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Ex-CIA and MI5 Agent and Whistleblower Carl Clark Reveals Covert Electromagnetic Torture of Civilians by Intel Agencies in US/UK/Europe/Asia with Directed Energy “Non-Lethal” Neuroweapons

(Text of interview re-posted with thanks from and Rudy2’s Multilingual blog–links below.)ECC-cover of Torture, Asian and Global Perspectives

In my quest to post information of note relating to the ongoing and blatant global holocaust of covert persecution and assault of innocent and ethical civilians and veterans (“Targeted Individuals”) with ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) Neuroweapons, Scalar Weapons, Sonic Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, wrongfully-named “Non-Lethal” Weapons, and all other misnomers for what Tim Rifat rightfully calls “a fearsome array of mind control weapons” possessed and used today by unscrupulous governments, militaries, and Intel agencies, I am re-posting in excerpt this extraordinary 2010 whistleblower testimony interview with ex-agent Carl Clark of Norfolk, England, who worked with Secret Services in many countries in Europe, Asia, and the US, including the CIA, Mossad, MI5, and others.

In this interview he reveals his experience and thoughts on the subject of covert electromagnetic torture of civilians, whether political dissidents or not, by American, British, European, and Israeli Intelligence agencies, surveillance and harassment activities in which he participated once as an employee, and which he experienced himself on his person after he left the Services.

This interview appeared in the German magazine Raum & Zeit, 4/2010, and is posted here in text form from Rudy2’s Multilingual blog; the pdf is linked from, with thanks to both; the translation from German to English is noted on the pdf as by Cyborg Nicholson on PeacePink. Also posted here now, 2-14-2024.


From the start of the interview:

Interview with Carl Clark, Norfolk, England.

Armin Gross: Matters related to the secret services are usually not disclosed. You want to bring them out in the open though. Who did you work for?

Carl Clark: I worked freelance from 1980 to 2003 for various secret services. I worked for the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) up to 1997. I then worked for the Israeli Secret Services, Mossad and for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a US organisation against discrimination and defamation of Jews.  I was also employed by MI 5, a subgroup of the British Secret Services.  I later moved to the Police Secret Services as well as to the secret services of an investigation laboratory.  I was deployed in European operations in Paris, Zurich, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Munich, Madrid, Lyon, Bilbao and Moscow.

Armin Gross: What were your main assignments?

Carl Clark: An important assignment was to infiltrate certain groups to obtain inside information about them. I would join certain groups, make friends with some of the members and then proceed to ruin their lives.

Armin Gross: What kind of groups were they?

Carl Clark: First and foremost criminal gangs and drug cartels.  I provided information about the National Front, Nazis or skinheads to Israeli Secret Services. What they were interested in were names, addresses, meeting places, projects and objectives. I tracked individual targets for the CIA.


From the section on Microwave Weapons onward:


Armin Gross: Did you also use such weapons?

Carl Clark: No. I was responsible for surveillance. Colleagues from special departments did this. However, I was at times on site when these weapons were deployed.

Armin Gross: Can you describe in more detail how the deployment of weapons took place?

Carl Clark: It’s a bit like what takes place in a science fiction movie. People can be tracked anywhere by radar, satellite, a base station and complimentary computer programs. For example, three radar devices would sometimes be positioned in the vicinity of the target.  The radar emits electromagnetic waves, some of which pick up the target and the result is then evaluated. My friends who work in the special department could then follow the target all day on their computers. This form of localising the target made it easy to deploy the weapons accurately. My colleagues could see exactly where to aim and also observe how the target reacted.

Armin Gross: What effect did the weapons have on the targets?

Carl Clark: They create heat, inner burns, pain, nausea, fear. Sometimes traces are left on the skin, but mostly not.  If the targets go to the doctor, they get told everything is OK. Take into account, this was the situation ten years ago. This technology has advanced considerably since then.

Armin Gross: What is the objective of such attacks?

Carl Clark: The aim is to intimidate certain people, for example people who make a lot of noise. I myself was under attack for three years after opting out. I’m virtually sure that weapons were used against me in 2003/2004 which provoked strong aggression. I almost killed somebody on two occasions, once a neighbour who was a pleasant elderly lady.


Armin Gross: Do you think it’s possible to directly influence feelings by weaponising electromagnetic rays?

Carl Clark: Without doubt. We know that living organism is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. Elementary life processes within cells function by biogenic electromagnetic oscillation. Frequencies from the exterior can damage or change these processes. There have already been far-reaching attempts at influencing body, mind and soul through frequencies within the framework of military research. It’s possible to provoke fear, aggression, nervousness or forgetfulness in this way. In combination with other interventions, a target can be driven insane. For example, radiofrequency can be manipulated so that the target hears his own name on the radio or his computer shows his name time and again. Voices are also specifically transmitted to a target commenting on his activities.  For example, I heard a voice in the morning after getting up which said “Get up and injure somebody”.

Armin Gross: People are actually being driven to psychic extremes then?

Carl Clark: Yes, the undoubted goal is to have select people end up in psychiatric institutions. If a target seeks help by going to the police or to the doctor, they don’t get taken seriously.  Some doctors and hospitals actually work together with the Secret Services. Diagnostic directives permit a patient who feels persecuted or hears voices to be classified as schizophrenic.

Armin Gross: Hospitals cooperate with the Secret Services?

Carl Clark:  Yes, certainly. Large companies too. That’s why one lives dangerously if one carries out investigations on large companies.  The American State protects large companies like MacDonald’s, Coca-Cola and certain pharmaceutical enterprises. These companies also have FBI agents at their disposal for matters related to industrial espionage. The Freemasons who are widespread within the CIA also play a major role.


Armin Gross: Do you know in which countries individuals are under surveillance and are being assaulted by energy weapons?

Carl Clark: The USA, Germany, China, North Korea, Russia, France and England, normally without the official knowledge of the particular government. But unofficially, I believe that government personnel must be involved in some way or know something about the goings-on.

Armin Gross: Do you know how many people are under surveillance?

Carl Clark: There are about 5,000 in England under surveillance and about 15,000 overseeing the operation. Apart from the large Secret Service agencies, there are 300 or 400 minor Secret Service agencies which were formed by former policemen or former Secret Service agents. They have permission from the Home Office to spy, take photographs and procure information. Their employees are well paid.

Armin Gross:  Was it a problem for you to switch from one Secret Service agency to another?

Carl Clark: No. It was always a positive move from my new employer’s viewpoint as I could always provide information to him about my previous Secret Service agency. The large Secret Service agencies mistrust each other totally. I earned more money as a result.


Armin Gross: Why did you opt out?

Carl Clark: I saw that what I was doing was wrong. The last two targets that were allocated to me had done nothing. They were not political, quite normal, nice people, not criminal or economically dangerous. The only reason I could come up with for them having been selected as targets was their DNA or their blood.  There has recently been a lot of research done in this area. The DNA is associated with the finest details of our character. The Human Genomes Project between 1993 and 2004 analyzed all chemical base pairs which make up human DNA, also collecting the genetic data of people from isolated communities in danger of extinction (Human Genomes Diversity Project).  The results were then all compared and correlated. Our employers were always very keen on DNA analyses of the people under surveillance. It was always one of our most important tasks in the initial period of surveillance to organize DNA or blood analyses of these individuals.


Please visit Rudy2’s Multilingual Blog for the entire text of the interview, and also for translations in different languages, including French, Italian, and Spanish. Or visit for the pdf of the translated interview.

The full interview can also be found here, many thanks to all who created this interview, translation, and PDF.–Ramola D, 2-14-2024.

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