Report 233 | Harald Brems Testifies Regarding Neuro/DEW Targeting and Stasi Community Harassment in Germany

Ramola D | Report and Video Links | Feb 19, 2021

In a candid and powerful conversation with this writer on Feb 10, Harald Brems, an outspoken activist and reporting victim of covert and unlawful anti-personnel directed-energy-weapon and neurotech targeting in Germany described his experience of being group-stalked, vandalized, noise-harassed, and microwave-assaulted in exactly the same manner as thousands of people are currently reporting today all over Europe, UK, Asia, the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand.

This worldwide program of Stasi or Secret Police community harassment, Harald explains, is similar to what prevailed in East Germany in the ’50s when spying, snitching, and routing out neighbors was much in vogue, and involves Zersetzung, a program of Decomposition of a person’s entire life and existence, via malicious slander and defamation campaigns in the neighborhood based on lies and fabrications, social ostracizing, social isolating, fabricated casting of the target as Mentally Ill, Mentally Unstable, Pedophile, Prostitute, Drug Addict, Alcoholic, Drugdealer, and, in today’s climate of sanctioned-surveillance by a State apparatus (worldwide) which has overtly turned criminal, as Extremist, Terrorist, and other choice labels to invert truth and label innocents, activists, whistleblowers and journalists criminals.

Worldwide Stasi Targeting and Subjugation Programs Train People into Slavery and Removal of All Human Rights

Backdrop and framework for the current ongoing scenario of COVID-19 Shutdown subjugation and submission Psy Ops being played out by government corporations worldwide, these Stasi targeting programs in conjunction with anti-personnel “non-lethal-weapon” use on people–a barbaric and inhumane crime of gigantic proportions–have been run on large swathes of domestic populations in the USA, UK, Europe and indeed worldwide for over thirty years now, and, as per the testimonial of many journalists, CIA whistleblowers, and reporters such as Dr. Rauni Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, in more hidden, covert ways earlier for probably fifty years or more prior to that.

Essentially, these community harassment and targeting programs–run under cover of “Surveillance”–have been training people into compliance for acclimation to overt slavery and removal of all human rights. It is ironic that they have been and are being run by Law Enforcement and Military agencies and divisions, all in acquiescence to the Special Operations and Secret Operations of multiple Intelligence agencies and secret services, with their numbers of covers and lies, dirt and deception, in submissive docility themselves to the inhumane, unethical, and limitless intrusions of secret societies, Satanic cults, and profoundly cruel Mengele-men and Mengele-women running them.

People in neighborhoods are often bribed or threatened into assisting these slaver operations, as we noted during this conversation–these are the people being trained into slavery, compliance, and removal of human rights. Not merely do they assist in trafficking their targeted neighbor into weapons-testing assault and life-takedown, they permit their own human rights to be stripped as they jump on command to stalk, vandalize, track, monitor and police their neighbor.

In the US, the FBI is putatively the primary agency, as former Special Agent and FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee has disclosed, which wrongfully and unlawfully targets people for life-takedown, social isolation, blacklisting, and 24/7 inhumane-assault with multiple stealth weapons inclusive of remote conducted-energy weapons, high-powered microwave pulse weapons, tracking radar, scalar weapons, covert BCI-AI implants, and acoustic neuroweapons: operations conducted via supremely unethical FBI/DHS COINTELPRO and community policing programs, as well as via “classified national security” and “Military operations other than war (MOOTW)” programs run by various Intelligence and military factions such as the CIA, DIA, NSA, USAF, USMC, US Army, AFRL in the US, and NATO, BND, MI6, MI5 and other Intelligence agencies in Europe, and also operations involving Universities and research institutions.


The situation in Europe appears to be no better. Harald Brems describes how flyers and photographs from a rally protesting Israeli incursions into Palestine in 2002 were vandalized and stolen, how he began to be harassed by strangers locally, and how this harassment and street theatre followed him into Berlin. An insidious operation which starts with monitoring and stalking and then suddenly explodes into smear campaigns and character assassination, Harald describes how the whisper campaigns or rumors reached his workplace and social life and caused many colleagues and friends to turn from him. Then come the assaults with microwave weapons and acoustic neuroweapons: Harald reports bouts of frequency-assault at his ears (often represented as “tinnitus” a medical cover story, engineer Dave Case has explained, for the use of stealth weapons on people), sleep-deprivation or being woken in the middle of the night by heat or frequency assaults, a situation which has lasted for over 19 years now.

The extremely barbaric nature of these targeting and trafficking programs which has led to the deaths of many targets have been hidden from larger public view by the very human rights and media agencies purporting to champion human rights and inform the world. Mainstream media outlets have consistently tagged reporting victims as delusional, which has permitted their testimonials to be silenced. This is part of the profoundly sinister agenda at play here, which is seeking nothing less than the subsuming of humanity entire into abject docility and helplessness via injected nanobiosensors, BCI-AI implants, mind-hiving, brain-entrainment, trauma-based mind-control, and other barbarisms. It is the robotic, AI-Neuro/Nanotech-driven future envisioned by the Slavers at the Top for our children.

But as Harald Brems says, it is truly the “end of humanity” currently if we do not fight for our rights and freedoms, if we do not inform the world of these crimes, and do not demand of whatever minute number of ethical people in government we have left, that they act immediately to halt these profound atrocities and crimes against humanity. This is most certainly not the world we want for our children–those of us who believe in naturally evolving and God-centered, consciousness-expanding humanity, and we need to speak out now, to stop it.

More than at any other time in history, it is time for all who have experienced this kind of covert targeting–slow-kill and murder programs really by criminals with weapons–to come forward and tell their stories and have their voices be heard. If governments won’t wrap up their torture programs, caring humanity needs to step forward to bring an end to them, definitively and peacefully.


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One response to “Report 233 | Harald Brems Testifies Regarding Neuro/DEW Targeting and Stasi Community Harassment in Germany

  1. Vic Livingston

    This former major market mainstream journalist can attest to the fact that untold thousands of Americans slandered as “dissidents” or “undesirables” are neuroweapon totured, maimed, impaired and in some cases incapacitated by elements of the U.S. military-intelligence-law enforcement complex. I am one of them. See my story and links:

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