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Jade Helm 2015 Update: Contrived Confusion…? Let’s Cut Through the Chaos

So: At this point, I suspect one is meant to be confused by Jade Helm, as well as  fearful, and paralyzed. Once more, the analyses in alternative media range from Jade Helm as major PsyOp–designed to induce fear–through Definite Martial Law Ahead to Managing Impending Mass Civil Unrest to all sorts of possibilities such as Flushing Negative ETs/Aliens Out of Deep Underground Military Bases, to Capturing the Cabal, to Chasing Demons To be Released Shortly By CERN’s Machinations with High-Speed Particles and Opening Dimensions to Hell.

You might laugh your head off, or you might freak out, based on your orientation here to what’s going on in our completely crazed world currently.

See this commentary by Joachim Hagopian (excerpted here): “These days it is becoming increasingly more difficult to ferret out the truth, be it mainstream or independent media sources. A major strategy the federal government commonly uses to discredit alternative media is planting disinformation within its ranks. Government moles have infiltrated the so called independent online media, intentionally muddying the waters so murky as to obscure the facts. When alternative sites cry out that the sky is falling and then it doesn’t, it conditions consumers of independent media to no longer believe them either, thus rendering all independent news outlets “whacked out conspiracy theorists.” Through various PSYOPS the US intelligence community has targeted both social media as well as alternative news media as viably effective outlets to spread further disinformation and propaganda lies. Of course this malicious agenda of the US government purposely keeping Americans uninformed in the dark, too dumbed down and confused, not knowing who or what to believe or trust as the actual truth, is exactly where the feds want us.”

But let’s Not give in to fear. Let’s Not give in to confusion. Fear is the ruling elite’s primary weapon against humanity. Fear really means: you’re handing your rational, thinking power over to the fear-pushers.

But let’s not, like Corporate Mainstream Media, completely dismiss what’s happening here either. Because something is definitely happening.

Military Presence

Jade Helm--and Robin Sage, and all the other drills–is definitely about the military getting right in our midst.

What for?

1. There are reports out currently stating the Pentagon has admitted to expecting “mass civil unrest.”

This has echoes of the famous New World Order Delphic Problem, Reaction, Solution since military documents for the past 15 years if not earlier mention “mass civil unrest” as a contingency they are preparing for.

Remember, they’re propagandizing about a Revolution in Military Affairs currently, which is about  switching to Information Operations and Unconventional Warfare and Electronic Warfare (mind-reading, nanotech, neurotech, remote neural control, and full-spectrum surveillance)–and Jade Helm is all about Special Ops forces engaging in Unconventional Warfare–which, from their documents, involves Active Deception and PsyOps).

See also this Mintpress News article, reminding us the Military is studying non-violent activists, much in the mode of them being “potential terrorists”: US Isn’t Invading Texas, but Pentagon Is Prepping for Mass Civil Unrest

So we have to ask: are they planning to first Create Mass Civil Unrest?

(Much like Violence has been created at recent protests–Ferguson, Baltimore..?)

(And let us not forget that these terrible racial/police crimes may also be being manipulated currently–so it’s not racism per se, it’s Promoted Racism, Promoted Militarism, Promoted Police Aggression–it’s the old, old Anglo Imperialist Divide and Rule. And here with an extra flourish: the call to remove states’ rights and federalize the police, as in this call from Rev. Al Sharpton)

Can Anyone see the Mass of sleeping Americans waking up to throw bottles at police, (or even marching en masse)–for any reason? No, we Americans like to do what police ask us to do. Generally. We’ve been trained to Respect the Badge here in the US (Land of the Freely Meek).

This is why Citizen Snitch and Harass networks currently operative all over the US (see Chris Hedges’ article, A Nation of Snitches) can operate at all–neighborhoods and communities are easily deceived by fraudulent actions of Intel agencies/Local Law Enforcement into persecuting–tracking/surveilling/targeting other American citizens in the name of “national security.”

So: what impending event is likely to create Mass Civil Unrest among us?

2. Lots of people have realistic expectations we’re facing a major and imminent economic collapse. This post relaying updates from Drake, posted at Starship Earth suggests the same: the military is here to “keep the peace” (via forceful internment of protesters) once our bank accounts are frozen.

Which latter possibility is not implausible, given the infatuation with Austerity (grabbing people’s pension funds/retirement accounts/bank accounts) and “structural reform” that central banks practice, as evident recently in Greece.

Although Karen Hudes tells us the transition from a fiat currency (the Federal Reserve note, our current US dollar, backed by nothing) to a gold-backed US Treasury note could be peaceful, an option the Feds are not going for, apparently.

Maybe if our bank accounts are frozen this summer, we might want to swarm out into the streets? (Really hard to imagine currently, since America is fast asleep.)

But financial collapse May just be the turning-point being planned.

See this article by Shadow of Truth: SoT – Eric Dubin: The New World Order, Economic Collapse and Jade Helm  15

3. All that stuff about internments, FEMA camps, etc. which comes from military documents continues to be speculated about.

This article from Intellihub ( a good site for updates on Jade Helm) with videos from various sources covers actual drills already engaged in by Marines, where protesters are subdued and carted off or fenced in. Take a moment to watch the videos, they’re not reassuring.  Jade Helm: Marines Train for Internment of Citizens Under Martial Law

These videos from Level9News on Youtube are informative:

Level9News: Jade Helm: Mastering the Human Domain: 1033 and Executive Order 13684

Level9News: Robin Sage is Jade Helm for Eastern US

This video from Resurrecting the Republic and Next News Network covers a lot:

Jade Helm 15 Completely Exposed, Biometric Data Gathering, Conditioning for US Police Force

4. There are global drills ongoing or announced. (Hence also the speculations about CERN–just search on Youtube.)

Lisa Haven’s video: World Armies Preparing for Armageddon? Jade Helm Copycat Drills Now Global. It’s Here!

5. Larger than Jade Helm is the Concept behind it. Dahboo777 spells out what he discovered in the Military document ARSOF Operating Concept 2022 which suggests that Jade Helm is mere precursor to what’s to come–essentially a visioning of “non-state actors” in the Continental United States being the ultimate Adversary, no longer nation-states but people and groups who are able to gain influence globally across borders, this to include activists and “empowered individuals.”

Deterrence operations to be used against them include Electronic Warfare and stealth technologies–but “Targeted Individuals” currently being subject to asymmetric warfare and covert assaults with radiation neuroweapons are evidence of this evil going on already among us.

Here’s the video:

Bigger than Jade Helm: ARSOF Operating Concept 2022, Borders to be Erased

6. There are rumors of a final UN takeover, and a Post-2015 agenda being implemented. This moment, in September, just before the fourth Blood Moon, when the Pope visits the US, and actually addresses Congress, is seen as the intended Turning-Point in the transformation of America from once-free to completely-enslaved. Project Blue Beam — beamed holograms of various Gods or alien spaceships — which people say may be rolled out — is posited as an actual (secret) military program, headed our way shortly. There are also rumors about asteroids, a mass-destruction climate event, etc. (Exactly as in the movie Deep Impact.)

Note: The UN does have a Post-2015 Agenda–See Anthony Watts’ article: The UN Climate End Game, and Global Warming, sorry is it Climate Change now…? is part of that platform.

See Michael Snyder’s article: In September, The UN Launches A Major Sustainable Development Agenda For The Entire Planet

And for some commentary which includes ETs and ET intervention:

See Alfred Webre’s articles, the first including Renee M’s videos on the 9/23/2015 meme hidden in Hollywood movies–

A global Extinction Level false flag event is underway under the Meme “September 23, 2015” lasting until Oct. 11-12, 2016, challenging the positive timeline

September 22-28, 2015 Jade Helm/Yom Kippur False Flag: BBC broadcasts “End Days” infomercial as ET fleet & Lightworkers prepare to take down Matrix

7. We don’t know the real truth about ETs. The truth has been hidden. So, it’s hard to tell what may be afoot currently with ETs, if anything at all. But there are a few speculations it’s worth being aware of. Many researchers and observers and analysts tell us we’re right in the middle of/very close to Disclosure, and that Disclosure has and will have a direct impact on every aspect of our lives, including Jade Helm.

See this recent article and interview by Dr. Michael Salla, interviewing Corey Goode:

Extraterrestrial alliance helps secret space program overcome opposition to full disclosure

Jade Helm Secrecy

Whatever is actually going on, isn’t it odd that we have no real information from our Government–and even if we did, we’d find it hard-pressed to believe them? What can any of us do in such a peculiar situation?

What One Can Do

One, we could stay aware, stay informed, scour the news–both alternative and underground–use our own judgment as to what to do.

Two, let’s not give in to fear. There’s a lot here that suggests we’re being played, at many levels. Fear is paralyzing and negative. Let’s not be manipulated.

Three, let’s speak out in any forum we find comfortable, from our own analysis, whether a letter to the editor of our local newspaper, or in a city council meeting. Ask why we need the military in our midst. There are some public options available, such as this Counter Jade Helm website for civilians to report news and video–but check them out for yourself, see if they seem authentic to you.

Four, watch this wonderful film once more, 2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning--it’s all about how we’re right on the cusp of transitioning to a golden age, and how we are being held back by entrenched corporate powers, and how it’s not fear but Love and Unity Consciousness that will help us walk through these very uncertain and often seemingly dark times.

Five, we could do what we love, stay in Alpha consciousness, send our loving-kindness, as the Buddhist monks tell us, all through the universe every day. Through our thoughts, our calm, our stability, our tranquility, we could beat this attempt to drag us down into a fearful and victimized state.

We’re not victims. We’re creators. Let’s focus on what we Can do. On what we love and who we love. Let’s spread our own powerful light, each in our own way. Let’s create a future together of tranquility and harmony. If all life is probability, it’s up to us to make sure a peaceful and positive timeline unfolds–for all of us.

Which means really, we should step up in some way today and Act–each and every one of us.



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