NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart: Open Letter to Media, NYT on Schizophrenic Coverage of Microwave Weapon Use on US Diplomats in Cuba versus US “Targeted Individuals”

–Ramola D/Posted 10/3/2018

We’ve all been privy to the coverage in recent times by self-identified “journalists” in mainstream corporate media, of “Targeted Individuals” as pathetically deluded, paranoid people desperately in need of psychiatric help who tend to coagulate on the Internet in private “echo-chamber” communities where their delusions supposedly support and enforce each other’s paranoia about Government surveillance, covert military/Intel implantation, organized stalking, and other such.

We’ve also noticed that mainstream media coverage of the diplomats in Cuba assailed by what was first reported as sonic weapons now increasingly being reported as microwave weapons has been markedly different in focus and tone in its respectful reporting of symptoms and seemingly sincere investigation of recorded injuries and harm, by various physicians and scientific researchers.

Now 28-year veteran National Security Agency Intelligence Analyst Karen Melton-Stewart, in her inimitable style pulls apart the publicly observable disjunct between these two focuses, raising pertinent questions and offering an inside look into the whole military-industrial/intelligence complex which she notes has been developing radio frequency weapons for decades, is testing those weapons, and is running Psy Ops and Character Assassination Ops on the non-consensual Military Industrial Complex (MIC) test subjects (reporting victims of EMF-weapon assaults) who are being increasingly rolled into these lucrative Government and Intelligence contracts.

The stakes are high, and it is only “TI”s who are sounding the alarm for all humanity that these are traitorous actions of a domestic enemy, Karen says, a shadow government which thinks nothing of subjecting its own citizenry to covert “non-lethal” torture and experimentation unto death. The Press has always had the opportunity to call the truth of this situation out, to publish the truth, and has failed ignominiously in this charge. The future of this nation, the world, all life is at stake, in the face of “extinction-level weaponry” which has been manufactured and is in use.

From her letter:

The Press must decide immediately, is it the propaganda arm of the Military Industrial Complex monster and its cannabalistic “Homeland Security” façade offspring, which are soon to put an end to the Free World, if not to all life with these weapons, or will it remember its purpose and calling, to stand as watchman on the wall, to awake, investigate in earnest, and courageously report unbiased facts with accuracy and veracity and therein warn its fellow citizens – among them their own mothers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, etc. of the extinction-level event awaiting them at the hands of a pathocracy? A shadow government run by psychopaths.

–Karen Melton-Stewart

Many thanks to Karen Melton-Stewart for this detailed discussion and questioning, and may this letter reverberate far and wide and awaken conscience and integrity in the souls of all true writers, journalists, historians, intelligence analysts out there who could rise to the task of investigating this matter deeply and reporting the truth.

Originally published on September 13 at Activist Post, posted here by permission of the author. Subheadings included below for ease of reading. Please share widely.


Karen Melton-Stewart: Open Letter to the Media, Especially the New York Times

September 13, 2018

This is an open letter to the media, but especially the New York Times. I will be addressing your schizophrenic coverage of two issues you pretend are not related but are indeed intimately related.

First Issue/Assaults on US Diplomats in Cuba with Microwave Weapons (First Reported as Sonic)

In the summer of 2017 the media went crazy covering the assaults upon Diplomatic personnel in Cuba by what many surmised were weapons of a sonic nature. Diplomats and their families were evacuated back to the states where many were diagnosed with actual concussive brain damage from the seemingly auditory assaults, despite no exterior skull damage. Science News, on 29 August 2018, ran a preview of a paper written for the September 15 issue of Neural Computation, in which Beatrice Golomb MD, PhD., a professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, says that “publicly reported symptoms and experiences of a ‘mystery illness’ afflicting American and Canadian diplomats in Cuba and China strongly match known affects of pulsed radio frequency/microwave electromagnetic (RF/ME) radiation.”

IMG_4222 modifiedAccording to a New York Times report on 5 September 2018, Douglas H. Smith, Director of Center for Brain Injury and Repair, and Professor of Neurosurgery at the Perelman Center at the University of Pennsylvania became familiar with these injuries after tending to affected diplomatic personnel and assessed them as more likely microwave weapon attacks victims than sonic. The Federal government for the most part, played dumb, despite the Cold War attacks on the US Embassy in Moscow by the Soviets using microwave weapons from the 1950’s to the 1970’s and at least one relatively recent incident of an NSA agent named Mike Beck coming down with highly unusual, early on-set Parkinson’s disease after an apparent microwave attack on him and a partner simultaneously in a hostile foreign country in the 1990’s, and who also developed early on-set Parkinson’s and has already succumbed to it. Beck is being denied disability because NSA will not admit they know about microwave weapons (and perhaps use them against the strictures of Geneva Convention?)

Neurologist Dr. Ed Spencer Reports Seeing Numerous Patients with Symptoms Attributed to Remote Electronic Attacks

With these recent revelations, Dr. Ed Spencer, a graduate of Stanford University, Yale Medical School, and Neurology Residency at The University of California, San Francisco, and who practiced general neurology in Sonoma County until his retirement in 2010, but who is still very active with the International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies (ICAAT), penned a letter to his colleagues in neurology and neurosurgery featured on the StopTheCrime dot net site, that he has “only recently become aware of an enormous deficit in our neurology education. This is the massive amount of information on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on brain function. During the last ten years of my practice I have seen a number of patients with symptoms they attributed to remote electronic attacks, and I have been perplexed. Frequently these patients are labeled ‘crazy’ as there is no physical evidence to support their allegations. Now, after reviewing the information available on the sites listed below, it appears that we are dealing with a vast weapons program hidden in secrecy, and that U.S. Citizens have been used as nonconsensual experimental subjects.”

And he adds “Without having some knowledge of such technologies, the neurologist is clearly hobbled in effectively practicing neurology, the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric problems exceedingly difficult, and in some cases, almost impossible.”

Terrifying Technology: Directed Energy Weapons, “Non-Lethal” Weapons, Microwave Weapons, Voice of God/Voice to Skull Weapons

Contrast the above medical opinions proffered in regard to the 2017 Cuba “sonic” incidents (really microwave weapons attacks), with an attempt that was made a few weeks after it was reported, by an “expert”, a medical sociologist from the James Cook University at Queensland, Australia, to dismiss the incident as “mass delusion”, as reported on 3 July 2018 by MailOnLine reporter Phoebe Weston, which I suspect many in the public did not believe at that point. I imagine it did take a long time to find any self-respecting professional to parrot such desperate intelligence community drivel in a feeble attempt to put the genie back into the bottle. The so-called mystery attacks revealed publicly the now indisputable existence of a terrifying technology the public by and large had no idea existed, being kept secret by the military, intelligence communities, military industrial complex (MIC), contractors, and the scientists involved, although such weapons under the moniker of Directed Energy Weapons in reality have been under development in earnest for 60 or so years in an electronic arms race no one can ultimately win for losing.

Watered-down versions of these weapons are being rolled out to our now post-9/11 militarized police as “non-lethal weapons”, though they were always designed to be lethal, according to retired military security specialist P. David Gaubatz, in Virginia. His job entailed guarding the testing of these weapons on animals. After watching a particularly misleading 60 Minutes episode years ago, wherein the high-ranking military officer being interviewed touted the non-lethal nature of these electronic weapons (tested on presumably young, healthy males only), Gaubatz tried to warn the public and set the record straight by getting in touch with a program producer to clarify that the weapons were always designed and intended to be lethal, but were merely being used at a lower power to garner the questionable non-lethal designation.

He recounted that truckloads of animals were brought into test facilities after dark and truckloads of carcasses were removed pre-dawn, victims of horrific deaths by variations of Directed Energy Weapons at full strength. Microwave of course sucks every bit of moisture out of your body, with an accompanying high-pitched tell-tale whine, if your hearing is good enough to notice it. It must be an excruciating way to die.

You may even remember reports coming out from unofficial sources regarding the fierce Battle for the Fallujah Airport in Iraq where Iraqi citizens and soldiers reported Iraqi soldiers rendered into dried out bags of bones and teeth by some weapon unfamiliar to them, silent, long-ranged, and impossible to defend against. The bodies plus two inches of top soil were reportedly taken by the Americans to an unknown location in the desert and disposed of. (See the Youtube video “Star Wars in Iraq 2003” by Maurizio Torrealta and Sigfrido Ranucci.) Would the top soil have revealed radiological contamination? We’ll never know.

But that was not the only unconventional weapon rolled out in Iraq. Something else called “The Voice of God” weapon was used on the Iraqi soldiers to make them believe that Allah himself was telling them to put down their weapons and surrender. This is also called “Voice to Skull” aka V2K – sound that is sent along a radio frequency microwave that can actually put that sound, even the spoken word, into someone’s head. President Putin of Russia has even been reported as saying that the Russians attempted to use this technology (a neuro-electronic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of a person, by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation) during the Cold War, to securely communicate with their agents, but “we had to stop because we found it was giving our own agents brain damage”.

Testing Microwave Weapons on Americans Before Battlefield Use in Clear Violation of US Law

In an article in the Houston Chronicle on 13 September 2006 by L. Baldor, Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne was quoted as saying, “Non-lethal weapons such as high-powered microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield”. Then the article describes how non-lethals should weaken people not injure them, and the deleterious affects on nearby electronics are also mentioned (I call it the canary in the coal mine affect).

So, we know now as a nation, that these weapons exist. That horse has definitively left the barn with the Cuba story, followed by similar revelations even more recently from our diplomats in China. This is not science fiction nor “mass delusion”. We know that the weapons manufacturers and their military customers require testing on human subjects to prove efficacy and sell lucrative contracts. But have they already been doing such testing on human beings, albeit covertly and decidedly non-consensually? Are they indeed torturing, injuring and killing innocent people (and animals)? And by what legalistic sleight of hand are they doing it, since that would clearly violate these US Codes and more:

  • 10 US Code §950t (2) which forbids attacking non-combatant civilians with weapons of war;
  • 18 USC §2441 which prohibits the Federal governments and agents thereof from committing acts of war upon unarmed, non-combatant civilians;
  • 42 USC 1985 – which prohibits conspiracy to interfere with civil rights;
  • 18 US Code (sections) §241 and §242, which prohibits conspiracy to deprive anyone of their Constitutional Rights.

Second Issue/Americans Reporting Stealth Microwave Weapon Assault Dismissed as Delusional “Targeted Individuals”

Herein we come to the second issue I wish to address, where we begin to see the media and governmental schizophrenia in regard to a decades-long and growing phenomenon called “Targeted Individuals”. These are people who report that they suddenly find themselves under what would appear to be electronic assault by so-called “invisible weapons”, from strangers using devices from nearby homes, apartments, cars, backpacks, or handheld devices, often trained on them at a strength of low to medium-high, or worse, 24/7, often accompanied by a painfully high-pitched whine.

In desperation to protect themselves and lessen the unthinkable pain and discomfort of being cooked alive slowly (which often induces death by catastrophic organ failure, heart attack, stroke, cancer, singed or liquefied internal organs, desiccation, etc.) they often grab the easiest potentially protective material – tinfoil. Hence the reference to “tinfoil hat club” as what society has come to accept as “conspiracy theory”, i.e. people “imagining” something nebulous is attacking them. Nothing to see here, no need to listen and investigate, or think. (The CIA is credited with introducing this concept into society to cover up a host of ills done to us.) Soon the “lucky ones” through diligence and desperation, discover that copper sheets, malleable silicon, and Teflon mitigate or deflect many more types of energy weapons directed at them than aluminum foil.

The McPhate Article in the New York Times Decries Victims PsyOpp’d by Relay-Stalking: “They See Gang Stalkers”

This phenomenon of so-called mass paranoia where people of all ages, ethnicities, vocations, educations, religious beliefs, backgrounds, locations, etc. “just happened” to believe exactly the same thing was happening to them down to the smallest detail, was even covered in the New York Times in 2016 by a quasi- journalist named McPhate, in a piece of yellow journalism called “They See Gang Stalkers”.

United States of Paranoia_ They See Gangs of Stalkers - The New York Times - Mozilla Firefox 2018-10-04 00.20.35He interviewed people who reported being non-consensual targets of such energy weapons on less than lethal full strength, but certainly horrifically more than “crowd control level”, though also victims of contracted stalking, a technique used first and foremost as a psychological operation against the individual chosen to be sacrificed for the greater good (MIC profit margins) in order to make their complaints about being hit with invisible electronic weapons sound just as paranoid as claiming large numbers of strangers were relay-stalking them for no known reason.

This PsyOp, which is illegal under Executive Order/E.O. S-1233 , DoD Directive S-3321.1 and National Security Directive 130 – – the United States military and Intelligence Communities are forbidden by law from targeting U.S. citizens with PSYOPS within US borders – has its origins in the previous Communist East Germany, and was called “Zersetzung” which means “deconstruction” of every aspect of a person’s life. It was used on dissidents to drive them to suicide, hence ridding the ruling Communist elite of a conscienced opposition.

McPhate Portrays Interviewees as Mentally Ill, Forgets To Mention One is NSA Whistleblower with Intelligence Background in Advanced Weaponry

Those Targeted Individuals whom McPhate interviewed under the pretense of wanting to expose this heinous program, were – a housewife, a lawyer, a practicing doctor, and even a scientist who had been involved in the development of these weapons and had discovered they were being used to covertly injure and kill people simply because they could get away with it due to the nature of the weapons and the ignorance of the public. McPhate only identified two interviewees, Timothy Trespass, obviously in a state of severe distress from unrelenting abuse, and “Karen Stewart, from Tallahassee, Florida”, as both reporting the weapons attacks and the stalking abuse and implying the only explanation was that they both could only be mentally ill.

McPhate used extremely little however of the good, solid information provided him by the professionals who gave him hours of their time. He also failed to mention that Karen Stewart, was a 28 year veteran intelligence analyst with the National Security Agency, with ten of those years spent within the Weapons and Space Directorate reporting on advanced weaponry.

He also failed to mention Stewart had come under attack for stumbling onto a sex-for-promotion ring that traded in honeypots, blackmail, and espionage inside of NSA, emanating from their own Security directorate and Inspector General’s Office. And it did not help her cause that she knew that warnings about 9/11 had been purposely squelched by leadership. This got her speedily, viciously, targeted with prejudice. I should know, I am she. Anyone looking up my name on the internet with the terms NSA whistleblower can view the details.

You will also learn that I am one of the most psychologically vetted people you will ever find, not only passing the rigorous NSA entrance exam including psychological fitness and over 20 years of periodic, routine, psychological exams, but also being thoroughly vetted by two independent senior psychologists as completely sane and not likely at all by known medical norms to suddenly “go crazy” late in life with no personal or family history of such.

MIC Victims Smeared as Mentally Ill as New York Times Fails to Inform Public of Heinous Betrayal, Endangerment of Citizenry with Radio Frequency Weapons by Turncoat Government

Consider too that the vast majority of MIC victims have no history of mental illness whatsoever before being targeted. But this was of no importance to McPhate’s Mockingbird agenda, to try to smear me and all the rest of the MIC victims known as “Targeted Individuals” rather than McPhate informing the public about the heinous betrayal and endangerment of the citizenry by their own turncoat government, which has an egregious history of covert, non-consensual lethal experiments on unsuspecting citizens, which now entertains the idea of not only perfecting extinction-level weaponry, but obsesses with using microwave frequencies and knowledge of how certain frequencies flooding the environment can be used to pacify and dumb down the populace in a type of electronic mind-control prison. (Frequencies can also control mood and mind set.)

Instead of utilizing the gold mine of information at hand, McPhate ignored insights from uniquely qualified and well-educated individuals in order to concentrate on discrediting the historic “Zersetzung” PsyOps methodology being used once more by rogue government against individuals. Methodologies that were designed specifically to mimic “paranoia” when reported to family, friends, authorities and 1-dimensional mental heath professionals unaware of counterintelligence operations methodologies or historic oppression techniques used on the masses.

MIC Victims Discredited with Classic Stalking to Remove Basic Human & Constitutional Rights, Transform Victims Into MIC Chattel

McPhate failed to qualify that the methodology of relay stalking by multitudes of civilian mercenaries, is exactly what the Feds (specifically DHS/FBI/Fusion Centers with input from other agencies) and their proxies (Infragard, Neighborhood Watch, criminal gangs) use purposely and with intent to simultaneously discredit their victims and secretly signal authorities to deny certain people their Constitutional Rights and equal protection under the law, because they are being used as Military Industrial Complex chattel, that is to say, the new secret “Untouchables”, a reference to a historic caste system in India wherein the bottom of society was ignored completely as human.

When “Targeted Individuals” report the onset of multi-person stalking, they are immediately dismissed by the authorities, with inane reasons such as “only one person stalking you is illegal, not multiple people”, contradicting known RICO laws. Mention Electronic Weapons and assaults and the authorities from local Leos to FBI feign comatose incredulity, despite US Codes and Executive Orders, such as –

  • 50 USC Ch 40, §2301 Congressional Findings clearly states that Congress recognizes that chemical, biological, radiological and other (electronic) weapons of mass destruction are now capable of being made by domestic terrorists and criminals; or
  • E. O. 13606, wherein all who conduct or conspire to facilitate prohibited activities using sophisticated electronic technology to harm communications equipment, communications networks, or human beings, are Axis of Evil, Rogue State Actor or sympathizers or terrorist infiltrators working against the American people and public at large, by the definition in (section) § 7, to include transmission and display; as well as those using information and communications technology to commit serious and grave human rights abuses, in violation of the Counterfeit access device fraud and Computer Abuse Act of 1984.

So much for the DHS/Fusion Center mantra, “See something, say something”? I must have missed when enforcing or following the laws of the land became whimsical, personal choice? Or applied differently according to whether you are declared predator or prey caste?

US Citizens are Being “Marked for Eradication”; Mainstream Media is Not Sounding the Alarm

How does one become a “Targeted Individual”, marked ultimately for eradication? Some are whistleblowers, journalists of conscience, do-gooders, people who ask intelligent questions, but the vast majority are entirely random, wrong place, wrong time, and they never know “what they did wrong”. And the program like mushrooms steeped in manure and kept in the dark, is expanding, silently and exponentially, because the same elite believe there are simply too many of you for their taste.


Image & Meme: Nick Myer

But our mainstream media is not sounding the alarm nor even trying to piece together the story. They even want you to believe anyone who is, is simply mad. Never mind that these weapons are mobile and all but ubiquitous and your DNA is being altered along with that of the present crop of “Targeted Individuals” or that the plethora of young male shooters in our society today may actually be being manipulated by “Voice of God” (V2K) technology or other covert military/intelligence neuro-influencing technology as a means to an end in regard to gun control and confiscation.

Targeted Individuals” Are Posting Domestic-Enemy Alert; End of Free World & Life Ahead if Press Continues to Lie

So here we are, after decades of society, the press, the authorities, ignoring, marginalizing, mocking, and even further heaping abuse on those “Targeted Individuals” who through pain and terror, desperately warned that rogue government infiltrators were expanding their reach and influence and were simultaneously fielding highly advanced, covert, lethal technologies against individuals in the populace, (as a precursor to more and more of the populace), we are seeing the key elements of their “impossible” claims proven – though at a rather sudden and rapid pace.

The press must decide immediately, is it the propaganda arm of the Military Industrial Complex monster and its cannabalistic “Homeland Security” façade offspring, which are soon to put an end to the Free World, if not to all life with these weapons, or will it remember its purpose and calling, to stand as watchman on the wall, to awake, investigate in earnest, and courageously report unbiased facts with accuracy and veracity and therein warn its fellow citizens – among them their own mothers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, etc. of the extinction-level event awaiting them at the hands of a pathocracy? A shadow government run by psychopaths.

We are calling out the press to duly alert fellow citizens that the time is short to act and demand action by those whose jobs it is to detect and protect you from domestic as well as foreign enemies. We have never faced such an ominous enemy and one who is already a hair from victory thanks to a suppression of and rejection of truth. Harsh truth may pull us back from the brink and save millions of lives, as well as preserve our country, but continued pretty lies from the press will sleep walk us into oblivion.



Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”

Censorship, Lies, Deception: WIRED Removes Writer’s Comment Exposing DOD/CIA Crimes at Laura Yan’s POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece) for the Deep State

Seth Farber, Ph.D: The Psychiatric Metanarrative, Targeted Individuals, and the Deep State: A Response to The New York Times

United States of PsyOps: Call Them Paranoid. Call Them Delusional.

Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Four Estimates of the Size, Scope, Structure, Costs, and Personnel Requirements of ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO* (¨Global Organized Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOp Operations¨)

Deep State Treason–NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Reveals Massive Surveillance Abuse of Innocent Americans, Civilians Worldwide Beyond FISA Memo: #BIGGERthanReleaseTheMemo

Suzanne Maher/The Liberty Beacon: The Human Target – Directed Energy Weapons and Electronic Warfare

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets

9/11/2018: Expose the Treason, Challenge & End Domestic US Fusion Center & Military Terrorism Masquerading as Surveillance

3 responses to “NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart: Open Letter to Media, NYT on Schizophrenic Coverage of Microwave Weapon Use on US Diplomats in Cuba versus US “Targeted Individuals”

  1. Brandon Johnson

    No wonder my heart’s Been hurting on and off. More and more. Slow kill.

  2. Thanks KMS! From mass destruction to extinction. Society is beholden to technology and we fail to see it as the false idol being worshipped, spreading unchecked, for torturing, killing, controlling and stealing. The tools of satan are unleashed upon us and people who do it think nothing of it because they believe they take the place of God and sit in judgement. Perhaps this massively destructive technology is the AntiChrist and we thought it would come in the form of a man! Who are the fools now? DRC

  3. Fabulous intro framing, thank you.

    K. M. Stewart NSA Accidental Whistleblower


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