Mass Control 21st-Century-Technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Smart Dust/Nanobots, Mind Control EMFs/ELFs Being Deployed Against All Humanity

Update/August 23, 2018

My interviews with Elana Freeland, author of Space Fence and Under an Ionized Sky as well as activists and researchers Suzanne Maher of Bye Bye Blue Sky and Tony Pantelleresco of Augmented Life Force offer deep insight into how ELF technologies as well as nanoparticulates in aerosols are being used globally against all humanity to effect Mass Neural Influence or Mind Control and transhumanize/cyborg’ize humanity–without your consent.

Ultimate End Game 101

Chem trails, which we are all familiar with by now–the white zigzag of chemicals being sprayed into our skies, literally all over the world, definitely visible for years now in America and Europe–may not be just about “Geo-engineering” and “Solar Radiation Management,” as some of us have believed or imagine.

chemtrailsMore and more, researchers inform us about AI — Artificial Intelligence — self-replicating, self-generating, self-assembling nanotechnology being included in aerosols, neurological assaults via these nanobits and nanobots, and their connection to Mind Control technologies involving EMFs, ELFs, radio surveillance and weaponry from satellites, and other technologies, including HAARP – the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program of multiple phased-array antennas, starting in Alaska, now installed all over the US and worldwide, sending massive amounts of radio energy into the ionosphere, and engaging in weather modification and directed-energy programs, including the manipulation of the aerosols in chem trails, and transmitting EMFs into neighborhoods. In other words, covert forms of Mass Control are being implemented via these technologies against all of us.

This information has been and is frequently dismissed as “conspiracy theory” by Disinformation “cyber-warriors” online; today, researchers on Chem Trails include scientists, meteorologists, biologists, doctors, and atmospheric physicists, all of whom continue to educate us on the content of these aerosols, and the dark implications of their long program and continuance in our skies.

(For detailed analyses of aerosol content, visit premier researcher and former Government scientist Clifford Carnicom’s website,



Sofia Smallstorm, a researcher with a talent for explaining science with great lucidity, details here, in this talk titled The Dark Agendas of Synthetic Biology, with great precision, slides, photos, and informative analyses, what chem trails are, what they are doing, and the numerous dangerous aspects to their presence in our midst, including the implications of “synthetic biology” via biological material dropped down on us–what HAARP and chemtrails together are doing via Bioengineering to our plants and trees, our air, our soil, and our bodies–which are being hybridized and “transhumanized” by the nano-technology entering our bodies through these aerosols:

For a commentary on this video, and links to many other information resources, visit Chemtrails: The Exotic Weapon: Sofia Smallstorm Reveals Chemtrails Link to Synthetic Biology

See Sofia Smallstorm’s website, About the Sky, for more information.

Deborah Tavares and Ron Angell discuss a variety of issues in this video by on Youtube, including Artificial Intelligence, nanobots in chem trails, and the influencing of minds and emotions (mind control) via EMFs being pumped into our neighborhoods.

Deborah Tavares is also profiled here. Visit Deborah Tavares‘ website Stop the Crime and her Youtube site Stop the Crime.Net New for more information on all her ongoing research and videos.

These issues are also touched on in this article at NeonNettle:

Video: Chemtrails Are Causing Permanent Damage to Our DNA, Say Experts

(The video linked there is also posted here, under Earth/Environment.)

Also consider this article, by Dr. Michael Salla of, discussing the dangers of Artificial Intelligence, as noted by various scientists, including those actively pushing AI, within a larger, esoteric context of human futures, secret space programs, and imagined extraterrestrial AI life:

Bio-Technology Hybrids open the Door to Extraterrestrial AI Robots Replacing Humanity

“Professor Martin Rees, the Royal Astronomer and former head of the Royal Society, made some startling statements about robotics and the search for extraterrestrial life. In comments published in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph, he claimed that it is far more likely that extraterrestrials will be discovered to be advanced robots rather than organic life forms. Rees believes this is due to the requirement for technological enhancements to organic life forms in order for interstellar space travel to occur. Rees’ claims are supported by Google Director for Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, who recently said that by 2030 most humans will have nanobots implanted in the brain to augment human intelligence in order to access the cloud internet and perform other complex tasks.”  Visit for the whole article.

Artificial Intelligence networks and robots, networked human brains via nanotechnology, Transhumanism, and Cyborg’ing humans are no longer speculative or imaginative constructs, they are actively being pursued in American, European, and Asian laboratories, research institutions, and universities; they are also being experimentally played out on the world’s populations, as Deborah Tavares, Ron Angell, and Sofia Smallstorm and other researchers note, without our consent.

The more we get up to speed on what exactly is going on in these areas, the more able we will be to determine for ourselves what we each think and feel regarding the ethicality, morality, and legitimacy of changing humans–meaning us, and our children, and our grandchildren–against our will, without consent, and become empowered to speak out from our individual perspectives.  There is a lot of information online on these subjects, more commentary and links on these subjects to be posted here soon.


How to Detox/Get Rid of the Nanotechnology From Chem Trails in Your Body & Cleanse Your Pineal Gland



One response to “Mass Control 21st-Century-Technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Smart Dust/Nanobots, Mind Control EMFs/ELFs Being Deployed Against All Humanity

  1. We have a tremendously serious problem , and we know this directly affects every citizen in this nation–the world. Without a majority of journalists whistle blowing, I mean mainstream, we and our fellow Americans are in big-trouble. All, without our consent. Damn them all for what they’ve done to us. Damn them all.

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