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Belinda McKenzie | Please All Help Push the Crazy Psychopathocracy Dominating Our World for Millennia to Its Finish!

Ramola D | Report | April 15, 2020

Last weekend, Belinda McKenzie, outspoken activist, child rights campaigner, and human rights advocate from the UK, sent around an urgent request for prayers for Ian R. Crane, journalist, along with a video report from him relevant to these times, just posted here.

Ian Crane has since posted some information on Twitter suggesting hopefully that he is recovering.

Belinda McKenzie, Screenshot, Bases interview (video link below)

In writing about Ian, Belinda wrote:

As all will acknowledge, Ian has been a giant of the Truth Movement for the best part of 2 decades and we need him more than ever right now!!

All of us who love Ian and have had the good fortune to know him will remain ever-grateful for all the information we have received thanks to him and for his example as a human being. Both have enriched my own life and I’m sure yours too.

One day, this one man’s huge contribution of work for the benefit of humanity, for knowledge and for Truth and Justice will be celebrated all over this planet.

Ian’s grasp of the whole sweep of contemporary reality, hence of what is immediately unfolding has been second to none. Here he is in June 2018 predicting exactly where we are right now!

Enjoy and don’t be sad as this is the Ian we know and love who is still with us and ALWAYS WILL BE!

Ian Crane/Population Culling By Vaccination

I watched this video report and interview with Dr. Graham Downing and found it startling and acutely relevant, hence my post earlier, slightly delayed by other work this week, and reporting other news out today as well.

Belinda wrote another letter last Sunday, and with her permission I post it here, with many thanks for her powerful pulling-together of several critical events in our midst today, and her vision of positive change just around the corner, if we would all just continue to keep pushing through the work we are doing to see this tearing-down of the criminal, corrupt, entrenched cabal oppressing us to its natural and inevitable finish.

Belinda mentions David Noakes and Lynda Thyer, wrongfully prosecuted and charged for saving lives with GcMAF, which could save all suffering from cancer and is not being permitted to, thanks to Satanists and Freemasons in power in the UK, as David Noakes recently updated on Newsbreak 66.

Belinda’s letter:

Dear All

Re. our dear Ian Crane for whom keep praying please, here is UK Column’s statement I didn’t have to hand yesterday: “We are very sorry to announce that Ian R. Crane is in hospital with a very serious cancer condition. He is now dependent on a very close support team which includes family and members of his Alternative View Conference Team. Ian has reported that that he is receiving good care from NHS staff despite COVID-19 restrictions. Ian thanks everyone who has worked to help him in his personal battle over recent months and very much wishes for his efforts with the Alternative View Conferences to continue.

A bitter irony indeed that David Noakes and Lynda Thyer, for whom Ian fought so hard in 2018-19 to keep them out of prison, could have been able to save him, thanks to the relatively low-cost natural remedy they were using, GcMAF, until no longer at liberty to do so… As I write Lynda has been suffering a renewed whole 4 months locked up in the notorious French prison into which she was summarily flung in early August 2019; she immediately went on hunger-strike and nearly died…in September she was transferred to hospital and revived …then was put back into the prison October & November with assurances her case was about to be heard? Then in early December was momentarily released to attend court in Paris…then was re-arrested actually at the court and put back in the notorious prison and it’s now April 2020!

Lynda’s story is a microcosm of the utter madness/illogicality still dogging our world – no wonder Ian called his perennial lecture-series ‘Insanity v. Humanity’ before himself falling victim to the insanity!

In 2020 the fact is that billions of us ‘sane, normal, decent folk’ we might call ourselves have docilely allowed ourselves to be ‘Locked Down’ in some kind of vast, planet-wide LUNATIC ASYLUM! With the tiny handful of the real lunatics, the psychopaths who put us there laughing at us billions through the bars!!

HUMANITY IS MOMENTARILY STILL TRAPPED IN AN OUTGOING PSYCHOPATHOCRACY the latest instance being a 260-year Agenda of overall control by the psychopaths initiated in May 1776 called the New World Order which is NOT going to achieve fruition in 2021, 2030 nor its ultimate endpoint 2036 as originally designated by those psychopaths back in 1776 (strong signs of desperation by now on their part despite a brief ‘moment of glory’ q.e.d. in 2020!!)


Visit Ian Crane’s websites and view his many reports, interviews, and talks here:

Listen to Belinda McKenzie address institutionalized child abuse problems in Britain today on a Bases interview with Miles Johnston:

One can only hope this current lockdown will be protested by more and more people, because there is great importance in speaking out and expressing dissent, as Belinda suggests; we are beginning to see some change in world events as President Trump’s new Surgeon-General Jerome Adams rejects the unsupported Fauci/Birx/Gates contagion model and cuts WHO funding, so perhaps the collective uproar and panels and reports online by real-media/truth-media and outspoken doctors and scientists such as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Shiva is indeed making a difference.

Many thanks to Belinda McKenzie for her letter, and for her voice and work in speaking for children and whistleblowers.

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