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Need to Know Report No. 2: Spotlight on Psychiatry Subverted/Amethyst Vritschan Still Held by Erasme Hopital After Blatant Misdiagnosis of Mother

–Ramola D/Posted 12/4/2017

Melanie Vritschan with 2-week-old Baby Amethyst Vritschan, Erasme Hopital, Nov 3, 2017

Melanie Vritschan, human rights advocate and founder of ICATOR, reports that her baby Amethyst Vritschan is still being held in the NeoNatology unit of Erasme Hopital, and that a new court order from the Youth Court or Tribunal de la Jeunesse has decreed that the child be held there for another 30 days while an “appropriate institution be found for her.” The basis of this hold appears to be the blatant and ultimately criminal misdiagnosis of Melanie Vritschan as delusional by the chief Erasme Hopital psychiatrist, Dr. Marie Delhaye, which was ruled as lacking evidence by a judge earlier, who then ordered the release of Ms. Vritschan from Erasme’s Psychiatry Ward on October 25–where she had been wrongfully moved after Dr. Delhaye’s hasty and provably unfounded diagnosis on Oct 19, one day after the birth of her second child–but which ruling is apparently being completely ignored by the Youth Court. 

Additionally, the Youth Aide mediating between Erasme and the Youth Court has recommended that Melanie and Amethyst spend a month at a local mother-and-baby psychiatric clinic in order to be kept under close observation in interests of this new  psychiatrist (possibly the seventh in a train of psychiatrists suddenly whipped out to diagnose Melanie) formulating her own diagnosis of Melanie, while intimating–in apparent coercive fashion–that Melanie’s refusal to do so could result in the judge ruling adversely and removing the child from her custody entirely.

This blatant miscarriage of justice, start to finish, which essentially points to medical malpractice and a continuing crime of authoritarian psychiatry against Melanie, Amethyst, Belgian society, and  really, all of  humanity, is explored in this updating conversation with Melanie. Perhaps the question this poses to all of us witnessing this debacle is: why are psychiatrists being permitted to wield this kind of power–of absolute ruination of lives–over people in our society? 

On the bright side, Melanie reports that the nurses and Neonatology staff who have been interfacing with her over the past month as she has tried to work with Erasme Hospital procedures and the Youth Court’s conditions–wherein she has been slowly permitted an increasing number of visiting hours with her baby (from one to 3 hours a week to everyday) under the supervision of a child psychologist–can see for themselves that she is perfectly normal and a great mother, and have indeed commended her for smoothing over the traumatic separation endured by Amethyst, who was brutally snatched from her mother’s care one day after her birth and deprived of the warmth and reassuring presence of her mother for two whole weeks on court order.  Working hard to re-bond with her daughter, and to introduce her 8-year-old-son to her daughter–who has been permitted a scant two-half-hours per week to visit his sister–Melanie looks forward to a positive ruling by the Youth Court judge at the end of this second 30-day period where Amethyst is still being held at Erasme Hospital.

To help support legal fees expended in earlier and impending court matters, please visit Melanie’s Gofundme page at the Icator website. Readers of influence who can revoke this court order–based on wrongful premise–and return this baby to her mother are encouraged to do so.

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