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Misled (& Misleading) Governments & Police Attack Citizens Openly While People Converge in High Numbers in Sydney, Berlin, London, Boston, Dublin, Edinburgh, Geneva, Athens, Montreal, Melbourne to Protest Lockdowns, Lies, Fascist Government Action, Masks, & Vaccine Mandates

Ramola D | (MMR) Multi Media Report | September 13, 2020

Worldwide, the last couple weeks–and this past weekend–have seen and are seeing major protests in London and Berlin as well as resolute protest in Sydney, Edinburgh, Dublin, Boston, Athens (and all over Greece), Geneva, Montreal, Melbourne, and many other places over #COVID19 lock-downs, mask-wearing, flu shot mandates, and the shutting down of businesses, schools, hospitals, banks, yet regrettably that hasn’t stopped misled governments and police in all these places from continuing their Globalist rampage of tyranny, promising and indeed using force against the citizenry as they assure the world (deceitfully) they’re doing it all in the name of “Public Health” and “Public Safety.”

Kate Shemirani, David Icke, Piers Corbyn at Trafalgar Square, August 29
Berlin, August 29
Note from Greek group Eθνικοί Φυλακες: “Video of the Greek parents protesting against the Masks, the Vaccines, the Testing.  As you can see it is from all cities, towns, islands in Greece and there is no violence.  The chants say ” hands off our children, ” they sing the National Anthem, and there are parents, children of all ages, the black dressed men with long togas are Monks who have come to pray over the people not to have any violence.  The result was, the next day, the Prosecutor said that the organizers would be punished and wanted to know who they were.  Several people offered themselves as organizers.”  

Lies continue to be aired, force continues to be threatened, and indeed used.

Daniel Andrews, Premiere, Victoria, promising that “Force will be used.”
Daniel Andrews, one of the many Distributed-Dictatorship figureheads around the world, playing Hitler with gusto

Video and photos from around the world show a mixed picture of police violence and people push-back.

Police form a line in Melbourne

Freedom Day Protest – Sydney Vlog, Dia Beltran reports:

Powerful speeches have been aired.

Piers Corbyn, Kate Shemirani, Dr. Kevin Corbett speak to the people at Trafalgar Square, August 29, 2020

Press Conference in Berlin with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & German doctors:
Protest in Geneva, Switzerland, in front of the UN, September 12–Protest in Dublin, Ireland, September 12

In some places, police have publicly shown they don’t believe in the masks either and, on occasion, have also shown they stand with the people.

Berlin Police Agree the Masks Are a Sham, Real Enemy is Bill Gates & COVID’s Transhumanist, Sterilizing Control Agenda

Some states of the US and countries of the world are working on lawsuits against governments for unlawful shutdown mandates and in intention to halt any upcoming vaccine mandates.

Many groups are forming worldwide, to resist government tyranny, many are speaking out, and organizing group action.

Truth Versus Lies

While mainstream media continues to pump out absurd narratives about a rampaging pandemic, data trickling out from the CDC shows only a fraction of originally reported numbers perished from COVID-19 (from being put on ventilators?).

Children are being forced to wear masks while governments and businesses adopt hard lines in respect to mask-wearing for babies and staying locked down, as incidents on Westjet Airlines and in Victoria, Australia show.

Meanwhile, many scientists are on record describing why masks are a very bad idea and don’t work.

Scientists reveal the PCR tests are not merely faulty, they are run in such a way as to induce false positives.

Ramola D Reports, Report # 168 |Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: COVID-19 Test Does Not Prove COVID-19–All Figures on Infections and Deaths are False!

Report # 168, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny describes the faulty tests, among other aspects

Extreme Dangers of the RNA-Deforming COVID Vaccine

Physicians, nurses, scientists with an understanding of molecular biology and gene editing are increasingly speaking out about the dangers of the RNA-snipping human-gene-deforming RNA vaccines which Bill Gates and his billionaire friends in Big Pharma are anticipating will rake in further billions for them.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Berlin with German doctors speaking out about “The Greatest Crime of the Century”

Dr. Carrie Madej has taken the world by storm with her clarifying descriptions of gene-editing vaccines; Kate Shemirani, Natural Nurse in a Toxic World has also galvanized the world with her feisty up-front calling-out of the medical industry. If you have not seen these videos yet, please watch and share widely:

Dr. Carrie Madej: Clear information on the COVID RNA Vaccine
Dr. Carrie Madej: Human 2.0? A Wake-up Call to the World

TMT Roundtable 15: An American Doctor & A UK Nurse + A TMT Retraction

It turns out the RNA sequencing marking COVID-19 and being picked up by these PCR tests is in actuality indigenous RNA, found in the human genome, in human Chromosome 8, so attempts to alter this sequence via RNA-altering-vaccines are really attempts to tamper with human intelligence, health, bodily autonomy, bodily integrity, consciousness, and evolution.

Dr. Andy Kaufman explains the science behind the faulty tests, the mistaking of exosomes for a virus, the alteration of human DNA/RNA via the new COVID transhumanizing vaccine

Dr. Heiko Santelmann, Norwegian physician, writes about health without a vaccine at State of Globe/Free Media Norway:

Why I do not need an injection against Covid-19/ by Heiko Santelmann

5G Rollout Worldwide and in Wuhan: Is this what is causing death, disease, and oxygen-depletion, being covered up by a COVID-19 Cover Story?

The rollout of 5G, the known bio-effects of 5G, and the symptoms associated with COVID-19 continue to raise questions.

The former Vodaphone manager turned whistleblower, describing how 5G causes cellular poisoning similar to symptoms of Coronavirus

Many analysts are beginning to link the reckless rollout of 5G–despite large numbers of scientists worldwide pointing out the great harms to the human body and brain and pleading with governments to halt the rollout, see the 5G Space Appeal–with sinister globalist agenda for depopulation.

5G Exposure–The Electromagnetic Human Test, by James Grundvig/John Michael Chambers site

5G is the ‘STUPIDEST IDEA’ and could lead to ‘PREMATURE DEATHS’/ May 2019, Express, UK

BREAKING: Major Investigative Report by Association of French Reserve Army Officers Finds COVID-19 “Pandemic” to Have a Hidden Agenda for Global Totalitarianism, Nanotech Chipping of All, 5G Irradiation, & Genocide

The agenda of digital identity, ID2020, and tests/vaccines/apps to determine re-entry into “The New Normal” society post-COVID is increasingly becoming known as people bridge the vacuum of truth in mainstream media and share information on social media.

COVID-19 is the false flag to usher in future decades of ID2020 and Agenda 21/2030 planned by the shadow governments and Globalists

Pick Your Side & Protect Your Rights

As Kate Shemirani, public speaker and Natural Nurse in a Toxic World, called out at Trafalgar Square last weekend: Choose Your Side! becomes vital to do, in face of avid government and billionaire overreach and rollout of tyranny.

Her powerful call to action on Facebook to ask people to join her for the August 29 rally in London, to choose their side, and to stand up for human rights and humanity in the face of actual evidence, from nurses on the front-lines, of the elderly being literally genocided in NHS hospitals in the UK with non-consenting Do Not Resuscitate orders, remains relevant and an emotional battle-cry for all peoples of the world:

Absolutely powerful call to action from Kate Shemirani, with much whistleblowing about the genocide of the elderly in UK hospitals, reported by nurses

The Importance of a Live-Life-Claim

While there are many actions one can take to safeguard one’s rights and family–such as claiming status as a State National versus US Citizen, as set up for instance by judge Anna von Reitz with American States Assembly, it seems like the one route worldwide to ensure that syringe-toting militaries showing up at your doorstep (if it comes to this, as widely anticipated, including by President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed) are halted in their tracks and can neither test, track, capture, quarantine, isolate, or vaccinate you and your children is to deny them jurisdiction, with a live-life-claim, breaking oneself out of the birth-certificate-slavery-system, returning to the land, and claiming the protections of natural law, common law, and a secured shipping-lane to combat the piracy of capture by fiction-government-corporations on the high seas of Maritime Law, still the prevailing law on the planet.

These various concepts were recently covered by this writer with different groups and can be further understood here:

The Restoration of the United States of America—Commander-in-Chief, Postmaster-General-of-the-World :Russell-Jay: Gould has the Title 4 Flag/

All of this does require independent study, thinking, and action.

In the course of my own studies, work, communications, and understanding, I have come to work more closely with the :Purple-Thumb-Community and recommend them highly to all: like the Quantum-Community, they too deal in providing live-life-claims, sea-passes, claims of domicile, and other such, to help safeguard the freedom of the people. I hope to work further with them in this regard as well, on the generous invitation and inclusion into community of Lady: Crown Turikatuku III.

I will also continue as a reporter to cover the work and offerings of other groups working for freedom the world over as their work crosses my desk. Anyone working to rescue their countries and communities the world over is welcome to email me for a video interview and feature at my channel (email:

I see the importance of working together in groups to halt government and private-corporation tyranny but it seems to me, as to others who understand the “primary trespass” of the Birth Certificate Fraud that the most important thing to do is to deny all fascist governments any kind of jurisdiction over your body or your children’s bodies, immediately. This can be achieved with a live-life-claim.

Please subscribe therefore at and this website for further information and interviews, to explore other options, and please follow these subjects at other channels and websites as well.

Humanity is under attack in a rather immediate way currently–transhumanism and global Communism stand just one door away, in an impending syringe, an app to download onto your phone, a swab that invades your nasal cavities, a COVID-19 live-virus-via-vaccine to enslave you forever to quantum tattoos, AI-run nanobot veins, booster shots and digital IDs, not to mention genetic mutation into retardation and deformation–and every individual action we take to ensure our liberty and bodily autonomy will add up, quite literally, to preserving our humanity, posterity, and the human genome.

Does anyone doubt at this point that there is a cabal with feet in the Rothschild/Vatican/central banker swamp seeking to rule over humanity with a Full-Spectrum iron fist?

Is it “just an app”? Or a manifestation of an absurd agenda to control your every move?
Take a listen to UK’s Health Secretary telling everyone to wash their hands….they DO expect to turn the UK into a nation of imbeciles once you self-retard with the #COVID-RNA-Deforming Vaccine!
Every government figurehead is a Rothschild/Vatican plant, mind-hived into numbing Double-Speak and Deceit–and the same party-line of oppression at any cost: “We’re calling it Public Health!”

Individually speaking, we all need to figure this out at speed and take action to protect ourselves and our progeny.

For those who have gotten used to believing in government, mainstream media, and the propaganda emanating from large private industries making billions off the suffering of the people–and running our governments worldwide, for those believing vaccines today are scientific and life-saving and beneficial, please research “Vaccine Damage,” “RNA Vaccines,” and visit,, and Children’s Health Defense (many other sites too). Read Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ revelatory book, Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History.

Sites with Solutions, & ways of connecting with others to work together to oppose Global COVID Tyranny & Fascism:

Children’s Health Defense is spearheading the fight for the people’s medical freedom: Community and World United, We Say No! (Peggy Hall)

Make Americans Free Again (Pamela Popper) (Walt Myers, Larry Richardson)

Medical Freedom PAC

National Health Freedom Coalition

Health Freedom Idaho (Jesse Perez Casanova, Christopher James) (Piers Corbyn)

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