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Anti-Mind-Control Activists Prevented From Contacting Possible Mind-Control Neuro-Experimentee Rohinie Bisesar by Toronto Jail, Lawyer, Media

by Ramola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/Posted July 1, 2016

Rohinie Bisesar

Activists representing a Canadian organization of victims of current-day covert-assault mind-control and psychotronic weapon technology were present at Rohinie Bisesar’s June 27 court appearance in Toronto, a date set apparently after she was deemed mentally fit for trial.

Rohinie Bisesar is the financial services analyst who is accused in the stabbing death last December of 28-year-old Rosemary Junor, and has been held alternately at Vanier Jail for Women and in between briefly at a mental hospital.

Previous statements and accounts of her experience have suggested to many reporting non-consensual neuro-experimentation today that Ms. Bisesar may also have experienced mind control experimentation via remotely-applied neurotechnologies, a possibility covered here earlier.

Ms. Bisesar has spoken in court earlier of her personality being altered and of “something foreign” being put in her mind as she sought to explain how she, “a good person, the most good,” could have engaged in an act of violence against another.

Activists Deliberately Prevented From Seeing Rohinie Bisesar at Vanier Jail Earlier

Earlier efforts by anti-mind-control activists Joshua Byer and Galina Kurdina to see Rohinie at Vanier Jail were apparently deliberately foiled by the court and prison system, who permanently banned Joshua Byer from visiting her, and prevented Ms. Kurdina and a second activist, Hennick Solomon, from seeing her, by suddenly changing the rules surrounding visits  to permit only those who know her personally.

Visits to prison inmates in the Canadian system can usually be made openly by any member of the public, by prior appointment. This new rule would also effectively prevent reporters from visiting with Rohinie at the jail anymore, which presents a distressing picture of the complete failure of democracy, protections for citizens, and basic human rights in Canada. Rather blatantly, it seems, unbiased media coverage of her plight, her testimonial, and her allegations of external mind control are being deliberately controlled and curtailed.

Further information on this jail visit by activists was covered here earlier in a report describing the specifics of mind control experimentation these activists seek to highlight, which bears uncanny resemblance to the symptoms Rohinie Bisesar has reported publicly in court, and in response to which her previous lawyer, Calvin Barry, unwilling to explore the spectre of neuro-experimentation, sought to dismiss her testimony as delusional.

Rohinie Bisesar’s June 27 Court Appearance

The June 27 court appearance, scheduled for 9:00 am, was delayed for three hours, until 12 noon.

Both actvists who were present at court describe Rohinie Bisesar–photographs and video of whom at court appear to be still prohibited by a system making every effort to control the narrative surrounding this articulate and personable MBA–as a small-made woman who appeared well-spoken and educated, “despite being handcuffed and escorted by a much larger officer.”

They report that Rohinie Bisesar asked to address the court and was initially encouraged by the judge to discuss her case with her lawyer, not the court, but was eventually granted permission. Her soft-spokenness and use of the respectful address of “Your Worship” to the judge seemed to denote a person trying to co-operate with the Canadian legal system as much as possible.

She was allowed a short speech, where she talked about terrorism and the need for a federal investigation. The Toronto Sun reports the following about her speech:

I know something has happened to myself and my former common-law … something we’re exposed to while we were both in investment banking,” said Bisesar, who was deemed mentally fit for trial last month.

This is an important issue that should be investigated by federal (authorities),” said Bisesar. “I know this matter has to be dealt with as soon as possible.”

The New MKULTRA: Forced Speech/Actions Denote Mind Cloning, Mind Hiving, & Bio-Robotizing

The experiences Ms. Bisesar has described previously of hearing a specific voice piped into her head, and of feeling as if someone had taken over her personality or being and was forcing her toward certain words, emotions, or actions, are similar to what many victims of non-consensual neuro-experimentation who have reported forced speech, forced action, and brain entrainment have described, in books as well as accounts online.

A scientist who has worked on these 21st-century technologies for the Military and the CIA, Dr. Robert Duncan, has described them as mind-cloning and mind-hiving, where an individual’s brainwaves and patterns are replaced or entrained with externally-induced brainwaves and patterns, via remote stimulation and electronic brain link interfaces.

The Matrix Deciphered/Robert Duncan. Screenshot from Island Republic of Dan

These technologies were covered earlier here, in articles examining this case (links below). The Matrix Deciphered, available online, describes the kind of military neuro-experimentation that is currently being done.

Activists aware of the pervasive nature of covert experimentation being carried out by factions of the Military and Intelligence agencies on randomly targeted individuals have sought to reach out to both Rohinie Bisesar and her family, both to inform them and in hopes that such neuro-experimentation could finally be openly addressed in the court system.

Colluding Media? Toronto Reporters Refuse to Cover Activism and Information on Neuro-Experimentation

It is vital to note here that continued efforts being made by activists striving to inform reporters about current-day neuro-experimentation are being openly, continuously, and deliberately ignored by media, who are failing therefore in their prime journalistic directive of keeping the public informed.

Galina Kurdina reports that her attempts to inform a Toronto Sun reporter during a break in court proceedings appeared to ignite initial interest as she relayed that she represented a 61-member-strong organization exposing mind control weapons, but that further mention of symptoms of neuro-experimentation led to him excusing himself quickly from the conversation.

Joshua Byer noted that conversations with two reporters they met at court were not covered in the latter’s printed reports. These Toronto reporters, in fact, are obviously not reporting the whole story.

Both of the reporters who have covered our case have chosen to ignore our presence there…The media has an obligation to the public to accurately portray both sides of any story. By refusing to at least mention the community that surrounds Rohinie, they are failing to fulfill their commitment to the public.”

Have these reporters been instructed—by editors, and by their newspaper’s Government/CIA handlers– to ignore all mind-control activism, activists, and information on covert (Government/CIA) neuro-experimentation? Is media being controlled before the very eyes of these activists? Shamefully for Toronto—and the world, by extension–it would appear so.

Rohinie Bisesar’s Defense is Being Compromised

Ms. Bisesar’s new court-assigned lawyer, David Connally, also did not seem interested in learning more.

After the proceedings, we waited outside of the courtroom with two reporters to see David Connally. He answered some questions for them, and stated that he did not know where Rohinie was coming from (jail or hospital ). We informed him that we were being barred from seeing his client and he told us that was “your problem”. We tried to get him to look over some documents regarding the case, but he said “absolutely not”. He then ran off before we could press the issue.”

The larger, deeper tragedy here must not go unnoticed. Joshua Byer notes that Rohinie Bisesar herself is being ill-served by this lawyer, whose interest in mounting a cursory defense for his client does not apparently extend to drilling deep to unearth all the facts of her case.

Prevailing court system efforts have sought to paint Rohinie Bisesar as delusional, with her previous attorney advising mental health assessments, and a court-ordered interlude at a mental hospital, despite Rohinie herself rejecting any claims of mental instability. By this means, all mention of Government/CIA Neuro-Experimentation and possible investment banking interests in such repressive neuro-experimentation, is being suppressed.

In noting the failure of the system to properly assist Rohinie Bisesar, Joshua Byer underlines a poignant fact:

They have effectively cut her off from the group of people living in this world who can understand what she is going through and want to help her. We can provide her with a great deal of insight if given the opportunity, we are also prepared to sacrifice our limited resources to assist where required. By not allowing us to see her, they are making it impossible for her to mount an effective defense. Her lawyer has shown a disregard for his client’s well-being and a lack of interest in obtaining a meaningful defense. This constitutes gross negligence…

“I think society can expect more from the lawyer, the jail, and the media. All are in the way of an effective and accurate trial for Rohinie. We must therefore assume that no one wants there to be a trial.”

Colluding Court and Psychiatrists Assist in Keeping Neuro-Experimentation Concealed

Image: Brochure/Joshua Byer

Although awareness of covert neuro-experimentation and remote-influencing microwave weaponry has been growing rapidly online today, the refusal of the government-run court system and corporate media to acknowledge its existence has led to a stagnant and politicized reliance on the words of old-school psychiatrists who still relay “voices in head” as sign of schizophrenia rather than evidence of patented “Voice to Skull” technologies using microwaves, a misjudgment that might be corrected if psychiatrists advising courts today were required to consult neuroscientists, patents, and mind-control activists.

Microwave hearing effects and Voice to Skull/Voice of God technologies are neither fantasies nor the stuff of delusions today. They are military-grade, patented technologies which absolutely exist.

No psychiatrist who has access to the Internet can claim ignorance either of claims of covert, ongoing neuro-experimentation being made across the world by thousands reporting remote access of their bodies and brains.

These claims have been backed up by evidence, as many reports and lawsuits show. They have also been backed up by scientists who have helped develop these military neuro-technologies.

Image: Brochure/Joshua Byer

Human brains are no longer sacrosanct. Human brains—as also animal brains—can today be accessed and influenced from the outside. Voices can be piped into heads. Images can be piped into heads. Thoughts can be piped into heads. Emotions can be piped into heads. Actions can be forced. Bodies can be taken over, via the brain. Neuroscientists could testify today that all this is possible, even as they strive to catch up with Military Neuroscience, which, as victims of non-consensual neuro-experimentation will testify, has already transformed possibility into reality.

Image: Brochure/Joshua Byer

Regardless, psychiatrists working for the court system are both encouraged in their old-school authoritarian roles as ultimate arbiters of all things brain-related, and freely and with impunity hand out misdiagnoses of “schizophrenia/schizoid disorder/paranoid disorder,” completely ignoring the advances of modern neurotechnology.

Activism Continues, With Dedication

In the face of “official” concealment of neuro-experimentation, Mind-Control Activists are truly ringing the alarm bell for all of humanity, that neuro-experimentation is taking place.

Both activists are currently aiming to make contact with a public interest lawyer, so that they can fight their ban from the Vanier Center and make contact with Rohinie, whose next court date has been set for August 8.

Despite obvious efforts to ignore their presence or the information they present on rampant neuro-experimentation being conducted in Canada, USA, and many parts of the world today by Military and Intelligence agencies investing in electronic warfare and neuroweaponry, they report that, after the court appearance, they were able to hand out several hundred brochures (partially imaged above) outside the courthouse.

Thanks to such determined and dedicated activism, perhaps this is one more case where the people of the world will first become fully informed on the horrors of covert military/Intelligence neuro-experimentation before courts, attorneys, corporate media, and psychiatrists will be compelled to concede, and correct their understandings and approach to anyone reporting forced action, foreign ideations, or voices in their head, while being charged for what may well be CIA-run “sleeper-assassin” crime. And bring the whole world closer to ending such pernicious experimentation altogether.


Rohinie Bisesar: Psychiatric Illness, or Long-Term Covert Neuro-Experimentation and a “Manchurian Candidate”?

Activists Inform Canadian Journalists of Ongoing Neuro-Experimentation & Mind Control Projects While Irregularities in Rohinie Bisesar’s Court Case Mount

The Matrix Deciphered, by Robert Duncan

Ramola D can be contacted via email at or @EccEveryday on Twitter or The Everyday Concerned Citizen on Facebook.

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