Report #35: Round-Table Fundraiser: Bring Baby Amethyst Home to Mom for Christmas!

–Ramola D/Posted 12/17/2017


Melanie Vritschan with 2-week-old Baby Amethyst Vritschan, Erasme Hopital, Nov 3, 2017

Powerful and hard-hitting (livecast today at 4:30 pm Eastern/10:30 pm CET/1:30 pm Pacific Time on Ramola D Reports/Youtube) conversation featuring particle physicist Dr. Katherine Horton, War Crimes Tribunal judge Alfred Lambremont Webre, and founder of ICATOR, Melanie Vritschan, whose baby has been “medically-kidnapped” and is still inexplicably being held by Erasme Hopital, Brussels, Belgium.

A court hearing date has been set for December 21, two months after the baby’s birth on October 18, one day after which psychiatrists at Erasme Hopital set off a train of traumatic events for Melanie and Amethyst Vritschan including abusive psychiatric assessments for Melanie and brutal separation from her mother for Amethyst—all on the basis of impetuous and completely-off-the-mark diagnostic conclusions they jumped to, following misconstrued conversations relayed as hearsay from a midwife to whom Dr. Horton had spoken.

One week after her unlawful confinement in Psychiatry, Melanie was pronounced perfectly free of mental illness by a judge, but the 30-day separation edict set in motion by Erasme psychiatrists remained in place, with the hospital eventually authorized by the separate Juvenile Court to set up visiting hours for mother and child.

Melanie offers an update as to what is going on currently, what her visiting hours currently comprise, and all of the various events surrounding, for instance, the recent revocation followed by reinstatement of her son’s visiting rights.

Alfred Webre offers the big-picture view of what is happening as part of the framework within which these events are taking place; he reminds us that high level criminality involving the aristocracy has set up pedophilia and child trafficking networks through the children’s and family court system, with hospitals also being complicit. His intent therefore is to secure a win for humanity by analyzing the situation and offering his best counsel based on several decades of experience in law and with crooked courts.

Dr. Katherine Horton points out that it is fairly clear a criminal conspiracy is in play here, with a child being kidnapped on flimsy grounds, which point definitively to professional error and incompetence by Erasme doctors if not downright medical malpractice, where a diagnosing psychiatrist failed to examine whether a report made about an implant removed from a patient’s body was true or false, but chose instead to deliver a pernicious verdict of “paranoid delusions” in the mother, and caused the Procureur du Roi and the Juvenile Court to issue an immediate edict to separate the baby from her mother, one day after she was born. Dr. Horton spells out several of the steps leading to this outcome, including lies told by the midwife who misconstrued her conversation, and lies told by the nurse who removed Melanie’s baby from her room, saying she had jaundice or hepatitis.

Inevitably, we went over various traumatic events faced by mother and child several times, examining also what the implications would be for Erasme Hospital if the child is placed in a foster or adoptive home by the judge, totally ignoring the fact that the mother has no mental illness diagnosis, was wrongfully put in psychiatry by Dr. Marie Delhaye, the Erasme psychiatrist, is a great mother, and should be reunited with her child—total ruination of reputation, lawsuits, criminal complaints etc.

The best outcome of course is the release of baby Amethyst to her mother on Thursday. With that in mind, please help support court and translation fees with a donation to ICATOR at Click on either Join Us or the Go Fund Me page links to donate.

Earlier video reports, articles, posts, press releases can be found here.


One response to “Report #35: Round-Table Fundraiser: Bring Baby Amethyst Home to Mom for Christmas!

  1. www

    and why we find ourselves in such a state.

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