News of Harm: Humanity in Crisis as Those Targeted Non-Consensually Reporting Being Held Within AI MK Ultra & Pain Research Projects are Possibly Being Used in “Martyrdom” & Forms of Brain/Heart/Soul Harvesting

Report & Op-Ed #TechnoCreative| Ramola D | 6th of February, 2023

Various sources within communities reporting “synthetic telepathy” — a reported military and intelligence technology — one of many reported on often by this science, technology, and human rights journalist and writer, suggest that a crime of the most unimaginable magnitude is being carried out on thousands of people who have been targeted unlawfully and non-consensually drawn into multiple projects seemingly innocuous but with very dark intentions.

To what extent any of these reports are true needs to be fully investigated and addressed by relevant human rights organizations and criminal justice organizations.

Some of these projects are possibly hidden behind purported Artificial Intelligence Mind and Behavior Control projects studying numerous subjects and especially those engaged in Pain Bio-Behavioral Research Projects which supposedly involve people who are imagined to have consented to “martyrdom” via experimental treatment designed to cause and study pain in the human body and brain.

What a concept, that anyone whatsoever would ever consent to be a martyr–or that the concept of martyr could even exist in this day and age. And what a horror, that anyone could actually be involved in such dastardly schemes to remove lives, souls, hearts, and brains. Martyrdom is not a normal idea even to consider in the face of basic and fundamental human rights and freedoms–absolutely no-one in the world would consent to be a martyr, in the opinion of this writer and probably billions on Earth.

So many questions arise in the face of this purported possibility although one beats all—can it be possible even that people’s lives can actively be taken from them in a research project?

One hopes it is the great concern for humanity, present and future, which will cause people to bring up these projects openly if the case — on which not much information seems to exist but enough to suggest grave harm has been aimed at all of humanity, subjects covered earlier here in numerous projects.

Not much is known currently but it appears that the kind of thing spoken about by Dr. Robert Duncan in Project Soulcatcher may indeed be true while much of this is speculative.

As a human rights journalist and writer long engaged in reportage on this subject which she is retiring from currently as she turns back to her creative writing and art and community service, this writer hopes that all people will rise to the awareness that recognition of our human rights, natural rights, God-given rights are our most powerful accomplishment in consciousness as a collective, and hopefully all circles will step forward to address this subject and save those involved non-consensually or unknowingly in these projects.

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