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James Lico: The Mass Shootings Keep Happening Because Targeted Individuals Are Being Tortured

Tremendous article by James Lico, connecting the Mass Shootings by various individuals in recent times, including Aaron Alexis and Myron May, as well as the terrible police-shooting death of Miriam Carey, to the illegitimate, unlawful, Covert Ops MKULTRA “Targeted Individuals” program underway in the USA and worldwide of attacking innocent civilians and veterans with Directed-Energy EMR and sonic weapons on a 24/7 basis and subjecting them to invasive, intrusive minute-by-minute surveillance, which is participated in by lied-to members of neighborhoods and communities.

A very important aspect of this situation is the flagrant medical ethics violation represented by this clandestine program, which is deliberately inflicting bodily and mental torture on unconsenting “human subjects.” The Presidential BioEthics Commission which was informed in 2011 by dozens of individuals experiencing these covert assaults of the horrific nature of this violation has tried to completely exonerate itself of responsibility, suggesting that these are “law enforcement, regulatory, and legislative” issues, as the public letter from the Executive Director states.  James Lico delivers a scathing critique of this stance, which essentially is a passing-the-buck move by a public body and a public agency entrusted with the sacred trust of Americans to watch out for their well-being.

Excerpt from the article:

“Compare Obama’s inaction to that of his Bioethics Committee and you can see that they are obviously dismissing TI’s.  Don’t you think that the corruption should stop?  We need to embarrass the President and the powers that be into action.  Call your Congressmen and Senators today.  Tell them that you want the EXTREME Electronic Surveillance and TORTURE of TI’s to STOP IMMEDIATELY!  Do not let them dismiss you.  If everyone would help with this, it could be over tomorrow.  In addition, it would spark an investigation into Mass Surveillance, TORTURE, The BAILOUT, 911 and other corruption.  IT WOULD HIT THE FAN so to speak.”

Please drop in at TI=HT, Human Trafficking, James Lico’s excellent blog covering all aspects of this horrific holocaust going on currently in present-day 2015 USA and in all UN-supporting countries worldwide–since this seems to be part of the global-governance undercover repression underway worldwide–and read this article and watch all the eye-opening videos. We are living in ridiculous times of open oppression–and we need every single one of us to become informed, become aware, and take action to Stop all this carnage, from whatever perspective or skill-set or ability you can contribute. Please take this issue very very seriously.  A few people being targeted and attacked like this–and today thousands are–suggests that Any one of us can be attacked and persecuted. This post details how thirty percent of Americans recently studied by scientists have already been found to be covertly RFID-microchipped.

The Mass Shootings Keep Happening Because Targeted Individuals Are Being Tortured

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