Sara Haboubi Interviews Irish Financial Investor Melissa Ciummei: The Solution (to Intended Digital Human Enslavement from Vax Passports) is Mass Non Compliance, You Just All Have to Say NO

Repost & Link from Iconoclast | Ramola D | Dec 15, 2021

Powerful explication of the new normal using the new vaxx passport which is a data passport, Melissa Ciummei explains. As the media-batting-for-billionaires ramp up the Climate Change narrative, “they’re moving away from fear to guilt”–a guilt being fostered in humans, for the crimes engaged in by “philanthropists aka psychopaths.”

A financial investor who sees the move to digital currency as inevitable, Melissa Cuimmei from Ireland states that all of humanity needs to wake up and withdraw consent from the grandiose, enslaving plans of the WEF and connected billionaires: “All we need to do is say NO.”

What she refers to is precisely the technologically-bound slavery being set in place by the COVID vaccines and long-worked-on by chem trails, both setting off a storm of magnetizing, highly electrically conductive nanometallic particles in bloodstreams, beginning a long, planned digitizing enslavement intended to hook humans up to Cloud AI, supercomputing, and central bankers’ control forever, cradle to grave: this is the horrific techno future intended for our children and grandchildren. Extreme control, over every aspect of their lives–and no freedom of speech, assembly, mobility, expression, movement, health choices or food choices.

While our children and teenagers crave the return to getting into nightclubs and bars, restaurants and a social life, we need to guide them away from the easy-vaxx-passport for temporary conveniences, she says, for this is the start of something profoundly sinister and life-depriving. The Chinese social-credit system is being lined up for acceptance here–and it is only adults who can change this around.

“We must fight for our children–find our communities and support network, find like-minded people and say No, do not let your people participate in this vaxx-passport-economy which is a gateway to social credit economy and outright slavery.

“Withdraw participation from businesses which pursue the vaxx passport, let them fall apart, let them lobby government for survival–it’s going to be the same move this year into the social credit system, incentives first then lockdowns, later carbon credits. Say No to all of it.”

A powerful and insightful interview, a must-watch. Please share widely.

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