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Urgent Call to Action in West Virginia to Legally and Peacefully Restore Constitutional Government in the US

thomas deegan

Update 11/25/2015: Updated post at Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth. Includes raw footage of the Oct 5, 2015 hearing where Thomas House of Deegan appeared before Magistrate Robin Waters (covered in article dated 10/11 below.). Distressing to see the treatment by the corporate State of a person wrongfully charged with “terrorist acts.” is taking pledges for the absurdly, and wrongfully inflated $300,000 bail–this bail should be scrapped and Thomas released, since all these charges are spurious; one can only hope.

Update 11/7/15: Post at Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth with link to live radio show featuring Alicia, Leonard, Phil Hudok, and Gene Stannaker, talking about being illegally disallowed from serving the magistrate Robin Waters in the case of Thomas Deegan.

Update 10/22/15: Post from Phil Hudok at Obama and Company’s Rule of Law — No, Free Thomas!

Update 10/11/15: From Hudok.Info, excerpt from an article re-posted there from The News Center: “Two weeks after his arrest, a Mineral Wells man appears in court for a preliminary hearing, but it didn’t go as planned after the defendant became uncooperative with the magistrate judge and claimed he did not understand what he was there for.

Thomas Deegan is charged with threats of terrorist acts after state police tells us he sought to help remove several state government leaders from their offices at the state capital.

Deegan said repeatedly he didn’t understand anything the magistrate judge told him and he didn’t want to go forward without the assistance of council. Deegan does have the right to have a court appointed attorney, which he did not accept, but was given anyways.

Deegan also told the court it would be served this week.Please visit this page at Hudok.Info for the whole article, and click on all links listed on this central page at their site for further updates on Thomas Deegan’s case.  Phillip Hudok writes in support of Thomas Deegan here  and writes also about covert divisive attempts to drive a rift within the original team of three. Also find posted on Scanned Retina an account of the manner of the arrest–or abduction and kidnapping–of Thomas Deegan.

Update 9/28/2015: Phil Hudok will be doing an exclusive interview on TalkLine with Hoppy Kercheval on Tuesday, September 29.  The interview is to run from 9:06 through 9:30 A.M. Please see this page at for more information.

Update, 9/26/2015: Please visit Scanned Retina for updates and for important information being posted on this subject, as also Co-Creating Our Future on Planet EarthThe reaction to Thomas Deegan’s arrest is seismic, ripples are spreading worldwide. By no means does this story end here. If anything, greater attention has now been drawn to this vital issue. As Arnie Rosner notes in a recent post, the article proclaiming Thomas Deegan’s arrest as a “sovereign citizen” appears to be calculated government propaganda (the casting of “sovereigns” as “sovereign citizens” and the equating of those with the label “domestic terrorist” at its core), and we must remember that our spate of false-flag scenarios in the US stem from that same recourse to propaganda the government has gifted itself, via the NDAA and sundry Executive Orders. Perhaps this turn of events will prove to be, in the long run, providential, for it calls global attention at base to what this uproar is all about anyway–false/fraudulent governance by corporation, not elected government.  Please check, the West Virginia site, as well for updates.

Update, 9/25/2015: Please see this rather distressing article over at Maine Republic Email Alert about the recent arrest of Thomas Deegan. This is tragic, and apparently a consequence of infiltration at one of the conference calls. In the radio talk show where Thomas Deegan mentioned the cancellation of the planned action (linked below), he expressly mentioned peaceful intent and peaceful action.  Clearly, there is a government attempt afoot to completely suppress all attempts at organizing or action against government corruption through actions of intimidation such as this. Very sad, and I hope this is straightened out soon enough and Thomas released. I don’t think this is the end of this larger and persistent story–of overturning government corruption–although unjust acts of intimidation such as this are apparently aimed to give people the impression that it is. Please continue to follow this story at www., and the other websites mentioned below. Also, please continue to keep informing yourself about issues of corruption, government, and criminality in high places–our silence is no longer an option. We are living in times which call for our active intellectual engagement, our awareness, our consciousness, our fearlessness, and our voice. If we continue to individually and collectively–and peacefully–understand and take peaceful action, in whatever way we can, we will inevitably shape and change our collective reality. Our consciousness alone has the great power to change our reality.

Update, 9/24/2015: Please visit Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth for the latest on this action. Apparently the Sep 24 meet date has been cancelled because of infiltration of the group and attempts to create conflict intended to undermine the main effort–tragic! There is also a video posted there of a radio talk show conversation with Thomas House of Deegan.

If you’ve been following the West Virginia story, covered here under Breaking News and Updates, you’ll know what’s going on there currently, but if not, please visit Jean Haines’ blog, Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth to view these two posts (linked below) covering a conference call held two days ago in West Virginia, to which all interested Americans/militia/oathkeeper/liberty groups were invited, once more calling for action from all Americans interested in saving the Republic–the intent is peaceful, and the hope apparently is to get together a large gathering of people willing to take action to “oust the impostors” in public office, following their being exposed as employees of private corporations passing themselves off as elected government, a West Virginia action that is expected to cascade nationwide, but there is an urgency behind this call, fully discussed in these posts, which offer transcripts:

Thomas Deegan Calls us to West Virginia Before the Pope goes to the United Nations and Signs the Papers there that wil Re-enslave us

Thomas Deegan’s Call September 14, 2015, Part II

The urgency has to do with the accelerated pace of events around us, as the Pope’s visit is expected to move up the implementation of Agenda 2030/used-to-be-21 which is essentially the death-knell to national and individual sovereignty and is the ushering-in of Big Brother’s world, here in the US, and across the world. There are also much darker implications, since the Depopulation agenda of the globalists is moving into high gear, apparently, and there is wake-up information here of intended/engineered mass disasters/intended mass killings and more headed our way rather soon. Not to indulge in fear parades, but this information, in conjunction with everything else we know is happening in the US right now–chem trails, nanotech, mind control, MK ULTRA, Cointelpro, out-of-control surveillance, stealth warfare and lawlessness on city streets, aggressive and militarized police, flouride in water, GMOs in food, mandated vaccinations, the killing of holistic doctors, documentarians, journalists, whistleblowers–feels highly plausible.

Excerpt from the first post:

An overwhelming show of force will probably dictate that a shot will not be fired. If there is a moderate amount of people here there may be shot fired. We are not looking for that, so we hope we see tens of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands shut down Charleston. – truckers, bikers, militia, whoever.

It needs to be shown that the American people are not going to allow what’s going to happen at the UN next week!

Now we will open the call to questions and I will have a few more statements then we will be done.

Caller1: Who is being insured? The Americans?

TD: Every free man, woman and child on Earth. You have an insurance policy taken out on you by the government that is over you and you also have a Cestui que Vie account that is over you that is maintaining and holding you illegally and unlawfully and they are trying to become the heirs. This is for every man, woman and child on the Earth.

Caller2: Does this fall back to the Save Our Sovereignty where we are used as collateral and they are wanting to take up the collateral?

TD: They would like to see you die off but not at their hands so they can collect the Cestui que Vie account and the insurance policy. Anything you think you own they already have legal title to.

Caller3: With the economic collapse, who is going to pay out the $50,000?

TD: The $50,000 is held in the Cestui que Vie accounts and is backed by the gold in the Vatican, BIS and IMF. The insurance policy is worth much more than the Cestui que Vie account — probably in the million dollar range.

Caller4: Your driver license, Social Security Card is in all capital letters. That makes you cattle.


TD: They have legal title and are the legal owner of the property. That applies worldwide.

Caller5: If you own a piece of property you have a warranty deed and all that says is you are warranted to pay the rent on it. If you don’t have an Allodial land title you do not own it and they are all held at the main BLM office in Santa Fe, New Mexico.”

Excerpt from the second post:

“Caller103: What is the purpose of the Pope speaking at the UN?

TD: Once the Pope speaks he is on it.

Caller103: So how long do you think we have?

TD: The best I can tell is by February we are seeing mass killings in urban areas.

Caller103: So we have some time?

TD: I would not agree with that. You will have new Emperors over you. If you think it will be easier –it will not.

Caller103: I think the dollar is going to collapse…

TD: It can…just like everything. The phoenix is dying and the new one is being brought out.


“Caller123: Is it a matter of either we do this or have the mass killings?

TD: The biological and chemical weapons have been authorized. I have heard dates from November to February.

Caller 124: Zbigniew Brzezinsky has been an advisor to every president since Richard Nixon. He wrote a book about how it was easier to control a million people than to kill a million people. Now he says it is easier to kill a million people than to control them. He is still in control of our government. This is real and it is happening. They want us dead and we need to step up and say no!

Caller125: From what we are hearing the number of what we are hearing on the Georgia Guidestones would be a pipe dream because it is going to be lower than the 500 million.

Caller126: I heard they changed it to 200 million!

Caller127: 2-300 million. You are absolutely right.

TD: They do not need it because this is what the new technocratic society is. In case you folks cannot read between the lines. It’s a new technocratic society. They don’t need humans anymore.

Please click on the post-links above for the full transcript. (After learning about Agenda 2030 (more information on which to be posted here soon), none of this will sound like hyperbole.) Please spread the word widely about this action, especially to concerned Americans prepared to act to save our country, our future, and our children.

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