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Steve Beckow/Golden Age of Gaia: Find the Ones Who Haven’t Given Up. They’re the Future and re-assuring! Re-posted (in excerpt) with thanks, from Steve Beckow’s article at Golden Age of Gaia. Please visit there for the full post. Thanks also to Wes Annac of Culture of Awareness for pointing to this post.

Posted Jan 1, 2016/Golden Age of Gaia/Steve Beckow

Happy New Year, everyone! My New Year started early when I watched Tomorrowland recently. (Yes, I know it’s been out for a while! I’m slow.) Every New Year brings us closer to the advent of Nova Earth, which I can’t help thinking Tomorrowland, with its talk of “other dimensions,” making the world work, etc., was a reflection of.

No, this is not an ad for the movie, but it is an ad for Nova Earth, our Tomorrowland.

In our world as it was, the dark cabal wanted to subject us to a nuclear World War III to have the place to themselves with the survivors acting as slaves. It’s the Sumerian Version of a New World Order.

In the world of Tomorrowland, the dark’s equivalent is bringing an end to life on this planet because people are irrevocably connected to greed, anger, predation, etc. The dark doesn’t want its brave new world infected.

By the end of the movie, George Clooney and his companions have brought about an end to the dark’s rule and begun a search for “dreamers,” people who can engineer the birth of a new Tomorrowland.

“Find the ones who haven’t given up,” Clooney instructs his new recruiters. “They’re the future.” (1)

You and I haven’t given up. We’re the dreamers.

Hope flows through a pipeline that’s clean but can’t get through one that’s blocked. That’s why we’re discussing cleansing ourselves of our vasanas and conditioning right now.

Many lightworkers have given up because it’s too long a wait, we’ve had no acceptable tangible proof that all this is happening, and other similar reasons.

Those lightworkers who are committed and/or who’ve cleaned their pipes so that hope can continue to flow, soldier on.

And they continue because there’s still gas in their tanks and that gas is hope.

That gas can be depleted by encountering continual cynicism from others, especially our family, who want to cure us of our “fantasies.”

The cynical call hope “hopium.” They ask us to “face up to reality.” They say we live in the future and not in the Now.

But our mission is to build that very future. And by and large we’re not cynical. We’re open … and hopeful.

We’ve satisfied our criteria for accepting that which doesn’t fit empirical-materialist criteria (only what we can see, hear, etc., is real).

After all, few of us have ever seen an angel or a galactic, whose messages we read on the Internet. Few of us have experienced the higher dimensions (in this lifetime). We’re all of us going on faith until things materialize.

But we’re attuned to the resonance of truth within our being. We can feel when something is true, whether or not we can see the one who spoke it or dictated it to a channel.  We’re also attuned to seeing our upsets lift in the face of truth, the truth having set us free. We draw upon these ways of being to keep our faith strong.

Pondering the truth when we see it leads us to commit to the vision that the unseen speakers set before us.

That vision is of a world that works for everyone, not like this world we’ve inhabited, engineered by the dark, which doesn’t work save for a privileged few. Not like the attitude that nothing can be done about the starvation, disease, and lack of opportunity that’s tolerated in – and even designed into – our world at present. (2)

And not like the attitude that we don’t matter and haven’t the worthiness to insist that wealth be redistributed, health care and education be available for all, and all beings have equal opportunity in a setting where barriers to advancement and satisfaction are brought down.

Who are we to talk, you ask? We are the free and sovereign citizenship of Planet Earth.  This is our planet.

Please visit Golden Age of Gaia for the whole, empowering post.

Source: Find the Ones Who Haven’t Given Up. They’re the Future – Golden Age of Gaia

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