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Techno Crime Fighters Forum, Episode 37: Child Abuse, Trafficking, Sacrifice, Secret Societies

–Ramola D/Posted 12/6/2017

In this wide-ranging conversation on last week’s Techno Crime Fighters Forum streamed live at Ramola D Reports–with Dr. Katherine Horton, Karen Melton-Stewart, and Ramola D–we focus variously on current-day revelations and historic glimpses into the horrific phenomena of child abuse and child sacrifice and child trafficking which appears to be at the core of control-file, blackmail, and pathologically insane pedophilic operations in the highest seats of power in Europe and the US and worldwide. Sadly we live in a world run by wealthy criminals who are abusing children.

We discuss therapist and activist Carine Hutsebaut’s work in psychotherapy and criminology speaking to child victims, families, as well as abusers. We look at various cases and situations worldwide, including the Mother of Darkness Castle in Belgium, disturbing evidence of children possibly buried in the heart of London by the famous Gherkin/Pine Cone building, the work Myron May was doing in trying to save a child trapped in the Child “Protection” Services in Florida when he was targeted in retaliation, assaulted with DEWs and neurotech, his life and career ruined, before his shooting incident at FSU that resulted in police killing him, the case of Prime Minister Edward Heath in England who was investigated for child killing along with an MI 5 agent, a constable Mike Veale in the UK who worked on this case despite obstacles, and more.

Karen Stewart also reads an article pointing to tangled webs of drugs, sex, and trafficking in the so-called corridors of power in police departments, sheriff’s offices, and state and county governments in Florida, the same “authorities” currently trying to prosecute her on a self-defense case when an assailant attacked her on her parents’ property and then got her arrested instead of himself, trading on nepotistic connections in the Sheriff’s office.

We also discuss secret societies, power hierarchies, lunacy and evil behind closed doors, and how these top criminals keep others in line with control files and collusion.


The SGT Report program with Ole Dammegard and Carine Hutsebaut I referred to:

The other video with Ole Dammegard and Carine Hutsebaut I mentioned was this one, from Alfred Webre’s channel:

Karen Stewart’s recent case is discussed here, in this article by Janet Phelan at Activist Post:

The documentary that filmmaker Jeff Godwin is working on featuring the work of psychotherapist and activist Carine Hutsebaut can be supported here:






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