FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee: “Profound Corruption of Law and Society by J. Edgar Hoover And His Offspring, the FBI”

–Ramola D/Posted 1/17/2019

Geral Sosbee, intrepid FBI whistleblower, former English professor, Vietnam War veteran, attorney, and judge alerts us to the incredible corruption rampant today at the FBI and crimes being committed by the FBI on US and world populations, part of the roster of Surveillance Abuses now being enacted, it appears, by the whole slew of Intelligence agencies, local Law Enforcement, and military parties operating with impunity through Fusion Centers in the US, UK, and worldwide—and being covered up with Blanket-Ridicule-Coverage by mainstream media such as The New York Times and Washington Post, Wired, VICE, Daily Beast, and other Rothschild-run media outlets.

In Mr. Sosbee’s estimation, the FBI in particular is responsible for these modern-day Targeting crimes, but of course each of these other parties no doubt also play a prominent part in wrongfully watch-listing and terror-listing innocent citizens in order to secretively and unashamedly enroll them in horrific, criminal, and unethical non-consensual human subject experimentation, weapons-testing and medical and University research involving RFIDs, WBANs, medical implants, neuro-implants, neuroweapons, nanoweapons, bio-sensors, aerosols, irradiation with microwave and milliwave weapons, lasers, masers, and so on, as well as Satanic neurotechnology such as V2K, synthetic telepathy, induced dreams, pumped-in videos and images, RHIC-EDOM, EEG Heterodyning, EEG Cloning, brain computer interface (BCI) technology, neural interface technology, and “neuro behavior modification” technology involving RF weapons, while also subjecting them to “bio-behavioral research” involving sanctioned Psychological Operations or Psychiatric Warfare on them.

Complaining DOD/DOJ/CIA/DARPA/NIH experimentees are quickly hauled off on 302 Holds to Psychiatric Wards for force-medication and fraudulent-diagnoses, churned out by either complicit or ignorant psychiatrists unfamiliar with modern military RF neurotechnology or Stasi operations of “community policing” involving neighborhood harassment and large-scale organized stalking. Society has been stripped of organic community today; FBI and DHS and other Fusion Center “police” have succeeded in deceiving communities into scapegoating, isolating, attacking, slandering, defaming, and ostracizing targets–who are usually highly educated, highly moral, highly accomplished, and community-minded and civic-minded people whom the current “New World Order” run by apron-wearing Freemasons and hand-signaling death-oathtakers from Skull-and-Bones, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta and other corrupt and criminal secret societies ensconced now inside private corporations, local and federal governments, and spy agencies particularly wishes to silence.

Mr. Sosbee himself is being subjected to ongoing persecution of this nature, and has reported physical assault being levied at him by members of his community in public, provocations to which he carefully refrains from reacting, since, as he and many others report, it is this precise Provoke-Harass-Induce Reaction cycle which the Global Gestapo continually use that is designed to Incarcerate or Psych-Commit via a provoked reaction from the target.

The tragedy of course is that most people remain oblivious to these horrific ongoing abuses and violations of rights, thanks to the determined Propaganda Campaign run endlessly by amoral, spineless, ethics-less spy-agency-subservient media. The witness testimonial of all targets therefore, and in particular the words and witness of whistleblowers with insider experience of FBI, CIA, and NSA foibles such as Geral Sosbee, Barbara Hartwell, and Karen Melton-Stewart becomes especially important. Many thanks to Geral Sosbee for his unswerving integrity and candor in speaking out to alert all humanity, before it is too late.

Of course it may be too late already—people are actually being tortured to death with these being-kept-secret-with-a-vengeance EMF, RF, Scalar, Sonic, Neuro/DEW technologies today—but Geral Sosbee’s speaking out will hopefully alert all reading to the actual fact and reality of these crimes and abuses. These agencies and militaries and Universities and hospitals absolutely have to be stopped in their tracks in these deadly and barbaric programs of human rights abuse—but people of conscience, morality, and integrity perhaps need to understand the truth of what is going on first. We are living through an extreme holocaust involving the use of stealth weaponry and social sabotage, worldwide–which needs to be fully exposed and fully stopped. Please share this information widely.

Geral Sosbee’s “The Issue” was posted first at Academia.edu and is re-posted here with permission. Please note, Geral Sosbee refers to the FBI always as “fbi” for reasons spelled out in an earlier post, here.



By GERAL SOSBEE, January14, 2019

Abstract: This paper presents an historical perspective on the profound corruption of law and society of the USA by J. Edgar Hoover and his offspring, the fbi.

The Issue

During the unstoppable rise to power of fbi, J. Edgar Hoover (JEH) and universal fascist indications, especially during the roaring ’20s and the sorrowful Depression of the decade, from 1929-1939 (and continuing at the speed of light today), JEH was behind the curtain gathering and exercising brutal authority at the national, state and local levels.

JEH understood the meaning of fascism and nationalism by watching events in the ’30s & ’40s regarding threats by Nazis, Communism and attack on Pearl Harbor. He knew that power must be violently forged in international politics, war, and in standards for domestic rule.

JEH exploited all such threats on USA to consolidate his grip on media and all of society.

In essence JEH was a “Master of Deceit” who developed secret operations and technology to control his Targets. See my reports on psychological operations, gaslighting, and the use of chemical and biological attacks on selected individuals such as me.

The COINTELPRO also sprang up to further lay the foundation for destroying privacy; and the use of deep-space-based weaponry became the secret tool by which later fbi operations would torture, maim and kill adversaries.

JEH was born in 1895, bacame director of fbi in 1921 & 1924, and died in 1972. The overriding objectives during his life were to control the population and to foster extreme nationalism. After all, such goals also brought success to the most notorious human monsters of his time, Hitler, Mussolini et al.

JEH also created the fbi National Academy in 1935 where he and his followers would program all law enforcement officers in USA (and others around the world) in the brutal and often deadly art of control over the population. KILL was the key and was central to all training.

Other federal or national groups were also created so as to strengthen the power of JEH and his baby, the fbi. For example, Office of Coordinator of Information (an Intel & propaganda group) in 1941, OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in 1942 (subsequently the cia).

JEH gathered other staunch allies who shared his views on power. In 1947 the cia was formed with similar values. NCIC (National Crime Information Center) was created in 1947 when JEH realized the need for a federal (or ‘nationalistic’) system for demonizing Radicals, political enemies, and critics of the national government.

From 1953-1999, the U.S. Information Office gathered and shared war data with fbi and the intelligence community. Today, all Intel groups such as military, doj, cia, STATE DEPARTMENT, Congress, etc., follow fbi ‘s directives toward and for benefit of nationalistic control of the world (viz: NWO). See also my report on the *collapse of the constitutional government of USA and other documentations on fbi use of Directed Energy Weaponry against me and others globally.


A few men challenged JEH’s unrivalled rise to power: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JOHN F KENNEDY, et al. They were murdered.

I was born in 1945, served in US ARMY from ’66 – ’68 & fbi from ’71-’78. Soon after JEH appointed me as Special Agent, his cadre of ‘True Believers’ began psychological operations against me to discourage my continued service. Ultimately I was forced to quit, but fbi leaves no loose ends.

The machinery of fbi’s torture, forced suicide, false imprisonment and assassination program were set in motion to silence me from reporting crimes by fbi.

My reports are ‘online’ as is my very existence https://ttu.academia.edu/geralsosbee .

Beware of the supreme US authorities who are the fbi and federal judges who program the population and threaten the world, for they are modern-day fascists who use deadly MAFIA tactics and Directed Energy Weaponry to threaten, torture, maim & kill; such extreme measures are unprecedented in human affairs.

Thank you kindly.

Current attacks on me by fbi in retaliation include: sleep deprivation by DEW, chemical assaults, physical attacks by fbi operatives, thugs and serial killers, intense psychological operations and gaslighting.


Related work by the splendid BARBARA HARTWELL & RAMOLA D:



Source: Geral Sosbee/Academia.edu


NPR/Feb 2012/The History of the FBI’s Secret “Enemies” List

SFGate/Jan 2014/Seth Rosenfeld/’The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover’s Secret FBI”

Ward Churchill/To Disrupt, Discredit, and Destroy/The FBI’s Secret War Against the Black Panther Party

What Really Happened/FBI Domestic Intelligence Activities–COINTELPRO Revisited–Spying and Disruption

Also Related:

Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: “We are Defending All Mankind and We Are the Unacknowledged Legislators of the World”

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets

Geral Sosbee: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: FBI & FMJ Are On a Roll of Domestic Criminality

Ramola D Reports/Report #72: Part 6–Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower: Corruption, Criminality, & Cover-Ups in the FBI & CIA

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI



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