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GcMAF & Immune System Health/Nagalase in Vaccines/An Update

There seems to be a surge of interest lately in the whole GCMAF & Nagalase story, following a post at Disclose.TV on the subject of the suspicious and untoward deaths earlier this year of various doctors, both holistic and allopathic, who had been engaged in research in this area. It’s not clear currently if there is further news on this, particularly on the subject of whether Nagalase has been found in all vaccines–but as pointed out earlier in reports of research by the late Dr. Bradstreet and others, tests on autistic patients who had received vaccines proved positive on this score. According to researchers, Nagalase, an immune-system-inhibiting enzyme which can be blood-tested for, when found in the body, especially in large or increasing amounts, suggests the presence of active viruses or a growing cancer.

Dr. Rima Laibow has pursued this subject, interviewing Dr. David Noakes, and posting a list of solutions for all concerned members of the public to join in, primary among which is her caution to everyone to immediately stop taking vaccines, given the possibility of Nagalase from active viruses being found in them. She also speaks more on this subject, emphasizing the dangers of vaccines, in the video linked at this previous post on mandated vaccines.

How Nagalase Works

Nagalase, according to various researchers and medical practitioners, is an enzyme found in viruses and cancer cells that inhibits or shuts down the body’s immune system, by blocking the body’s natural production of GcMAF, a Vitamin D/sunlight-related protein which activates macrophages to fight disease. Discussed in detail in this post, and illustrated below.

Image from Dr. Tim Smith’s GCMAF Book

Is Nagalase currently in vaccines on the market?

Regarding definitive details regarding Nagalase in vaccines, via live viruses, since live or dead viruses may be included in vaccines–perhaps the right kind of scientist can step forward here to determine which vaccines, currently on the market, and on the recommended child vaccination schedule, also adult vaccination schedules if any, in your country, actually contain this harmful substance. Dr. Rima Laibow’s website, Dr. RimaTruthReports, may be a good source to check for any updates on this subject.  From her recent conversation linked here, because vaccinated autistic children have indeed tested positive for Nagalase, which suggests active viruses, vaccines may indeed contain them, and it is best to steer clear of all vaccines unless they can be proved to be Nagalase-free. (Of course, there are other reasons to steer clear of vaccines altogether.)

Reasons to be Concerned About Vaccines

For further information on the truth about vaccines and reasons to avoid them, oppose them, challenge them, and speak out against them, from various researchers, medical doctors, and scientists, some links below:

National Vaccine Information Center:


Anti-Corruption Society:

Collective Evolution:

Natural News:

GcMAF and its relation to immune system health

This excellent video showing Dr. Noakes speaking at a retreat run by  health researcher Clive de Carle reveals much about the whole controversy surrounding the manufactured GcMAF, which his laboratory had been producing, in order to supplement the body’s  natural stores of GcMAF, for those immuno-compromised patients such as cancer patients who suffer from a depletion of GcMAF; Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, one of the slain doctors, had been successfully treating autism patients with this manufactured GcMAF, and had been working with Dr. Noakes, as the second video below shows. Clive de Carle offers further information regarding GcMAF through holistic treatment protocols, more on which can be found at his website.

GcMAF: The amazing answer for your health/Dr. Noakes/46 minutes

Dr. Bradstreet and Dr. Noakes/4 minutes

Getting rid of Nagalase, viruses, and autism naturally

Parents of autistic children in particular are concerned about the possibility of Nagalase being found in vaccines and in their children’s bodies. Getting rid of Nagalase–or growing viruses–can be done naturally, according to many naturopaths and holistic practitioners. This video conversation between Dr. Clive de Carle and holistic practitioner Kerri Rivera, herself mother of an autistic child and author of the book Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism, offers a great deal of information on healing protocols via diet and supplements that can help in this regard.

Kerri Rivera and Clive de Carle: Reversing Autism–possible?/90 minutes

More about Kerri Rivera and her work may be found at her website,

Some related articles with great information on getting rid of viruses naturally can be found online, including this one from, this one from Institute for Optimum Nutrition, or this one on beating the flu from Dr. Mercola’s site.

Corporate Pharma Mafia in Action

Since the publication of this news regarding the suspicious slew of holistic or medical doctor/nurse/osteopath/other health doctor deaths in summer at HealthNutNews which was not covered by mainstream media at all, it has been commented on by various pharma-friendly factions online, who treat these deaths as being unrelated, or cast aspersions on the doctor’s work in question.  Those of us paying attention though to what goes on currently in the medical and health worlds are aware there is a corporate Pharma mafia in action, on many different fronts, apparently to keep the several-billion dollar cancer and pharmaceutical drug industries going, working both covertly and overtly to maintain their hegemony. An especial and deadly and obviously criminal focus of their actions is the shutting down of holistic treatments and remedies, and now apparently doctors as well who have proven to be successful in treating various illnesses, particularly the big-money-yielding ones, such as cancer, and in opposing all questioning of the very troubling vaccine industry. The possibility of New Age directed-energy weapons–focus of special concern at this site–which employ pulses of invisible radiation being involved in the untoward deaths of some of these doctors has been explored here and here.

Directed-Energy Radiation Weaponry That Induces Disease

Covert action by this Mafia can indeed quite plausibly be linked with covert action in another sphere, the covert targeting of political dissidents, activists of any kind, and ethical individuals in communities today with being-kept-classified directed-energy weapons using radiation-producing electromagnetic and scalar technologies–possibly a joint DoJ/DoD/Intel venture. It’s not conspiracy theory anymore to ask a very cogent question: Is this undercover cartel working quietly and long-term in neighborhoods today with these portable EMF/scalar radiation weapons, causing cancers, migraines, arthritis, chronic fibromyalgia, and other illnesses in unsuspecting people’s bodies? “Targeted Individuals” who are aware they are being targeted in precisely this way–and can measure and document this pulsed radiation arriving on their bodies with radio frequency meters–know this is entirely possible, for they are experiencing the effects. The deliberate creation of disease–as a means of generating continuous income for the pharmaceutical industry, or to assist in the global depopulation agenda–via long-term covert action is no longer fabulistic or fictional, it is a deadly possibility, made plausible today by the development of this “non-lethal” radiation weaponry.

It’s more than time to expose and dissolve this cartel.

To which end of course today many researchers, activists, and alternative media journalists are indeed active in speaking out and questioning the dubious ways in which the pharmaceutical and prescription drug industry is operating, spreading information on the real truth about vaccines, and exploring ways in which diseases like cancer can indeed be treated and healed naturally. This site will continue to highlight these subjects.


Looking Closer At The Sudden Deaths of Several Holistic Doctors & the GcMAF/Nagalase & Cancer/Autism & Vaccine Connections

Holistic Doctors, Osteopaths, Nurses: More Deaths, More Questions

GcMAF, Nagalase, Vaccines, Autism & Cancer Cures, & Holistic Doctors Being Killed: What is the Connection?

Holistic Doctors, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, “Targeted Individuals,” & Remote Radiation Heart Attack Weaponry: How to Protect Yourself

Dr. Rima Laibow: These Dead Doctors Told No Lies, Is That Why They Are Dead?

Richard Presser: Dr Rima Laibow interviews David Noakes and exposes the Big Pharma fingerprints in the GcMAF/Nagalase health bombshell

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