Under Cover of Surveillance, Gross Violations of Human Rights & Civil Rights in US and Worldwide | Amy Rayboun: The Program All True TIs are Blacklisted Into

Repost of Facebook Post by Amy Rayboun, April 27, 2021 | Posted with Preface by Ramola D | June 3, 2021

On the eve of the anniversary of the massacre at Tiananmen Square, on June 4, 1989, in Beijing, China, when 100s or 1000s of Chinese students seeking democracy were victimized by a massive military attack crushing basic human rights and freedoms (estimates of deaths range from 800 to 4000 and have been officially downplayed (as 241) and suppressed), it seems fitting to post further notice of the worldwide “TI Program” which many who are being unlawfully targeted under cover of surveillance and counter-terrorism laws in the “democratic-in-name-only” West and worldwide today attest is being levied against them–while all in their neighborhoods, social circles, and employment circles can also attest exists, since these very self-deceiving “upright citizens” (corralled by the local fusion-center Gestapo) willingly participate in actions of social ostracism, character assassination, and facilitation of electronic assault-and-battery masquerading as “surveillance” and “community monitoring” against them.

Tianmensquare, 1989, Image from Internet

“TI” has come to be short form for “Targeted Individual,” a term in itself conflicted and questionable, since it has come to be used pejoratively as a label and pigeonholing device, while the associations with it of mental-illness–studiously cultivated by propaganda-pushing and openly deceitful mainstream media (such as VICE News in this film it terms “empathetic of mentally ill TIs”), complicit psychiatrists, and the whole syndicate of funded criminals in “Law Enforcement,” “Homeland Security,” and “Bureaus of Investigation” who work with local corporate informants and corrupt public officials in local and state government to target innocents, as reported here in the US and here earlier to President Trump in 2017 and in 2019, across a range: activists, journalists, whistleblowers, artists, writers, poets, civic-minded community leaders, anyone who speaks out to a “connected” School Board official or city councilor or crosses the path of local Freemasons and Secret Society occultists or non-illumined “Illuminati” whether these be Mayors, School Board Presidents, or Governors, and label them “suspects,” “terrorists,” “violent extremists”–are intentional, deliberate, and succeed in deceiving many.

Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers

The “TI Program” has also come to be recognized worldwide–and the extreme forms of persecution and COINTELPRO previously reported only by Intelligence agency whistleblowers and activists who made the mistake of acting with integrity on the job and have been hounded for it forever are now being reported in selfsame guise by hundreds of thousands of once-free Americans, British, Europeans, Asians, Australians. Some analysts and observers say however there is no one program under which people are being targeted and persecuted, who distinguish political persecution as separate. Indeed it appears there are many, but those who are not necessarily political targets–never having been activists or whistleblowers–but who report the same kind of abusive physical torture and social ostracism protocols seem to concur that the methodologies of public and covert harassment they experience are very similar.

“True-TI” has come to mean those found by others to be truly targeted–while there abound the other kind as well, who seem to be working for the perpetrators as they attack and smear others, as both this writer and Amy Rayboun experienced, at the hands of smear-campaign-running ex-NSA Karen Melton-Stewart: Vicious Lies, Libel, Inversions, Character-Assassination: Is Karen Stewart a “TI Leader” or a Covert Fusion Center Operative?.

Whistleblowers from Defense, the CIA, Intelligence & Security agencies, information from FOIA requests, declassified documents have now confirmed what many report, that unacknowledged neuro-experimentation and non-lethal weapons testing is underway, both via US DOD and NATO diclosures, that “crowd-control technologies” using spectrum (EMF) weapons and acoustic (neuro) weapons are being tested and operated, that AI and supercomputing along with controlling synthetic biology and nanotechnology, cybernetics and robotics is being tested and developed competitively by companies and countries, as reported in this recent report:

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People

It becomes clear therefore that the vagaries of “counter-terrorism” and “countering violent extremism” and “surveillance” have been used abusively by Intelligence agencies and DHS to acquire or manufacture targets for use in covered research, weapons-testing, and experimentation projects, as new technologies of BCI-AI, V2K, millimeter wave weapons and microwave pulse weapons have (without public debate or consideration for ethics and human rights) emerged from military research into use on the streets by Justice & Law Enforcement, as described in depth recently by Finnish policy analyst Ville Helleberg in his report to the OHCR:


Those told their friend, colleague, or neighbor is “under investigation” are recruited to participate in the Neuro Linguistic Programming and other Psychological Warfare protocols, under threat of high fines or jail time–as FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee has revealed is common practice when false warrants and court orders are issued in secret by corrupt Federal Magistrate Judges or FISA court judges seeking to bury targets alive. Those targeted are stripped of all human and civil rights, pursued, persecuted, and subjected to high-tech torture in their homes, on their couches, in their beds at night–in ways that obliterate the Nuremberg Code, the Geneva conventions, all human rights laws, and tear common shame and decency to bits.

These crimes–of governments, Intelligence agencies, militaries, and fusion center contractors–are still ongoing, still seeking public recognition and redressal, and still being ignored by media, human rights agencies, Congress, Parliaments, anyone who could take decisive action to bring these Mengele-and-beyond programs to an end. (Instead, elaborate constructs involving Cuban “syndromes” are run by the thuggish Intelligence Community responsible for these crimes: Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis.)

Secrecy needs to be ripped wide open, and classified research involving human subjects–and permitting such extreme atrocity–needs to be stopped, as CIA and DOD whistleblower Dr. Robert Duncan has stated:

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change

Amy Rayboun, a “TI” investigator, researcher, advocate, and human rights activist who works to offer support and insight to those targeted whom she encounters, offers this information on the “TI Program” for all who may have no idea such cruelty and such atrocity can exist today, and for all “true-TIs” in support and acknowledgment of their infinite suffering. Many have been killed, this should also be known, through various means: attrition and health breakdown through constant frequency weapon attack or pushed-suicide through radio-hypnosis and frequency weapon attack or provoked police-shootings: these are nothing but Satanic programs of torture, abuse, life takeover, and human guinea-pigging, they are egregious in every way, and they should be stopped.

Many thanks to Amy Rayboun for this summary and confirmation of the gross violations of human and civil rights that those targeted are being subjected to. The physical abuse and torture being reported by those targeted establishes definitively that the use of classification to conceal the atrocities being wrought on targets is a criminal use of such classification.

May all reading be awakened to and act on the urgency of the need to bring these programs to an immediate end.

And on this 32nd anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre, may the world and China break free of the clutches of Communism & totalitarianism and return to sanity and freedom.

–Ramola D



–Amy Rayboun



– done to destroy one’s personal and professional life

– half-truths, rumors, and lies are strategically spread into their lives

– may be the basis for a bogus investigation

– rumors circulated are shocking and repulsive. rumors are one is a pedophile, prostitute, terrorist, racist, anti-government, mentally ill, drug addict, drug dealer, or a threat

– those spreading the lies are acquaintances and/or family members who were recruited, lied to, intimidated, and blackmailed into becoming informants

– law enforcement has used tactics to destroy people that they either wanted to recruit as informants or those they knew they could not recruit and wanted to destroy

– done for the purpose of constant harassment with planned destructiveness and destroying relationships. done simultaneously with the goal of breaking someone down

– rumors spread to neighbors, friends, family, employers, etc. spent to separate/induce isolation for a TI from their friends and families.

– labeling one a pedophile is damaging and produce optimum leverage for gaining community support

– harassed by neighbors and vigilante groups to the point where they are driven out of communities, forced out of work, and driven out of multiple states


– borderline-subliminal attacks designed to induce phobias

– uses anchors and triggers

– goal is to condition people with damaging emotions linked to triggers such as objects, colors, movements, and sounds

– TIs are covertly injured openly in public AND may happen with or without the TI’s conscious awareness

– purpose is to get TI to “respond emotionally to a particular trigger.” negative emotions are then built into the protocol

– sound, movement, or object becomes the trigger that will invoke the emotion

– process of creating anchors has also been called Emotional Transference

– patterns of behavior can be installed AND then reactivated whenever a similar situation is encountered or created. perps intentionally install anchors to return the TI to specific emotional states. first, the perp will create the desired emotional state in the TI

– deliberate infliction of emotional pain is an act of violence

– TIs world wide have witnessed this being done with sounds, gestures, cell phones, laptops, pens, cars, watches, clothing, symbols, colors, and other items. perps will reinforce these anchors and triggers with an occasional “blitz attack”

– TIs stalked by multiple people who carry that object, wear that color, or utter that phrase. brings to the surface all the emotional pain a TI suffered during that particular experience

– stockholm syndrome, pavlovian conditioning program, etc…


– includes blocking, cut-offs, and swarming

– TIs may be encircled by people wearing colors or holding objects that has been used to sensitized them. prolonged crowding can have an extremely negative effect on your mental/emotional health

– deliberate space invasion is designed to look like normal cut-offs and collisions. it can happen with vehicles, on foot, or a combination

– intended to startle people and make them tense. used in blind areas such as corners, hallways, restrooms, or intersections where TIs have people or cars cutting them off OR almost hitting them in a calculated manner

– happens in stores, buildings and on the street, with people and vehicles

– can be induced crowding

– perps adjust their timing so that they meet the TI at the exact point where there is the least amount of space for all parties to pass which maximizing the invasion of the TI’s space

– purpose is to get the TI’s attention and make them uncomfortable

– happens in stores while making purchases, restaurants, businesses, where targets have people frequently cutting them off, invading their space, using sensitivity programs, or other harassment tactics


– TIs experience a steady stream of noise consisting of different types of noise disturbances around their residence. includes but not limited to door slamming, yelling, car alarms, horns, tires screeching, loud music, engines revving, and frequent construction projects from heavy machinery and tools

– other types of disturbances include frequent noise from lawn mowers, snow blowers, vehicles with loud exhaust systems, and ambulance sirens, etc…

– noise will be synchronized with some type of activity

– made as TI leaves to appear to serve as a form of communication to alert perps in the area to begin pursuit

– used as a weapon to inflict pain

– produces adverse physiological AND psychological health effects, i.e., high blood pressure, a rise in cholesterol, damage to the circulatory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal systems


– used during group stalking and contains verbal and non-verbal harassment, threats, insults, intimidation, and violence, conveyed overtly, or covertly using themes, symbolism, or other medium

– harassment can be relayed with metaphors, verbal remarks, and symbolism using clothing or other items

– perps stomp their feet, clear their throat, or cough to indicate that they are part of the program. perps speaking on their cell phone and loudly accent the insult as they walk by and stare at the TI. blatant, hostile, or smirking stares, overtly insults as TI walks by are all common

– TIs are harassed, insulted, and threatened with symbolism using articles of clothing, newspapers, and other items. symbolism used with articles of clothing, especially during a wave attack where a TI is “blitzed” by a crowd of perps who smile, laugh, stare at them, and cut them off as TI passes.


– they attack covertly

– conceal their harassment by using existing events that occur naturally

– usually cover for the harassment

– conceal much of the harassment using a basic, simple formula

the basic, simple formula is…

– frequency: how often an event occurs AND the number of acts within a single event.

– duration: length of a single event AND the non-stop nature of the harassment in general.

– intensity: amplification of acts such as sound, sight, crowding, etc. within an event.


– noise disturbances emanate from areas surrounding one’s residence.

– happens simultaneously, strung together, AND one right after the other.

– disturbances may be synchronized with one’s activity, such as one’s arrival or departure.

– disturbances may be a part of a NOISE CAMPAIGN consisting of an alteration of other types of noise.

– frequency and duration formula is also used in MOBBING.

– noise disturbances can be overused for an individual tactic when the tactics are combined and used in a round-the-clock fashion resulting in amplification of their overall potency.

BASIC PROTOCOL/TACTICS (purpose: TIs personality traits can be cataloged AND designed to make someone to appear that they are suffering from a mental disorder)…

– surveillance of targets

– monitoring of their private lives

– entry into their homes (break-ins)

– “singled out” for preliminary stages of harassment

– gang stalking (overt surveillance) ensues

– harassment gradually increases to extreme conditions

– can be attacked with microwave weapons (DEWs)

– neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) (a type of mind-control)

– can have street theatre or staged events

– can have planned harassment skits aka BLOCKING or SWARMING

– includes informants who surround TIs (targets) for the purpose of conversations intended to be overheard that contains information about the TIs personal life

– may be emotionally drained

– unable to properly identify or explain what is happening to them

– psychological warfare tactics are intended to drive people crazy


– US has used doctors to help abuse and discredit people

– collaboration between doctors and the military when experiments were carried out in prisons, hospitals, and universities on unwitting people in North America

– psychiatrist and psychologists provide cover for THE PROGRAM

– in Russia, enemies of the dictatorship would be thrown into mental institutions and drugged beyond recovery

– APA’s refusal to acknowledge the impact of terrorization upon the human psyche

– DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual) is a cover for THE PROGRAM

– paranoia and schizophrenia for anyone who ‘complains’ of THE PROGRAM

– NSA DOMINT (Domestic Intelligence) has the ability to covertly assassinate US citizens by running covert psychological control operations to cause TIs to be diagnosed with ill mental health

– THE PROGRAM itself is designed to mimic mental illness

– mental health professionals participate in THE PROGRAM, wittingly or unwittingly label targets as mentally ill; allowing THE PROGRAM to continue to operate covertly


– once a person is singled out, dwellings surrounding the TI will be sublet and used as bases of operation and training

– unusual patterns of occupancy, lots of people coming and going into these “bases”

– vehicles and license plates used by the “occupants” of the bases may change periodically

– the people who move into these bases have been linked to the DOJ, CIA, and other federal agencies, universities, and government defense contractors

– information obtained by surveillance is used for no ethical reason

– other than to establish a harassment protocol that follows that TI (targeted individual) for the rest of his or her life

– uses very sophisticated equipment that can locate TIs through walls. the equipment is used in combination with Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) and other “non-lethals.”

– miniature microphones and cameras may be planted in one’s residence or through-the-wall infrared devices may be used to monitor one’s movement. for example, Life Assessment Detector System (LADS) have a range of about 135 feet and can detect heartbeat and respiration.


– radar flashlight that has a standoff distance of 30 feet and detects motion behind a wall at 30 feet

– display images in 3D format. can detect respiration, and can see through, wood, brick, plasterboard, glass, and concrete

– used on TIs worldwide and is much more advanced (not available to the public)




– frame TIs for crimes and/or to participate in staged events that foster character assassination

– provoke TIs into confrontations

– will get into setup and staged confrontations with homeless TIs who are well-dressed and very clean to create big public scenes

– confrontations can aid with recruitment

– photos or video footage taken of an enraged TI after they have been antagonized (setup) assists with smear campaigns AND when leveraging support of the community, facilitates the removal of the TI

– multiple complaints filed independently which entail the same report may expedite removal of the TI

– setups and staged confrontations are done to get TIs into the penal or mental health system

– local police participate in stalking and framing TIs for crimes

– Cointelpro has routine setups and fabrication of evidence that is used to destroy a person’s character OR have them imprisoned

– FBI framed innocent people (TIs) for crimes by having informants commit perjury. some of the informants were murderers (20+ murder informants used by FBI). to protect them (FBI), federal law enforcement worked diligently to prevent homicide cases from being resolved

– DOJ personnel are liars, perverts, frame-up artists, and assassins AND the elite used the FBI to orchestrate the cover-up


– staff work in tandem with informants to harass TIs

– staff appears to be friendly as they stick their elbows in a TI’s face, repeatedly kick their chair, crowd them while taking an order, crowd while delivering food, intentionally mess-up orders, and appear clumsy or incompetent by accidentally dropping food or silverware on TIs

– CROWDING, blocking, cut-offs, and swarming while TI goes to restroom and dining table; staff (informants) repeats information about the TIs personal life via cell phone

– sensitization by staff perps wearing a specific color to harass TIs

– harass TIs to invoke a sense of helplessness in the TI so he/she will not be believed if he/she told someone about the harassment

– store clerks work with informants in their store to crowd, block, and cut TIs off

– store clerks participate in noise campaigns by banging merchandise on shelves, throwing boxes on the floor as TIs passes by, slams doors, slams items on counters, and other types of loud commotion

– noise campaigns and street theatre are intended to create a hostile environment to persuade TI to leave AND let the TI know they are being watched (surveillance)

– products from vendors over the phone or online; the TI frequently encounters representatives who does not return calls AND appears vague or incompetent. TIs receive poor service that is recurrently consistent


– may be recruited to break TI down

– may participate in harassment skits intended to make the TI look incompetent, inconsistent, hypocritical, mock, and demoralize TI

– ‘new friends’ pose as confidants who abruptly end ‘friendships’ under deliberate, degrading, and humiliating circumstances to purposely heighten emotional trauma in the TI in order to provoke an uncontrolled response and induce heightened isolation

– family forced to carry out some of the harassment tactics. at home, family may frequently slam doors, cabinets, draws, and other types of noises. in addition, family may crowd and/or block TI

– family members are forced by their handlers to guide the TI through participating in street theatre. family will interact with other informants to harass the TI. skits are intended to make the TI feel foolish, incompetent, or inconsistent


– no sign of forced entry

– occur when TI is sleeping or elsewhere

– occur despite home security system in place

– leave evidence of their visits by relocating objects or committing petty/not-so-petty acts of vandalism

– informants commit small-scale damage which includes but is not limited to the following: ripping TI’s clothing, pouring out milk, coffee, and other items

– informants will steal items and bring back at a later date. they will relocate items by placing them in slightly different spots. the purpose is to gaslight TI. (gaslighting tactics)

– vandalism of property, theft of items, and relocation of items is used for the purpose of driving the TI insane (psychological warfare)

– TIs reporting small vandalism to law enforcement will appeared to have gone insane

– surreptitious break-ins, thefts, and sabotage were a staple part of old Cointelpro


– electronic equipment frequently fails, i.e., electrical systems in their cars, brand new appliances, TVs, radios, PCs, and other electronic equipment suddenly dies OR acts strangely…frequent, ongoing computer trouble/problems is common which does not follow any logical pattern

– electronics sudden malfunction/failing can be attributed to the E-bomb (electronic mail bomb)

– minor vandalism is for the purpose of informing the TI that he/she is under surveillance

– large-scale property damage is done to homes/vehicles. large-scale property damage is but not limited to the following: slashed tires, broken/smashed windows, tampering with break lines, draining oil out of cars, tampering with electronic components and batteries, cutting break lines, breaks failing suddenly, clutches failing, and the destruction of electrical equipment

– pets die suddenly of mysterious illness

– vandalism and pets being tortured is in retaliation for a TI taking action to expose informants and their crimes

– deliberately attempted collisions by drivers aka informants who speed away quickly (staged event)

– intentionally being run off the road has caused fatal car accidents and TI’s vehicles being totaled, leaving TI deceased or with a non-operable vehicle

– multiple independent vehicles are used to facilitate an accident (staged event). the main purpose is for the accident to appear as though it was caused by the TI (framing the TI for the accident happening)

– informants recipe for murder OR framing the TI for any “accidental” deaths that would have occurred if a staged event is successful for vehicular homicide


– TIs experience more tailgating and cut-offs

– vehicles pull out past stops signs as TI approaches intersection (done to startle TI)

– rotation of vehicles that surround TI on highway AND rotation of people tailgating TIs

– when rotation/tailgating of TI is done in a recurrent manner by multiple vehicles; it can antagonize the TI’s behavior and may serve to encourage the TI to accelerate his/her speed. as a direct result of accelerating, the TI could get pulled over (very effective if one is not aware he/she is targeted)

– vehicles marked with an identifying feature or color is used as a sensitization tactic to trigger negative emotions which have been anchored to that ‘feature’ (features may include but not limited to: a uniform; a shade of red, have their lights on even during daytime, etc…). purpose is used as a method to unite the group of informants and promote informants’ group cohesiveness on highway

– common vehicles/aircraft used to stalk TIs include but are not limited to: city/state vehicles, off-duty metro buses, school buses, local restaurant delivery vehicles, city/construction vehicles, fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, postal/UPS vehicles, taxis, 18 wheelers, helicopters, and small planes

– vehicles belong to organizations selected for recruitment into the ‘citizen informant programs’

– convoys of vehicles all spaced the same distance and traveling at the same speed will stalk the TI


– vehicular brighting is an attack

– brighting tactics are maximized when a vehicle has one headlight grossly misaligned and the misalignment produces a hi-beaming effect

– frequency and duration play an important role in brighting

– lights are shined into a TI’s windows

– the most common ‘non-lethal weapons’ are bright lights (brighting)

– the intent is to reduce risks of injury by temporarily ‘hindering’ the eyesight of the TI


– job opportunities are destroyed

– TIs who are employed are MOBBED

– progressive financial depletion induced by TIs loss of employment AND compounded by the extra expenses from the harassment

– termination of employment involved prefatory harassment by employer and co-workers aka MOBBING AND will coincide with other overt forms of harassment

– blacklisting originally used as a foreign-policy tool

– slander plays a critical role in blacklisting

– law enforcement sends ‘watch lists’ to corporations which contain the names of individuals who are NOT under official investigation or wanted. agencies/corporations target and harass TIs by deliberately destroying his/her careers on a massive scale

– applicants denied work because their names appeared on the watch list of applicants that the corporation reviewed

– TI is treated like a leper, only getting the worst jobs

– if one is uncooperative with the state, then one will live in poverty (economic warfare)

– not permitted to enter into universities

– MOBBING continues on to interviews for the purpose of further traumatizing the TI AND designed to humiliate the TI

– interviewers can commit harassment to the TI with little fear of being caught/consequences

– harassment is masked in layers of accommodation to help strengthen the illusion that ‘the TI is not working because the TI chooses not to’


– TIs experience tampering or lost mail because the mail is intercepted

– the purpose is to get as much information as possible that it will aid in the harassment and intimidation of the TI

– one main objective for communication interference is to disrupt the communication systems of the TI

– TIs receive lots of harassing telephone calls. the phone itself is utilized as a tool for harassment


– search engine results are filtered (blocked) and replaced with information pertaining to a TI’s personal life. websites that a TI visits are spoofed to contain information that is intended to let the TI know he/she is being stalked in/on the internet

– online version of public stalking

– purpose of tactic is used for inductions of a sense of hopelessness and isolation

– TIs receive “unsolicited” email that parallels a current event in his/her life

– TIs receive covert insults and threats

– TIs receive harassment via threads posted on message boards

– the topics of these message board threads are about events unfolding in the TI’s personal life that may contain covert directed threats/insults to TI

– TI’s email is blocked/filtered AND web activity monitored

– TI is interrupted, trashed, or harassed online

– unsolicited emails contain cryptic borderline-subliminal attacks

– the harassment of some TIs is broadcasted around the country via closed circuit TV

– in the workplace, harassment is done by surveillance systems

– surveillance films of TIs gang stalked in the office is for the purpose of facilitating perp group cohesiveness and in identifying TIs

– presently, surveillance film serves as a major source of entertainment for the informants participating in harassment as more overt degenerates are known to record the TIs actions so they can “re-live” the experience

– covert workplace surveillance is big business….$$$$

– surveillance system equipment is installed after hours which includes miniature cameras hidden inside but not limited to the following locations: thermostats, light switches, on walls and in ceilings, changing areas, locker rooms, break rooms, and bathrooms


– weapons exist and are being used on the civilian population

– NLWs are the following: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), Psychotronic Weapons, Less-lethal Weapons, and Electromagnetic Weapons

– most TIs are hit with these weapons

– located in bases of operation which surround TIs

– NLWs may be satellite or tower-based

– TIs receive DEW attacks while traveling via airplanes or vehicles

– briefcase-sized portable weapons are used to attack TIs

– some of these non-lethal weapons (NLW) are Through-The-Wall (TTW) weapons

– presently used on a massive scale against citizens of North America and other NATO nations

– outsourced to the FBI to put NLWs in all the police departments in the US

– NLWs are deliberately misused on a global scale as a traceless form of slow kill/torture

– types of unclassified DEWs cause nausea, fatigue, headaches, liquefy bowels, and a variety of other symptoms

– TIs are disoriented by low-frequency acoustic beams that provokes vomiting and diarrhea

– some NLWs are used on both land and space based

– NWLs uses are the following but not limited to: the use of the electrical grid throughout the country, the use of microwave towers, and devices affixed to poles that are connected to power lines.

– NLWs systems are used by neighbors surrounding the TI who is singled out as the target

– NLWs have been used on the civilian population for decades


Ex-CIA and MI5 Agent and Whistleblower Carl Clark Reveals Covert Electromagnetic Torture of Civilians by Intel Agencies in US/UK/Europe/Asia with Directed Energy “Non-Lethal” Neuroweapons

Abreu Report: “My Brain was Cooking,” Says Victim of Psychotronic Weapon

Interview with Paul Baird/Surveillance Issues: “Bogus National Security Laws Have Enabled Big Brother to Monitor Everyone and Harass Many”

Ramola D/No Longer True: The NSA “Isn’t Getting Violent Internally in the US”: Millions Today in US Are Targeted with RF/Scalar/Sonic Weapons, Nano Weapons, Neuro Weapons, Chem/Bio Weapons

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally


2 responses to “Under Cover of Surveillance, Gross Violations of Human Rights & Civil Rights in US and Worldwide | Amy Rayboun: The Program All True TIs are Blacklisted Into

  1. Fiona Mehta

    I can only agree with the excellent reply above – where would be without this wonderful journalist. I have never come across a site like this, it’s just so helpful, full stop! As a Targeted Individual there appears to be little help for us. Being called delusional and being threatened with sectioning is just the ultimate slap in the face when you are being targeted every single day! I have lost so much, and realise that time is running out for me and probably for so many others too. I thought post 2nd world war that we were living in better times, that this world had learned and moved on. Sorry but we are all just living in a false “utopia”, a bubble? Call it what you like, As someone said pretty soon we’ll have societies that exist only of “perps” and “TIs”, rather be a TI than a perp! Thank you for your wonderful journalism!

  2. A Big Thank You To Ramola for standing for Truth, Again. What will the world be like when all there is left are anarchists with no respect for each other ? Do they really have no foresight in what they are co-creating ? As VP of Citizens Against Harmful Technology, in my 8 years of helping fellow TI’s, I have come to realize how many are willing to jump on this evil bandwagon. Those who ignore their fellow man that claim they are suffering from this heartless assault on humanity will be sorry they didn’t listen. This will be happening to everyone who won’t cooperate with psychopathic tyrants if we don’t stop it. The Gene pool needs some Chlorine !!

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