Roxy Lopez/The Truth Denied: How to Remove an RFID Implant

Please visit The Truth Denied‘s site for this extensive Nov 11, 2014 post reporting on RFID implant technology, varied views on removing these implants, and links to relevant documentation from various sources, including a very compelling report from David Larson detailing nonconsensual implantation, in 1997, of microstimulators used in neural prosthesis research by NIH-funded researchers–he was able to remove various of these microchips, match them up to extant patents, and track down the inventors and their unethical research; his document includes photos and patent information. 


RFID technology could lead to political repression as governments could use implants to track and target human rights activists, labor activists, civil dissidents, and political opponents; criminals and domestic abusers could use them to stalk and harass their victims; slaveholders could use them to prevent captives from escaping; and child abusers could use them to locate and abduct children. So what do we do about this?

Apparently, the removal of an RFID Implant is complicated  whether you are a pet or a human. First you have to find a practitioner who can detect the chip. This is usually not so easy to do as some of the chips do not show up on X-rays, ultrasound machines, or scanners. Once you have successfully determined that you do have an implant ,you better hope the chip stays in once location, they tend to move.  Secondly, you must find a surgeon who is willing to remove the chip, or find a technician who can erase the chip and stop it from transmitting data. The following is sure to help those of you who may have strong implications of chip implantation. This article is to aid you in your search for either chip detection and or chip removal.

James Walbert, who has testified at the Presidential Bioethics Commission, and who is well-known for having pursued his covert-implantation/electronic stalking and abuse case in court and obtained a restraining order on the technology used and against the local abusers, is mentioned in this post. Posted  also is a radio conversation with Jesse Beltran of ICAACT, James Walbert, and Lars Drudgaard, which also features Dr. Barrie Trower’s information. (James Walbert reports during this conversation that five doctors he has visited refuse to remove his implants, because they are afraid of the government and don’t wish to get involved.)

Please visit The Truth Denied for the whole informative article and radio talk and click on links there for David Larson’s report, and other documents.

3 responses to “Roxy Lopez/The Truth Denied: How to Remove an RFID Implant

  1. I need help someone has implanted micro chips in my body without my consent or permission

  2. I have tried to get help yet to find anyone to help me I was implanted in 1993 and have written to congressman president, governor, attorneys police yet to have anyone help me so much for my rights what rights?. Will so.eone help me

  3. Great article! I am trying to find a vet who will remove this from a pet. That is not easy!

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