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BREAKING: Gemma O’Doherty Reports that UK Dept of Health Concedes SARS-COV-2 Virus Not Isolated, “No Information,” Meaning, It’s Not a Real Pandemic

Ramola D | Report | Updated August 8, 2021| Updated Nov 10/Posted Nov 2, 2020

Please note: Gemma O Doherty has posted an update August 8, 2021 at her website, indicating in a headline and in her video from November 2020 re-posted there that the Irish Government is still not able, 8 months later, to produce proof of existence of an isolated SARS-COV-2 Virus–thereby invalidating the entire “Pandemic” based on this so-called not-proved-to-exist virus, and the entire Vaccine, which is experimental, not based on an actual isolated virus, never tested fully in animals, and is causing Deaths and serious illness: Eight Months On, The Government Is Still Unable To Produce ANY Scientific Proof That Covid Virus Exists .

This video by Activists Toolbox featuring Gemma O Doherty, an investigative journalist running for office in Ireland, reveals that a United Kingdom citizen who recently requested information under Freedom of Information laws has been provided a response from the UK Department of Health and Social Care to the effect that “no information exists regarding the isolation of the SARS-COV-2 virus,” in other words that no-one has scientific evidence for the actual existence of this putative virus in whose name economies have been shut down worldwide.

Gemma O’Doherty outside the Dept of Health

Ms. O Doherty, who has previously filmed hospitals to show they are empty and not being overwhelmed, explains how this information is significant and why the duping of the people by the government is related to the attempted rollout of a “full-blown global dictatorship.” She also points to the fact that people’s lives and livelihoods have been destroyed and that the officials responsible will be held responsible and will be jailed, that whistleblowers from their ranks need to step forward now.

This video has been circulating on Facebook and recorded at my desktop–shared here for public information. I will add here any further information as it comes in.

Gemma O’Doherty describes the UK FOIA request and response

UPDATE/Nov 10/Thirty Institutions in Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand Confirm No Sars-COV-2 Virus Has Been Isolated: NO VIRUS EXISTS

I was sent further information on Twitter after this article was posted, with information on further FOIA requests in other countries. Many thanks to Christine Massey and others who questioned Universities, Ministries of Health, and Parliaments for specific information, which could not be provided because it does not exist: no information exists on the isolation of the posited SARS-COV-2 virus supposedly responsible for a worldwide pandemic, because this virus has not been isolated, meaning this supposed disease and supposed pandemic does not exist either, as also proved in Newsbreak 81, where it is made clear that 196 countries signed off in 2005 on the International Health Regulations and agreed in 2019 to run a live drill on the worldwide release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

This is the document collecting the FOIA requests of Christine Massey and others questioning governments:

New South Wales Police Blow Whistle On Global Dictatorship Being Rolled Out With COVID Deception

Also of major import today is news from New South Wales of a group of 70 police whistleblowers speaking out in an open letter sent October 26, 2020 to the NSW Police Commissioner about a global dictatorship intended to be brought about via this COVID exercise and a transhumanizing vaccine, news of which has been circulating widely on social media lately, while the big tech platforms have been scrambling to censor all positive information of people protesting, doctors pointing out facts, information on the RNA-changing, Luciferase-laden vaccines, and criticism of the official but provenly-false media-run narrative of COVID as a real disease and high contagion.

Peter Little, Australian Lawyer, handing over NSW Police Whistleblower Letter to Police Commissioner’s office

That video, showing Australian lawyer, Peter Little (pictured above), handing the letter over, can be found here.

Posted from his Facebook post, thanks to Peter Little:

Link to the SIX PAGE WHISTLEBLOWER letter from NSW cops…

or the full website link –

and the Rain-Making Control Act 1967…/rain-making…/016

Open Letter to Police Commissioner, New South Wales from NSW Police Whistleblowers

COVID Crimes Against Humanity

Earlier, German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich caused a stir online with publication of his inspiring video on European lawyers uniting to set up a class action lawsuit against public officials worldwide due to crimes against humanity committed with COVID shutdowns by European governments. Transcript of this talk can be found online at various sites including Golden Age of Gaia.

“Take the Masks Off: Children Need to Breathe Fresh Air!”

Also on Twitter today, Bryce Mitchell, a mixed martial-arts champion in the UFC made an impassioned statement when on camera speaking out for children in elementary school forced to wear masks while playing on the slide and on the field, unable to breathe fresh air, issuing a note to the Arkansas Governor to make masks optional. “Makes me sick to see children unable to breathe fresh air.”

Many doctors have spoken out about the inefficacy, dangers, and serious threats to health and breathing caused by masks, including Dr. Judy Mikovits recently on Report #199 — yet another wrongful aspect of the misled and misleading strictures handed down by malign officials apparently incapable of doing the research to determine their worth.

While awareness is rising therefore worldwide on the true nature of the COVID-19 “plandemic,” exposed as an exercise at Newsbreak 81– CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries–it is becoming obvious also that many public officials continue to extend the charade played out by morally-bankrupt MSM reporters fabricating “surges in cases” and projecting rise in deaths with new “second wave” lockdowns, as in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and Massachusetts today–all of which we can see clearly now are bids to normalize subjugation and enact tyranny on vulnerable populations worldwide.

The global dictatorship does seem to be intended; there’s no reason it can’t be stopped in its tracks though, if people globally become informed, aware, definitively see the Transhumanist Human 2.0 agenda & Stack-and-Pack Agenda 21/2030 ahead, and take decisive action in all spheres of influence and engagement to stop it from rolling out.

#GreatSkunkReset, Autism Ahead & Nanobotized Human 2.0: RED ALERT

Image: Community News Victoria

Snapshot of conversation on Twitter today:

Please share this news widely, especially since tech platforms and mainstream media are censoring all truth about COVID–thank you!

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