COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

Repost of Video, Stop World | Report/Ramola D | Dec 2, 2020

Doctors and scientists in high numbers have joined together around the world to speak out definitively against the push by governments to thrust a dangerous vaccine on people while those who have studied vaccines closely show what this vaccine actually contains and how it will destroy the human genome and humanity. The situation is dire, and all parents, grandparents, children, youth, single adults are encouraged to uncover the facts for themselves and educate others going forward, immediately.

This is a repost of an absolutely must-watch video created and posted by David Sorensen, at, a site which “represents the voices of doctors, scientists, journalists, government leaders, religious world leaders and courageous researchers who are rising up against global corruption and tyranny. “

In this video, which has a powerful running commentary and analysis from David Sorensen of the entire COVID scenario highlighting the censorship on mainstream media and social media of numerous American and European doctors, Dr. Carrie Madej explains clearly the many different aspects of this mRNA vaccine which involves altering the human genome and Transfection:

Modified RNA can alter the human genome, create a congenital defect or hereditary disorder;

Transfection is the GMO technology used to create GMO apples and papayas, which are not as healthy as natural apples and papayas; this will have similar effects on Humans. Transfection will be used for the first time on the lab rat human through this experimental vaccine.

Moderna has been given 1 million dollars for this vaccine development by the Gates Foundation–this is in addition to the 1 billion in taxpayer funds from the US Government. (“Moderna is co-developing the vaccine in partnership with the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is under HHS. The government has given Moderna nearly $1 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds for its research work“); they have fast-tracked their trials from labs to human trials in 63 days, not years, while this is the first time they have developed a vaccine, ever; all 45 of Moderna’s test subjects in these human trials developed immediate side-effects, “long-term we do not know.”

Delivery mechanism may be a micro-needle patch on a bandage using viper-fang-modeling, carrying

  1. The mRNA vaccine,
  2. Luciferase to light up the vaccine insert inside your bloodstream/tissue and create internal branding or tattooing which can be read off a light-sensor app on your smart phone,
  3. Hydrogel carrying nanorobotics which offer nanobiosensor modalities to digitize all your private medical information, 24/7 monitor and accumulate data on your breath, heart rate, blood pressure, emotions, sexual life, hormones connected via wifi and 5G to supercomputers and AI (Internet of Things, Internet of Bodies, and Internet of Brains), and offer means for remote light/EMF-activation of chemicals and enzymes to alter and control human action and behavior. (This is also why the 5G rollout is not being stopped–it is intimately linked to the already-being-rolled-out Internet of Things, Internet of Bodies, Internet of Brains.)

Combine that with ID2020 which connects your human self to a number and you have the makings of an Individual Human Control System in a digital-currency age, designed to separate you from the ability to live freely by gatekeeping your ability to buy necessities and food, or to sell services and products.

None of this is Science Fiction, it is current-day Dark-Science Fact. This is what the No Borders, No Boundaries #MengeleMenMengeleWomen scientists have been cooking up for the Gates eugenicists and WEF Great Resetters who are trying desperately to usher in their New World Disorder of genocide, deformed humanity, digitized humans, degraded humans, and full-spectrum Biological and Brain Control of humanity.

It is important to note that none of this is “Progress” “Inevitable” or “Our Common Future” as the transhumanists and propagandizing mainstream media at Forbes and Wired and other unquestioning tech media portray it; it is the natural offshoot of very dark and Satanic Human Control science, Behavior Modification science directly from Tavistock and the CIA’s MK ULTRA, Human Pacification science from the CIA, Pentagon, Navy, Air Force and MIIC which seeks to quell all organic human evolution toward consciousness, harmony, and peace and away from combative, warzone paradigms forever–and is trying hard to push a dystopian Borg’ian enslavement on humanity. They really do want a slave race, and are working hard to subjugate and regress humanity to the Old Stone Age, telling us this is a “Techno Future.” Au contraire, transhumanism is about Control, Takeover, and Removal of human will and intention, all that makes us essentially human–while connecting you to the Internet and your smart phone, so everyone can read your thoughts, your dreams, and your brand of underwear, and your daughter’s too.

This video also covers what Autism via vaccines has brought to humans: mental retardation on a vast scale, which threatens to increase if vaccines are not stopped. Autism via vaccine appears to be a part of the covert vaccine agenda to degrade and subjugate humans; just looking at the data, boys especially are being targeted for autistic degradation of brains and abilities via vaccines.

In addition, this video covers the work by many doctors to share their knowledge of hyrochloroquinone as a definite cure for any respiratory ailment, which means THERE IS NO NEED FOR A VACCINE FOR THIS MILD FLU/COLD VIRUS WHATSOEVER–a fact the CDC has tried desperately to keep hidden, by engineering the banning of all videos by the American Frontline Doctors who have spoken out so clearly on this subject.

Please visit also the website of World Doctors Alliance and World Freedom Alliance, who are both bringing doctors and lawyers together to globally inform humanity of the truth of what is going on with this massive push by the WHO, CDC, WEF, and UN to bring in Global Communism, Internet of Bodies, Brain Net, all modulated by negative AI, supercomputing, and 5G/6G.

The World Freedom Alliance 2020 Announcement Video

Another great venture today is doctors coming together as Millions Against Medical Mandates: Dr. Christiane Northrup speaks about the dangers of the PREP Act, which grants vaccine manufacturers complete freedom from liability in case of vaccine adversity or death, doubly dubious in the current climate of talk of mandated vaccinations and disclosure of DNA-mutations impending:

Please explore these matters further on your own, join these groups, share this information widely. The Stop World Control video is being banned (by the tech companies) on social media; a way to share the link on social media nevertheless is type in (dot) in place of the . in the .com part of the address.

Humanity collectively has to say NO to these shamelessly censoring tech companies, these dark-agenda high-profit pharma companies, and these controlling governments who seem to think pushing through a DNA-mutating, nanobotizing, transhumanizing, full-control vaccine via injecting lies, fear, false data, and propaganda into the populace is the way forward to the future.

As discussed on News Panel 9 and other news panels and interviews at my channel recently with numbers of scientists, doctors, activists, analysts, whistleblowers, journalists, the way forward is NOT TO COMPLY: drop the masks, open your businesses, stand up for yourself and others. Declare yourself alive, use common law, use Notices of Liability and quantum grammar to inform any encroaching government or police bodies of your rights and freedoms under the sun.

Also see, visit, follow the Freedom Rally in Philadelphia this weekend where Dr. Andy Kaufmann, David Icke, Mark Passio, Rick Martin, Jeff Birwick, and many others will be speaking.


CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

2 responses to “COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

  1. Krystal Ireland

    How do you get people to realize what this really means for them. So many of the people I know who are in the healthcare fields live in such fear of COVID that they are willing and anxious to take the vaccines as well as preaching to everyone that they are safe, especially since the media claims they are. I have sent this to so many people and in return I have been shunned and removed from conversations and emails. I am so concerned but need more factual information to support it. Thank You.
    Sincerely Dr Krystal

  2. The illuminate gang/ Grey/ Reptilians want to just have 500,000 million slaves so they can colonize Mars and other planet. A slave race is all they want: sex, food, and death. They are trying to destroy psychic powers but only harness that energy for them. In other words, steal who you are and they go off and have their sex/ satanic orgies. DARPA / CIA/ NSA/ NASA are all involved in election fraud and evil vaccines. Did you know that HIV was invented by the Greys? The thing that runs this planet is not nice to humanity. Alex Collier told you all about this in 1994 about the Orion Group. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

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