Fourth of July, 2023 | Fourth of July, 2019: Implications of Targeting Individuals in US and World that Mainstream Media and Alt Media Ignore

–Ramola D/Posted 7/5/2019 | Updated Fourth of July, 2023

Update, Fourth of July 2023: Just as it is impossible to comprehend how and why Julian Assange, whistleblower journalist, is still being held decades after 9/11, the horror of the Gulf wars, and his succeeding 11 years of persecution in London/the Ecuador Embassy and Belmarsh, it is impossible to comprehend how Media (and Congress) has still not addressed the Mega War Crime of Unlawful Targeting of People with DEW/Neurotechnology, which has been going on now for over 23 years this century and possibly another 25 or more last century, wherein people are really being non-consensually neuro-AI-experimented-on and energy-weapons-tested-on in Unlawful and Completely Criminal Target-Practice and Brain-Harvesting Bio-Hacking and Neuro-Hacking Subjugation and Intended Enslavement for life, their own families misled and harming them, their own societies shunning them, their reputations torn down with false psychiatric labels and open lies, so their lives become surreal, persecuted, their voices marginalized, their words not heard. Meanwhile, the entire Black Ops State–which includes the private sector, academe, government, intelligence, military, and the “research” coterie–continues to deceive Congress and the people, padding its coffers and proceeding onward as if “Freedom”‘s just another word they can walk past, ignoring their own actions of extreme harm and extreme Crime Against Humanity. Those who speak out against these mammoth crimes must continue speaking, and must continue finding new ways to speak which are ever more potent and powerful, in order to alert and awaken all of humanity. Global Fascism today seeks to reduce and re-use brains, its tools are various, its reach extensive–but nothing can stop the power of the human voice, nor the historic, longstanding, extending reach of the Pen to combat all intended suppression of human intelligence, soul, and spirit. All targeting crimes–which conceal Artificial Intelligence/Cybernetics/Robotics/Directed-Energy-Weapons crimes–Can, Will, and Must End.

Ramola D, Pine-Haven, Quincy, Massachusetts, July 5, 2023

Brief commentary on the False-Reality-Construct run by MSM as well as Alt-media including the #Unity4J #WeAreMillions movement which honors Julian Assange but ignores the backdrop to his persecution, the millions wrongfully targeted and persecuted with Anti-Personnel Non-Lethal Directed-Energy EMF/Sonic/Scalar/Neuroweapons, in widespread use in the USA today, as much as elsewhere worldwide: barbaric New Age weapons & bio-hacking systems of war on human bodies and brains, which should be banned forever. 

Lincoln Memorial 4th of July, Washington DC, 2019

Fourth of July Celebrations are a Profound Lie, when millions of Americans–as also millions worldwide–are enslaved, persecuted, wrongfully watchlisted, and are literally being tortured, primarily due to criminality in high places.

Twitter thread, posted on Thread Reader App/w. links to Twitter here:


1. #BananaRepublicUSA#FourthofJuly One of the key things hidden in Mainstream USA when Mainstream Media lies & Alt Media (also mostly owned by the same #ZioLuce crime syndicate) pretends and hides is that the DarkSide MIIC has already taken over US–we are still fighting for freedom.1/

2.When #Unity4J#WeAreMillions#Manning@Snowden @Thomas_Drake1@JohnKiriakou @JulianAssange@raymcgovern talk about #Surveillance and don’t talk about those actually targeted and being hit w. EMF/Neuro DEWs, they are running a False-Reality-Construct, the same run by @nytimes 2/

3.#FourthofJuly The absurdity of protesting #JulianAssange‘s plight & ignoring the millions persecuted and targeted just like him and worse–when their persecution permits #5EyesGovCrimeSyndicate to get away w. playing #BigBrotherCop w. him was covered brilliantly by @NHSCorrupt.3/

4.#FourthofJuly It’s a weird, surreal, staked-out world when all across America people can be burned alive in their beds, w. millions complicit, @DeptofDefenseinvolved, @TheJusticeDept involved, neighbors ditto–same popping beers & blasting muzak now–& #DHSTreason is ignored. 4/

5.#FourthofJuly Ignored, that is, by the participating, the complicit–with even once-decent people drawn into the System of Social Apartheid against #TargetedIndividuals by way of fear and timidity in face of #FBILies & Badge-Flashers: State Terrorism on the innocent. 5/

6.#FourthofJuly#MediaTreason –& #Unity4J–permits a monstrous lie to be maintained publicly, even by so-called intellectuals. Because the truth points to so extremely unsettling a reality that most being deceived wd rather embrace the Deceivers, not see past the Deceit. 6/

7.#FourthofJuly Genocide, Total Human Control, & Total Brain Control is being planned by the #ZioLuce cabal currently assaulting people worldwide w. EMF Neuro DEWs. The trail of debris–sprouting #TotalSciTechMayhem–is planetary. #MediaPerfidy in disappearing #TIs veils this. 7/

8.#FourthofJuly It’s #ZioMedia though, run by the same cabal running this war on whistleblowers, activists, truthtellers, and anyone with morality, morals, spine. Their purpose seems clear. Cover-up targeting now, keep it covered moving forward. That’s #Apartheid. 8/

9.#FourthofJuly Using the Mental Health Fraud to shut down and disappear whistleblowers and intellectuals who dare to expose the fraudulent criminal #ZioMasonicJesuitNazi network is a tool of Apartheid. The US like the UK is practicing both #TargetedKilling & #Apartheid. 9/

10.#FourthofJulyAnd since we can all agree #Torture#TargetedKilling and #Apartheid is BAD, what we need to ask journos at @vice@wired@nytimes@washingtonpost@thedailybeast#Unity4J et al is why they’re bending over backwards to condone these crimes? 10/

11.#FourthofJuly This Fourth, I’m waking up to how seedy the Dirt Ops State is, how desperate they are to keep their unethical Neurotech/NLW assaults on people hidden. We’re never gonna be free until we #ShutThemAllDown & #DECLAS.

Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans–Ramola D/Posted 3 July, 2019/Dated & Sent Online to the White House 26 June, 2019 Written with intent to rather briefly brief the President–but inevitably extending into more of a …


12. #FourthofJuly The true whistleblowers today are not only @Snowden@JulianAssange@xychelsea but every person worldwide exposing the widespread Electronic/Neuro Targeting & Terror–w. #MediaPerfidy hides.

The 2019 Global Targeted Individual Springtime RallyAs technology leaders continue to attempt to force surreal anti-human technologies on the public at large, those people who’ve been singled-out for organized stalking and electromagnetic weapon… @NilsMelzer@ICC12/

13.#FourthofJuly It’s past time for media coverage. It’s time for indictments, prosecutions, liability notices, live-life-claims, and claiming yr right to self-determination & splitting from #BananaRepublicUSA#IndictMediaAsWell

On International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 26 June 2019: The Continued DEADLY Silence of Journalists on Electronic Warfare used for Torture, Mind Control, and Bio-Hacking and Tracking of Knowingly Innocent Civilians in Western Democratic Countries and Worldwide 13/

With thanks to Karen Melton-Stewart, Geral Sosbee, Barbara Hartwell, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Cassandra, Thomas McFarlan for their outstanding writing and journalism exposing these crimes today.

One response to “Fourth of July, 2023 | Fourth of July, 2019: Implications of Targeting Individuals in US and World that Mainstream Media and Alt Media Ignore

  1. Anne Rosmini

    Outstanding, Ramola. I am honored to have you represent me, a non consenting human subject.

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