Jian Liang, Whistleblower on Targeting, Torture, Secret Technologies/MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street, and the Secret Space Program

JianLiangCoverModified1Posted in excerpt below,  available in full here and provided here by way of Elana Freeland, author of Under an Ionized Sky and Chem Trails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, and Editor of this e-book by Jian Liang, MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street and The Secret Space Program, is an extraordinary and chilling account of modern day MK ULTRA – the use of mind control technologies including radio hypnosis, the creation of alters, diagnosed as Disassociative Identity Disorder, of stealth radio frequency weapons to induce altered states such as instant sleep, of covertly-implanted nanotechnologies and microchips, and of sadistic enslavement for torture, rape, and sexual slavery in 2018 Los Angeles, California.

Jian Liang, a beautiful and highly accomplished Chinese-American IT and engineering professional, and mother of four children, recounts an extremely unsettling story of being targeted by senior managers in a major investment funds company for secret abduction, rape, and torture, and experiencing continuous brutality and sexual trafficking for years while all attempts to report rapes or seek medical help were sabotaged.

A long and persistent journey to gain evidence of nanotechnology and microtechnology implantation, as well as deprogram from the DID alter-creation programming in professional consultation with psychiatrists led to her gaining both solid evidence from radiological scanning and forensic toxicology as well as memory-recovery of terrible experiences of torture, sexual enslavement, Satanic Ritual Abuse by Iluminati Satanists and secret MILABS use in unimaginable Black Ops ,military genetic, breeding, drug trial, and espionage programs.

In testimonial to various sophisticated Black Ops Technologies reported here as well as elsewhere by various whistleblowers who have emerged in recent times, including Phillip Walker (Omnisense) of DeclassifiedDocuments.com, Cody Snodgres, and Dr. Millicent Black, Ms. Liang speaks of advanced and secret technologies she has come to know of as used in her subjugation and abduction, or witnessed, including teleportation, remote viewing, astral traveling, invisible cloaking, cloning, body disguising, soul extraction, and soul destruction.

In her introduction, Jian Liang writes:

“This book is a fictional representation of true events in which names,initials, and situations have been changed to secure safety for my loved ones, professionals who have helped me at great risk, and myself.

This is the story of American corporate and governmental life today, thanks to the Cold War that spawned the CIA Operation Paperclip and MK-Ultra mind control programs. Even the secret space program now in operation began with Nazi physics and mind control. Because all of this has been cloaked for over a half century in “national security,” the American public is oblivious to the existence of the evils now embedded in the very structure of its institutions and government agencies, like the post-9/11 Department of Homeland Security.

It is long past time to awaken the public to what victims like myself are undergoing every day and night of the week at work and at home.”

This is a mindblowing testimonial and account and offers tragic insight into the criminal horrors and evils plausibly being perpetrated today in corporate America, and military America, and Illuminati Satanist America. The information presented here on radio mind control, hypnosis, and alter creation also offers insight into the phenomena of today’s crimes of plausibly mind-controlled mass shootings, stabbings, infanticides, homicides, and serial killings, which Belgian IT and Intelligence agency whistleblower Marc Delantre also recently has spoken about. The connection with the financial services and investment funds industry does bring up for me echoes as well of the case of Rohinie Bisesar, a financial services analyst in Toronto incarcerated after stabbing a stranger to death, who reported mind control, brain chip implantation, and bio-robotizing or body takeover.

Because the material in this text covers the unknown or little-known, I recommend you read with an open mind, and as Jian Liang advises at the end of her e-book, please indeed do your own research to further understand this subject and uncover the truth. As she notes, there is evidence and documentation for many of the technologies she mentions.

The technologies she speaks about are by nature remote Stealth technologies: radiation weapons, microwave and laser weapons, sonic weapons, scalar weapons, nanotechnology weapons, neurotechnology weapons, cloaking and disguise technologies, radio frequency tracking technologies, radio hypnosis technologies, synthetic telepathy and microwave hearing, CyberKnife–robotic radio surgery, etc. The use of such weapons today by very dark forces practicing Satanism, child abuse, ritual abuse and human sacrifice, torture, sexual enslavement, and sex trafficking in powerful and depraved corporate and secret society circles as well as powerful and depraved military and government circles is not implausible.

The need therefore to continually expose such technologies, and learn and make needed social changes to end the incredible criminality in our world based on such accounts as Ms. Liang’s is therefore great. MK ULTRA may not have ended, but it absolutely should.

–Ramola D/10/13/2018

Excerpts from MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street and The Secret Space Program:









Please download and share the pdf here: MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street and The Secret Space Program


4 responses to “Jian Liang, Whistleblower on Targeting, Torture, Secret Technologies/MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street, and the Secret Space Program

  1. Gary Mullins jr

    This woman has worked near University California Irvine? I was texted messages a year ago that I was the subject of biotec experiments from UC Irvine and was in a symbiotic relationship with AI. Some of what has been done to me has been experienced by this individual. I can not discuss the facts as this is an ongoing case but UC Irvine of which I knew little about, I did not even know it was a neuro research university received four million dollars in 2004 from the DOD to study human telepathy. I have identified Facebook google NSA Homeland Security and FBI as participants in human experimentation and electronic torture. I think this writer has been extremely abused and tortured by said agencies and corporations.
    Yet she has had the courage to write about her experiences. When is America going to wake up? Sounds too crazy? The effects of torture and manipulation of one’s brain explains a lot.

  2. Pingback: Ramola D Report #88: Jian Liang; “MKULTRA Never Ended: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Wall Street, Government, and Military” – Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults

  3. Earth is a fallen planet. This is where God dumped Lucifer. Him and a 1/3 of his fallen angels. At the top of the pyramid is lucifer and his greys. Then comes his families 13. Then come the corporations/ government. Then after that his loyalists. The gangstalkers and the neighbors on the street who worship the reptilians. Anyway, you scratch it.. Earth is a fallen rock. All these tortures and stuff are for Lucifer to torture you. He is a tranny god. He does the double and pretends to be a targeted individual. He also implemented religion on the planet so everyone fights over their “god.” Anyhow, he is also pleadian.. He wear the silver armor. He is in charge of those UFOs in the sky. blah blah blah. Simply put, your just dealing with the fallen one or the dude who looks like a lady. Clowns.. any one. Real nasty alien.. that Jesus. ( He plays the double as stated before). Lucifer/ Jesus matrix on earth that is what he designed and not only that he is a shapeshifter/ spider. There you have it kids. All tied to bloodline. Like I have said: there is a division. TI’s vs. the Orion Empire.

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