decades,” and handed out brochures on the C&O canal bike path to passers-by, he reports he “didn’t get any reaction from the DC residents,” yet notes his overarching impressions of DC were about the people absorbing the exhibits and monuments:

The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum had a large model of my first ship the USS Enterprise. However, the single most important part of the National Mall was the people. I was glad to see people experiencing and reflecting upon the history on display.”

US Holocaust Museum/Image: David Voigts

In a moment in our history where we as a people are being surveilled, spied, and experimented upon in the most extreme of ways, including with the little-known but deadly 21st-Century technologies of electronic- and neuro-warfare, by a complex of Military/Intelligence public-private partnerships bent on advancing the Surveillance State (into complete domination of the human mind), David Voigts is doing a heroic job of raising public awareness as he walks alone across the country.

US Holocaust Museum/Image: David Voigts

Please support his quest on Go Fund Me. Read his full statement on Gavin Long. Peruse his many resources for those wrongfully targeted. Consider, within your own realm of influence, what you can do to bring an end to this tremendous atrocity in our midst. Please share this article widely.

Visit David Voigts on Facebook.

Visit David Voigts on Youtube.

Stay in touch with his blog.

Contact him for interviews, and to help publicize his quest.


Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America To Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

Wheel of Freedom Interview with David Voigts, 6/6/16

Informative Videos on Targeting and Covert Programs from David Voigts:


Ramola D is a writer and independent journalist with a background in science, management, and literature researching issues in science, technology, and ethics relevant to our times, including issues related to Intelligence, Surveillance, Security, and Defense. She runs the solutions journalism site at The Everyday Concerned Citizen, and edits the online literary quarterly, Delphi Quarterly. Her literary journalism, fiction, and poetry have been published widely, more on this at her website. Please follow her online at @EccEveryday, or on Facebook.

This article may be reproduced in full with attribution and linkback. Please share widely.

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