World Treaty Conference to Ban Anti-Personnel Neuro/Electromagnetic DEW & Mind Control Technologies Announced

Ramola D/Posted 5/5/2018

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, the visionary and leading human rights advocate, investigative journalist, War Crimes Tribunal judge, prolific author, and former General Counsel of New York City Environmental Protection Administration [EPA], now of and News Inside Out; the members of the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team founded by celebrated Oxford and CERN physicist Dr. Katherine Horton; and a leading and highly credentialed group of scientists, Intelligence analysts, and concerned human rights advocates which includes Dr. Leuren Moret, renowned geoscientist and nuclear technology/HAARP whistleblower formerly with Laurence Livermore Laboratories, Melanie Vritschan, visionary founder of ICATOR, the International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and the Robotization of Living Beings, and renowned National Security Agency Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart have united to launch a world Model Statute initiative to ban anti-personnel electromagnetic technologies, directed energy weapons (DEWs), and invasive, weaponized Mind Control neuro-technologies, all of which permit the remote assault, mutilation, manipulation, and modification of human bodies, physiological systems, consciousness, emotions, psyches, personalities, intelligence quotients (IQ), willpower, and brains of humans and animals.

Massachusetts State Convenor, World Treaty Conference to Ban Neuro/DEW and Mind Control Technologies

Ramola D

Ramola D, Wavemaker Interview

I’m pleased to report that I’ve accepted the honor of being named the Massachusetts State Convenor to the World Treaty Conference to Ban Neuro/DEW and Mind Control Technologies and was able to speak on the subject recently in an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre for News Inside Out on the subject of these technologies, as well as delineate the basics of the current defamatory action taken by certain irresponsible Quincy Public Schools officials maligning my reportage and egregiously and wrongfully involving Child Protection services to threaten the privacy and sanctity of my family, as published in the JIT Press Release this past week. (Which I will report on further shortly, as I continue to uncover seriously concerning information about this extreme travesty.) Media coverage is invited on this story.

News Inside Out has reported on this interview–news article link and video below:

Crusading Journalist and mother Ramola D. breaks through to public Light, even as High-profile Convenors of Model Statute/Treaty Conference to ban Neurotech Assault Weapons are attacked with US DOD/DOJ energy weapons

Public Comment/Participation in Worldwide Effort to Ban Neuro/DEWs To Protect All Humanity is Needed

The Model Statute is in draft form and public comment is invited; people everywhere, worldwide, are invited to join this effort and become Contacts for the Statute in their part of the world. People of prominence in public affairs are also encouraged to add their names to support this vitally important Ban initiative, which will have repercussions for all humanity, going forward.

“Interested individuals and organizations can add their names as contacts for the MODEL STATUTE by emailing their name, contact email & website affiliation to”.

Earlier Legislative Efforts Preceding This Ban Neuro/DEWS Model Statute Initiative

Peace in Space notes that this 2018 Model Statute to Ban Neurotech Mind Control/DEWs was earlier introduced “in educational briefings in Brussels, Belgium to members of the European Parliament during 2011-2015 under the auspices of EUCACH.ORG.

Indeed, this Model Statute to Ban Neurotech Mind Control Weapons, which was drafted by Alfred Webre, JD, MEd in close consultation with late Dr. Rauni Leena Luukanen-Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, and other renowned international human rights advocates builds on earlier legislative efforts both in the United States and in Belgium at the European Union.

It should be known by all that HR 2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001, which was introduced by Senator Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to the US House of Representatives but never passed, was authored by vigilant journalist and judge Alfred Webre.

In its language, the 2001 Space Preservation Act (which was not passed) called for a ban on space-based weapons aimed at, among other things, the destruction of equipment in space or human life on earth “(II) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.” Exotic weapons systems such as chem trails and tectonic weapons systems were also mentioned in the Space Preservation Act.

Even before that, in 1999, a groundbreaking international effort to inform the European Parliament was undertaken by a small group of dedicated international human rights activists and analysts including Dr. Nick Begich, publisher at Earthpulse Press, investigative journalist and author of several books including, with writer Jeanne Manning, Angels Don’t Play this HAARP, and Controlling the Human Mind/The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance, and Lynn Surgalla, former Vice President of the US Psychotronics Association with Lockheed Martin work experience in her background, using the investigative research and analyses published also by leading researchers such as Cheryl Welsh, JD, author of, Paul Baird, LLM, author of, Soleil Mavis, author of, and Harlan Girard, author of

As a consequence of the critical work by these seminal activists to raise world awareness, a resolution was published by the European Parliament that year, in 1999 (numbered B4-0551/95) warning of the results of the abuse of non-lethal directed-energy weapons, and demanding a ban of weapons aiming at “the manipulation of the human nervous system,” stating that “the maintaining of secrecy in military research is to be counteracted and the right to openness and democratic examination is to be strengthened” (European Parliament’s resolution B4-0551/95, paragraph 21).

Of this cornerstone resolution—which unfortunately has not in any way been enforced by the European Parliament to date, given all reports by engaged human rights neurotech/DEW activists in Europe, including ICATOR–Mojmir Babacek, researcher and author of “Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System” at Global Research notes:

In the report by the European Parliament’s STOA (Science and Technological Options Assessment) panel “Crowd Control Technologies” the originally proposed text of the European Parliament’s resolution is quoted. There the European Parliament calls “for an international convention and global ban on all research and development, whether civilian or military, which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings, including a ban on any actual or possible deployment (stressed by the author of the article) of such systems”. (40, pg CII, ref. 369).” –Mojmir Babacek

What the Model Statute to Ban Neurotech/Mind Control DEWS, 2018 Aims to Achieve

The Model Statute to ban Neurotech DEWs, 2018 Version seeks the following in protection of all humanity:

“The Model Statute Initiative bans the research & development, manufacture, possession, control, deployment, and/or operation of all new physics, scalar, plasma, or directed energy neurotech mind control weapons; and bans their use to torture or entrain human beings, animals, or living organisms in violation of International criminal and humanitarian law, including the Geneva Conventions and the Statute of the ICC – International Criminal Court.

The Model Statute Initiative can be adapted for adoption by international Treaty Conference (as was the Land Mines Treaty Conference that Princess Diana helped successfully create), as well as by any legislative body at the international, national, provincial, state, regional, municipal or local level, and enforcement by the designated appropriate lawful authorities.

–The Model Statute Initiative to Ban Neurotech Mind Control Weapons – 2018, Peace in Space

Alfred Webre has recently discussed the Model Statute initiative on a podcast at You are Free TV. The World Treaty Conference webinar to launch the Model Statute Initiative to Ban Neurotech/DEW Mind Control Weapons is being planned and will be livestreamed to a world audience soon, please stay tuned to Peace in Space and News Inside out for details—which will also be announced here at The Everyday Concerned Citizen and at the US-Europe Joint Investigation Team website. It is anticipated that the World Treaty Conference webinar will open worldwide public awareness, discussion, and debate on the current misuse of military technologies in the remote manipulation of bodies and brains of civilians worldwide, and all concerned citizens are invited to actively get informed, spread awareness, and participate.

Urgency of Need for a Ban Against Mind & Body Control Weapons to Protect All Humanity

Recent news reports from China publicizing the use of “emotional surveillance” neuro monitoring technologies being used in mandatory fashion on the brains of thousands of factory workers under guise of improving human performance, in tandem with recent news reports as in the 60 Minutes MIT Media Labs coverage of demonstrated Synthetic Telepathy via neurostimulators and Brain Computer Interface technologies should alert all humanity that we are living in a critical time period today, when governments, Intelligence agencies, corporations, and militaries have the technological tools for complete and absolute domination over the entire human body and brain, and the power to monitor, manipulate, modify, assault, mutilate, degrade, and destroy every single human body and brain on the planet.

An extreme and criminal disservice to humanity has been achieved by mainstream media outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Wired, Vice, The Daily Beast, and others in keeping the progressive information on the development of these deadly military neuro/DEW mind and body control weapons from the public, by their steady discharge of Propaganda coverage for the Deep State, which has, true to Military Deception and Psychological Warfare form (as spelled out in Military and Intelligence manuals), sought to both openly downplay mind-control and body-control with remote energy weapons as “science fiction” and to openly deny, dismiss, decry, and discredit the numerous and increasing reports of experienced non-consensual assault with directed-energy weapons, neuroweapons, and RFID implants arising from all over the world over the last three to five decades.

At the level of the covered agencies and militaries comprising the “Deep State” and engaging in this non-consensual Neuro/DEW Mind Control assault experimentation/operation, a key aspect of this concealment has been to label all reporting victims “Targeted Individuals” and then run a series of Psychological Operations in their midst to tarnish them falsely as mentally ill, which has included co-opting mainstream media to run avid POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece Con artist coverage) against them, in efforts to disappear, discredit, and silence all public emergence of their vital testimonial as “paranoid and delusional.”

It must be noted that it was this exact modality of supreme deception and betrayal that was used to disappear the victims of radiation experimentation in the 1950s, and all other non-consensual subjects of military and Intelligence experimentation over the years, by having them falsely labeled, stigmatized, and silenced by corrupt doctors and psychiatrists as mentally ill, crazy, paranoid, delusional, and schizophrenic. The story of Elmer Allen, well-known 1950s Manhattan Project experimentee, which illustrates this betrayal, was uncovered by investigative journalist Eileen Welsome, author of The Plutonium Files, and is featured here: Paranoid Schizophrenia, Tool of the Red Terror, Makes a Comeback in Authoritarian USA and Other Western Democracies. Discussion of this phenomenon as related to the silencing of important CIA/NSA/FBI/military/police whistleblowers is discussed here in CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell’s recent article, which features the testimonial and reportage also of whistleblower Ed Schooling and a US News and World report article by Victoria Pope on Soviet-era repressive psychiatry: Extreme Sabotage of Journalists and Government Whistleblowers.

Scientists, military, and Intelligence whistleblowers of conscience and integrity have stepped forward today to present the truth to the public, to lay bare the actuality of the facts behind surveillance abuse and non-consensual human experimentation, which includes the Military/Intelligence misuse of these military Neuro/DEW Mind Control weapons as implements of Torture on humans, and to give witness to the fact that “Targeted Individuals,” far from being mentally ill, are critically important whistleblowers, front-line reporters, and canaries-in-the-coal-mine witnesses attesting to the criminal use of these deadly weapons on humans today.

To understand the true nature of the urgency of the need for a ban of these mind/body control energy weapons, the reading public is encouraged to read the reports, documentation, witness testimonial, NSA/CIA/FBI/DARPA/DIA whistleblower testimony, and true reportage related to the power and misuse of these military Neuro/DEW Mind Control weapons at the following sites: Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower’s website; Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower’s website;, Cheryl Welsh’s website;, Paul Baird’s website; Peacepink, Soleil Mavis’ website, Worldwide Campaign to stop the Abuse and Torture of Mind Control/DEWs;, Spencer Carter’s website;, Dr. Eric Karlstrom’s website;, Dr. Katherine Horton’s website, Global Nuclear Cover-Up, Dr. Leuren Moret’s website;, Targeted Justice’s website;, International Center Against Covert Technologies; ICATOR‘s website; ICOMW, International Committee Against Offensive Microwave Weapons, Harlan Girard’s website; Targeted Individuals Canada; Omni’s websites including Declassified Documents; Renee Pittman Mitchell’s books and website, Big Brother Watching Us; Mark M. Rich’s books and website, New World War; Dr. Nick Begich’s books and website, Earthpulse Press; at this writer’s websites, The Everyday Concerned Citizen and Youtube/Ramola D Reports.

(There are many other websites with vital reportage—those maintaining Truth-filled information on this subject are encouraged to contact this writer so a full list can be published.)

Leading investigative journalists covering this subject on an ongoing basis include Barbara Hartwell, Suzie Dawson, Alfred Webre, Dr. Leuren Moret, Dr. Katherine Horton, Dr. Nick Begich, Cheryl Welsh, Vic Livingston, James Moreno, and Ramola D. Journalists covering military neurotechnology include Nicholas West of Activist Post. Journalists newly covering this subject include Sarah Westall.

(Again, any journalist newly covering this subject or covering military neurotechnology and wishing to be recognized is encouraged to contact this writer with links to reportage.)

The fact is, our children, our grandchildren, ourselves, and our elderly are at greatest risk of being completely and absolutely dominated, controlled, manipulated, and emasculated by these mind and body control weapons if we do not unite to act definitively as concerned humanity to ban these weapons now.

As I see it currently, the four greatest risks these weapons pose to each and every one of us is:

  • the silent creation of disease/illness/bodily destruction of the human body from a distance,
  • the silent wipeout/degrading/moronification/diseasification of the human brain from a distance,
  • the silent and gratuitous, sadistic manipulation/assault/abuse/slow kill of both the human body and brain in actions of Torture, Pay-to-Play, & Ritual Abuse from a distance; and
  • the bio-robotizing or total takeover of the human body via takeover of the human brain, from a distance.

(All four effects are being reported currently.) What these weapons permit is Bio Hacking, Brain Hacking, and Life Hacking: this is exactly what is being reported currently, worldwide.

This therefore is the background. The Model Statute initiative to ban Neurotech/DEW Assault Weapons is urgently needed, and people everywhere, worldwide, in all your different spheres of influence are urged to participate in this effort and also to initiate and establish similar efforts worldwide to ban these terrible weapons, which are essentially New Age Weapons of Mass Destruction which promise Complete Body & Brain Takeover of Humanity.

Please research, please get informed, please spread awareness, and please take peaceful and meaningful action to participate in this initiative to protect humanity at your earliest.

Please share this post widely.


Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy & Neuro/Bio Weapons

Community Notice: Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

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Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower Interview with Ramola D of The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower Interview with Ramola D (PART 2)

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Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”

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United States of PsyOps: Call Them Paranoid. Call Them Delusional.

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Targeting is Real

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Letter from Ramola D to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues/On Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation

No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities 

Letter to SACHRP from Ramola D/Regarding SACHRP’s Responsibility to Protect All Human Subjects…Necessary Protections of the Common Rule

2016 BRAIN Initiatives: Neuro Crime, Neuro Warfare, DARPA/CIA Brain Experimentation, Neuro Ethics, and Non-Consensual Experimentees

In the Name of National Security? Secret, Classified Human Subject Experimentation and Research in 2015: Where is the Public Outrage?

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Charles A. Schlund’s Affidavit: Early CIA Leaks from the Don Bolles Papers, and Evidence from the 1970s of Remote Electromagnetic Torture with US Govt. Implants

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Abreu Report: “My Brain was Cooking,” Says Victim of Psychotronic Weapon

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17 responses to “World Treaty Conference to Ban Anti-Personnel Neuro/Electromagnetic DEW & Mind Control Technologies Announced

  1. Pingback: Targeted by CPS: Ramola D – Award Winning Author and Journalist – THE HAIRY EYEBALL

  2. Pingback: DEW facilitator Canadian Liberal Government conspires in secret agreement to secede British Columbia to Communist China, a major DEW war crimes state. Canadian Liberals, pushing for counter-ecological Texas Kinder-Morgan oil pipeline as part of DEW war cr

  3. Pingback: DEW facilitator Canadian Liberal Government conspires in secret agreement to secede British Columbia to Communist China, a major DEW war crimes state. Canadian Liberals, pushing for counter-ecological Texas Kinder-Morgan oil pipeline as part of DEW war cr

  4. Freedomisntfree2016

    Page 297 of Project: Soul Catcher by Robert Duncan

    “Currently, the 1991 Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects is the binding regulation on human-subject research for 17 federal agencies including the military and the intelligence agencies. Although it outlines the guidelines for informed consent, it also states, “Unless otherwise required by law, department or agency heads may waive the applicability of some or all of the provisions of this policy.” In other words, a person participating in an experiment must be informed and give his consent uless a high-level government official doesn’t think it is necessary. Not surprisingly, this authority doesn’t stop with the heafs of agencies and departments. The president also has the power to waive or modify these provisions through a presidential directive, which he can issue at any time, refuse to make public, and do without any person’s or body’s approval. Therefore, until a feferal syatute that secures the right of informed consent for anyone subjected to classified human experimentation is passed by legislature and signed into law by the president, the U.S. government has the power to carry out research projects without his consent and without informing the participants of the dangers or future complications. This apparently allows for torture to death experiments by purpose or accident, euphemistically called behavior modification by the CI A.”


    Dianne Renee Chandler, LTC US Army Retired, “Pressure wave technology torture victim nonconsensually being used for development of torture tachnology that uses the electrical system of my home to create a torture chamber.” I will describe these waves in another comment.

  5. Freedomisntfree2016

    From PROJECT SOUL CATCHER , by Robert Duncan, a book I read over and over, highlight and underline key points of interest, then I give the book away!

    Page 214, the author states: “The United States has broken every one of the treaties on automated killing machines, non-consensual human experimentation, and invisible, electromagnetic, directed energy weapons systems. Even the Russians tried to alert those governments with a conscience to ban them. The only government who held out at the U.N. was the United States. Since then, torture weapons have been remarketed in the English language.

    I urge all TIs to read this book to understand what is being done so that you can better protect and defend against all manner of attacks. Knowledge is power. The best thing I did for defense is to layer hats on my head using products from lessemf. Unfortunately, some people are being attacked at work, restaurants where cell phones are are used to attack victims from the back while sitting, eating and drinking coffee. You have to watch you back and be picky where you sit out in public and even at home. The least you can do is buy a multidirectional meter that tells you the direction the microwave attacks come from. Then put foil on the back of your easy chair, in windows, on the wall of your home. Use Dave Case CD. You need to protect your brain and brain stem. I also sleep on my back. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. If you buy only one book to understand the seriousness of your situation, get this book.
    Dianne Renee Chandler, LTC US Army Retired, targeted, tortured by the Talucah Road Torture Club, south of Redstone Arsenal, Alabama

  6. Pingback: Alfred Lambremont Webre: 2020 & How to create a positive future for America & the World - NewsInsideOut

  7. Freedomisntfree2016

    Congrats Ramola on your new role as Massachusetts State Convener to the World Treaty Conference to Ban Neuro/DEW and Mind Control Technologies!
    Dianne Renee Chandler

  8. Freedomisntfree2016

    Those who sold us out do the work of Satan. Our US Congress is a shameful excuse for those it is supposed to represent. When a Senator named Shelby, who has a building on Redstone Arsenal named after him, replies to my letter of complaint, by suggesting that I seek legal advice and closes by saying I should contact him in case I need assistance regarding “Federal” business, well then that response is exactly why we need an international treaty. Senator Shelby is one of a handful of so called “representatives” who was informed of the indefinite detainment of prisoners and “enhanced torture” to be used against so called terrorists. Imagine my shock when I was sitting in the cafeteria at the West Palm Beach VA, and two informants are sitting within earshot arguing whether I am a terrorist because I came to the ER complaining of electroshock, electrocution, extreme vibration and sleep deprivation, not knowing what this was at the time, then being trailed by a black SUV each time I left the WPB VA on my way home to Fort Pierce, FL where I own a condo. Thanks to my neighbor’s family for enrolling me in “THE TORTURE CLUB.” SATAN BE DAMNED AND THOSE WHO WORK FOR HIM TOO! Dianne Renee Chandler, LTC, USA RETIRED “ABOVE TOP SECRET”

  9. Pingback: World Treaty Conference to Ban Anti-Personnel Neuro/Electromagnetic DEW & Mind Control Technologies Announced. By Ramola D. - NewsInsideOut

  10. The police are using Palantir software. I have had experience in this. They can measure your emotions and how pissed off you are when you go shopping. So, they send in the sheriff to “monitor you” and show a presence of force if your emotions get out of hand. I found this out from

  11. It goes deeper. The greys gave our military and govt the technology. They are time travelers. The pharaoh’s had mind control too. We have the same priesthood except it is now with sophisticated weaponry. At the top of the pyramid: it is not human. My handler or attacker MILAB was Al Gore, Lindsey Graham, Hilliary Clinton, Joe Biden. They have sold us out to be close to the gods.

  12. It’s all because you have hybrids like the reptilians. They are behind this.: Alpha Draconians / GREYS.

    Black ops is SES ( senior executive Service). Check it out.

  13. They are cloning and they want the emotions for the GREYS.

  14. The above words are from Bryan TEW.. you tuber. He is telling you about Hyper Game theory on TI’s.

  15. Freedomisntfree2016

    I agree with the international and grass roots approaches to bringing pressure to bear on the United States in particular. The U.S. Is leading the way “all in plain sight” ,leading the way as it uses humans as “things” to be manipulated and disposed of in the scheme to control all resources, especially that of the human brain and weaponizing all manner of species for control of the entire planet.

  16. Freedomisntfree2016

    Thank you for mentioning “pay to play” schemes. I am a victim of one of these schemes whereby I was targeted for my attractiveness and then my looks destroyed by my enrollment into a “torture club.” This is an “invitation only” network. I was assaulted by sadomasochists who effectively “captured” me using neural monitoring, brain computer interface, V2k and technologies that turned my home into a torture chamber. “Players” were invited to torture me and they paid for the priviledge. There was a huge number of mostly men (johns) who were brought in by a woman (madam) who collected the money and invited them to use the technology managed by the male (pimp). After my looks were effectively destroyed from the nightly torture, I was disenrolled from the torture club. The pimp blamed me for causing his team to lose “their insurance” as this membership in the “torture club” provided them income in addition to and in place of contracts “for surveillance.” Dianne Renee Chandler, LTC US Army Retired “Above Top Secret” Army Special Ops Target located south of the Redstone Arsenal

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