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Preston James, Phd/Veterans Today: Divided Loyalties Inside the Pentagon

pentagonGroundbreaking article from Dr. Preston James at Veterans Today, discussing the emergence lately in the US Military and among officers in the Pentagon High Command of a slowly-awakening consciousness that all wars in the last century, and most poignantly, the recent wars fought by the US in Iraq, Afghanistan, and currently ongoing in Libya, Syria, and elsewhere have been contrived maneuvers by Wall Street bankers and the shadow elite/cabal running the government, to amass personal profit at the expense of enormous loss of life, limb, health, and future of millions of young Americans who have fought in the US Army, and to maintain criminal schemes of drug-running, human trafficking, pedophilia, and organ-trafficking to pad their vast empire of ill-begotten wealth; and that the War of Terror the US has been obsessed with for more than a decade now, post-9/11, was a deliberate construct, built on the horrific, constructed, false-flag event and massive crime that was 9/11. Pointed excerpts below, please click over to Veterans Today for the whole article.

Americans Framed as Domestic Terrorists and Psychotronically Harassed, Gang-Stalked/Secret Police

I especially commend Dr. James for unflinchingly covering the creation of the “domestic terrorist” in this regard, the false labeling of activists and whistleblowers as “Domestic Terrorists” and the subjecting of them to intensive surveillance, organized gangstalking, and psychotronic harassment with microwave weapons, and the rise of a ruthless and violent Secret Police in the US, covered recently here in this article probing DOJ involvement, all subjects of major concern at this site–excerpt below.  I also commend the forthrightness in this article, as also many others at Veterans Today, in candidly discussing the nature of the beast we are dealing with–an extremely wealthy Mafia engaging in Nazi actions of repression and totalitarianism against the entire American population, and an organized crime syndicate involving Intel agencies such as the CIA and Mossad running “murder, drug trafficking, pedophilia, human compromise” rackets, all propelled by the practice of very dark Satanist and occult religions involving the unimaginable horrors of child and human sacrifice, including via wars–excerpt below.


Excerpt from early in the article:

“The American masses as well as many Pentagon Officials are now learning how our nation’s highest echelons were infiltrated and hijacked by the Khazarian Mafia and its subordinates the Bush Crime Cabal (aka the BCC) and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors (aka the Zios).

As this hidden truth is now becoming known and obvious to all, it can no longer be denied that High Treason has been committed in the Pentagon’s High Command Structure surround 9-11-01 and all the subsequent wars it triggered. Nor can it be denied that thousands of the best American Soldiers have been needlessly sacrificed, killed, horribly wounded and disabled for nothing but the evil profits of the Banksters and their war contractors.

As you can imagine as this truth sweeps through the Pentagon and the US Military, dissidence and rage grows by the day. And this realization is now spreading throughout the Pentagon at breakneck speed.

The truth that the Pentagon High Command and the US Administration were deeply involved in the attack on America and managed the stand-down on 9-11-01 is so clear cut, so definite, and so compelling that it can no longer be denied by anyone that takes the time to carefully consider that basic evidence.

The Pentagon High Command has worked very hard with the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), the Administration and Congress to contain these terrible deep dark secrets and prevent the American masses and American Military from finding them out. To learn of the specifics of either of these secrets is usually a mind-boggling shock to the system for anyone that finds out, especially the second secret.

The first dark secret is that the Pentagon High Command has been infiltrated and hijacked by the World’s largest Opium Cartel and manipulated into helping the CIA and the Mossad, using the DEA and US Customs as cover to become the World’s largest illegal drug traffickers.

The second deep dark secret even more terrible for America if you can imagine that is that the Pentagon High Command assisted the Mossad and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens and the US Administration in their attack on America on 9-11-01.”

On People Being Miscast as Domestic Terrorists and Terrorized by the State:

The decision was made by the top several Policy-Makers who really control the Pentagon and the USG that the only way to continue illegal, unConstitutional, undeclared, perpetual wars was to create a new imaginary enemy that could be redefined at any time.

This enemy (“The Terrorists”) must be able to be modified and expanded or refocused at any time to include any nation that they needed to destroy and gain access to their natural resources cheaply. Thus the ideas of the DVD (Fourth Reich or Abwehr) to deploy Gladio-style, False-flag, inside-job engineered synthetic terror were accepted.

But even worse the Khazarian Mafia decided that the definition of what a terrorist is would be expanded to include any American citizen who asked too many questions, was a whistle-blower of any kind, or did not immediately comply with any government or police order.

They proceeded to consolidate all American Law Enforcement into a Khazarian Mafia Secret Police, Homeland Security (DHS) using Pentagon weapons and technology and Israeli anti-terrorist training given for free by the ADL to almost every large Police Department.

Their plan was to merge the American Police, the NSA and the Pentagon with those who were in control of Homeland Security, the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens which they had direct control over. In this way they could create a master control grid and quickly identify any dissident ant any level, and then label them domestic terrorists to be harassed, psychotronically “corrected”, gang stalked or arrested and imprisoned.”

From the section on Satanism, “the Process”:

“And we now know for certain that every major police department has had an American Intel contact, usually CIA (sometimes other US Intel), with top secret credentials, often a NOC, that runs cover ups. The embedded Intel ops typically run cover-ups for any activities associated with the CIA, including setting up “stand-down” Arkensides (murders made to appear as suicides) to get rid of whistle-blowers and dissidents.

These embedded Intel Agents run cover-ups for the CIA/DEA/Mossad “controlled deliveries” of narcotics for black ops money which are supposed to catch the “Mr. Big drug traffickers” but never do.  And they suppress any serious investigations or recognition of the numerous and serious crimes and violence of the Satanic Cult Network known as the “Process”. Obviously these men are Traitors and are functioning as a part of a major RICO crime syndicate.

It is time they are exposed and brought to justice. Anyone committing these crimes using National Security as False cover obviously has lost their soul and humanness if they ever had one in the first place.

The invocation of so-called “National Security” to cover murder, drug trafficking, pedophilia, human compromise is in this case a separate RICO crime in an of itself, besides all the other major felonies involved.

We now know from those that have been close to the World’s largest Satanic Cult called “the Process” that it started out as an MI-6 type operation based on the teaching of John Dee, Aleister Crowley and Alice Bailey. This massive World’s largest cult is based on ancient Baal Worship, child and human sacrifice and deployment of wars and mass death eugenics.

Sadly this Satanic cult “the Process” has been deputized as an agent of US National Security and given complete immunity and protection for all its activities including human sex trafficking, organ trafficking, pedophilia, drug trafficking and various other criminal cult activities.”

Please visit Veterans Today for the whole, eye-opening article.

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