A Wake Up Call to America From State of the Nation: Mass Mind Control of Americans Through Legal Propaganda, Perception Management, and DARPA EMF Brain Modification Experiments

Please visit State of the Nation for the full post: False Flags are Legal Propaganda Produced by the Department of Defense

This is a tremendous article by State of the Nation that I wanted to recommend and pass on. It not merely deconstructs the false flag phenomena it initially sets out to do, it draws attention to several significant methodologies of mass control being deployed against Americans—and others—today.

These include the repressive measures permitted the DoD and the Government by the NDAA—which removes Due Process for citizens and accountability for the DoD/Government–and the many sweeping appropriations of power of various recent Executive Orders and secret Presidential Policy Directives. Those of us who have been following the NDAA and have early signed petitions against it, spoken out against it, and tried to stop it from being passed or renewed know much of this already; it is still an important reminder, in light of everything else that is going on today, of just how thoroughly our rights and liberties as Americans are being and have been attacked.

In addition, this article highlights the wide, deceiving world of Perception Management—also self-permitted by this Administration to itself and every department, particularly the DoD—and considers some listed tenets of this c/overt program and their application in various areas, including false flags. It offers insight into the convergence of various discrete actions thrown our way, including Executive Orders permitting and legalizing PsyOps on citizens, subliminal programming through media, false flag mass shooting scenarios in service of gun control agendas, movie/media propaganda supporting DoD aims and interests such as endless war, and analytical cyber tools to further contain and control our data, our actions online, and the operations of social media.

Excerpt from start of article:

“Why would the government support false flag events?

This question would go through our minds every time we would see a new false flag event plastered all over the media.  Like many of you, we would think, “It has to be real, otherwise the government and participants would be engaging in treason.” But the narrative and the evidence never seem to match up.  How odd that at Sandy Hook and at San Bernardino there were so many responders from federal agencies and that other drills were already happening on the same day just a mile away.  Coincidence seemed unlikely for one event.  Totally unlikely for two.

It even seemed that the “official story” that was “fed” to the news agencies was filled with holes on purpose.  When 450 responders showed up in San Bernardino, including FEMA, ATF, Homeland Security, FBI, DoD, and all local agencies, within 14 minutes and had their lawn chairs and coolers set up while most of them walked around aimlessly with no worries in the world, we couldn’t take it anymore.  We had always known that “false flags” usually precede severe military action and we couldn’t really imagine military action within US domestic borders since the military is not empowered to act against its own citizens.

Therefore, we decided to WAKE UP and study the false flag phenomena. Don’t presume to think this is just another conspiracy theory article.  What you will read will chill you to the bone. We know this is a long article, but while you were sleeping much has been done to destroy your country. You need to see the immense work that is being done behind your back to destroy your beloved country. And, most important, when you get to the end of the article, we have a CITIZEN CALL TO ACTION.
We beseech you, our fellow Americans, to read this article and pass it along to others.  Unplug your electronic tethers and read this very important article.  If not for you, then the children and loved ones in your life who will live like slaves in this hellish New World Order that is already here.  Our patriotic duty was to do the research; yours is to read and distribute to other patriots.”

DARPA, Neuroscience, and Human Brain Control To Control Dissent

brainOne of the most extraordinary focuses considered here is DARPA’s use of Neuroscience: the specific methodologies of Neuro-Interference using Neuroscience and Neuropsychology, in explorations and experiments in Neuro-Manipulation being run today by DARPA to accomplish Mind Control on the population at large, via research projects and contracts currently underway, using EMF techniques and methods enshrined in patents (which are quite familiar to all “Targeted Individuals” experiencing and reporting covert assaults/effects on their person in just such ways as these patents describe; an issue of profound concern at this site, explored here as well on this FOIA request regarding the use of “non-lethal” weapons on the street in Massachusetts).

This is a long article, which I hope to excerpt from in succeeding posts as well; I think these focuses on Neuroscience, rarely seen online except at sites focused on the technologies of Covert Harassment, Electronic Harassment, and Targeted Individuals (issues often wrongfully dismissed as fringe, or conspiracy, or delusion, or fantasy, or mental illness), are profoundly crucial for all Americans to grasp. I commend the authors of this article for their dedicated research and publication of these focuses. Neuroweapons are not the stuff of delusions; they are being tested today, and have been, for many years now, in both open and classified research—and they can be used on and against anyone, without your knowledge.

We are at a crossroads today for humanity but not everyone knows it: our minds can be and may be currently being manipulated by Low Frequency electromagnetic energy being pulsed at us, whether individually or collectively in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation attempts to disrupt our thinking abilities, our narrative comprehension, and our political dissent; the BRAIN Initiative and DARPA projects highlighted here of Narrative Disruption, Neuro-Modulation of Organ Functions Using Ultra-Miniaturized Devices, Decoding of Brain Activity and Developing Looped Systems to Improve Functional Behavior, Neural Interfaces, Neural Interrogation, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Implanted­ Closed-Loop Systems to Treat Neuro-Psychological Illnesses, and others, while being clothed in the language of beneficent progress, aimed at those who may need prosthetic limbs or neuro-stimulation to enliven paralyzed nerves or muscles, also point to possibilities for neural methods of control of any human brain.


One new DARPA program is to remotely disrupt political dissent and extremism by employing “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation” (TMS) in tandem with sophisticated propaganda based on this technology.  The research at Arizona State University is entitled, “Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors: Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its Persuasive Effects.”  TMS stimulates the temporal lobe of the brain with electromagnetic fields. This research aims to induce or disrupt the operation of narratives within the brain. This area of study has received $100 million in funding via Obama’s ten-year BRAIN Project, as well as a $1.3 billion commitment from Europe.

DARPA is the research and development tool of the National Security Council and thus has carte blanche to openly seek help from industry and the private sector to build the most cutting edge war devices that anyone can imagine.  Below we list some declassified projects but the ones that are most heinous are still classified.

The authors ask some quite relevant questions:

Could Obama’s speeches be electronic warfare aimed at our neural narrative networks?
Why is DARPA so set on creating things that “control the human domain,” just as Jade Helm?
Has Jade Helm 2015 ended or does it get renewed each year by Obama just like the NDAA?
Are we targets for pro-Obama propaganda provided by the DoD’s BBG?
Could some false flags (where no one truly dies) be more propaganda films created by the huge BBG broadcasting network?
YES.  The answer to all of these questions above is YES.

They also offer some great advice and solutions at the end of the article:

What Can We Do, Fellow Patriots?

First. Arm yourself with the truth – like a two edged sword. Read and re-read this article as painful as it may be for you.  Do your own research from what we have provided you.

Second. Arm yourself with a consciousness higher than the driving force of global manipulation for personal power and greed – like a personal shield.  Personal self-awareness has always been the fulcrum of human evolution.  Oftentimes, it comes down to a few people, or even one person, who turns the tide of evil away from controlling the evolution of human consciousness.  One lawsuit can turn the tables.  One law.  One person.  One Patriot.

Third.  Arm yourself with the knowledge of the weapons being used against you and the motives.  Once you have that knowledge, you can find devices to counteract some of those weapons.  There are an equal number of good devices to counter the evil ones.

Fourth.  Arm yourself with the knowledge to discern when narratives (“story-lies”) are being used to manipulate you against your will.  Take the 12 Steps of Perception Management, as presented above, and apply them to possible false flag scenarios to learn to recognize the patterns and see through to reality.

Fifth.  Arm yourself against your enemy and attempt to neutralize them using their own methods and devices.  A call goes out to all Patriots to secretly subvert political manipulation of Americans on American soil.  In other words, wait for the right moment and then throw a monkey wrench into the works.  Help the evil devices malfunction and upset the “official story” with random acts of Patriotism.

Sixth.  Arm yourself with the justice of the law and bring lawsuits against domestic propaganda and subliminal manipulation of Americans – or anyone.

Seventh.  Arm yourself against government agendas that now consider Americans to be enemy combatants on domestic soil who must be supportive of agendas that take away American civil liberties and constitutional rights.

Of course, we forgot to mention the first and most primal step – ‘get mad as hell about it and don’t take it anymore.’ The idea that you have been manipulated most of your life by commercial interests through legal subliminal programming is enough to demand answers: “Why the hell do elected officials and the government ‘allow’ this to happen?”  And now you are armed with the answer: The “government” is doing the same thing to us but with military grade electronic warfare that is mind-boggling.

There’s more, please visit their website, where you can read this whole article through, particularly if the NDAA, Perception Management, Neuroscience Experimentation, and Electronic Warfare which includes silent electromagnetic/acoustic manipulation of the American brain (or European brain or Asian brain or Australian brain or African brain)—essentially, the human brain–are concepts that are new. Many thanks once more to State of the Nation for this article, and for pulling together all these different pieces of information to help shape our overall awareness of the extraordinary extent of the controls, legal, perceptional, and neuro-biological, that are being leveled against us today.

One response to “A Wake Up Call to America From State of the Nation: Mass Mind Control of Americans Through Legal Propaganda, Perception Management, and DARPA EMF Brain Modification Experiments

  1. This is a well done article on False Flag operations. The research is top notch.

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