Support Ethical Sci/Tech/Consciousness Media…Subscribe to Ramola D Reports at Patreon

Dear friends,

I finally took the plunge and set up a Patreon page to allow for my incremental move to subscriber-funded journalism and podcasts.

PatreonPlease visit my page at Patreon to learn more about what I am doing and hope to to be doing as I continue my work here in True Media sci/tech/surveillance/defense/consciousness print journalism and broadcasting: 

All of my plans for new podcast series are included there.

I want to assure you all I am not exactly moving to a subscriber-only model by any means.

My human rights advocacy and investigative/truth-telling/op-ed journalism and publishing/re-posting of others’ work will continue openly and freely for all, both here at this website, The Everyday Concerned Citizen--which will continue, at my page on Medium, on a new site for Ramola D Reports I hope to set up shortly, at my Youtube channel Ramola D Reports, and at any new channels I set up elsewhere shortly, such as at Vimeo, Bitchute, Twitch, D-Tube.

I am particularly keen to keep writing, podcasting, and publishing freely on behalf of all those “Targeted Individuals”–men and women of intelligence and integrity worldwide who have been and are being cruelly and inhumanely targeted and irradiated by corrupt and rogue militaries, Intelligence agencies, and government departments with deadly Surveillance Abuse, Electromagnetic/Sonic Assault, and Neurotech Assault in Non-Consensual and Black Ops Neuro-Experimentation programs, while Mainstream Media lies and denies, Law Enforcement maintains cultic Secret Society silence, and Psychiatry horrifically victimizes, persecutes, and re-victimizes. These are Crimes Against Humanity which I am committed to help expose and force the termination of.

But I am indeed seeking to establish myself as an independent True Media journalist who is moving to a subscriber-as-well model, and seeking as well to engage more directly with a community of subscribers and supporters, as I follow the path of other ethical news and views reporters into subscriber-funded and supported journalism, such as Sibel Edmonds/Newsbud or James Corbett/The Corbett Report.

If you find the work I do here on an ongoing basis of meaning, significance, and value and would like to support this endeavor as I continue, please sign on as a subscriber at Patreon. As you know, True Media of integrity, ethicality, and candor need people-support to survive. You can support this endeavor at any level you like, whether it’s $3 a month (Bluefinch) or $100 a month (Arctic Tern), with special perks at each level. 

I have to say I sat around wondering what exactly to provide as Patreon perks, and finally decided to have some fun with it: I’m glad to offer a couple exclusive podcasts each month to supporters on a patrons-only basis, and quite excited about being able to throw my creative writing and teaching skills into the mix with offerings of e-satire and poetry/fiction readings on podcast.  $15 a month (Red-Throated Loon;) will bring you a monthly e-book in Modern Satire and $100 a month (Arctic Tern) will bring you a special monthly Lit Inspire podcast with a curated set of inspiring and nurturing writings from fiction-writers, poets, memoirists, essayists–including my own work and the work of my writer-friends!–read by yours truly. 

My aim ultimately, as in my creativity workshops, is to bring Literature, Art, and Science together, along with Ethics, Humanity, and Consciousness, and with your help, hopefully, we’ll get there together.

I want to thank all the many wonderful people out there who have been sending me donations, big and small, through the Donate button here from Paypal, and helped support and validate my work so far. This Donate button will continue to be here for one-time donations, but to support my work on more of a recurrent, ongoing basis, Patreon helps.

So do feel free to sign up anytime! Help co-create ethical sci/tech media and create ethical intellectual community by supporting Ramola D Reports on Patreon. 

Please share this post widely. And thank you!!!

–Ramola D/Posted 12/11/2017



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