BFP Roundtable–James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds, Peter Collins: Ideas for a Stellar Consortium of Alternative Media to Support Ethical, Independent, Investigative, & Solutions Journalism

Please drop in either at Boiling Frogs Post, or The Corbett Report to view this very stimulating, thought-provoking, and all-round encouraging podcast featuring outspoken reporters Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett of the Corbett Report, and Peter Collins of the Peter Collins Show, discussing issues of government corruption, media complicity, and general American apathy on the Hastert case in addition to proposing exciting ideas for future reporting here:

Do You Give a Damn? Here’s What We Can Do

(BFP Roundtable is a regular video roundtable podcast from Boiling Frogs Post, the multimedia news reporting, editorial, and analysis site run by Sibel Edmonds, FBI whistleblower and author of Classified Woman and Lone Gladio, who was recently profiled here in this post featuring Spiro’s covering her site’s focus on the Dennis Hastert case. along with other producers James Corbett, Peter Collins, Pearse Redmond and others associated with her site–see more from her site here.)

American Apathy & A Disengaged Populace/Here’s One More Cause: Mind Control, Intel Control of Communities via Watchlisting/Targeting/Zersetzung, and A Microwaved/Nanoteched/Chemtrailed/Flouridated/Vaccinated Populace

I noticed one of the focuses of this very engaging conversation was the lack of response by the general American public to the issues of corruption, pedophilia in high places, and other unsavory revelations unleashed by the Dennis Hastert story that has been extensively covered on the Boiling Frogs Post site,  and many thoughts about possible reasons were aired including general apathy, moral decay, scandal fatigue, and such.

I wished however that someone had interjected a very crucial and relevant observation about the very real technological and techno-social controls being imposed on whole populations today. No understanding of any country’s brainpopulation’s mindset today can be complete without discussing the very insidious, pervasive, and powerful controls being imposed by Mind Control and Mass Control technologies, as well as Intel Agency Surveillance/Control mechanisms particularly in the US, UK, and Europe, but also elsewhere.

Mind Control and Mass Control Technologies: Hypnosis, Microwaved Docility, Brain Entrainment, Nanotech Cyborging

It is no longer science fiction but science fact that populations are being variously mass microwaved and hypnotized into docility, compliance, and apathy. This has of course and is being widely covered by many researchers and reporters; writers like Jim Keith who reported on Mass Control techniques via subliminal advertising on television, among others, comes to mind. Deborah Tavares, Dr. Rauni Leena-Kilde, Dr. Sandra Perlinghieri, Sofia Smallstorm, Dr. Barrie Trower, Tim Rifat, and others talk about the pulsing of microwave signals into communities, the Lilly wave, the wide network of GWEN towers and ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) signals being dispersed via ground waves (our brains put out ELFs too, and can be entrained by ELFs), signals being sent out on cell phone antennas and towers at frequencies reserved for military use, signals being pulsed from any and every wireless device, and from various other sources such as microwave dish antennas in public places, InteliLights, etc. 

Then there’s the whole phenomenon of chem trails raining heavy metals and nanotechnology down on us, bits and bots of which are being inhaled by us and making us more electrically conductive and receptive to HAARP’s EMFs being pulsed into our neighborhoods. This has been covered somewhat here in the Mass Controls post, which I do need to follow up on; I will make a second post soon covering Mass Control and Mind Control Technologies being c/overtly deployed on us. Meanwhile, please look up scientist Harald Kautz-Vella‘s talks on this subject on Youtube, among others. Brain technologies are currently out of control — or amazing, no doubt, if you’re an unethical neuroscientist freely experimenting on human brains without consent today, a species which currently abounds — and that’s another area to consistently cover and investigate and expose.

Much has also been written about the effects of flouride in our water, mercury in our vaccines, psychoactive drugs found in drinking water, and, recently, endocrine-disruptive chemicals in food additives and supplements, a topic covered also by UN activist Kevin Galalae, who has been exposing the actual, official, long-term depopulation agenda of the UN, being carried out via chemical and biological means. 

Further, the public education system has been weaponized apparently–when children are deprived of a meaningful education for one which demotes critical thinking and independent enquiry and creative expression (look at how the arts are being defunded constantly, at every level), they are not going to grow into thinking, fearless adults with confidence in their own mental and inventive and expressive abilities, they’re going to get rote jobs at rote spots, and engage in the rote activities of sports and sports-watching, and concede any creative impetus to the creators of the horror shows/detective shows/murder shows they’re being trained to sit around on couches and watch.

Talk of children though inevitably makes me think about what the nanotechnology and the vaccines are doing to them–our children are being robotized, their brains are being materially invaded; all of this is supremely disturbing, and needs to be further researched, explored, written about, talked about by all of us–how can we make these atrocities stop if they are not first exposed? Focus for another post here, at least.

Intel Agency Surveillance/Control Mechanisms/Rule by Fear

It’s no secret that the US and UK have become heavily surveilled societies, as also many other countries, particularly the “NSA Five Eyes” ones, which include Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. But many other countries report high levels of surveillance. Not merely are we publicly and cyber-surveilled; in the US, the post-Patriot Act watchlisting enterprise (remember Brennan’s leaked emails–he talked about 1.8 million being listed) has resulted in a very bizarre scenario in which people (such as this writer) are completely randomly targeted, watchlisted, and essentially scapegoated, while the entire neighborhood and community around them is “radicalized” via National Security notifications and Letters into assisting in the monitoring, spying, surveilling, GPs’ing, and hitting with covert radiation neuroweapons, all subjects covered here extensively in various posts such as this one on stealth warfare  and this one, commemorating the surveilling/surveilled post-9/11 American neighborhood

People in the USA today are living in fear for their lives, their families, and what little freedoms they are being “permitted” to possess. People are literally being terrorized by rogue factions of Mil/Intel to toe the line, keep silent on every issue of note, not speak out or stand out in any way, submit to control at every level, at home in their neighborhoods via fusion center action, and at their workplaces, in their churches, everywhere.  These are the actions of corrupt ruling bodies, striving to keep their corruption under wraps. Zersetzung is in. Free expression is out. Take a look at Anthony Norwood’s  The Network, it’s a probing and revealing study of how the “system” works. I would also recommend The Hidden Evil (The Financial Elite’s Hidden War Against the Civilian Population) by Mark Rich, which opened my eyes as to what is going on. Also his book, New World War/Revolutionary Methods for Political Control.

Also please see the post and video linked here featuring Roderick Russell’s Documentary on Zerzetzung: Spies, Lies, and Threats.

So there are all these other reasons operative too, for American apathy, and until people break through these barriers and deliberate censorships, and we all find a way somehow to force these atrocities to stop, we’re not going to live in any kind of normal, sane, fully intellectually-engaged and active society, that is unafraid to speak out in large numbers and force better coverage by mainstream media, or force action against corruption by our largely-complicit Congress.

Brilliant Consortium Idea

I commend this roundtable though for the brilliant idea for this consortium, with crowdfunded investigative journalism, an ethical approach, and a humanitarian, solutions-oriented focus--God knows every single “Targeted Individual” desperately looking for ethical media coverage of the absolute crime of covert neuroweapon attacks and 24/7 persecution would like to see some serious investigative reporting directed their way, as also the victims of so much other crime and corruption rampant today.

We need to clean up our society, and fast. This proposal seems like a great step in the right direction. Please watch the video, it’s balm to the soul if you care about ending the corruption that we are positively floating in today.

This conversation looks for your input at Boiling Frogs Post: BFP Roundtable- Governed by Criminals & Their Enablers (MSM): Two Ideas of How to Proceed

And also at The Corbett Report: Interview 1106: The BFP Roundtable Discusses What We Can Do

Please engage!

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