Anaiis Salles/Living Lessons Library: Rescind Implied Tacit Consent! 5G CTA Summit Community Activism Opportunity USA

–Ramola D/Posted 7/24/2018

Urgent Call for Action on 5G. Please read the passed-on message below and call FCC today, before July 25. As usual technocrats are hiding behind closed doors to make sweeping decisions on pulsing all of humanity with high-frequency radiation–as the activists below note, we need thousands upon thousands to make a difference. If you live in the US, please call and ask about health standards being ignored, demand that human exposure limits be set and adhered to by health and environmental agencies, not ignored and exempted by the FCC which is not a public health agency. (Guidelines regarding questions to ask also posted at links below.)


Image borrowed from Ecological Options Network

Many thanks to Anaiis Salles of Living Lessons Library for sharing this information by email. Her full newsletter on this issue can be found here. Please share widely. 


From Anaiis Salles/July 23/2018:

Rescind Implied Tacit Consent!

5G CTA Summit

Community Activism Opportunity USA

This information was passed on to me. I’m going to paste it in here.

Have a read. Have a think. Feel your energy moving.

Due diligence. Choose to participate. Remember, the future of seven generations is in our hands and hears today.

The following Information is shared by way of Raji Neven. By way of Kevin Motus.

FCC Oversight Hearing

NOTE: There are TWO meetings on Wednesday July 25th, 2018.

Please READ the documents attached. These are SHORT and reading these won’t take much time!

Please stop counting on a VERY small group of us doing the front line fighting. WE NEED EVERYONE to start doing their part. Otherwise, you WILL be living with the consequences very soon! This is the TRUTH!

They are attempting to do things behind closed doors – at a FEDERAL LEVEL – in order to do the usual stealth methods of deploying 5G.

If we want to stop them, we need thousands upon thousands of people stepping up to the plate and show them that we KNOW what they are doing and that we plan to STOP IT!


There are TWO hearings WEDNESDAY. Our goals is to flood lines with people calliing in.

Wednesday morning: The Race To 5G in the Senate Commerce Committee

Wednesday afternoon:

House of Representatives on

FCC OVERSIGHT HEARING House Commerce Committee

Talking Points when your call is answered or in a recorded VM:

  • People calling need to push reps to ask about health

  • Lack of an actual Safety Standard

  • FCC is an inappropriate agency to oversee health guidelines

  • No reassessment of safety guidelines as recommended by GAO 4 years ago

  • Despite CLEAR EVIDENCE OF CARCINOGENIC ACTIVITY WITH WIRELESS RADIATION, the FCC is streamlining orders for 5G and eliminating Environmental, Health, Safety review

NOTE ATTACHED UPDATED EMAIL ADDRESSES FOR THE SCHEDULERS AND RELEVANT STAFFERS TO THIS FCC HEARING for the House Subcommittee doing the FCC Oversight Meeting. I attached a list of questions that should be asked of the FCC by the congress members but of course you can make up your own.

See attached weekly meeting schedules for house and senate, information on the two specific meetings, and list of bios with contact information for each Representative in the House and Senate.

When you call, dial *67 before the number so they do not hassle you about what state you are from so CALL ALL REPRESENTATIVES.

Email if you have questions.

Just START get calling NOW.

>> Attachments can be viewed/downloaded >>


Peace and Blissings, in Sovereignty… and with gratitude, always with gratitude.

Anaiis Salles


Visit Anaiis Salles’s website for more information or book life coaching or energy healing sessions:
Steemit Blog
For more information on 5G and the dangers of wireless radiation, also see these sites & resources listed there:

2 responses to “Anaiis Salles/Living Lessons Library: Rescind Implied Tacit Consent! 5G CTA Summit Community Activism Opportunity USA

  1. Adair Rutherford Buckner,I.

    Once again, outstanding, “bomb shell”, Karen! May GOD richly bless and sustain you.

  2. Freedomisntfree2016

    My mother watched her show, “Dr. Oz” recently and he put up the poster of the electromagnetic spectrum and pointed out that 5g was untested for safety standards. We know millions will be killed by 5g. This is an urgent call to action.

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