Kerry Cassidy/Project Camelot Interviews Mehran Keshe: Plasma Spaceships, Second Suns, Zero Point Energy, Enlightenment

Fascinating conversation between Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, and Mehran Keshe of the Keshe Foundation (who released his free energy technology last fall), which covers a lot of ground from the history of recent Keshe Foundation ventures in Belgium (where they faced much hostility) to Italy (where they were welcomed) to the Middle East (where they are currently setting up, with much support) to the nature of the technology his foundation is teaching and using to build various applications, classes being taught online, and lessons learned from understanding the universal laws of electromagnetic energy, magnetic fields, and gravity. 

This is quite an intricate conversation which takes some focused listening, expertly maneuvered by Kerry Cassidy who connects the findings she makes here with the work of other scientists she has interviewed who are currently working in a similar space yet using different names for the zero point energy/technology under discussion–as for instance “Matrix Energetics” from Dr. Richard Bartlett and Melissa Joy Johnson.(Project Camelot’s interview with them is here.)

The section (about midway) where they talk about the individual plasma “spaceships” Keshe is teaching people to build is especially intriguing, with its discussion of possible imminent Earth changes with increasing pressures on magma and earthquakes related to the solar system’s continuing movement on an outer arm of the galaxy, mergings with a “second sun,” and a timeline that sees such collisions just a few decades ahead. (Please watch and listen with discernment, and please research these subjects on your own too–I have not credibly encountered similar predictions elsewhere myself, and would need to explore this further on my own too.) Kerry Cassidy brings up physicist Paul LaViolette’s work, and his theories of Galactic Superwaves, which you can read more about here. (In exploring Paul LaViolette’s site, I also found this fascinating page about a cosmic superwave predicted by Bulgarian mystic Peter Deunov to impact Earth this century in a colossal awakening/evolution event which will transform and “purify the earth,” create new continents, destroy some existing ones, and establish a new Golden Age.)

The energy that Keshe speaks about reads like the chi/prana/reiki concepts that Eastern cultures have long described and that are today familiar to energy medicine practitioners, as Kerry Cassidy notes in a thoughtful and ruminating essay on her blog, succeeding this conversation, Keshe and Accessing the Zero Point of True Enlightenment, where she discusses both how we can all access this energy and explores why the Illuminati are seeking to suppress our access to it. Excerpt: “Last night it became totally clear to me what Keshe is doing and why there is such a disconnect between what he is doing and talking about and physicists and what they are describing.

In essence they are both talking about the same thing.  It’s the same thing that what we call free energy inventors are working on but not being able to describe.  It’s a problem with translation or definition of terms when we speak or as I wrote to physicist Richard Alan Miller.  A quarrel over semantics.  We are all talking about the same thing.

When I asked Keshe if  he was building a ship to go into space he said yes that was his ultimate goal.  To go into space.  When I asked him if he was going to therefore build a UFO or saucer he said no… So I then asked him, after he tried to describe the type of ship he would build saying the energy he would use is “plasma”, if he was talking about building a “plasma beam ship”  and he said YES.  This clarified it all for me.  Because as a magician or someone who has studied magic for many years as well as the path of the yogi or enlightenment I then understood what Keshe is really trying to do.

He is trying to access what we call the zero point field or the energy of the vacuum or what Wilhelm Reich called ORGONE and what Indian mystics call KUNDALINI ENERGY.  And Plasma physics as I now understand it is nothing more than the study of that energy.  Plasma = Orgone = Kundalini = Light.

In essence we are talking about forms of light.  Turning light into forms that we can use to get from point A to point B.  So when we meditate we are accessing this energy.  We are manifesting this pool of energy or plasma and building something with it in essence a ‘time travel machine’ or ‘merkaba’ that we can then use to transcend this dimension and travel through space (transcending time).Please visit Kerry Cassidy’s blog for the whole, extraordinary essay.

The Keshe Foundation is planning a Peace Event or open workshop April 21 and 22 in Dubai, details about which you can find here.  Blueprints and information on how to build the Keshe Pain Pens and Pain Pads using free energy can be found on Technology and Health Apps pages. Online classes are being planned; you can currently access workshops and demonstrations on an ongoing basis at the Keshe Spaceship Institute channel on Youtube. And you can explore further the physics behind all this technology in information and papers posted at his site. 


Richard Presser’s Blog: Keshe Technology was the Trigger for Iran’s Nuclear Deal to Proceed Nov 7, 2015

“Free Energy in Exchange for World Peace”/Keshe MAGRAV-Power Technology Blueprint Available/Classes Continued Nov 5, 2015

Alfred Lambremont Webre Interviews Mehran Keshe: How World Peace Can Be a Byproduct of Keshe Technology Nov 4, 2015

A Roadmap to Peace: Keshe Foundation Releases Free Energy Device Blueprints and Runs Free Classes Online All Week Oct 27, 2015

Mehran Keshe Gives 10-Day Notice to All Nations of the Earth Re. Global Release of Patented Plasma-Based Free-Energy Technology into the Public Domain Oct 22, 2015



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