Dr. Rauni Luukanen Kilde: Mind-Control, Robotization, and TransHumanist Agendas Can Be Defeated Only with Awareness

rauni kildeIn this wide-ranging conversation with Alfred Lambremont Webre on various subjects including after-life experiences and extraterrestrial contact, Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde emphasizes how important it is for information on ongoing Military/Intelligence experiments and activities in the areas of Mind Control and Behavior Control using remote EMF weapons and technologies to be widely disseminated, and how essential it is for more of the world to wake up to what’s in process today as underlying agenda for all humanity behind the testing and operation of these technologies today on select “Targeted Individuals” in communities worldwide.

The agenda is transhumanist in nature, and the agenda is robotization of humanity, with RFID chips and brain EMFS being picked up and read remotely by satellites and drones, and thence influenced remotely, with remote Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and other remote-influencing technologies. Humans can thus be influenced to think, feel, act, behave, as State controllers behind the cyberneticists and neuroscientists and Artificial Intelligence engineers want humans to think, feel, act, and behave–this is what they want for our children. This is also the future envisioned for the remainder of humans post-depopulation scenarios already being enacted in skies above us via nanotoxin-loaded chem trails, now loaded as well in the waters we drink and use, in the food laced with GMOS and pesticides and processed with endocrine-disruptors we are being served, unlabelled, in viruses, vaccines, and other bio-weapons we are both being sprayed with and sold on, scenarios expected to remove 85% of humanity so the rest can subsist as servants of the “elite.” 

They can do anything these days, they can induce a myocardial infarction in a minute, they can induce brain damage in a minute–and people don’t know about it!…If people knew, they would all say they don’t want their son or daughter to be robotized, that is not what they envision for humanity–but people don’t know. The only way we can get out of this is through goodness, through connecting with the goodness of the Universe through the goodness of our own hearts and to ask for help, for assistance, but we cannot do that if people don’t know about these weapons. Awareness, Awareness, Awareness! We need people to know about these technologies, about what is going on.

There is much that is reassuring as well in this interview, and the repeated message that as life-forms we are all pure energy presently inhabiting a material body and world, that there is no death, that we are not alone in the universe, that God is love. Posted today at Alfred Lambremont Webre’s website newsinsideout.com, where he presents a message to the International Day Against Mind Control Conference in Europe in honor of Dr. Rauni Kilde.

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